Friday, April 1, 2011

Some of my favorite Birdcam shots

For my Camera Critters I am showing some of my favorite Smugmug photos. This is Camera Critters third anniversary. Congrats to Misty Dawn for keeping this fun meme going and I hope we can enjoy many more years of seeing cute critters. I love all kinds of animals so I really enjoy seeing everyone's critters photos. Please keep all those cute critter pic's coming fellow bloggers.

The Cardinals are the most common yardbird I am seeing on the birdcam and in my yard. I have looked out and seen at least 7  males at one time and maybe just as many females.  I have seen some pretty funny expressions on the Cardinals. I have the birdcam facing some of my feeders and sometimes I move the camera around to face different feeders.

I really do wish I could somehow stop feeding every squirrel in the neighborhood. They have taken over every feeder, the poor birdies do not get a chance. I can have over 700 hundred photos in one day on my birdcam and maybe just maybe 50 of the 700 pic's are birds. The rest are squirrel photos. I think I should start calling it the squirrel cam instead of birdcam.

Speaking of  feeders, has the price of birdfood gone up where you live? It seems my last visit to Tractor Supply store for Black Oiled Sunflower Seeds the price went up. My previous visit it was 15.99 and then it went up to 20.99 for a 40lb bag. I really hate to spend money to feed all these squirrels. It just seems like everything is going up.....especially gasoline. I shop around for cheap birdseed and it seems like Tractor Supply is the cheapest and I like a pet store called Bowman's they have a great variety in birdfood and pet supplies.

Please visit Camera Critters to see more cute critter posts and thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting. Thanks for visiting my blog, have a great weekend.


diane b said...

I know you don't think it is funny having squirrells eating the bird food but I can't smother my giggles at their contortions to eat at the feeders.
I can't help with the price of bird food as e are told not to feed the wild birds by the environmental scientists.

TexWisGirl said...

Sadly, yes, the cost of bird seed (and livestock feed) has gone up drastically. The guy at the feed store told me it's due to corn crops being so bad last year (not sure if that's the real reason, but that's what he tells me.) So I'm not sure if sunflower crops are the same thing, but everything's gone up in my area.

SquirrelQueen said...

Great captures of the Cardinals on your squirrel cam Eileen. :) All that scurrying about builds up a big appetite, a squirrels gotta eat too.

Jidhu Jose said...

lovely shots


Sue said...

Aren't those squirrels the sneakiest things!
If you have a Menards in your area, you might check there. We got 50 pounds for $19.99. That's an extra 10 pounds for your little squirrel thiefs!

jabblog said...

Those cardinals look quite cross - maybe they're fed up with the squirrels, too ;-)

B i r g i t t a said...

We have something like this Cardinal but not so colourful. How big is it?
Squirrels are very creative - like this one :)

VioletSky said...

I find squirrels endlessly amusing... but then I don't have bird-feeder or a garden.

Unknown said...

But they are fun guys!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, You are getting Northern Cardinals, and I am getting Goldfinches! We both have a similar problem with our over-fed Grey Squirrels! Have the best Saturday today!

Anonymous said...

That squirrel is delightful. And what gorgeous shots of the cardinal!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful shots. The shots of the squirrel in action are amazing.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful shots Eileen!

My Critters, come and see. Have A LOVELY WEEKEND!

Shelley Munro said...

I love the color of the cardinals. Most of our birds in NZ are dull colors not this vibrant red. That's a very cheeky squirrel!

Jen Sanford said...

Haha I'm afraid if I had a Bird Cam I would only get squirrel photos too! They do make me laugh sometimes though...

Mike B. @ said...

I had to chase squirrels away constantly today! It's a losing battle.

Unknown said...

I love these shots. That's so cool to have a cam recording all these guys!

(Btw. I was here about an hour ago, coming from the Wildlife Photography Site and every time I tried to click on this post an advertisement site for birdfeeders popped open)

Marie said...

I have to say that I love the squirrels at the feeders. We get red squirrels here and they are just so athletic and persistent that you can't help but admire them. Your little guy is hilarious! Thank you for the Sunday morning giggle.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I am alarmed by Nicole has said that an advertisement for birdfeeders pops up while she tried to click on my link. I do not have or want advertisements on my blogs. So if anyone should see this happen again please let me know.

Crafty Green Poet said...

squirrels are cute but they're very annoying when they keep the birds away from the feeders

Phil Slade said...

Your dead right Eileen, feeding squirrels is expensive and I guess you have tried all the "squirrel proof" feeders?. its a bit of a dilemma when you are so keen to see all the birds. Love the Cardinals by the way.

NatureFootstep said...

what on earth are that squirrel doing? I´m just shaking my head.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ah ha, what a big cheese!! I love it!! Fantastic Eileen! Ya, gas has shot up here to over $4.50 a gal!! Everything is sky high like the sad cause they bring us so much joy! Well, just have to keep looking for deals. I fret sometimes about being here on an island and we can't get something in..shipping is really high too?
Well, wishing you a wonderful afternoon~

Mary said...

That is a painful price to pay to feed every squirrel in the neighborhood! It is entertaining to watch their gymnastics though :-)

Lina Gustina said...

Awww, I love it so much!
Makes me smile :D

Dhemz said...

wow! how awesome...I never had a picture with these critters that close...great job...thanks for dropping by my entry.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

This brought back memories of when we used to have a house (that sounds way sadder than it is ;>))...our house in Oregon with bird (also squirrel) feeders. I sure wish I'd had a digital camera back then! I was going to say I really miss my feeders (and I do) but it helped me feel better about not having them when you talked about the cost of blackoil sunflower seeds. (That was what we always used, it attracted the most birds). I'm sure I'd still be forking over the bucks if we still had the house. It's too much fun to pass up, even with the squirrel problem.

936000 said...

Yes, I never started feeding birds when I moved here as there are just too many rock squirrels and I cannot afford to feed them. They destroy everything!
Love the photos of your Cardinals! I don't get them around here at all.
Hope you are having a good week!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...