Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blackburnian Warbler

For my World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes post I am showing the Blackburnian Warbler. It was one of the first warblers we saw as we arrived at Magee Marsh boardwalk. Magee Marsh in Ohio is a great place to go birding and to see warblers. During my two and a half day visit there I saw 19 different warblers. The spring warblers are so colorful and pretty. Magee Marsh is a resting place for the warblers before they hop across Lake Erie to Canada to their breeding place. I must say if you are into birding Magee Marsh during the spring migration in May is a great place to see the birds.

The male Blackburnian  is a beautiful and colorful warbler and was one on my most wanted to see list.

The male is one of the most striking warblers I have ever seen.  It breeds in spruce, fir and hemlock forests as well as mixed hardwoods. It is an active forager.

 The male's head has a pattern of orange and black, it's back has white braces and extensive white in coverts.  I have seen the female here in Maryland and I was so excited to finally see the gorgeous male in Magee Marsh, Ohio this week.  The warblers are fast moving birds, hopping all around the trees. And of course as soon as I spotted the birds and focused my camera they had moved on to another spot on the tree.

To see more wonderful and beautiful birds please visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman and Michelle for hosting and thanks for stopping by to see my post. Have a great week! Happy Birding!


Tom Arbour said...

It's great to see how so many people from around the country head right here to Ohio and the Magee Marsh boadwalk. What's worse is that I've never been there during the peak migration, and I only live two hours away! Great photos and blog!


diane b said...

It looks a lovely place for birding. Love your new header. The b Warbler is very handsome and you did well to capture him when he is a hyper active bird.

jabblog said...

That is a gorgeously bright warbler. What a thrill to capture him on camera:-)

TexWisGirl said...

congrats to you for seeing and capturing this beauty! he's lovely!

EG CameraGirl said...

You see so many wonderful birds, Eileen! I'd LOVE to know your secret!

Amila Kanchana said...

A real beauty!

FAB said...

What a beauty. I'll have to put Magee Marsh on my trip wish list.

Unknown said...

He's a beauty alright!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

holdingmoments said...

A real beauty Eileen.

Springman said...

Brilliant sighting and capture Eileen. I can feel the excitement in your account! Thanks for the tip on Magee Marsh too it sounds wonderful. I guess the swamp is the place to be right now!

Anonymous said...

I like your new header!

Wow! Congrats on seeing 19 different warblers!
Nice captures of the Blackburnian Warbler!

Janine Bollée said...

It must be a great feeling to 'get' a bird you have been looking for. Personally I am glad to get any bird picture at all, but I can see the delight you had in capturing this one. And such a pretty one too.
I take my hat off to anyone who can see, let alone photgraph, a bird up a leafy tree :-)

Phil Slade said...

Your pictures brought back great memories of the colourful spring warblers Eileen, and I have to agree that Blackburnian is one of the best, eclipsed I am afraid only by Black and White?

936000 said...

Wow-he is gorgeous! And I really envy and take my hat off to you to be able to capture him. My trees are filled with warblers right now but they just move way too fast and I cannot get a decent photo of them at all! But that's okay. I enjoy just having them there.
Lovely, lovely post!
Have a great week Eileen!

Anonymous said...

This is a very pretty bird!

theconstantwalker said...

Wow so many warblers in your part of the world.
The Blackburnian is a beauty, so colourful.

mick said...

Nice photos of a very colorful little bird.

Unknown said...

Cool bird! So many of the yellow/gray/black/white birds look alike.

Fjällripan said...

What a sweet little bird! Nice photos to.

Hilke Breder said...

Beautiful shots of the Blackburnian W., Eileen. I am so envious of your visit there! It's something I am still dreaming about.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow Eileen, that is the prettiest warbler I have ever seen... You are lucky to have gotten to see this one. Gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing.

Kerri Farley said...

Love that color! What a beauty!

BirdingMaine said...

One of these days, I will go to Magee Marsh. Nice captures of the Blackburnian Warbler!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little bird, Eileen. Beautiful to see. Thanks.

rainfield61 said...

It is such a beauty that hide inside among the leaves.

Indrani said...

Lucky you got them in your frame. Very pretty bird.

Dawn Fine said...

Woweeeeeeee! I love these warbler fellers!

DeniseinVA said...

That is a lovely bird you've captured there Eileen, very pretty color.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Exciting! Really makes me want to visit Magee Marsh!

Eden said...

what a beautiful bird! Great shots.

joo said...

They are so beautiful and your photos are terrific!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - that looks like a great place to go birding - I'm adding it to my list.

Cheers STewart M - Australia

Hootin Anni said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, most beautiful!! How you were able to zoom in on it without it flying off is beyond my comprehension. Wonderful.

Beach...catcus blossom

Have a grand day!

Bill S. said...

Another must-see place. Sounds very interesting place to visit. I love the post and pictures. Great work.

Fotokarusellen said...

What a colorful beauty. Nice images.

Anonymous said...

An amazing job you've done, getting shots of that active little bird among the tree leaves. He is a beautiful bird1

jeanlivingsimple said...

I have drooled over this bird's picture in my Field Guide for years. What great captures you obtained. Congratulations on the sighting!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a good looking warbler! I hope I get to see some perching birds when we get back to Oregon. I pretty much only see the big guys here.

Carletta said...

I'm going to google the marsh and see just how far I am away from there. I'm in WV just across the Ohio River so it will be interesting to see.
I love the coloring on this birds.They blend in with the new foliage so you were real adept at finding and ;capturing' them.

Kim, USA said...

Wow this is very nice Eileen. I have seen two shade of yellow birds, last week and today. Last week looks like a warbler and this morning looks like a Oriole. But as you've said they are so fast, I took one photo it's blurry. So out with some special feeders ^_^ Nice to do some birding makes me happy. ^_^


Dianne said...

your last photo really shows how he is into hus music!!
wonderful :)

Carver said...

Very informative post about the beautiful warblers.

Rambling Woods said...

Wow...you get a lot of comments.!! Thank you for your comments as they are really appreciated...I don't have one warbler on my life list and need to study what might be in my area. This is a beautiful bird and how lucky you are that you can get out to do real birding as I am usually confined to my yard...Michelle

936000 said...

Eileen, do you mind if I send you an email? I cannot find your email address. If it is all right, please send me an email at desertnutmeg at gmail dot com.
I want to answer your question, but don't want to hog the comment section! LOL!

Elaine said...

Warblers are hard to get a shot of. You did very good!

MyMaracas said...

I've never seen that beautiful bird. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Wonderful capture, congrats on getting it.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bird - great shots!

Happy Monday!

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