Thursday, May 5, 2011

SWF..Edwin Forsythe NWR

For Skywatch Friday  I have these shots of the Atlantic City skyline and the turbines viewed from the Edwin Forsythe wildlife refuge.  I have mixed emotions about the turbines and these wind farms. I  love the idea of emission free energy and that the natural resource of wind could supply energy needs to our population. On the con side is definitely the birds I love, especially the migrating birds being killed by the turbines.

Here are some of my sky shots I took this past weekend while visiting the wildlife refuge. It was a nice day but the sky was cloudy. I would much prefer a sunny day but at least it was not raining.

A large group of Brant with the turbines in the background

It was cool to watch this eagle and I believe an osprey battling.

To see more beautiful skies from around the world click here Skywatch Friday.  Thanks to the hosting team of Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Klaus.

Thanks for stopping by to see my skies and I hope everyone has a great weekend.


diane b said...

We have to use more sustainable energy. It is a shame about the birds. Surely they could invent something that deters the birds from going near them like they do at airports and orchards. The birds and the skyline are great.

jabblog said...

Wind turbines have a kind of majesty but I take your point about danger to birds.
Your last photo is wonderful - what a great capture:-)

Kah-Wai Lin said...

Nice birding place in urban area!

Hootin Anni said...

Such a picturesque post today!!! I love all the photos.

Thank you so much for visiting with me yesterday, I'm trying now to play catchup and stop by with a smile and a big Texas "Howdy" for you. Your comment made my day...the part where you say you'd bring your binoculars to our beaches...I'M WITH YOU ON THAT ---and camera.
Here's My Thursday Post...Sting's Fields of Gold Have a wonderful day.

TexWisGirl said...

i've heard differing reports on the number of birds killed by the turbines so i'm not sure which camp is right. perhaps it differs depending on which migration routes they're on. i, too, am torn as i think harnessing the wind is a wonderful power source.

EG CameraGirl said...

I too have mixed emotions about wind turbines.

Nice shot of the eagle.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Outstanding shots. I like that one of the peaceful Brant Geese a lot. The shot of the battling birds of prey is excellent as well. Have a wonderful day today!

Ruth Hiebert said...

We have the wind tubbiness in our region as well,and I do wonder how they affect the birds.The scenes you have shown are lovely.

936000 said...

I'm with you on the turbines!
Great photos-especially of the sky wars-lol!
Have a great weekend!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...


Your pictures are fantastic. I had never thought about the consequences of the turbines, except for that they are huge and show up too well in the skyline.

Thanks so much for sharing these with us, and have a wonderful weekend!

Kathy M.
Central Oregon, USA

Sylvia K said...

Yes, I share your feelings about the turbines as well, but we do need to use other forms of sustainable energy. Terrific captures for the day, Eileen, as always. Your skies look like ours today! Hope you have some sun for a lovely weekend!


Chubskulit Rose said...

Such gorgeous captures Eileen.

My Skywatch, please come and see.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Thank you, Eileen, I hope that you have a wonderful Mother's Day too!

Kathy M.

Lesley said...

I am not convinced that turbines are the answer,
Who won with the eagle and osprey?

Carver said...

I also have mixed feelings about wind farms. I enjoyed all of these shots. Great skylines and shots of the wind farm and also of the birds.

Kim, USA said...

They are nice to see and they are huge to see closely. And yes many birds do die because they are caught by the turbines which is not that nice.

Sky Watch

Anonymous said...

Nice shot of the eagle. We have been having way too many cloudy days. When it isn't sunny, it makes it very difficult to get good pictures of birds!

Jim said...

Interesting subjects.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Maude Lynn said...

Beautiful shots! I have the same reservations about the wind turbines.

Janine Bollée said...

I'm always bothered by the way they catch your eye from any distance. It is hard to ignore them. Still, what energy is there without problems.

Al said...

Windmills are one of the most beautiful subject for photography and I love looking at them. Nice bird captures!

Rajesh said...

Even though cloudy wonderful shots of the city.

forgetmenot said...

All nice shots. Mickie :)

J.Rylie.C said...

So pretty!!

Would you mind visiting and commenting on my Sky Watch post? Big thanks!

Regina said...

Great skies and amazing creatures!
Happy SWF Eileen dear.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Birgitta said...

Great photos Eileen!

Joyful said...

Such a dull looking sky that day but you have some beautiful photos of the birds. Spectacular photos in fact. Have a wonderful weekend.

cat said...

Lovely shots - and yes, I am sure they car find a way to deter birds - they do have ways here with power lines etc.

NatureFootstep said...

the widn turbines are really big. Aren´t they?

Re diving. Yes my granddaughter and my grandson both like diving. :) said...

marvelous shots, Elin,.

I love also the header of your blog...great

Anonymous said...

I have the same conflict about the turbines, Eileen. I wish there were an easy, unconflicted answer.

I've not been to this refuge; amazing how many places for wildlife are close to cities - but what a great way to get people who live in one to be interested in and appreciate wildlife and nature.

DrillerAA said...

Very nice photo set. Love the skyline capture.

Unknown said...

Wow an eagle and an osprey!! Nice going Eileen!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Ebie said...

If there's only a way that the birds don't get attracted to the turbines...

Gray skies though but very dramatic!

Happy Mother's Day Eileen!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I read recently that they make them differently now so that they aren't as lethal to the birds. I tried to do a little research after I first read this post and couldn't find the article -- I hope it is true.

Very dramatic sky and another birding place we missed.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...