Sunday, May 8, 2011

Birding Cape May

I hope everyone had a GREAT Mother's Day!!

For Mosaic Monday I have a little of my Cape May birding from last weekend. Hubby and I took an overnight trip to the Jersey shores last weekend and stopped at a few of the birding places that are known to be good in the spring time.

In this mosaic I have the Purple Martin birdhouse and the Cape May Lighthouse, Swallowtail butterfly, one of the many bunnies we saw,  a few baby geese, and the beach.

We practically had the beach to ourselves.

A mute swan on the trail, swan in flight, Terns and Laughing Gulls, Egret, Oystercatcher and a Coot

This a Great Egret you can id this Egret by the large yellow bill.

I hope you enjoyed my Cape May photos and to see more wonderful mosaics please visit Mary's Mosaic Monday.  A big thanks to Mary for hosting this fun meme and thank you for visiting my post. I hope everyone has a great weekend.


rainfield61 said...

These birds are beautiful.

BTW, babbler is the name of the little bird.

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful - the beach looks really peaceful.

Carol said...

These are great, Eileen! And gorgeous weather, too! Looks like a fantastic time at the shore!

Ruth Hiebert said...

An empty beach like that,I could enjoy.ALl I would need is the birds.Love the mosaics.

Kay Baughman said...

I always love your mosaics! The egrets are especially lovely.

Bob Bushell said...

That beach is beautiful, the birds and a butterfly. What is its name?

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Just fantastic photos. The butterfly is beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful week! Cathy

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Cape May was a favourite place for my husband's aunt and we heard many stories about her stays there. I have never been that way myself but it does look gorgeous. What a lovely trip. V

Jill Harrison said...

thankyou for your images of Cape May. We went walking on a beach very similar to this one on Sunday afternoon after lunch - although we only had seagulls to join us.

Vee said...

It must have been a delight to get back to the beach, see all these wonderful birds, and have the place nearly to yourselves. So cool!

Snap said...

Eileen, what a wonderful trip to Cape May ... complete with lighthouse and plenty of critters! Lovely shots all! Happy Monday!

Shirley said...

How nice to have the beach to yourselves, well almost. Lovely photo mosaic of the birds. Quite a variety.

Wendy said...

What a fantastic trip! I've never been to the Jersey shores, but they look wonderful. Love the last of your photos, beautiful!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, that one picture of the beach looks like where we were --just a little farther south in North Carolina... I love the beach this time of year. Great pictures.. I didn't see many birds this week other than Grackles and Gulls.

936000 said...

Bunnies!!! Yes, yes, the birds are lovely, but ...bunnies!!!!

Seriously, it looks like it was a great trip (was the beach empty due to weather?) and your mosaics are great!
Have a great week!

Martha Z said...

What a beautiful beach and how nice to have it to yourselves.
I don't think I have encountered the mute swan as yet, if I have it was before I paid any attention to bird ID.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Gogeous photos Eileen! I love the distant shot of the lighthouse with the oceana nd big sky. The amounyt of birds in this area is amazing!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful Mosaic! My heart skips a beat when I see the Ocean :)
And what a LOVELY lighthouse!
And of course - I love the birdies!
Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

You captured some delightful pictures on your walk. Did you walk the trail by the lighthouse? We walked that trail a few years ago. I would love to return to cape may one day. We enjoyed looking at the old houses. The nearby zoo is wonderful too.

DoanLegacy said...

What a beautiful place! Cape May looks so wonderful, and your mosaics are just delightful to see.

Diann said...

Great mosaics Eileen! And beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, So many excellent photographs! I love the Purple Martin Condo and that Egret! Have a fantastic day!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

Wonderful photos from the Cape! I love those bird photos - many of which I've never seend.

It must have been wonderful to have the whole beach to yourselves.

Elaine said...

Beautiful collages as always! Looks like you picked a great place to visit for the weekend.

EG CameraGirl said...

This looks like a great place to go birding, Eileen. I would LOVE to get a really good shot of an egret. Maybe some day. :)

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Eileen;
As always, gorgeous photos but oh! that beach! I'll be on the Oregon shore this weekend and I'm so excited a long, quiet beach stroll!

Anonymous said...

Those are lovely photos that make up your mosaics and the last photo of the Egret is beautiful! What a great birding trip you had!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...