Sunday, July 24, 2011

Backyard blooms and birds

I am linking up my post with Mosaic Monday  and  That's My World.  These are some of the flowers blooming in my yard right now and a couple of my yardbirds...the Mourning Dove and the Ruby Throated Hummingbird. Most of our flowers were planted with the hopes of attracting more wildlife like the  birds and butterflies to our yard.

Below,  butterfly bushes, crepe myrtle, trumpet vine and a Ruby Throated Hummingbird.

The Mourning Dove is another year round bird and a regular visitor to my yard. They spook easily and sometimes it is hard to get a good photo of them.

Below, Purple coneflowers and Maryland's state flower the Black Eyed Susan and my sweet looking Mourning Dove.

Black  Eyed Susan's, Maryland State flower.

Over the years hubby has planted many flowers, he has the green thumb and I just help to choose plants and bushes with the wildlife in mind. The butterfly bushes attract the butterflies and the trumpet vine is a favorite of the hummingbirds.

I just love to see the hummingbirds in my yard, this male like to take control of all my feeders and the flowers.

To see more wonderful mosaics and photos please visit Mary's Mosaic Monday and That's My World.. Thanks to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday and to the gang at That's My World: Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Klaus.  Also, thanks for stopping by my post and blog. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and try to stay cool during these HOT days.


DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful mosaics and beautiful photos and flowers and birds. Love them all Eileen.

rainfield61 said...

It seems to be then a very bright Monday to me.

Sue said...

Beautiful photos. I love the big round eye of the Mourning Dove.

We have a male Hummer that makes a pest of himself, chasing all the others away. I'm ready to get out my fly swatter and give him something to think about!

Carol said...

You have beautiful visitors :) Not to mention such pretty flowers! Love the mosaics, Eileen! Have a great week!

Pondside said...

I'd say you've been successful with your planting. The birds and butterflies must love your garden!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful! It's so hard to get a good photo of a hummer! I have a couple of potted plants on the balcony that they are enjoying! The fuschia is their favorite...and the feeder of course! Happy Monday! ♥

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful. love the mourning dove!

Splenderosa said...

Just lovely. xx's

Snap said...

oh, my! such lush beauty, wonderful color! wonderful portraits of the humingbird and dove. always a pleasure to visit!

BernieH said...

Gorgeous blooms and garden visitors. Love that Trumpet Vine and those clumps of Black Eyes Susans.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I think you have created a winning combination of plants that attract birds and birds that enjoy your garde..Can't beat it. V

Lorrie said...

No wonder the humming birds love your garden - such gorgeous bright blossoms. And your photography - to capture a humming bird is no small feat. Wonderful.

Andrea said...

Wow very colorful mosaic Eileen, beautiful. Some plants and ornamentals you have are here too, but not those birds.

Reena said...

Great photos ... I have only seen one hummingbird male one time at my feeders... lots of little girls!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Eileen, That is just a magical shot of the hummingbird! The flowers are beautiful and of course, I am partial to the black eyed Susans!

Vee said...

You captured some excellent bird shots and flower shots. I think a mourning dove has the most beautiful colors. I've always wanted a coat that color myself.

Rajesh said...

You have a beautiful flowery garden. The shots of birds are great.

magiceye said...

gorgeous captures all!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a wonderful variety of flowers and two such lovely birds

diane b said...

fabulous mosaics. You are so clever to catch those flitting birds. They are so cute too.

Unknown said...

Hi Eileen, You indeed have some beautiful shots and it looks like you have a great talent for photography. Have not been to MD but passed through on the way to NY many times. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower. Your blog looks so great. I will be back.

Shirley said...

I've rarely seen a hummingbird sitting so still. Good job in capturing the little fellow!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

bright colorful beautiful flowers...surprised dove...and awesome hummer!! great shots!!

shirley said...

Oh, I love hummingbirds and don't get to see them that often here on the prairie. Lovely mosaics!

My Little Home and Garden said...

I like how you featured the birds along with your flowers to create your lovely mosaics. I'd be very happy to see a hummingbird in my garden!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love the soft ccos of mourning doves and hummingbirds are my favorites, although I never see them here. Your flowers are also very pretty, Eileen!

Elaine said...

You always create such beautiful mosaics, and I think backyard shots are my favorites.

Marlene said...

Awesome photos of flowers and birds. I haven't seen hummingbirds yet though I know now how they look like.

Anonymous said...

I love your garden, Eileen. Such an oasis for the wildlife as well as a beautiful and restful site! and however did you get that hummer to sit still and pose for you?

Anonymous said...

Such fabulous shots of birds and flowers.

Indrani said...

Such beautiful captures in the collage. Each a delight.

936000 said...

Everything looks so beautiful! Lucky you to have a hubby with a green thumb!!! :)
It is amazing how tough and scrappy those hummers are!
Thanks for sharing and you be careful in that heat too!

wildcatwoods said...

Great shots - the hummer is wonderful.

Carolina Mts

Maude Lynn said...

These are gorgeous!

NatureFootstep said...

since my journey to CR the hummingbirds have a special place in my heart. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a joy-filled post this is. YOur mosaics are incredible and your yard is wonderful -- that's the way I'd plant a yard now if I still had one.

Carver said...

Beautiful shots of the flowers and hummingbirds. I also love the one of the mourning dove.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "A walk in nature walks the soul back home." "May the joy of simple thing...