Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bermuda's White Tailed Tropicbird

My lifer the White-tailed Tropicbird is my post for World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes

During my short stay in Bermuda I was able to pick up one lifer..it was the White Tailed Tropicbird. It is also known as Bermuda's bird. The white-tailed tropicbird  is seen on Bermuda quarter and nickel.
In Bermuda it is locally known as the long-tailed tropicbird. It was a common bird seen all over Bermuda.  I thought it was a beautiful bird white it's long white tail feathers.

 Horseshoe Beach was the one place I was really able to watch them. They would fly all around the beach and ocean just like seagulls. It was neat to see them land on the rocky cliffs. They are known to lay one single egg on the ground or on a cliffs edge.

Below I was able to watch the Tropicbird flying into a small crevice on the cliff.

They disperse widely across the oceans when they are not breeding. The adult is a slender white bird with long white tail feathers. It feeds on fish and squid by surface plunging.

To see more wonderful bird visit Springman's World Bird Wednesday  and visit Michelle's Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman and Michelle for hosting these fun memes.  Also thanks for visiting my post. I hope the rest of your week is great.  Happy Birding!!!!


Dan Huber said...

wonderful you could see and capture photos of this bird. I have always wanted to see one.


One said...

These are some very interesting photos. Thanks for sharing.

diane b said...

The header pic is super. The bird shots are great, what a beautiful bird the Tropicbird.

TexWisGirl said...

how neat! beautiful trailing tail!

Jidhu Jose said...

u taken them nicely

Jen Sanford said...

Awesome photos! There is a teeny tiny chance I'll get to see a Red-tailed Tropicbird in Hawaii this weekend, and these photos are making me even more hopeful! The shot of them in the cliff is so great!

936000 said...

Fascinating! Thank you for sharing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Neat bird, Eileen. I have never seen a White Tailed tropicbird---but it certainly is pretty.

Thanks for sharing.

Bob Bushell said...

The White Tailed Tropicbird, I have never heard of that, but now I'm a bit wiser. Beautiful in the flying position, thanks for letting me see a new bird.

Jo said...

Oh what a beautiful bird, Eileen. Congratulations on seeing a lifer in such a short time. I love your photos - they are very good. I kept looking again and again at the birds. Brilliant post. Thanks for sharing. Jo

My name is Riet said...

OH that is a beautiful bird Eileen. And great shots to catch him.

theconstantwalker said...

Wow Eileen these are stunning birds to see and your images are wonderful...

rainfield61 said...

The birds are unique and beautiful with the long white tail.

Mike B. @ slugyard.com said...

That first photo is beautiful...very nice birds.

Kathie Brown said...

It is indeed a beautiful bird and just look at those sunny and sandy beaches! Wow!

Martha Z said...

Beautiful, what a wonderful place for birding.

Lina Gustina said...

Awesome bird shots, Eileen :)

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful bird, the long tail feathers are awesome. Your photos are gorgeous. I really like the first one with them flying at the top of the cliff.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - we get this bird in Northern Australia, but I have not seen one (yet!!!) - makes me want to spend some more time up north.

Nice pictures.

Stewart M

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Your header picture is so beautiful. I want to go there. The birds are so pretty. I love the way they look against that beautiful blue sky.

Arija said...

That tail is something else, as is the scenery!

Phil Slade said...

What a beautiful bird it is Eileen - how wonderful to see it all over the island. I think I want to go to Bermuda.

Unknown said...

They're beauties!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

joo said...

What a great post, and the first photo is simply gorgeous!

Maude Lynn said...

What a beautiful bird!

Reena said...

Discovered you on World Bird Wednesday and very much enjoyed! New follower!

Hilke Breder said...

Lovely bird and wonderful shots, Eileen. It looks like in the 2nd image the bird was illuminated from below - is it from light reflected by the water?

NatureFootstep said...

wow, that´s a beauty. :)

Kathy said...

Amazingly gorgeous! Brilliant photos!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

terrific bird shots!! and the cliff is awesome!!

Springman said...

Put a gold star by that lifer. That first shot is incredible, like a time lapse shot. That long tail feather is so expressive. I wonder what is behind it and why more birds don't have it? Awesome post Eileen, the tropicbird is a new one on me too!

mick said...

Great photos of beautiful birds. I like the sea-scape you have used on the top of the page.

Mari Sterling Wilbur said...

Your header photo is stunning - wish I was there! Your various posts are great! I love the white Tropicbird - the tail is lovely!

I'm now following your blog and will go check out your hubby's.

Regards, Mari


Carver said...

Looks like a wonderful place for bird watching. Great shots.

Victoria said...

Thanks for stopping by my post on birds of Sweden and Iceland... I haven't gotten the birding bug to the point of keeping a life list but am always interested to see other's notes about such sightings... and to document the sighting photographically is a great idea! Lovely images... about Horseshoe Beach... does the name have anything to do with Horseshoe Crabs?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bird to capture in flight, with those lovely tail feathers! That's a wonderful shot of the beach in your header!

Rambling Woods said...

Fabulous bird..I think I wouldn't mind nesting on that island...

Andrea said...

wonderful shots of very beautiful birds. it's good you were able to really capture them in their maybe nest in those cliff.

EG CameraGirl said...

I've never heard of them before. And how great that you captured a shot of it high up in the rocks!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

OH Eileen -- this is a beautiful bird! As always your pictures are wonderful. I would love to see these.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Great shots! :) LG Tina

Indrani said...

Fantastic captures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What a lovely bird. Graceful looking! That Tropicbird looks like a cross between a Sea Gull and a Scissor-tail Fly Catcher from Texas! Ha! Just joking, of course! Have a great day and thanks for sharing the sight of this great looking bird!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely delicate birds! Beautiful photos!

DeniseinVA said...

How exciting to see those beautiful birds, never seen any before and those long tail feathers are very striking. Great shots Eileen!

Leora said...

Looks like a beautiful place to hang out - no wonder you and the bird are enjoying yourselves.

Sondra said...

What a souvenir from your trip...a LIFER and a great looking one at that. Ive never been to Burmuda, looks GREAT.

Al said...

Nice photos - I've never even seen a picture of this bird before.

Elaine said...

What flashy tailfeathers they have! Lovely photos, and congrats on another lifer.

Tania said...

This is so wonderful! I like these rocks very much. Looks like it`s a good climbing area:-)

Unknown said...

Congrats on the Lifer!
Such a gorgeous little Beauty!
And boy, what a place for a nest!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Congrats Eileen on this beautiful addition to your Life List.
What cool tail feathers they have!

magiceye said...

an amazing bird!

well captured!!

Reena said...

What a beautiful bird and you captured some great photos!

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