Saturday, October 29, 2011

Camera Critters the Chincoteague Variety

With my Chincoteague birds and critters, I am linking up with the Friday Ark  and Camera Critters. Chincoteague is my favorite places to go birding, the shorebirds and variety of birds seen there is just awesome. And of course we saw lots of ponies.. last week critters post is here Chincoteague-ponies . Deer are often seen on the refuge and during the three days we were there we saw lots.

You can click on the photos for a larger image.

I believe these are juvenile Dowitchers but I am not so sure.
Any help with their id is appreciated.

EDIT: I have been corrected on my shorebirds above they are really Willets.

Yellowlegs, whether it is the Lesser or Greater Yellowlegs I am not sure.

                        My favorite Chincoteague pony "The Chief". A real rebel.

I thought the lighting on the Great Blue heron was beautiful. It was a little windy that day and the heron's feather are blowing with the wind.

A sunset shot of the Bald Eagle posing nicely on this tree limb. A cool sighting! We had different Eagle sightings during the three days we were there.

A herd of deer seen on the wildlife drive.

Have a great weekend! The Weathermen are calling for a unusual snowstorm here in Maryland. My part of Maryland is expected to have one-three of inches of the white stuff. As I write this post it is raining and is mixed with snow. Gee, we did not even have a frost yet and some of my flowers were still looking good. The weather has been very weird lately.

I hope you enjoyed my critter post, thanks for stopping by. To see more
wonderful birds and critters please visit Friday Ark and Camera Critters
Thanks to the host of Friday Ark and to Misty Dawn of Camera Critters. I just love the critter memes.


diane b said...

Snow already? I love the majestic Bald Eagle and the ruffled heron.

rainfield61 said...

The eagle is coloured in gold, which is in fact very lucky for you to spot that.

Jen Sanford said...

Love the pony shot! Dowitchers and yellowlegs are extremely difficult for me, so I'm afraid I'm not much help there... Good luck with the snow! Guess you could make a snow jack-o-lantern or a snow ghost?

Animor said...

Lovely birds they're always a beautiful creatures. Like the pony shot and heron it's awesome photos

Carletta said...

So many wonderful shots Eileen!
The light on the Blue Heron is gorgeous! A Bald Eagle - I'm so envious right now but happy for you for this amazing shot.
We were said to be getting a little snow but we have only had rain and the temps are rising.
Stay safe and warm.
Carletta@Round The Bend

Modesto Viegas said...

Good capture of the Eagle!!

Carol said...

Such great captures but I especially love the deer shot and the yellowlegs shot. Looks like such a beautiful place.

One said...

Wonderful captures, Eileen. Wonder if they would be migrating when it snows.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

love your critters!! especially the eagle! he looks like he was fluffing himself up for you!!
great shots!!

Indrani said...

You always have a wonderful variety of captures. Bald Eagle truly majestic.

Phil Slade said...

Looks like a great place to bird Eileen and I'm sure the yellowlegs is a "greater" but the dowitchers are harder to split between long or short billed (only ever seen Short -billed myself).

April said...

Wonderful sightings and pictures of the wildlife.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Fabulous bird (and animal) watching -- and great pictures.

Kay L. Davies said...

I love seeing herons and eagles when I'm home in British Columbia. You're right, the lighting on that heron's face is fabulous.
And "The Chief" is gorgeous.
I always enjoy your photos, Eileen.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

forgetmenot said...

Snow?????? Ready or not, winter will be here soon. Love the shot of "The Chief", and of course anytime you get a photo of an eagle, it is an occasion to celebrate. Great captures, Eileen. Mickie :)

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

What a great bunch of shots for Camera Critter Saturday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love that beautiful horse. and all the wildlife too

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing!

Ebie said...

Hi Eileen, we went hiking to the Wetlands this morning,but did not see that many birds. One of the regular hikers told us to come early, meaning very early.

Nice variety of birds on this post.

J.Rylie.C said...

I love that horse shot.


Haddock said...

Lovely pictures.
Bad hair day for the Heron?

Bob Bushell said...

Hi Eileen, your answer to number 1, I don't know. I am just a inland birder. I love the birds, and, you do as well.

eden said...

What a beautiful place to go birding!Beautiful photos as always.

wildcatwoods said...

Wonderful shots of such a special place.

Cats of wildcat woods
Carolina mts

Lina Gustina said...

I so love your shots!

NatureFootstep said...

The Chief looks liek he is coming from the Spanish school. :)

KaHolly said...

Very nice, Eileen. Hope you weathered the storm well! We're just getting mighty winds and torrential rains up here in Cape Breton.

jabblog said...

The weather is doing strange things but I'm glad you saw some lovely creatures on your trip.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

wow! the Bald Eagle is surely perching so proud.

Thanks for visiting my Camera Critters

936000 said...

Great post and photos! Love the one of the Heron-I definitely agree with the lighting and the feathers!

Saturday's Critters # 586

Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about the...