Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hemlock Gorge Walk

Hello, I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.

These are some of the scenes from our walk at the Hemlock Gorge yesterday.Such a calm day before the big storm SANDY. I am hoping our electric stays on, they are already announcing school closings. If I am not around visiting your blogs the next couple of days, it will be because I will not have the internet access. I hope everyone in the path of SANDY ..Take care  and be careful and I hope no one has any serious damage.

Above we saw a few falls colors, hemlock trees and a cute Carolina Wren. I also saw the YC Kinglets in the same area as the Carolina Wren.

Our walk on the trail next to the river and goes into a Hemlock forest. We saw various hemlock trees that look like they are dying most likely from the insect called Hemlock Wooly Adelgid. It was sad to see that these same beautiful hemlock trees in the Smoky Mountains are also dying from this insect.

Above are some photos from around my yard: top right is our red maple tree, Clematis is blooming again, more of the red maple, our colorful weeping cherry tree and one of the many Pine Siskins I have been seeing at my feeders.

I love the colors on our Weeping Cherry tree.

More of the blooming Clematis.

Here are just of few of the Pine Siskins in my yard today. You can see their pretty yellow stripe on their sides. At the same time they were also on other feeders and in the weeping cherry tree. My biggest flock of Siskins so far this season.

They are a fun groups of birds to watch, sometimes getting a feisty with each other. I hope you enjoyed my walk and my Pine Siskins.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


chica said...

Uma mais linda que a outra!Ótima semana,beijos,chica

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!I enjoyed your walk!Fantastic shots!And your garden looks beautiful!Those birds,omg!I love them!Thanks for your visit dear!Wish you a lovely week!

TexWisGirl said...

your siskins are definitely going nuts! sorry about the hemlocks. the scene with the stream and the moss-covered rock is just beautiful.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely birds and flowers Eileen, and lovely nature scenes. Stay safe with this storm heading our way Eileen. I'll be thinking of you :)

Shirley said...

The Hemlock Grove is so pretty! What program did you use to make the first mosaic?

I truly hope the storm is downgraded by the time it hits your area and you are safe. Take care.

betchai said...

Beautiful pictures, Eileen, with the beauty around your walk, am sure you had such an inspiring and relaxing time with nature. Hope storm Sandy will not be as strong and damaging as predicted, take care and praying you'll be safe

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen ....Beautiful mosaic's both of them !!
The weeping cherry is lovely!!
I got evaded with the Pine Siskins to they where just everywhere...the deck was a carpet of them!! I know what your saying about being would think they had never eaten before : )))
Hope all goes well with you and the storm...We will be getting some of it to!!
Stay safe

Unknown said...

The photos are absolutely stunning.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful photos.. Glad you got out and got some great photos BEFORE the storm... We have as many Goldfinch as you do Pine Siskins...

We are far away from the storm but have had a very cold, damp/drizzly, cloudy weekend --with tons of wind. SNOW is in our forecast along with high winds.... Not many leaves left here on the trees....

Please be safe... God Bless.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Aren't the last pretty flowers peeking out of the fall leaves delightful?! I sure hope you don't have any problems with the storm. Take care!

A Colorful World said...

Really stunning photos! I love your mosaics. So beautiful where you are!

Pondside said...

I enjoyed your walk very much - and the photos from your feeder. I hope you stay safe through the storm - thinking about you.....

Leslie's Garden said...

That's so sad about the Hemlocks dying. They are so pretty. You have hiked in some of the most beautiful places! I love the streams the best.

BunnyKissd said...

Great photos!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful scenic birds with such lovely little birds.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

So many pine siskins in one place at once. I like the flat feeder you have assembled for them, the squirrels here would have a heyday with it!

Salmagundi said...

Wonderful mosaics -- those birds are amazing. Thanks for sharing. Sally

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for sharing your pretty walk and view of nature.
Stay safe! Sure wish that storm would fizzle out before landfall. :(
Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.

Vee said...

Such beautiful mosaics showing some enchanting scenes and colors. The siskins are really chowing down. I suppose that they will need all that energy to endure the storm. You take care, too.

Lorrie said...

What a beautiful walk. And how those clematis flowers stand out in the autumn. So pretty.

I hope Sandy loses pep and gives few problems.

Barbara F. said...

There is always that strange calmness before a storm, I feel like the past few days have been dragging ever so slowly.....please stay safe and dry, Eileen. xo

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Be safe from the storm! Your yard is fantastic -- amazing the clematis is blooming again and so beautifully. The fall colors are lovely and boy that is a lot of pine siskins! Looks like a convention of them.

Again, be safe -- I'll be thinking of you.

Chaparral Earth said...

Beautiful scenes. Hope they all are able to weather these later day freak storms heading your way.


E. said...

Beautiful photos!
I hope Sandy won't cause damage. Be safe and have a nice week.

Zenserly said...

those pretty yellow stripes...the blooming Clematis with those gorgeously shaped drying leaves and your weeping Cherry tree all made me feel better a collage they are stunning to see and as always when I leave your page I feel a sense of connection with mother nature that soothes this soul of mine :)

Linda said...

Such gorgeous photos from your walk! Hope you stay safe...we are hoping not to lose power either...although we do have a generator, it will not be used for the computer, for sure! So far, just a lot of gusty wind and lots and lots of rain! Just popping in to catch up with everyone since we are unexpectedly home because of Sandy!

podso said...

What wonderful color in your mosaics. Love seeing the details of nature viewed on your walk,

Jill Harrison said...

Wonderful images Eileen. It is always wonderful to go walking with you through the eyes of your camera. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, Take care and I hope that you are not badly affected by the storm.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful photos, and mosaic, Eileen! I love visiting you as I get to see different types of birds that I don't around here.

Friend of HK said...

Love the autumn colours, beautiful !

Ingmarie We said...

I am really enjoying your beautiful images! The siskins ae so sweet. We have som here too. I don't know if they are exactly the same..... Have a nice week.

Unknown said...

Stay safe!!

rainfield61 said...

I love the scene with the stream and rocks.

Green. Soothing.

Anonymous said...

Eileen your images and mosaics are gorgeous! The Fall color is wonderful! The Hemlocks...WOW!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

oh wow eileen, what GORGEOUS pictures through the Gorge...and the forest...along the river! the colors are so beautiful. so calming.

it's sad about the hemlocks...hopefully something can be done to save them?!!

BE SAFE up there!!! i wish you the best.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely fall colours and siskins! Hope Sandy doesn't hit too hard!

Sylvia K said...

I always enjoy the walks you take us on, Eileen, and such terrific captures as always! Beautiful colors and I do love the variety of birds! Hope you have a great week!

Unknown said...

Hope everything works out with Sandy. Great shots and love the Siskens. Aren't all the Boreal birds fantastic eaters? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

Great scenery in that gorge. The little birds all over the feeder are beautiful. I hope you stay safe in the coming storm.

Findlay Wilde said...

I really like your Pine Siskins. I hope you and them keep safe away from the Sandy. I have been watching about it on the news. From Findlay

Martha Z said...

Nice group of images, Eileen.
Stay safe, hope you are not too badly inconvenienced by the storm.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful walk and your siskins ~ never have seen them ~ Excellent photography ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Beautiful fall Pics!I hope the storm is not bad there,keep safe.

Gaelyn said...

Love your walk along the creek and your yard is a wonderful example of fall colors.

Bob Bushell said...

Wonderful images, natural.

Debbie said...

these are beautiful for me to view right now as we are in the throws of sandy!!

you sure are getting a lot of pineskins!!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous shots!

Stay safe!

Montanagirl said...

LOVE your collages. Very nice photos!

Sharkbytes said...

Really lovely! I particularly like hemlock. So far the wooly adelgid hasn't made an impact in MI, but we are losing our beech and ash.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Stay safe and I hope no damages your way. Excellent pictures as usual. Have a better day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous autumnal walk!

Unknown said...

captivating photos. i would enjoy this walk, too. love the mosaic.

Stewart M said...

I do like those siskins - hope you come though the storm intact!

Stewart M - Australia

Unknown said...

Lovely trail by the river - they can't do anything to protect the hemlock trees?
Don't know if I ever have seen a pine siskin! They're cute and pretty!

Francisca said...

You always capture your world so beautifully, Eileen. I'd sure enjoy that walk among the hemlocks, although shoo shoo to the little monsters Wooly Adelgids. And your back yard is full of wonders. Hope you have safe shelter while Sandy wreaks havoc.

Carver said...

Thanks for taking us with you on your beautiful walk. The shots are all very beautiful.

Alice said...

It's wonderful to see so many birds in your yard. So lucky of you to be so near to nature.

joy said...

I love your pictures. Food for the soul!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What beautiful Autumn delights Eileen. I loved the first to the last~

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Love those siskens! I do hope all is well after Sandy's visit.

Kusum said...

Oh! wow! love this one!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...