Monday, October 1, 2012

My Neighborhood

 The weeks are rolling along pretty fast Oct 1 is already here, I am just not sure what happened to September.  I am linking up with Our World Tuesday . Are the days and weeks flying by for you too?

For this weeks post I have some photos of our walk around the reservoir near our house, the lake is just a walk away or we can drive around to another part of the lake by going over the dam.

In the mosaic above, is the moon I saw early this morning, one of my male goldfinches, our woods, and the dam. I am lucky living next to these woods and the lake, it is probably the main reason I see so many great birds in my yard.

 Above is a neat web, more of the woods and lake and our Goldie Girl.

The moon was looking gorgeous before setting early this morning.

One of my cute male Goldfinches is loosing his pretty summer feathers. I do see the goldfinches here year round.

The top of the dam is also a road which will takes us around to the other side of the lake. Not sure if much water was going over the dam at this time. Sometimes they can open the bottom gates and let water out to river below the dam.

Goldie Girl is in of one her happy places.

 A large spider's web off of one of the trails we were hiking, it was huge! The bottom left looks like it has a rainbow of colors. Looks cool!

On this trail, depending on the time of year I have seen many Scarlet Tanagers a breeder in the area and just recently I saw the cute Red-Breasted Nuthatches.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy.  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a safe and happy week!


Memaria said...

What a beautiful neighborhood!!!
Your photos are amazing.
I wish you a safe and happy week too...

Linda said...

So many pretty things to see on your walks! I love that trail...and of course, Goldie Girl is so pretty there in her swimming hole!

vivi ka said...

I would love to live in a place like this.
I was impressed by the large spider web.
Happy new month!

Cloudy said...

Herrliche Aufnahmen...

Lieben Gruß

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That is a wonderful variety of habitat. I miss all the fun of woodlands birding here in Florida. We have relatively few perching birds here during the breeding season. I look forward to getting up to our second home in Illinois to see the Scarlet Tanagers amd goldfinches.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I'm back in the world of blogging, thank goodness! Thanks for your continued support and comments even when I was "absent". I just LOVE your neighborhood. You capture everything so well, and of course, my favorite is the one of Goldie Girl! What a love! Have a great day. Jo

Lynne said...

Such gorgeous photos . . . each one capturing the essence of the season.

Really liked seeing the happy swimming boy . . . Soon the waters will be to chilly! Having fun while he can!!!

Barbara Selkirk said...

What a gorgeous place you live in, don't think I've seen photos of all this before. Just such a fabulous place to walk and see... lucky Goldie Girl... my two labs would love to be able to swim every day - but then they'd be off chasing ducks and geese and I might never get them back...

Great post Eileen - loved walking along with you. Happy October 1

diane b said...

You live in a beautiful part of our world and filled with interesting birds.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

oh...i LOVE the moon...and the spiderweb...and the 'dam' road...and goldie girl of course!! have a great week eileen!

Dan Huber said...

Great shots Eileen. Love that web, a work of art.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! And your spider web is phenomenal!

Ebie said...

Your place is the most desirable abode not only for nature lovers!

Very nice close up of the moon!

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful neighborhood Eileen and what a lovely dog you have.
Lucky you.

rainfield61 said...

What happened to September?

It was kept in your blog.

DeniseinVA said...

It's always great to see Goldie Girl enjoying a swim. Your birdlife is wonderful and I love the photo of the spider's web. All your photos are super Eileen. Have a great week!

TexWisGirl said...

the moon is great! the spider web w/ the prism of color is wonderful! goldie girl is my favorite of all. :)

Barbara F. said...

Eileen, your photos are amazing. Your dog is beautiful, love how relaxed and happy she is swimming. That spider web, I have never seen one as large and thick like that. Nature is wonderful, isn't it? xo

HappyK said...

Enjoyed looking at all your photos but that spider web is really something!!

I've seen the moon the last two mornings too.
You got some really good shots of it.

renae said...

I am soooooo glad you made a comment because I had lost you! I thought I was following you. I am so sorry for being so silly to not realize it sooner. I love your photography!!! I even have invited 2 others to join you, too. They are Jacqueline and Vivienne. (2 separate blogs). So heads up on them, k? I have joined you! I am not going anywhere.

Dawn Fine said...

Great Web shot! The moon is beautiful..I can never capture a photo like that with my point and shoot!

Crafty Green Poet said...

wonderful photos, specially the spiders web, they can be difficult to capture on film and you've done it so well!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!Very nice location! Nice nature, beautiful flora and fauna!Goldie is so cute!Have a great October month my dear!

Debbie said...

the spider web is amazing, just amazing!!

cute little goldfinches, are messy eaters!!

Rohrerbot said...

Goldie Girl looks super happy. But now I understand why you get so many cool birds. What a beautiful little piece of perfection you have there....and great shot of the Harvest Moon.....I didn't even try last night:) I just watched it come up instead which was magical in its own right. Have a great week!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Your neighborhood is wonderful!Fantastic Pics!

Unknown said...

Finally it loaded. Boom & I are big fans of Goldie Girl!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Latane Barton said...

You posted some great pictures, Eileen. Love the spider web and the moon.

Sylvia K said...

What a lovely walk you've taken us on, Eileen! I love the spider web and, of course, Goldie Girl!! How happy she looks to be in one of her favorite places! Wonderful captures of your world, as always! Hope you have a great week!

Brenda Stevens said...

Oh not sure how i found you..but this is so great to be part of this LINK! I feel like i'm HOME!!! GREAT Shots my friend!

alfonso said...

· I like your nice photos. The spider's web is fantastic.

· regards

CR· & ·LMA

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You live in a nice area. I love the pic of the happy dog in the water and the great spiderweb.

Valerie said...

A lovely collection Eileen - those woods sure look inviting. What a spectacular web, complete with its own rainbow! Thanks for sharing (and dropping by my blog). May you have an exciting week.

Al said...

What a beautiful series of photos, it must be wonderful having such a lake nearby.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

What a beautiful area you live in...a woods and a lake! that spider web is gorgeous.

Carver said...

The shot of the moon is fantastic. I always enjoy your bird shots. Great shot of the web and also the woods. Goldie girl is a beauty.

lotusleaf said...

It must be wonderful to be living in such a beautiful place next to a wood! Lovely pictures!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
So sorry for belated comment, my friend.
What wonderful shots again♬♬♬ I enjoyed all the pictures from beautiful moon, dam, your lovely bird and dog(^_^)v Oh, how I wish to live the place like yours; and someday (if possible) I wish to visit Yellowstone (haha, maybe just a dream)
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

VaishVijay said...

Lovely shots, especially the spider web is beautiful!

Gillian Olson said...

Beautiful pictures, the spider web is superb.

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots. What a glorious spider's web and huge golden moon.

The days are whizzing by here too!

Rajesh said...

Fantastic shots of very nice variety.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I wanted that Spider web so much. I have never photographed a perfect one. One day, we were in my boss's car going for a workshop. We were in a jam, and hardly moving. I saw 2 perfect webs, but I couldn't ask the boss to stop.

Birgitta said...

Beautiful and lovely photos!

Vores have said...

Great pictures / collages showing.
The moon, spider web of and your dog are my favorites.
Wish you a good Tuesday :)
Hanne Bente

LeenaH said...

You are welcome to our cottages any time Eileen !
We have even Goldie Kiki so your Goldie no need to be alone :)
Thank you for your enjoyable photos and visitng my place eilen!
Good October to you and yours!

Reader Wil said...

It's always a wonderful experience to see your surroundings! Your photos show a happy beautiful country!
The spiderweb is perfect!

Kathie Brown said...

I love the moon shot, and the damn. Your goldfinch almost tricked me into thinking it was an evening grosbeak for a moment! Enjoy the autumn! Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant Eileen, that spider really can produce a whopping web, and Golden Girl, well, she always stole my heart away.

Unknown said...

this handsome goldfinch was caught with his mouth full! great captures--love the spider web. and Goldie Girl is a sweetheart!

Anna said...

Love this... such a gorgeous photo's, Eileen!
Greetings, Anna :))

NatureFootstep said...

you do live at a great place. Hope you will never move. :) I liked the look of the dam. I´m not sure you have posted that before.

Teh spider web is really great. I guess it had water on as it shines so nicely. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love your walk! That morning moon is amazing....we have the Lake here too, but not nearly as many birds as you do and I know why == because we don't have the bird-friendly yard. Your yard work pays off with all your wonderful visitors. Thanks for sharing your walk.

Heather said...

Looks like a lovely place to live. I especially like the shots of the moon, the wooded path, and spider web. My blog

Friend of HK said...

Wish I could join you on your walks, beautiful scenery, cute birds, and the adorable dog! Lovely pictures!

Anonymous said...

Your shots are lovely - what a cute pup and I love that huge web!

Samson said...

It's a beautiful place to live. Love the photo of the goldie girl...

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...