Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekend Walk_Aug 10th

  I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday 

I am happy to joining  Judith of Lavender Cottage as the new host of Mosaic Monday..I am sharing some scenes, birds from last weekend's walk on a local trail called George's Creek.. I have been there a few times lately because there have been some cool birds sighted there.

 My birds of George's Creek: top row are the Northern Cardinal, Indigo Bunting male&female, Hooded Warbler. Bottom Row: maybe a Pine Warbler, Gray Catbird, unknown juvie flycatcher?

Edit: Kathie of  Kathie's Birds  posted in her comment below that my maybe guess on the Pine Warbler is actually a Yellow-throated Vireo.. Thanks to Kathie for the id.. I appreciate the help.

 I like this shot of the Canada Geese, GB Heron and a couple of Wood Ducks floating by..

 We have seen the Great Blue Heron during each of our walks at George's Creek, also some Wood Ducks and Canada Geese.  The top right shot is either the Solitary Sandpipers or Spotted Sandpiper, there has been a lot of discussion on these birds id.

 This is a larger photo of the Sandpiper in question, if any one else can help.. I am thinking it is the Solitary Sandpiper..not the Spotted.

We saw the Red Admiral Butterfly on the way back to our car, I am always checking out the milkweed to see what is nearby, a Comma Butterfly is in the middle left photos.. It was a wonderful morning for our walk.. Our weather has been cooler and not as humid, great weather for a hike..I hope you enjoyed my walk and George's Creek.

As always I thank you for stopping by and for the nice comments.

I hope you can join in on our at  Mosaic Monday and   Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to Judith our new host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week ahead!


TexWisGirl said...

i like the variety of birds you get to see there!

Kerri Farley said...

What a GREAT Walk and an Great Variety!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the Red admiral, they are one of the 5 species that visit our yard from time to time...and that sweet fluffed up cardinal and blue bird are so pretty

rainfield61 said...

I think you must have seen birds in your dream too.

Stephanie said...

Very nice assortment of images, like the Blue Heron and Butterfly.

DeniseinVA said...

Love your mosaics Eileen, a great collection of birds! Happy Sunday!

DeniseinVA said...

and butterflies :)

Pat said...

Such a wonderful variety of birds.

Ileana said...

You're lucky to see so many beautiful birds!:)

Deanna said...

Oh how fortunate you are to have this wonderful place to observe such beauty in nature!! Well done!

Lynne said...

Love your photos . . . LOVE!
As the passenger in the car yesterday as we drove across state and back all in one day . . . I caught a few glimpses of critter wildlife. I wished there would have been time to stop for pictures. Even so I doubt I would have created captures like you can Eileen. The crane views at waters edge remain in my "mind camera!"

Helma said...

Good evening Eileen,
again a nice post with a nice variance of birds. The most beautiful colors you show again, but also butterflies and flowers and beautiful nature.
Very fine evening.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Eileen, and I really love the butterfly. Have a great afternoon. Mildred

Kerry said...

A beautiful mosaic of birds. How I wish I could capture birds on my camera, but they always elude me, always!

Linda W. said...

That butterfly is gorgeous! I have trouble getting them to stand still long enough to be photographed.

HappyK said...

Nice to walk along with you. : )
I like the heron and the butterfly is so pretty.

Roan said...

You certainly found a nice selection of birds. I like the mosaics. That red admiral is beautiful!

Poppy said...

Because of your wonderful walks, we get to discover the most beautiful creatures in canyons and creeks and parks and forests!

Have a lovely week ahead!


Brian King said...

Awesome variety of birds! I see one of my favorites - the heron! Can't help much with the sandpiper since we don't have many shorebirds in this area.

Michelle said...

You have some great bird shots here!

Our photos said...

Very nice. I like the butterfly !

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

I think that you must sing when you walk and then all the birds and animals appear like in a Disney movie :)

Cloudia said...

So enjoyable, E!

Ima add you to my sidebar over at my bloggy place.

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

The best walks include beautiful birds.

So you won!


Vee said...

A great walk and so colorful with the birds and butterflies. I need to start paying attention to milkweed.

Snap said...

What a great place to walk! I love the Red Admiral. So many great birds. Lucky you! Have a great week!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

You were very lucky to capture the male and female indigo bunting together.
I have checked the milkweed in my butterfly garden and some wild plants along the road without seeing any signs of monarchs.
Thanks for linking to MM.

A Colorful World said...

Such beautiful birds and butterflies!

Beth said...

Your photos are amazing, Eileen. I love your first collage. The indigo buntings are beautiful. I am noticing butterflies in my garden with torn wings. I feel bad for them, but they don't know they have a "handicap," and they continue to fly from flower to flower and feed. If only we humans would stop being anxious about things!

Small Kucing said...

wow...lovely snaps. Wish I can snap good pic like yours

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Any creek named GEORGE's has to have some great birds around... AND--you captured them all!!!! WOW---love the variety you found --and the butterfly. What a beauty.

Have a great week.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You always see the most amazing amount of different species of birds on your walks, Eileen. I like the bright indigo bunting and red cardinal the best!

Rajesh said...

Wonderful overage of the place. You have spotted beautiful birds.

Sonja said...

That male Indigo Bunting is such a striking colour. I agree about your shorebird not being a Spotted Sandpiper after looking at my North American field guide as they don't seem to have the rump stripes that your bird has, whilst the Solitary Sandpiper does.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You saw some pretty birds on your walk! And the Red Admiral is really a beauty, too. I love the Indigo Bunting and would love to see one again at my feeder. It's been a couple of years since I've seen them. Take care!

Unknown said...

Looks a great place for walking Eileen, plenty of different birds.

Veronica Roth said...

Hi Eileen, you're so lucky to have cardinals around you. I'm either in England or Vancouver and there is a definite lack of cardinals in either places. Love your photos. Hope your week is a lovely one.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, what a fantastic array of beautiful birds n butterflies. Thanks so much for sharing their beauty :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Looks like it was a lovely walk Eileen. My favorite is the last one, butterflies just make me smile~ Happy Monday, Happy Week ;)

Stewart M said...

Strange that I was looking at both Red Admirals and Commas last month!

Although not in Australia!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Unknown said...

Wow what a great variety of birds you get to view. Enjoy!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

What a variety of birds!! I love the catbird :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots!

Jenn Jilks said...

Dang, I meant to do a mosaic! Ah, well.
I can enjoy yours!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Wonderful pictures of these beautiful birds!What a preety butterfly!!Lovely collages!!Have a lovely week!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice mosaics! That walk in the woods was quite productive. The sandpiper has a rather strong line over its eye rather than "spectacles," and the white on its chest curves up in front of its "shoulder," suggesting a Spotted Sandpiper, but those critters can be a pain to identify.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

I'm always captivated by the variety and numbers of birds you see on your walks Eileen.

Georges Creek is abundant with life - and there's not much that misses your keen eye!

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Lovely to see so many butterflies around this year. Your first bird collage is beautiful.....

Happy Monday!

Rohrerbot said...

It looks good for a Solitary although I could be wrong. We get them around here as well although not as common. Love your Hoodie!!!! Nice find!

Sylvia K said...

So many beautiful birds, Eileen, and such wonderful captures for the day, as always! I'm always amazed at how many different ones you find!! Terrific!! Have a great week!!

Jim said...

Terrific snaps

NatureFootstep said...

to me it seems like Common Sandpiper. But I´m looking in a european book. :) Love the mosaics. :)

Kathie Brown said...

Eileen, I think your sandpiper is the solitary becuase I would expect the spottie to have more spotting still at this time of year, but it is difficult to tell from the angle and the blurry photo. However, I can tell you that the bird you thought was a pine warbler is actually a yellow-throated vireo. Take a look at it's head. You can just make out the spectacles. Plus, those are really strong wing bars for a pine warbler. Plus, the body is too chunky and the posture isn't right. You may even be able to see the thicker and somewhat hooked beak! Congrats!

Gail Dixon said...

Ooohhh, that red admiral is so pretty! Nice collages and sets you have here.

bj said...

I love always have the best posts...:)
Thanks for stopping by.

Photo Cache said...

everything looks so verdant.

carol l mckenna said...

Great montage of nature photos and always beautiful treasures of nature ~ Happy Week to you ~

musedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great photographs. I am continually amazed how you know all the birds. Well, almost all the birds.

Joyful said...

So many "sweet" birds in your mosaics. The butterflies are nice too. Soon the green will give way to fall so enjoy while you can though Fall and Winter too have their beauty. Have a wonderful week. xx

eileeninmd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Life Images by Jill said...

thankyou for the walk Eileen. I would love to be out bushwalking right now. And thank you for stopping over at my blog and your thoughts for my Dad.
Have a lovely week.

Pondside said...

How beautiful! Some of those shots could have been taken around here - the Canada Geese, GB Heron and the Wood Ducks are here too.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful photos! Looks like you had a bright sunny day for some good pics! It sure is hard to id some of the birds and wildflowers we see here in NC. I keep my book handy and enjoy looking things up! Have a good week! Hugs!

Linda said...

I like the bird shots and the butterfly is gorgeous!

Jocee said...

Beautiful shots, so much to see I had to go over it a second time. Have a lovely day :)

diane b said...

Love the blue heron and its serene surroundings.

Indrani said...

Stunning collages you make! Great job done. :)

Fun60 said...

Quite a selection of wildlife spotted on your walk. Thanks for sharing.

Phil Slade said...

That was a bird-filled walk Eileen. terrific mosaics. As to the sandpiper I can't really help from over here as I have only ever seen a couple of Solitary Sandpipers and never seen Spotted Sandpiper.
Enjoy the rest of yor week.

orchid0324 said...

Hi, Eileen; Wonderful pictures of birds and butterflies etc♪♪♪ Red Admiral Butterfly Is SO amazing♡♡♡
Yesterday I spotted blue heron but not a good shot p;)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Alexa T said...

Thanks for this wondeful walk!! So many lovely aspects... lovely just like a summer sunny day! HAve a great week, too!

Carver said...

Lovely shots from your walk.

Joe Todd said...

Good morning Eileen.. Nothing beats a great walk ( with camera ) Have a great day

Lillian said...

Lovely variety of photos ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

Lorrie said...

What a great variety of things with wings. I love watching herons pick their way along the shore, feeding.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Eileen you had a beautiful walk and look at all the critters you found...wonderful mosaics...and I see some Joe Pye there too :)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great shots - thanks for sharing your walks with us.

Pat Tillett said...

Now that is what I call a nice walk.
Great photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Nobody does nature walks like you do! Beautiful -- and wonderful mosaics. I haven't had a chance to post to very many memes while we've been traveling and didn't realize MM had changed hosts. I'm glad to know that (when we get back to 'reality' I will join it again.)

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...