Thursday, September 10, 2015

Cromwell Valley Park

I am linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences
I hope you can join in on the fun and share your fence scenes and pretty skies.

Today I am taking you on our walk at the local  Baltimore County 426 acre Cromwell Valley Park. It is a favorite spot for local birders and is a Hawk Watch spot. These images were from Aug 12th. I sharing some fence scenes and skywatch shots, it was a beautiful day to be outside. Of course the birds were there also and could not go unnoticed.

For Skywatch above we are continuing on our walk on the road/trail that has a view of these towers and the pretty farm fields. This park was originally a farm and the land donated to the county for the park. The sky in my mosiac looks beautiful.

Is this the Northern Waterthrush with its streaked breast or is it the cousin Louisiana Waterthrush. I am always second guessing my Id's.

Hubby and I usually start off our walk on the loop trail thru a wooded area and next to the stream. BTW, hubby does not mind me calling him "hubby" in my post and not by his real name Michael.  Above are some images for Tex's Good Fences that include the fence scenes along the trail, the stream, wildflowers and a skipper.

Using our binocs we could see some men working on the tower. I think this is a neat skywatch shot above and in the mosaic above. I believe the towers are telephone towers?

 For my Tex's Good Fence entry I have more views of the farm and fence scenes in the park. The sky was a pretty blue with these lovely puffy white clouds.

Another shot of my Waterthrush! We saw this bird next to the stream on our way back to the parking. I hope you enjoyed going along on our walk, the bird, sky and scenery! Thanks for stopping by for a visit and for your nice comments. Have a happy day and weekend ahead.

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.    I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


Blogoratti said...

Such a fine place, lovely photos.

Marit said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen!

Have a nice day!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fantastik blue sky, a wonderful little bird and a great old barn.
Marvelous photos !
Best, Synnöve

Debby Ray said...

Beautiful shots of a lovely place. What a great place to go for a walk!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

The Waterthrush is a lovely little bird. Love all the variety of fences in this post

Lowcarb team member said...

Some lovely pictures here Eileen.
Isn't the tower high!

Have a lovely Thursday

All the best Jan

Sue said...

I couldn't imagine climbing those towers!! Eeeeesh!

Nice photos, Eileen.
I think it's terrific when folks donate their properties for parks, etc. It's so much better than stuff getting chopped up into little chunks or worse yet---subdivisions!
Have a good weekend

Christine said...

Lots of wonderful captures Eileen! I love the old farm buildings and fence photos but my head is just spinning at the thought of being so high up those towers! Rather them than me!
Lovely skies - please send me some! More grey here today.
Enjoy your day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
the waterthrush is certainly beautifully marked... and I like the shot of the men up the mast... your countryside is lush! YAM xx

chica said...

Quantas belezas encontraste por lá nesse parque! Valeu!Adorei ver! bjs, chica

EG CameraGirl said...

I'd be very excited to see a waterthrush!!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente e belas fotografias.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Tom said...

WOW, another great place to visit. My list is getting longer and longer.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Beautiful place to walk. It was nice that the bird was so cooperative.

Ramona said...

Fantastic photos.Love the fence views. I definitely would not be seen up there in that little box on the tower. Nothing wrong with calling Hubby, Hubby. Mine quite likes it :-)

Tanya Breese said...

those birds are adorable and wow, that guy is waaaayyy up there...i couldn't do that, i'd be afraid to move! great shots! have a super day :)

Gayle said...

Skies and Skipper - great combo.

Lea said...

Beautiful skies! Lovely little bird!
Have a wonderful day!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful photos, Eileen!
I love the happy blue skies and the puffy clouds and the cute little bird. The towers are impressive (great photos!); whatever those persons do there, I wouldn't be able to do their work. :)
Have a lovely day!

Giga said...

A beautiful place to walk to enjoy the birds and looking at the fence located there. Regards.

Jenn Jilks said...

You sure have great fun. Those IDs are tricky, I'm always being corrected. I did see a lovely bird, with a yellow chest, out my bathroom window! I watched it eating the bugs for a bit. By the time I fetched the camera...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when the last photo came up i said OH WOW out loud. super shot.. and that man on that tower is very brave, scares me silly looking at him... I call my hubby on the blog but never in real life, don't even know why i started that

Crissi said...

Beautiful pictures!
Hug Crissi

Anonymous said...

What wonderful and dizzying shots of those towers up in the blue sky!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'm no thrush expert, but I know what I like, and I like that mosaic, Eileen.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh you are so lucky to have a designated park close to you! Looks like it was a beautiful day to be out and about- the skies are gorgeous and the man in the bucket must be a brave soul- wow- that is too high in the sky for me!

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful blue sky & fluffy clouds! Love that fenced pretty! The birds are wonderful too. And that man working on the tower....great shot!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

never met a bird I didn't think was really neat

Linda Kay said...

Eileen, you have outdone yourself today with your sky pictures. And that little thrush is so cute. Wonderful post

Anonymous said...

Great takes. Wow the tower is amazing shot so high up.

Linda W. said...

That waterthrush is such a beautiful bird.

Mary Hone said...

Great shots. All those birds are great.

TexWisGirl said...

i like your waterthrush! gorgeous day for skies! that guy working on the tower... eeek! :) thanks, eileen (and michael). :)

Karen said...

You are such a talented photographer, Eileen! Thanks for sharing these beauties! I found a book of common birds for my granddaughter that makes the bird calls when she pushes a button. She loved it!

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen, pretty clouds, that's where the term cotton candy clouds came from I think. They're simply beautiful captures. Great beauty on all your trail hiking too, and I had to laugh at your using hubby, (I do the same thing) my hubby, Bill doesn't mind either. But for me I think hubby is rather sweet! I'm not so sure about Wifey, (my oldest son uses that term all the time) but at any rate my hubby doesn't blog anyway but, he's finally joined Facebook. Small steps here for him. Enjoy your day in all that you do.

Small City Scenes said...

Yipes!!! What a brave worker to go waaaay up there---but what a view he has.
Love the mosaic pics

Bob Bushell said...

Absolutely shots Eileen, and wouldn't get me up there, working, yuk.

Karen said...

Great collages! Gosh, what a high risk job, hope they pay him well!

Salt Lick Shop said...

i love the old farm and fence pics!
And wow, those men are working high up. My sisters' ex use to do that with the cellphone towers and I never wanted to see pics of him on them. It scared me to death, lol.

Barb said...

I love the Waterthrush pics. That is a beautiful setting to take a walk.

Nancy J said...

What a large area, 4 times the size of my Dad's farm where I grew up, Those tall towers? do they have something else at the top? Not for fire spotters? TV reception? I am intrigued. Lovely fence too.

Debbie said...

another great spot and an awesome set of images. the skies have been just glorious!!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what gorgeous blue skies! love those clouds. ( ;

TheChieftess said...

Beautiful!!! Thanks for visiting my Photographic Journey!!!!

Marti said...

What a pretty walk. I don't know what kind of birds they are either, but they sure don't seem afraid of you. I can't imagine working on those towers! But then I don't like to climb over 6 feet on a ladder anymore.

Rose said...

If you ever decide to post the photos in the collages as singles, I would be one happy camper...specially the last collage. I sure love those. And you could not pay me enough to be that guy working on the tower...LOL

Hope you are having a great day!


you wont get me up that mast....well maybe if a lion was after me.


Cloudia said...

Beauty finds you because you are beautiful!


This N That said...

Your Thrush looks like most other Thrushes..Great pictures..beautiful area...

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

The men working on the tower make for an interesting scene. Have a lovely weekend Eileen.

The Yum List said...

I was wondering what those lines were, right when you answered my though. Pretty blue skies contrasting against the billowing white clouds in these shots.

Lois said...

Love seeing the skies and the fences, but as always, the birds are my favorite!

Ida said...

How pretty. Those puffy clouds are just wonderful. - The fences in the park are very nice and it looks like a beautiful place to enjoy nature walks. - I don't think I'd want to be up working on those towers though (fear of heights). The Waterthrush is really a pretty bird with very neat markings.

Photo Cache said...

The prettiest blue sky to complement the day. How delightful. Have a great weekend.

Worth a Thousand Words

HappyK said...

I love those beautiful big white puffy clouds.

Michelle said...

I like that old, white barn. Can't imagine being on that tower!

Stephanie said...

Super sky shots as well as all the mosaic images. Love the workers up on the pole shot as well.

LV said...

What a wonderful tour of nature at its best. Marvelous photo work.

Al said...

Very pretty photos. I suspect those are radio or television transmitter towers - telephone towers aren't that high. I'm amazed at the people who can climb them to work on them, I wouldn't be able to do it.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Again, great photos! I cannot imagine being on those towers--YIKES!!!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like you picked a perfect day! Great photos. Have a nice weekend.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, what a great collection of photos. Love your collages. The men working on the tower looks scary. Great fences and beautiful skies.
Have a great weekend. cm

Janice said...

Beautiful post!

ak_ut said...

beautiful shots, eileen, have a happy weekend :-)

Joyful said...

Very nice mosaics, Eileen. I cannot believe how high up those men are on the towers. I don't think I could do that job! Have a great weekend. xx

Laura. M said...

I love those big contrasts in the sky !!
Good weekend Eileen ;)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness those towers are high. I would not want to be working up there.

My name is Riet said...

Those towers are so high, great shots Eileen.

Heather said...

You would never find me working on a tower like that. Great capture, but no. Thanks for visiting! :)

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, sempre com fotos de lindos locais, as mesmas tem qualidade e maestria num todo.

Indrani said...

Those tower shots are scary!
Great bird captures Eileen!

Kathy said...

You've shared some nice fences with us but the shot of those men working on that tower is simply stunning. It takes my breath away just thinking about being up there!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Hope those men up on the towers can get down in a hurry if those beautiful clouds suddenly become treacherous. Those waterthrushes give me fits too. I think the streaking extends up on its throat and the eye line seems a bit buffy but it is rather broad, suggesting Northern Waterthrush. However I'm wrong about half the time. One bird I found had one side that looked perfect for Louisiana but the other was clearly a Northern!

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I love the 'two towers' !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Another wonderful walk! It's pure heaven around where you live!

Amy said...

beautiful photos, I love that little bird at the top, hope you have a good weekend :-)

Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Those towers are quite impressive in front of that nice blue and white sky. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend!

GranthamLynn said...

What fun. Great shots. I love the fences and the old barn.
Your collages are great.
I have a post ready for tomorrow so I'll come by.
Did you link your Party at my Linky Party? I can't remember.
LOL. If not come over and link up!
C u 2morrow.

modraszka said...

Photos ary very great,slicznie,pozdrawiam.

diane b said...

Love the sky shot with the towers and the workman. You have everything there. Sky, fences and of course the birds. I would enjoy walking with you.

NatureFootstep said...

I think I saw the Water Trush in Costa Rica. A fine bird :)
An interesting posat as usual :) Wish you a happy seek.

Irene said...

Great sky shots .... happy weekend!


Celeste said...

Thanks for taking us on your walk Eileen. Whichever waterthrush it is, it is very handsome and posed beautifully for you. As for the guy up the telephone mast - oh my! I am glad that isn't my job. :)

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful photos

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...