Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday's Critters #92

Saturday's Critters #92

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

I am sharing some of the birds we saw during our visit to the York Pennsylvania Night Heron and Great Egret rookery. These images are from July 31st I have beenn jumping all around sharing images and post of our outings and walks.

A Great Egret showing us how to walk this way.

A Great Egret on the nest.

Great Egret on the nest

Black Crowned Night Heron on nest.

Black Crowned Night Heron.

At the rookery we saw a lot of the juvenile Black Crowned Night Herons.

The Gray Catbird giving me the eye.

Another juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron.

Both the Great Egret and BC Night Heron seem to be watching something in the shot above? Maybe a fish in the lake?

Can you spy the juvenile Night Heron in the shot above?

This Great Egret chick has some fuzz left. Check out that "fuzzy do".  I hope you enjoyed my birds from the York Pa rookery. They are always a treat for me to see. Thanks for linking up and for visiting and for the nice comments. Have a happy weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni. 


  1. These are amazing Eileen!
    Hey: thought of you - check this out-

  2. What a gorgeous post, Eileen!
    Those birds are so beautiful and your photos are stunning. The Black Crowned Night Heron on the nest is perhaps my favourite.
    Thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters and have a lovely weekend!

  3. Your Night Heron, would you enter that into a photographic competition? Truly stunning .His eyes are mesmerising.

  4. Hi there - I do like this shots of the birds in the trees - I always like it when they seem to be a little hidden.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. You have such stunning captures, they can make a wonderful calendar!

  6. Hi Eileen, what an elegant walk that egret has. And how super that so many birds are on nests. I showed Grant the Gray Catbird - fascinating to us. Our Cape Longclaw has a cat-like meew meew call and is known as the Catbird because of this! Thanks for hosting this meme: I love it and love joining in on a Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend. Greetings. Jo

  7. What a wonderful eye contact you have with birds. Great pictures as usual.

  8. Belas aves, olhares e voos! Lindo fim de semana! bjs, chica

  9. Very powerful clear images of elegance and bird charm!

  10. Very powerful clear images of elegance and bird charm!

  11. Your birdie creatures look so fascinating. I love that egret a lot, so beautiful! And you've captured it stunningly!

  12. Hi Eileen, so nice to see the beautiful herons and egrets at the rookery. I really like the night heron's green legs and fierce looking eyes! I would not want to be on the other end of those sharp bills! Thank you for hosting and hope you have a good weekend! - Karen

  13. Hello Eileen and thanks again for hosting this fun meme! Your photos are so clear and I was certain those birds were keeping their beady eyes on me!
    Have a great weekend!

  14. Beautiful pics of all the birds. The 4th one of the night Heron is awesome! :-)

  15. Hello Eileen!:)Wow! The York Pa rookery is a wonderful place to visit. What fabulous captures of all the birds. Lovely to see the Great Egret and B C Night Heron in their nest's and the capture of the fluffy chick is gorgeous.

  16. Hari OM
    Top Shots!!! Love that one of the BCNH staring right down the lens.... and BTW, the new header is very pretty! Hope your weekend is fluttering! YAM xx

  17. The first three are my favorites!

  18. More great shots, Eileen! I like the indignant expression of the Great Egret on it's nest, and its wonderful eyes, and the fuzzy 'do of the chick, so cute!

  19. love all the egrets and night herons. the catbird is adorable and spunky!

  20. What beautiful photos! Thanks for starting my day with such beauty!

  21. Beautiful!
    The first photo is my favorite
    Have a great day!

  22. I saw a strange duck, Eileen. Maybe like the one you posted on FB? I think it was you. (Brain fade!)

  23. I love the night heron peering out of the tree. We see them here from time to time. I have yet to see an egret in person.

  24. Oh yes, really photographed Eileen, the Heron, Egret, etc are all my favourites.

  25. Egrets and herons are some of my favorite birds. Loved these shots. Happy weekend and thanks for hosting!

  26. they are all super shots and i love every one of the ones on a nest.. especailly the fuzzy doooo

  27. I love these Eileen, such fabulous photos and so close up. A very successful birding trip. Thank you for sharing these and for hosting Saturday's Critters, and happy weekend to you :)

  28. The face of the black-crowned heron made me smile this morning, Eileen.....such a great picture!

  29. You always seem to get so many incredible bird pictures!

  30. Gorgeous post - amazing shots!
    Happy weekend

  31. Fantastic shots, Eileen. I love those close ups of the birds.

  32. Good morning Eileen! You and I have the Great Egrets in common this morning, although of course your shots are just incredible. Mine, well, I'm going to visit him again and I think I'll be able to get closer this time. I was always afraid of disturbing him, but now I know it's his Kingdom and he isn't going to leave! I sure enjoyed all your photos! Enjoy your weekend.

  33. Oh beautiful, Eileen. I have only seen the Black Crowned Night Heron once many years ago in Wisconsin. They certainly don't hang out around here. And, I love the Cat Bird ... love listening to their mimicking song. The Egret is always a favorite. I miss having them around ... sure don't know where they have gone, but they are scarce around here this year. Love this post ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  34. I like all of these ... but my favourite is the Black Crowned Night Heron on nest... just had that something about it!

    Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

    All the best Jan

  35. Eileen, the Great Egret and Night Heron together is a great capture. Thanks for sharing.

  36. These are wonderful, Eileen! My favorite is #4, birds look so funny head-on, don't you think, lol! Have a wonder-filled weekend!

  37. Hi Eileen, thank you for your visit! I haven't been able to arrange for me to start all visits as I like. I loved the pictures and how I would walk by these locations! Transparent waters and very beautiful birds! Congratulations, amazing photos! Hugs and good weekend.

  38. Wonderful images, Eileen! When we were in California, we saw a lot of those Black-crowned night herons. Well, maybe saying a lot is an exaggeration, but we did see them!

  39. nice shots. I think I've only seen three night herons down here. I think they are so cool...wish more were about

  40. Hello Eileen,
    my entry for this week are the dragonflies and the eggs of the dragonflies :-)
    Self also post your beautiful pictures of many beautiful herons and birds.
    Great weekend.
    Greetings, Helma

  41. Fantastic photos . Love your header to ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  42. Just love all the shots - the birds are so magnificent. Does the nest look a little small for the Egrets - hope the chicks don't fall out.

  43. Hi Eileen,

    You always manage to capture these 'more serious' birds, as I call them; they look rather scary to me, sometimes; something in their shocking stare!

    Happy weekend!


  44. Hi Eileen, I especially like the 1st and 4th photos. Lovely critters!

  45. Absolutely magnificent nature shots!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  46. great photos of lovely birds as always. Love them.

    Thanks for hosting :)

  47. I think that catbird is telling you the water's fine, come on in, Eileen.

  48. Great variety of herons, Eileen! Kind of a small nest that heron is on:)

  49. Okay Eileen, this Egret baby is too funny, sweet and cute!!!
    Happy Saturday!

  50. What a great bunch of pics! I love them all but that Black Crowned Night Heron on its nest is really spectacular.

  51. The 3rd and 4th from the top are my FAVORITES!!! Wow...Eileen!!!

  52. Awesome photos of the egrets and the herons! They're gorgeous birds.

  53. Third photo is my favorite of these but all are beautiful.
    Also love the eyes on the black crowned night heron in number 4.

  54. Hi Eileen. I made it this week :) I love your Egret chick, with a little of that cute fluffy stuff still hanging on :) All of your Egret shots were stunning. Yes, I was able to find the BC Night Heron in the group shot, but wow - the one against the blue sky was spectacular. Love when there's a glow in the eyes as you also caught in the Catbird. Wonderful post. Thank you so much and have a great Saturday!

  55. Hi! Nice collection of beautiful bird photos. I like your great egret photos very much. Thanks for sharing.

  56. That egret has quite a strut! Puts a turkey to shame.Love those eyes on the night-heron too. Thanks for sharing the beautiful images.

  57. Oh, that Great Egret is so graceful! I love the way your photos make water look so shimmery. And the fuzzy topped character is just adorable! I want to reach into the screen and grab her and cuddle!

  58. Wonderful Egret shots. I really like the look of the BC Night Heron.

  59. Beautiful shots! If I get up to York, I'll have to visit this place.

  60. Those white egrets are so beautiful, graceful and amazing, Eileen!

  61. Fabulous egrets and herons...such wonderful shots! And I really love that catbird as well.

  62. Really marvelous photos Eileen . . .
    I liked the "fluffy, fussy topped" final . . .

  63. Gorgeous post and fantastic shots, Eileen !!
    Love these beautiful birds !
    Happy Wweekend !

  64. Great photos! I think Egrets and Herons are stunning looking birds. The juvenile BCs look similar to Green Herons. (No wonder it's so hard to identify bird types sometimes.) And I had a Gray Catbird in my yard awhile ago, but wasn't sure what it was. Now I do! :-)

  65. Eileen, your post is heavenly! Each one of your shots is truly amazing, love the fantastic close ups!

  66. thank you for adding your link this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  67. lovely photos. The egrets and herons look wonderful against the wonderful blue sky

  68. Excellent shots. thanks for sharing. I still find it amazing to see these long-legged birds nesting up in trees.

  69. ✿༽
    As garças são sempre lindas e charmosas, amei a primeira foto!!!
    Ótima semana!
    ✿✿Ù‡✿✿ Ü“

  70. Hei Eileen! Lovely birdpictures! Happy new week!

  71. Isn't he the most beautiful egret! Have a wonderful week!

  72. Eileen, these may be some of the best images you have ever shared!! The colors, the egrets, the light, just gorgeous. I enjoyed every single one!!

  73. Another wonderful series of photos! The Great Egrets really are amazing -- We see so few on our side of the Potomac.

  74. something about the catbird was very appealing to the eye this evening. wonder how he/she got the name? happy times. ( :

  75. Love these images Eileen. Hope you are having a great weekend. Carol

  76. Great photos, with precious details!
    I love them all... specially the third one.

  77. You see so many wonderful birds, Eileen! I love your shot of the Black Crowned Night Heron on the nest. You're definitely getting glared at!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...