Sunday, August 28, 2016

Birds, Butterflies and blooms


It is almost the end of August, where did summer go? I hope you are not tired of seeing Butterflies. I have been enjoying all the butterflies in my yard this summer. The buddleia bushes are filled with various species like the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, the Great Spangled Fritillary, Red Admiral, Cabbage Whites and the beautiful Monarch.

A few Black-eyed Susan's have survived the bunnies and deer that roam our yard and neighborhood.

A cute Skipper was also seen on the buddleia bush.

These are some barn scenes we pass by on our way to our favorite local ice cream place. We did enjoy some ice cream this summer, surprisingly we did not get to our favorite snowball stand.

A female Cardinal, looks like a juvie.

As I mentioned on a previous post I have been reading a lot more this summer, another book I enjoyed was called The Life List by Lori Nelson Spielman. The title caught my eye being a birder "a life list" is a list of all the birds you see in your lifetime. The list in this book is more like a bucket list. Do you have a bucket list of things you would like to accomplish or places you want to see before you die? I can not count how many places are on my bucket list, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and some of South America are on the top of the list.

I hope you enjoyed my birds, butterflies and blooms. As always, I thank you for visiting and as always thank you for the nice comments.  Have a great day and new week ahead!

Here is my list of memes for the week, I hope you can check one or some of these fun memes and the participants post.

Thanks to Tom for hosting the The Barn Collective
Thanks to Jesh for hosting Seasons
Thanks to Maggie of Normandy Life  the new host of Mosaic Monday
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


TexWisGirl said...

no, not tired of butterflies. or blooms. or barns. or birds. :)

Marit said...


Beautiful birds and butterflies, and I never get tired of them!

I wish you a nice new week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute lttle bucket list for me, I am a homebody, now if you want a list of things I want I can come up with one

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

My butterfly season was really slow (and disturbing!) for June and July. Finally August picked up, what a relief!

I never get tired of seeing them. I'll be in West Virginia next week, that will be a good chance for me to try and get shots of the Great Spangled Fritillary, as you have there.

And maybe Nymphalis antiopa and Limenitis arthemis astyanax, too!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Lovin' those flutterbyes!!! A pal challenged me to 'bucket' list a three years back. Seems a slightly daft thing to me really, as have done so much already. Anything else now is just cherries...though another trip State-ward in pursuit of the bluebird might be worth considering! &*> YAM xx

The Yum List said...

The yellow flowers contrasting the lush green are gorgeous.

Linda said...

Hi Eileen, I never tire of anything related to nature, or your photos! Captivating series, thank you!!! I hope your new week will be fantastic!

Merlesworld said...

You are very kindly sending us the spring then summer and we are looking forward to it.
Hope your winter is mild ours was in parts but very cold in others.
I've seen rabbits lizards and kangeroos at my sisters place but never deer.

Lowcarb team member said...

I just love looking at the butterflies, the blooms and wonderful barns.

The cardinal too - it's so colourful, great photo.

I hope you've had a lovely weekend, the days seem to be getting slightly shorter - the Autumn (Fall) is on its way I think.

All the best Jan

Cloudia said...

it all went into your amazing blog and we all devoured every image of yours Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting book. I've always wanted to see Ireland in springtime.

Your butterflies and Cardinal are very pretty. Love the peaceful barn scenes too. Wishing you a very nice week.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I always enjoy your photos - you have such an eye for the perfect composition. I have a strange life list - I want to give away as much money as possible to as many people as possible -just to see them smile.

genie said...

These barns are nice. I like that they are all such nice reds. And your butterflies....they are heavenly. There is something magical about butterflies. We have a few, but not much of a variety. The female Cardinal is lovely. Her coloring is so nice. genie

Lea said...

Beautiful butterflies!
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Those are great photos, I love butterflies and birds!

CountryCityCindy said...

I have a bucket list. One of the items on it, is to try and grow a bonsai tree. So I'm taking a class in Oct to do this! Excited about it!
I like your photo collages - not sure how you do that on your blog.

Today my husband told me about a monarch butterfly with crumpled wings in our yard so I picked it up and brought it inside. Fed it some sugar water which it drank from happily. Now I've picked some flowers for her and we'll see if I can keep her alive for awhile. It's a losing battle (a monarch with a broken wing). I can try and mend her wing. Maybe tomorrow after she gets her strength back.
Take care Eileen -

Tom said...

Eileen, a great collection of natures shots and red barns surrounded by green...great sights. I'm glad that you trip for ice cream took you pass these lovely barns. Have a banana spilt next time!

ekullumanali said...

Beautiful little creatures and flowers. Good Day.

Weekend-Windup said...

Beautiful birds and flowers:)

Christine said...

With such an amazing variety of butterflies visiting your garden Eileen, you are very lucky! Great barns finds too!
You would be most welcome to visit Ireland and hope you do make it soon!

Ohmydearests said...

gorgeous! I love the 2nd and 3rd images! have a beautiful week!

Sue said...

I have a bucket list and I actually FINISHED mine last year.....then added a few more things, just so I wouldn't be tempting fate--haha.
That cardinal looks a bit bedraggled--kind of like a bad hair day!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Yay! Come to Australia - we'd love to show you around, in exchange for a decent Blue Wren photo!!!
Wren x

Kasztanowy Domek said...

Wonderful birds!!! Great photos! Kiss:))


Vee said... must get to your favorite summertime haunts before they close up shop for the season. I really like the mosaic of circles...have not seen one like it before. You really have been blessed by many butterfly visitors. What a great capture of the teenage cardinal. She makes a good study the details are so clear. Thanks for popping by my place!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i almost did not recognize that cardinal. i thought it might be a type of parrot. wow, so weathered. have a great week, Eileen. hope your reading is going well and you are take it easy. big big hugs. ( :

Snap said...

Beautiful birds, butterflies (keep them coming) and blooms! Beautiful scenery in your neck of the woods. I don't have a bucket list. Guess I just enjoy waking up in the morning and seeing what adventures the day will bring! Thanks for the book recommendation and Happy Monday!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love traipsing along with you. :O)

Maggie said...

Hi Eileen, I've seen hardly any butterflies this year although we've had plenty of bees in the lavender and honeysuckle, your mosaics more than make up for the deficit though.
I started a bucket list a few years ago when the movie first came out but it's dwindled down to just a few things now.
Thanks for linking to MM and sharing your pretty butterflies with us this week.

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

Lovely scenery and birds and butterflies ....I've yet to see a swallowtail or monarch here...tons of flowers and hardly any butterflies around. In the neighborhood one house that I walk by every day has two huge butterfly bushes and I don't see any there either!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your butterfly photos are fantastic. I would love to learn to id many of these too. The summer has flown by but we'll hold on awhile longer here in FL! Hugs!

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Love your butterflies, birds and blooms! I can never get enough of these. Have a great week!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) I could never tire of looking at butterflies, no matter how many you posted. I would love to fly like them, but as that is not possible, I would love to fly to Australia, and South Africa,... maybe one day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your first photo showing all of the different butterflies... We have butterflies here too ---and in fact, I saw a pretty little yellow one munching on a canna lily bloom.

I don't keep a life list of birds --although I love them, BUT I do keep a list of places I want to travel... THAT is s LONG list... ha ha

Have a great week.


Debbie said...

i love that you are's a great way to pass the time when it's hot outside. when it's cool, you can read outdoors!!!

i am enjoying your butterflies, i am not doing well at photographing mine!!!

Mary Hone said...

I love the butterflies. Great photos.

riitta k said...

Your nature photographs are always so great & pretty Eileen ! Wishing you a lovely week.

This N That said...

I'll have to get one of those bushes..The Butterfly bush isn't doing it'd job..Never get tired of butterflies..Great shots

Noushka said...

How can we not enjoy your butterflies pictures, Eileen?!!
They are lovely... pictures and butterflies!!
Well... just like you, New Zealand is high on my list and I am dying to return to Africa! We should make plans ;-)
Keep well and enjoy the new week!

Debby Ray said...

Ahhh...gorgeous photos and mosaics! I ooh and aah every time I see these lovely butterfly shots on your facebook page!. I have yet to see a monarch this summer! We have a bunch of these straggley looking cardinals too! They sure can be quite a sight before they grow into their full beauty! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

The butterflies are my favorite in all you showed - they just have an irresistible beauty that makes me want to paint! Many thanks for sharing the different facets of your post with SEASONS, Eleen! Have a happy week:)

Penelope Notes said...

The little bird with an impressive beak has colors to revile any butterfly in the neighborhood.

RedPat said...

What a beautiful assortment of pics, Eileen!

HappyK said...

Lovely butterfly pictures and I like how you arranged the picture of them.
Like you I'd like to go to Australia. I have been to Ireland and it is a beautiful country.

Fun60 said...

How could I ever tire of butterflies especially the beautiful Monarch.

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I love the Skipper !

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these beautiful compositions through your eyes

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I have to admit Eileen, I've been rather jealous of all the butterflies you're sharing on FB - I'm happy with the two monarchs that showed up though.
Had an interesting conversation with my 96 year old friend today who showed me a book she won for writing an essay on the birds of the Bible back in 1932. Sure wish she had a copy to read, would be enlightening.

Lois said...

Beautiful photos Eileen! I've been making quite a bit of progress seeing all the places on my bucket list lately. Still lots more to go though!

Photo Cache said...

Yes, I do know how far along we are in 2016. This year just whizzed by isn't it?

Worth a Thousand Words

Linda W. said...

I never tire of butterfly photos - post away! :)

Pondside said...

You have seen a lot of butterflies this year! About 16 years ago our area was sprayed for Gypsy Moth. It took a long time for the butterflies to come back and they have returned slowly and sparsely. I have a buddlia but it hasn't done well this year due to the drought. I have high hopes for next year!

mick said...

The butterflies on the blooms are especially beautiful. I hope you achieve your "bucket list" - or most of it!!

ann said...

Hi Eileen. I always enjoy your country scenery. Rolling farms make beautiful scenery and the butterflies are wonderful. We don't see that many here anymore. I don't know where they have gone. Too many pesticides? I enjoyed Romeo and Juliet, too. I love the Franco Zeferellie film made int he '60s. It was the first time the young characters were played by teenagers instead of adults or the all male casts of the Elizabethan days.Have a great week, too.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That little Cardinal is just beautiful! And your collages are more beautiful every week...just beautifully arranged and the butterflies are great, I could never get tired of them. I have such a bucket list! So many places, sigh, so little time )))

betty-NZ said...

What lovely nature shots and NO I am never tired of butterflies! I finally got some butterfly bush cuttings growing in the garden, so I am anxious to see the monarchs this summer!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Eileen No I willnever ire of your photographs and the butterfies are so beautiful

Amy said...

Loving these photos you got some awesome closeups :-)

Lynne said...

A visit with you always brings beauty and peace.
Isn't nature grand . . .

Liplatus said...

Great pictures of butterflies!
Arable Landscapes yet beautiful greens.
Have a nice week!

diane b said...

Great shots as usual. Love the butterfly

Shantana said...

WOW!! I loved all your butterfly still struggling with ID's of them from my recent trip :)A joy to watch them. Have a great day!


Jan's Art and Musings said...

I admire your ability to photograph the butterflies. I never seems to be able to capture them. Perhaps it's my lack of patience :-(.

George said...

I have many places to visit on my bucket list. I guess I need to live a good long time. I could never get tired of seeing your beautiful butterfly (and bird) photos.

Anonymous said...

I never tire of butterflies! This has been an amazing summer for photographing butterflies in my part of the world. Love the country scenes.

carol l mckenna said...

The cardinal close up shot is awesome and divine shots of the glorious butterflies! Great job as always ~ ^_^

Wishing you a Happy Week ^_^

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos of the butterflies, flowers, landscape and your yard.
Best, Synnöve

Neil said...

Great post good luck with the bucket list

Barb said...

I have friends who keep bucket lists, but I never have. However, there are always places I'd love to visit and things I'd like to do! I have never seen so many different types of butterflies. I feel fortunate if I see one on a hike. And then, they never sit still for me to take their photo!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

To be part of nature and witness her abundant glory and miraculous flora and fauna brings such joy.
Your eye for finding these most wonderous things, always is a delight!
Happy Tuesday,

Rambling Woods said...

Hello Eileen...I can't believe this summer is coming to and end...I love all of your nature..I did not see one monarch butterfly...Michelle

Prunella Pepperpot said...

So many beautiful butterflies you have captured Eileen. They're such a joy to watch. Loving the little Skipper, he is so cute and the little bird!
I would love to see the aurora borealis, that one has been on my bucket list for years!
Have a wonderful Wednesday :)

Sussi said...

wonderful observations and photos!

Alexa T said...

So magnific to see such beautiful butterflies! In both posts, these gorgeous critters are so well captured. In my area I can't see them, because they are not specific to our zone. In this summer I saw only two white butterflies, but with colors not at all... Always a pleasure to see your aspects from nature. And I think (even I already told before), that this is a delight for soul and eyes. <Many thanks for sharing all of these with us! Best regards to you, Eileen and a very good week as well!

DeniseinVA said...

I would never get tired of your photos of any kind Eileen :) Keep them coming :)))

Hootin Anni said...

You'd think the 'life list' WOULD be about birding/birds. And to answer your question, no I have no bucket list. I just take one day at a time and live it come what may.

LOVE your butterfly images. The skipper is beautifully captured.

Jenn Jilks said...

Love the photos, as always.
Nope. No bucket list. I do what I want to do!

Lorrie said...

Your photos and collages are beautiful, Eileen. No, I never tire of seeing butterflies and birds. The cardinal is an interesting capture - her feathers so mottled.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, love the image of the young cardinal :) And the green fields :)

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Excellent series of photos. Congratulations and see you soon

Helma said...

Great to see this beautiful butterfly and you have brought it too cute in this setting :-) Also the other pictures of nature, the flowers, the green and the bird have become quite nice. Nature gives us so many beautiful things to enjoy.
Greetings, Helma

Ana Freire said...

Lovely images, Eileen!
An amazing sequence...
I love butterfliees... but they are so difficult to catch in a photo... for me, at least...
Great work, Eileen!
All the best!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The female Northern Cardinal really does looks like a juvenile - that's what I would have guessed.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...