Thursday, August 18, 2016

Lake Apopka, Florida


I still have more Florida photos, these are some shots from the Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. If you like the birds, this wildlife preserve was wonderful. Beside the Osprey I posted about in a previous post we saw a lot of Moorhens, Barn Swallows, Snowy Egrets, Little Blue Herons, Cattle Egrets, Little Blue Heron and the Green Heron.

The Cattle Egrets were one of the first birds we saw while entering the wildlife drive.

 For Tex's Good Fences I found more Cattle Egrets on both side of the fence.

A Green Heron with an odd look.

A pretty sky scene from the wildlife drive.

A gator on the other side of the fence.

A Little Blue Heron with a crazed look.

I love the cute Barn Swallows, these were seen perched on the wires for my skywatch.

A Barn Swallow sky.

I hope you enjoyed your visit and my photos and post. I appreciate your nice comments. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

Here is a list of linky parties for part of the week, I hope to see you there. I have a few fence and my deck railing for Tex's Party and some pretty sky shots.

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences.
Thank you to Sylvia, Yogi and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.


Prunella Pepperpot said...

The Cattle Egrets are very cute as are the swallows on the wire.
I love cloud gazing, your sky is wonderful!
I expect you were very happy to see the alligator was on the other side of the fence!!
Have a lovely Thursday Eileen :)

Ohmydearests said...

Love all the funny heron expressions! And that blue sky! Have a beautiful day!

Sue said...

I like those barn swallows as well. Looks like they're getting together for a "coffee klatch"-LOL!
Have a great weekend, Eileen

Christine said...

HELLO EILEEN! I'm so glad the gator was on the other side of the fence! That was a close encounter and you captured so many beautiful shots of the egrets but I love the barn swallows on the wire!
Enjoy today!

Tom said...

I like the BIG shky!

chica said...

Muito lindas todas e adorei os passarinhos! beijos, lindo dia! chica

Bruce Clark said...

Glad the gator is on the other side of the fence 😜

Hootin Anni said...

Love 'em all today Eileen!!! From the gorgeous sky shots to the swallows on the wire [and the 'colorful' green heron!!]

Have a happy day.

TexWisGirl said...

love 'em all. cute cattle egrets on patrol. loved the gator shot. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

These are all great shots, Eileen! I really like the reflection shot, and the green heron. Have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
As always, a breath of fresh air from your side of the Pond! YAM xx

The Yum List said...

I love the analogy of life to a camera.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I've been intending to go to Lake Apopka. It's a bit of a drive, but when it cools off some, I'm off for a bike ride. :)

Tanya Breese said...

excellent the barn swallow sky!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like that since shot with the gator. That is one sweet little green heron love the look on his face. You sure found a lot of different types of birds but then that is your thing. I wonder if when I go to The Preserves at I just don't see him because I go and don't see all of this. Beautiful photos

Aritha V. said...

The swallows. I love them, Eileen. You give me my smile back today. Thank you so much. In my language the swallow is a zwaluw :-)

Mary Hone said...

Those egrets, how cute are they! The gator, not so much.

Breathtaking said...

Wonderful wildlife capture Eileen. I love the Green and Blue Heron's expressions, and they are great shots. Good shots of the pretty swallows, and all the Egrets too, and that's a good slogan to think on in picture number 6, with the lovely egret reflections.:)

Ruth Kelly said...

Nice series.

Linda W. said...

I like your photos of the blue and green heron. Great quote too!

ellen b said...

Great captures of the birds Eileen and I really like that quote!

Lowcarb team member said...

I can't think why but the gator photo is my favourite!
But they are all great to look at and you saw a good variety on your visit.

I think the quote on your image (after the gator one) is very good - I hadn't come across this quote before.

All the best Jan

Janneke said...

All the heron and egrets are gorgeous, but my favorite is the green one, what a funny look. So exciting to see that alligator in the wild but glad he was not too close.
Wish you a great day!

Marit said...


Lovely photos and birds!

Enjoy your day :)

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely birds, lovely scenery and fences! Do like that quote also. Thanks Eileen and have a great day :)

Bob Bushell said...

Oh my, I do love the Cattle Egrets, and the Swallows on a wire, perfection Eileen.

Inger said...

I love birds and I love your bird photos. You always capture them in interesting poses and with such clarity I feel like I'm right there.

Charlene N. K. said...

Aww....they're all beautiful! I love the heron and the swallows.

Debbie said...

florida, the critter capital of the world!!! awesome captures!!!

i have seen that quote in the past and love it!!

Linda said...

Hello Eileen, they are all absolutely gorgeous and delightful! :)

Ida said...

Nice post. - The Egrets are pretty and don't seem to care which side of the fence they are on.

I like the Herons but they did have some funny expressions.
The Swallows are cute
Glad that Gator was on the "other" side of the fence.

Nancy J said...

I thought your sky was my pick of today, then I saw the line of Barn Swallows, with a really blue sky as well, Every one super. Gators, do they ever venture nearer the road? I would be the scary one and stay in my car!!!

Suza said...

lovely photos. s wonderful

Buttons Thoughts said...

Love love, love your bird photos. I have only saw two cattle Egrets in my whole life and I am not a spring chicken:) We have the cattle but to cold up here in Canada for the Egrets I suspect:) Hug B

Tony McGurk said...

I like Cattle Egrets & we often see them around here in farming areas. I went for a nice country ride after work yesterday & saw lots of wonderful country sights. Then I realised I'd left my camera at home...

Tony McGurk said...

That Blue Heron does look somewhat crazy. Must've forgot his medication

RedPat said...

I always enjoy your bird pics so much, Eileen!

Maude Lynn said...

I love that last shot!


Thats the best place for that gator.....the other side

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Stunning - absolutely stunning - the reflection is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Love how you broke up theses peaceful sots wit a touch of reality (gater).

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty shots. I like that gator!!

Cloudia said...

Best green heron EVER!

This N That said...

Great pictures..Gators are best on the other side of the fence..Nice herons..I love Barn Swallows...

Zizi Santos said...

Um crocodilo! da medo!
adorei as imagens com os passarinhos!
feliz participação!


Jocee said...

Gorgeous, I particularly love those Swallows. They are starting to arrive here for the summer. :-)

Pauline said...

Love seeing the swallows again. I miss them while they are 'away'. Also love your pretty sky scene.

GranthamLynn said...

You always have such great shots! Thanks for sharing. I have my post scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll link then! I'll see you on Saturday.

Lynne said...

You always have such wonderful photos Eileen . . .
I especially liked that Green Heron with that odd look!

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful post and pics.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous group of pictures, Eileen. The gator in the fence shot is perfect for TexWis' linkup.

Pat Tillett said...

Really nice photos Eileen! That heron really does have a crazed look...

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hello Eileen - that Little Blue Heron today could be me today lol! I did love your quote, very true and your pretty blue sky!
Have a great weekend!
Wren x

Lady Fi said...

What amazing shots! Have a great weekend.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love that green heron and that pretty sky scene :)

Anonymous said...

The camera quote is one of my favorites. Nice sightings, lots of feathered friends. I'd say you are on the right side of the fence from the alligator.

Small Kucing said...

Lovve the sky snap. Like birds having a race.

Nancy Chan said...

Love the pretty blue sky scene from your drive. Pretty line of swallows on the wire. Have a wonderful day!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos of the different heron, the swallows and the landscape. Great !
Have a great weekend, Eileen.
Best, Synnöve

Laura. M said...

We always enjoy with your photos, Eileen.
I like those swallows against the blue sky.
I'm back 🙋
Good week, friend.

Bill said...

I lived in Florida over 25 years before moving to Virginia. As much as I love it here, I do miss seeing the Florida wildlife. Thanks for sharing.

ann said...

Lots of exotic critters this morning on your post. Your green heron seems to actually have some green to his color, unlike the one that terrorized our poor goldfish. Great photos.

ekullumanali said...

Even much more to come from Florida. Nice and beautiful pictures. Good day.

Phil Slade said...

Brilliant to see more of your Florida memories Eileen. I do love seeing Cattle Egrets as they are such an engaging species, especially if they are ina breeding colony. Good to see your pictures of them Eileen. A lovely line-up of Swallows too - guess they are congregating ready for the off.

Have a brill weekend Eileen.

John's Island said...

Hello Eileen, and good morning to you. You have some excellent shots in this post. The Barn Swallows, the Blue Heron, and the Green Heron are my favorites. (Can I have THREE favorites, please?) :-) I also love the sky with the interesting clouds. Lastly, the quotation about "Life is like a Camera" is excellent! Thanks for sharing all. Wishing you a fine weekend ahead! Always appreciate your kind comments on my blog.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I always say...if you love birds, you'll love Florida! I saw so many yesterday just on my drive over to the Farmer's mkt. And I love your quote. I'll write it in my journal today! Sweet hugs, Diane

Alexa said...

Lovely photos and big sky country :)
Saw an egret the other day driving cross country to our grand children's school. The bird was standing stock still right next to a horse as if to say if I freeze no one will notice me...of course I could not pull up to take a photo.
I do so love driving through the country areas.
Alexa-asimplelife visiting from Sydney, Australia

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Love all your birdies, Eileen.

I never get the swallows, they're always flying (and too fast for me).

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great bird pictures on the wildlife drive... BUT--what caught my attention today is the quote... LOVE it... I pay so much more attention these days to the 'small' things now that I'm into photography.... AND--being out in nature certainly helps keep me 'positive' toward life...


amo sin blogg said...

Beautiful pictures of birds and nature.

I wish you nice weekend.

genie said...

My school used to play football games at Apopka and Kissimmee. No one can pronounce those two correctly. I love the Kiss-a-me. Your Florida trip makes me so homesick. I have BEGGED Bud to let us move there in our Golden Years (LOL), but he refused to leave his mountains and Rockbridge County. That Blue Heron really does have a bizarre look...and those Barn Swallows on the wire are my favorites. I wish I had a better lens so I could really see them well up there and their antics. Loved the post, but I always do. Happy Day. genie

HappyK said...

Wonder what the heron was looking at. Great capture.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Wow!!! marvelous.. Love this place.. Cheers.. and happy photo day..

Helma said...

Hi Eileen,
wonderful to see these different herons.
Green heron unfortunately does not live in the Netherlands, but it is very beautiful!

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I like the barn swallows !

Firasz said...

Pretty photos!
Cheers, Firasz

Caroline Gill said...

Stunning pics, as ever, Eileen ... and as for the alligator, well, what a sighting! I would love to see a Cattle Egret - I've seen Little and Great so perhaps Cattle will be next ... Have a good wildlife w/e! Due to be stormy here.

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful photos
looks like a great place to explore

Anonymous said...

Great pix Eileen! The Barn Swallows have my eye...I love to watch them!...:)JP

Beatriz said...

Hi Eileen
How wonderful to be so close to nature and take so beautiful pictures as well!!!
Nice weekend and take care!

Bia <º(((<

Powell River Books said...

Love your picture with the saying. So true. - Margy

diane b said...

Love the Green Heron, I haven'y heard of them before.

NatureFootstep said...

lovely wildlife shots you share today :)

Debby Ray said...

Eileen, you have really captured some beautiful shots! Photo #4 is absolutely stunning...such gorgeous skies! Have a great week :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...