Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saturday's Critters #166

Saturday's Critters #166

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

To all the animal lovers, we need the EPA Keep the EPA GREAT and Audubon take action

It was thanks to the EPA that our Eagles have made such a great come back. Banning the pesticides (DDT) is important, going back to no regulations is bad for the environment, the wildlife, our drinking water and clean air. Call your representative and support the EPA. The Endangered Species act is at risk too, so much is at stake. People need to speak up for the wildlife, the critters have no voice.

During our trip to the Sanibel Island and the Gulf Coast  we made time for a visit to the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. On the way into the Preserve, we saw a herd of deer, wild turkeys and some Sandhill Cranes. 

Outside the visitor center, we were being watched by this raccoon.

While walking the boardwalk we saw this Pileated Woodpecker.

The first time I heard an alligator hissing was while watching this baby gator under the boardwalk. It appears momma was just on the other side of the boardwalk. I think she was warning us to keep our distance.

The Limpkins were around the boardwalk and marshland.

You can not go to a Florida park or preserve and not see an alligator.

This Limpkin preferred walking on the boardwalk railing.

This Little Blue Heron was also perched on the boardwalk railing.

I hope you enjoyed our visit to Corkscrew Sanctuary and my photos.

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Terrific photos. Those turkeys look huge. Sanibel Island is quite a hot spot for sea shells from what I've heard.

  2. And the Racoon is my pick today, just winning over the heron.Those eyes look like he is having such fun.

  3. That was a great visual tour Eileen, thanks for sharing the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary today.

  4. Eileen, you have a bit of everything here!

  5. What a great show you gave us Eileen!
    Happy weekend my dear
    hug from Bavaria Crissi

  6. Just wonderful ! I love the sweet raccoon face. The woodpecker and heron are so beautiful too! Have a beautiful day!

  7. you have such a wonderful wildlife where you are. It is sad people and "you know who" don´t see it. :(
    Thanks for hosting.

  8. Wow what a great array of different 'critters'. Great job. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hari OM
    Oh such gorgeous images... even baby alligators are cutesome!!! YAM xxx

  10. The raccoon reminds me on the neighborhood watch:) Have a great weekend!

  11. Hello,

    Beautiful photos of all the animals! The Raccoon is so sweet!

    Happy Weekend!

  12. Hi Eileen-I don't blame the Limpkin for walking on the railings-he looks like a good
    alligator snack!
    Have a good weekend

  13. Lindos e até inusitados animais por lá! Gostei de ver! Belas fotos! Ótimo fim de semana! bjs, chica

  14. Excellent images! I must get back to Corkscrew Swamp soon. It is so rich in wildlife and I also need my Painted Bunting fix!

  15. Wonderful pics, Eileen. :)

    I seriously need to visit this Sanctuary!

  16. Hi Eileen, I've always wanted to see a raccoon. And I always love seeing your limpkins. Critters I'd not see in Africa! Thanks for sharing and for hosting this meme. Have a great Saturday. Jo

  17. Florida seems to preserve its natural habitations so well! Beautiful capture on the wildlife and watching alligators at close sounds thrill. Good to have such walk boards around the swamp to check wildlife without disturbing them.

    Happy Weekend

  18. Hello Eileen, lovely shots as always. Love that woodpecker photo!
    I'm keeping Bastet away from your birds ;-)

  19. Beautiful Eileen!!! The raccoon watched very well :))
    Good weekend.

  20. So many "critters" to see . . . in your new surroundings.
    Not sure how comfortable I would be hearing an alligator "hiss."
    Happy Saturday Critter Day!

  21. I so fear for your country, Eileen.
    The EPA is such an important part of protecting the land, lakes and seas, as well as the critters who live on it.

  22. That looks like an awesome place to go! We don't see deer very often but it's amazing the variety we can see when we hike the trails in Florida! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  23. I had no idea we have wild turkeys in FL.. these are all wonderful photos, the raccoon is my favorite...

  24. what a nice variety you shared - you have more deer than i!!! your images are so good, close-up and crisp clear. they were all my favorite, maybe the little blue heron was my most favorite!! many thanks for hosting!!

  25. Hello Eileen! Your photos are so entertaining, especially that cute raccoon!
    Love the limp kin & blue heron shots & take care near those alligators!
    Thanks for hosting!

  26. Deer and turkeys! Two of my favorite wild critters!
    Have a great week-end!

  27. Wow! Your pictures from the sanctuary are amazing and that one of the raccoon is just perfect! Great captures! For this week I was able to get a photo of a hawk in my garden with the telephoto lens.

  28. It's always a treat to see the beautiful shots you get of birds, Eileen. Hope you have a good weekend.

  29. Glorious series of captures, Eileen! I also love the reflections and details.

  30. Beautiful array of nature, my favourite is the Limpet, fantastic.

  31. Stunning images Eileen but my favourite has to be that cute little raccoon! Have a truly fantastic weekend :)

  32. all lovely shots...but I love the shot of the raccoon hiding


  33. Hi Eileen, All neat photos and I especially love the one with the raccoon! Sweet! :-) Thank you for the words about the EPA ... You are so right! Thank you for the links! Another fine Saturday's Critters here and thank you Eileen! Hope you have a happy weekend and holiday on Monday! John

  34. A very timely message about supporting environmental causes Eileen. We really must make our voices heard above opponents who can't see further than their back pockets.

    Thank you for another Saturday join-up and best wishes for next week. Not to mention the rest of the weekend.

  35. I went to the Corkscrew Swamp years ago and still remember it as the [place I saw a bald eagle! Great pics, Eileen!

  36. Hello Eileen - what a great set of photographs.
    I love the Turkeys, they seem to have a lot of colour in their plumage

    Good words about the EPA too

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

  37. Really great pictures..the next one better than the last..Love the Raccoon! Lots of wildlife in that series..Thanks..

  38. Great pictures. My favorite was the raccoon playing peek-a-boo.

  39. Yes we need the EPA! I can't tell you how distressed I am about the latest turn of events.

    Great collection of critters! :)

  40. Hi Eileen! My apologies for missing your great posts! You truly take the most interesting photos, each one has its own story. I didn't know that gators hissed, a true warming for sure - I'd be up in that tree with that cute raccoon if I ever heard one! :-) !

  41. Once again you have some wonderful critter pictures.
    Especially like the raccoon.

  42. Great variety! Yes, protecting the environment is important. I've seen visible progress in my lifetime and I hate to see it reversed. I donate to environmental groups and sign petitions regularly.

  43. Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing.

  44. All the critters are beautiful but this time the raccoon stole the show. Have a beautiful day!

  45. what a great spot to go birding and your photographs are superb. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  46. Hi Eileen,
    Beautiful photos of all the animals!
    Perfect photographed, my compliments.
    I wish you a beautiful Sunday
    Best regards, Irma

  47. Great photos and fun to see the turkeys!

  48. Lots of beautiful wildlife photos. We have the Pileated Woodpeckers here and I enjoy watching them.

  49. so many different animals, love the photos!

  50. Good morning Eileen, what an incredible mix of critters, and wow, it's a turkey party. They do look to be enjoying their day. Have a good long weekend.

  51. Eileen, nice variety. Thanks for sharing.

  52. Wonderful nature photography as always ~ my favorite is the little raccoon ~ great shot! thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Day ~ ^_^

  53. Boa tarde, maravilhosa selecção de fotos com lindas aves e animais, a vida animal é atractiva.

  54. Great collections at the sanctuary! And your photos are great. Eileen, what is the purpose of the tuft of feathers hanging on the chest of the peacock? Oh and i love the photos of the crocodiles with the water looking like glass etchings.

  55. I've never seen a racoon in real life. Thanks for the pic and happy week ahead!

  56. I do like that racoon face!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  57. That raccoon is just too cute!!! And I love all the other shots. The Little Blue Heron was another favorite.

  58. The Limpkin, loved all of the birds and Raccoon too, but the Limpkin caught my eye. I had to talk with my Internist last week and he was in Florida same week that I was, only on the Gulf side. He went on a birding tour and everyone was busy photographing the Alligators, except him. They were there at that point to see the rarer Limpkin and the tour guide had to remind all of the others that there were plenty of Alligators, spot your camera on the bird ;) Glad you saw one and focused your camera on one as well~

  59. Dearest Eileen; Wow, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary has varieties of critters♡♡♡ I've never seen raccoon; lovely to be seen,isn't it♪ Boardwalk in the Sanctuary sounds like dreamland for me p:-) I wonder how alligator hissing sounds(♡^.^♡)
    The Little Blue Heron (which looks different from I see here) sure looks AWESOME fitting for the closing picture☆☆☆

    So sorry for my belated comment, wishing you are having wonderful new week.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  60. oh I loved your Saturday critters Eileen. Happy birding and have a fabulous week. The sun must be seeping back to you now.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 542

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...