Monday, June 26, 2017

Sandhill Crane


I am sharing the Sandhill Crane, a common bird seen in Florida. I have seen the Sandhill Cranes in a few places in Maryland also. I guess you never know where they might show up. These are Sandhill Cranes photos from our Florida neighborhood and at the Circle B Reserve.

The Sandhill Crane is a species of crane seen in North America. The adults are grey and have red foreheads and long dark pointed bills..

They live together in pairs or family groups. The Florida Sandhill Cranes are seen year round and do not migrate. 

My youtube video of the Sandhill Cranes walking in the neighborhood. You can turn the sound down and ignore hubby and I talking.. The bird sounds you hear are the Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher.

These cranes were one of my favorite Florida birds, they seemed almost tame to walk right by. I hope you enjoyed my photos and video.

Thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.

My list of memes for today, I hope to see you there. Thanks to both of the host below.

Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. The Sandhill Cranes are very elegant and how wonderful that they let you so close. I love how they just saunter along, no worries and such cute calls.
    Have a relaxing week Eileen :)

  2. Hello Eileen, I love your photos and the video, we saw them once up at Kissimmee, I couln't believe how tame they where, but it seems to be the same for most of the wuld life over there.
    Have a good wek, Gordon.

  3. Loved to read your post. Beautiful pics and video.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  4. Hello Eileen,:) Wow! What an amazing sight! They are not in the least shy, as I thought they would be. I would love to be walking down a road, and say Hello Neighbour, as they passed by.:=)

  5. Muito lindas fotos e adorei o video! bjs, linda semana! chica

  6. We had so many of these in our neighborhood in Orlando. Noisy guys!!! LOL

  7. Hello,

    Beautiful Sandhill Crane. I like them very much. Nice video of them!

    Happy Monday!

  8. Good Morning! Loved viewing the video and photos. Have a nice week.

  9. I liked your video. I have seen cranes at a distance but didn't know they could be so 'neighborly'! :)

  10. Love the Sandhill Cranes walking around the neighborhood. We don't see them here in Tennessee unless we go to a wildlife refuge during migration. Enjoyed your post!

  11. they are beautiful, I love their heads. we have a lot of them out east, but not in our neighborhood

  12. They are really cool birds. You'll REALLY fall in love with them when you watch a male dancing for his loved one during mating season.

  13. Hari OM
    What elegant birdies! They certainly do seem 'at home'... hope your week is looking good! YAM xx

  14. They are pretty calm around humankind... wasn't aware. Have seen them years back, while on vacay in Kissimmee and this spring... they were definitely off track for migration! Awesome birds! Awesome video! Hugs!

  15. We host hundreds of Sandhill Cranes here on the Texas Gulf Coast every winter. They are truly magnificent creatures!

  16. I love them! Such goofy, gangling birds.

  17. Hi Eileen,
    wonderful photos of this beautiful big birds. Great !
    Best, Synnöve

  18. oooh those legs and those feet, too funny!! they are pretty, i enjoyed the video!!!

  19. Wow very neat to be right there. Kinda like when I take pictures of the snow geese----I am right there almost touching them. Super shots.

    Guess what! I cannot access my own blog but I did reach you. Crazy computer

  20. They are lovely birds...seem very comfortable around people! :-)

  21. They are such large birds with such skinny, stick like legs! I know there are areas in Colorado were they migrate though each year and it is a big occasion for photographers to gather to take photos of them. In Kearney, Nebraska, they even have a festival for them when they arrive ;)

  22. I have seen thousands and thousands of Sandhill Cranes, but never walking down the sidewalk!

  23. Fun photos Eileen, a lovely bird. I have only ever seen them from a distance, it would be great to see them this close. Have a great week :)

  24. That was so neat to see them walking about so close to all. The ones that migrate through are all so skid dish ans if we visit a place where they congregate we have to be almost dead silent. This was so nice to see, thank you~

  25. Lovely to see them walk around ...
    I enjoyed your video.

    All the best Jan

  26. These are super shots of these elegant creatures, Eileen!

  27. Love those pictures Eileen. Seems to me the residents of that place like their Sandhill Cranes and slso like to look after them big style. Have a great week over there.

  28. Those cranes are certainly used to humans!

  29. Perfection Eileen, especially the video.

  30. Impresionante ver caminar a esas grullas

  31. Oh my have the cranes so up close and personal like that, it must be amazing. I'd be so thrilled!!!!!

  32. Beautiful series of these lovely and magnificent birds, Eileen! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a great week ahead!

  33. Cool walking with these guys. We have lots of Sandhill cranes but you would not get close to them at all.

  34. It seems they like taking a walk too.
    Reminds me of those two geese that I'd see walking down the road. : )

  35. And now we know the cause of Florida's traffic problems. (ha-ha. just kidding) Great pictures.

  36. I love hearing them as they fly over and love seeing them land...that is one of my favorite things to watch. But I sure would love seeing them this tame....enjoyed that video.

  37. Beautiful photos and video! Magnificent birds.

  38. Can't believe the Sandhill Cranes walking down the trail! Here they're rare and secretive.

  39. Cranes just out for a stroll. Looks like they own the neighborhood!

  40. Amazing shots! Those cranes are so very tame.

  41. The cranes look like they're out on a morning walk just like the people behind them on the path.

  42. They are beautiful! We see them in the fields around here and look for them every time we take a drive. This week, I'm seeing wild turkeys. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  43. The Sandhill Cranes are beautiful. They are so comfortable with humans around them and they are enjoying their surrounding. Have a great day!

  44. They are big! And I like the video, watching them in motion. An easy going stride.

  45. Wow, beautiful big birds.

    Wish you happy summerdays !

  46. Wow, these are wonderful. They don't seem afraid of people, do they ?

  47. Hi Eileen, it's always lovely to read about the local animal inhabitants where people live. Always something different and always most interesting!
    Cheers and really beaut to see your posts :D)

  48. There is a sandhill crane festival in Nebraska, a ways from here, in March. Each year we say that we are going, but we never do. It is a huge festival with thousands of cranes that migrate through and as many humans to migrate there to see them. They are also spotted later in the summer high in the Colorado Rockies in Steamboat Springs, so I am told, mid summer. It is is a major ski town, but I am sure that they don't go there to ski. Great photos. They look rather tame.

  49. Well...that's a lot of fun to see these lovelies walking along...

  50. Dearest Eileen; What a splendid scene it must have been; Seeing Gorgeous Sandhill Crane walking in front of you(*^.^*)~*☆
    I would cry with happiness p;-)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear Japanese friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  51. I find the Sandhill Crane
    so graceful and handsomely pretty . . .

  52. Wow! They are really close to people there. They are so regal looking Eileen.. Michelle

  53. I've seen them in Florida and was surprised how tame and unafraid they were. We were staying at a RCI vacation property and they were just walking up to our patio.. so fun.. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos

  54. Now these guys are a familiar sight, they are a constant source of amusement to me, so at home in the driveway or constantly stopping traffic on the road.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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