Saturday, July 8, 2017

Saturday's Critters # 186

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love critters like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I have done many posts about our walks on our local fire roads and to the lake. These are photos from June 22nd,  just a few of the birds I was able to get some shots.

I am pretty sure this is a Red-eyed Vireo sitting way on a tree top. It has the eye line and a heavy bill?

We have been seeing many of the Eastern Box Turtles, at one time they were listed as threatened. I believe many people pick them up and keep them as pets.

Below is a Worm-eating warbler with some kind of grub. They are also a local breeder in the woods near our house, I hear them often while walking on the fire roads.

The Scarlet Tanager is another breeder in our woods, they nest high in the tree tops. Some times I am lucky to see them come low while looking for bugs to eat.

The Cedar Waxwings are also seen eating the many berries that are popping out now.

Closer to home and still off the fire road, I can watch the Great Blue Herons on the nest. There are three herons below, can you find them all?

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments! I hope you enjoy my post and photos too!

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. A lovely collection of beautiful birds and turtle. Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. Hello,

    Beautiful birds! I love the small little Eastern Box Turtle. How cute it is!
    Happy Saturday, and Happy Weekend!

  3. I've read about so many of the birds you photograph, but I have NOT been so lucky as to see them.

    The scarlet tanager is so beautiful!

  4. Hello Eileen!:)The Ceder Waxwing, is still on my list of birds to see, they are so beautiful, and in a class of their own, as is the beautiful Scarlet Tanager, but I have not a chance of seeing it, not now, not ever. I know I keep saying it,...but you are so blessed to see as many beautiful birds as you do. Great captures!:)

  5. Three Herons Hiding... Tralalalala!!! Beautiful.

  6. I forgot to mention the Eastern Box Turtle,...what a beautiful little guy he is. His shell is lovely. Thank you for sharing, and hosting Eileen.:)

  7. Morning Eileen, lovely set of pics, I really like the Tortoise and can understand why people pick them up, but I do wish they wouldn't.
    Having trouble linking this morning.
    Take care, Gordon.

  8. Hari Om
    Oh yes I see the three - well disguise as part of the tree! The tanager lives up to its name, what a wee beaut!!! Happy weekend Eileen. YAM xx

  9. Uma mais linda que a outra! Lindo fim de semana! bjs praianos,chica

  10. Long missing your birds.
    They must be Alice by themselves.

  11. ...Eileen, what a great collection, the Scarlet Tanager and Eastern Box Turtle are my favorites.

  12. love the scarlet bird and the waxwings. both are birds I have never seen.

  13. I love your birding photos! They are delightful!

  14. the turtle in the nature looks so exotic!

  15. Love the birds, especially the Herons!
    Great photo of the Box Turtle. We have seen several here this year - makes me happy!
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  16. Hi Eileen, the Eastern Box Turtle is strikingly beautiful. Such a pity when people collect wild animals for pets; it never works out well (for the animals!) I love all your pretty birds, the herons on the nest are brilliant. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great weekend. Jo

  17. Those herons are really growing up! Love the Box Turtle and the birds, especially the tanager. Here in NE Illinois the Scarlet Tanagers are either unusually quiet and reclusive as they rear their young or maybe are already molting and thinking about migration. Right now we hare hearing and seeing mostly the Red-eyed and Warbling Vireos and Indigo Buntings. I pick up a Box Turtle only if it is in the roadway and transport it in the direction it was heading. Once I did that when one was at the edge of the road and it persisted on waling back out. I got the message and walked it across to the other side and it seemed very happy to continue on its way.

  18. Really you live in a birdy environment to keep inspiring and active… beautiful capture on your neighbourhood birds.

  19. Fantastic array of birds, er hum, Turtle. Beautiful shots Eileen.

  20. Good morning Eileen, it's wonderful to wake up and be able to view your nature moments and actually post on time! Saturday morning! Enjoy your weekend, every second of it.

  21. Great bird shots. I especially like the heron hide-and-seek photo. :)
    Have a lovely weekend!

  22. Beautiful photos, Eileen. The little scarlet tanager is amazing!
    Thanks for hosting.

  23. I love the bird shots. That scarlet tanager is amazing. I bet they are easy to spot.

  24. I have never seen a scarlet tananger. How glorious! Do you gasp when you see one? I think I would. The photos are magnificent.

  25. Scarlet tanager steals the show! I will have to see if they visit this area.
    Thank you for hosting.

  26. Good morning from Washington State! That heron nest and herons is a very cool capture, Eileen. I, too, have never seen a scarlet tananger. So bright and pretty. Happy Critter day to you!

  27. So nice post and pics.
    Happy Nice Weekend.

  28. Beautiful markings on that turtle.
    I mucked up my link up address. Such is life 😀

  29. Hi eileen. I'm sure you are correct. Looks like a Red-eyed to me too. The Scarlet Tanager is one fine bird but I really like that turtle. We don't have turtles you see.

    Such a shame that people take them home. You do wonder how long they survive out of their natural environment?

    Thanks for the link-up today.

  30. Eileen, nice capture of the Worm-eating Warbler. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Good Morning Eileen! Another fine Saturday's Critters here. Great shots of the birds. Really tough to pick a favorite ... they are all so good ... but the one of the Warbler with grub is such a cool shot, wow! And, of course, the Herons are great and I think I did find all 3! I loved your comment on my blog about Big Eagle! I thought about linking up with you and calling the Big Eagle the critter :-) but decided I better not. Hope you and yours have a happy weekend! Thank you for sharing and for your comment on my blog!

  32. Beautiful birds, Eileen, and the turtle is gorgeous!!! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  33. Like the turtle!!
    The Scarlet Tanager sure is bright! So pretty.

  34. The scarlet tanager is my favourite, Eileen.

  35. I haven't seen Cedar Waxwings in years. They are such classy looking birds!

  36. Yep, that is a red-eyed vireo! One of my favorites. Their song is so pretty.

    Fantastic birds today Eileen. Simply fantastic.

  37. a bird lover's dream come true!! LOVE the tanger and waxwings, 2 i never see!!!

    have a wonderful weekend, many thanks for hosting!!!

  38. Hello Eileen,
    My blog with the butterflies is not yet ready and so I'm late to link it.
    I see many beautiful animals again. In your blog many birds and the tortoise are even beautiful. All beautiful colors have this.
    Great, Helma

  39. I admire your bird and turtle observations. I found heres :). I'm on the blog for a moment and I want to greet you :)

  40. I'm glad you gave us a hint...sure is hard to find all 3 herons! Love seeing them high in a tree! Beautiful photos many colorful birds! Happy weekend! Hugs!

  41. Happy Saturday Eileen & thanks for hosting & sharing these beautiful bird snapshots in your area. The tanager is truly beautiful!

  42. Hi Eileen, I hope you are enjoying the weekend. How I love this variety of bird pics. I've seen a Scarlet Tanager once in my lifetime and it was gorgeous!

  43. That turtle is going places!

  44. That turtle is colorful. A lot brighter than those seen around these parts :)

  45. Thanks again. Have a great party. I am featuring your party on my post on Monday. Have a good weekend.

  46. Thank you for these marvelous captures. Hope your days are equally marvelous.

  47. Eileen - so amazed (and jealous) that you have seen a scarlet tanager. Thanks for sharing!

  48. Always wonderful nature and bird photography ~ favorite is the box turtle ~ ^_^

  49. Beautiful sightings and captures, Eileen!
    I love the turtle.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Have a Happy Weekend!!
    Peace :)

  50. You just reminded me I shot a couple pics of a box turtle the other day. I got out and helped it across the road...if not for Roger I might have ran over it.

    I don't know if it is nationwide or just Indiana, but it is illegal to take them home.

  51. Sweet pics Eileen and happy Sunday to you :)

  52. Dearest Eileen; What an exciting post with varieties of sweet birdies(♡^.^♡) So interested in Red-eyed Vireo♪ I almost got envious to see the photograph of amazing worm grabbing moment ;-) Scarlet Tanager has GORGEOUS bright color, doesn't it♡♡♡
    For my regular Gray Herons, I find them in the river or rice paddy. Wish to them in the nest p:-)

    So sorry for my late comment and thank you so much for hosting.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  53. I've returned to say: As always, thanks so much for joining us with your wonderful photos this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. It's always appreciated and a pleasure to witness first hand with your blog Eileen.

  54. Eileen, your Scarlet Tanager is a great eye popper, with its vibrant red color!!! A few years ago, my yard was visited by a multitude of Cedar Waxwings...I don't know where they came from. I have a large Mulberry tree, and they stopped for snacks, but they moved so fast I couldn't get pictures of them easily! They stayed for a while, then moved on. I believe I did find your third Heron. Have a great weekend!

  55. Great shot of the warbler..Pretty Boxturtle....I haven't seen one of those since I moved from the wetlands..Enjoy your week..

  56. I had to enlarge the heron pic, but I did finally find the other two...reminded me of puzzles in children's magazines -- find the hidden herons (LOL). your fire roads are a treasure and wonderful to have them nearby where you can walk often. loved all of the birds.

  57. love those "longnecked" nestlings :)

  58. What a great collection of birds. Many would be Lifers for me! If only... Thanks for sharing, as always! Hugs!

  59. The three Herons in that last shot were hard to find, but I think I did! Have a great week!

  60. Hi Eileen! Another great series of photos - And the Scarlet Tanager is still my favorite, so striking!

  61. Love seeing YOUR critters . . .
    I wonder what the herons do with their neck when they sleep . . .

  62. People also keep tortoises as pets in South Africa. Beautiful pictures. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  63. Hi Eileen,
    marvelous photos of the different birds and the turtle. So beautiful !
    Best, Synnöve


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...