Saturday, March 10, 2018

Saturday's Critters #221

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

These are some birds we saw at the Indian River Inlet, Delaware.  It is neat to see what kind of sea ducks can be found around the inlet.  During our shore getaways we make a point to stop at the inlet and look for birds. 

Below on the Indian River State Park beach are the larger Great Black-backed Gull and the smaller Ring-billed Gull. They were both pecking at a large fish on the beach.

Purple Sandpiper

Purple Sandpiper

I am not sure but I think this is the Horned Grebe, but I could be wrong. Let me know, if you agree?

We 5-6 Purple Sandpiper moving in and around the rocks on the jetty at the Indian River Inlet, Delaware. Enlarge the photos below and look closely at the rocks, you will see the Purple Sandpipers.

A Common Loon.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments this past year ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


rupam sarma said...

Beautiful pics.
Have a nice weekend.

Joyful said...

The birds are so cute. I especially like the sandpiper. I took some photos awhile back of the Sandpiper but they were long distance photos without a good lens. I can't wait to get a better lens. Have a great weekend Eileen.

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen-
The Purple Sandpiper is a new word in my Bird Book now.
Great snaps of them and other birds in this post.
Thank you for hosting.
Have a Happy Weekend!
Peace :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great shots of the Purple Sandpipers. I saw 5 here the other day, they are only with us in the winter and never seem to be very many of them so I am always delighted when I find them Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Terrific frames of the sandpiper... YAM xx

NatureFootstep said...

Hi, I think the grebe is the Black-necked grebe, non breeding plumage.
Love the grebe and sandpiper :) And the rest too :)

Have a great week!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
Beautiful pictures of the different birds, well done.
Best regards, Irma

rainfield61 said...

Never get bored by the feathered friends.
Most of them are smarter than us.
At least, they fly.

Merlesworld said...

I do love gulls at the beach but i don't think we get sandpipers here.

Charlene N. K. said...

That's such a beautiful sandpiper! Haven't seen one yet. Great shots!
Thanks again for this week's hosting and for always being here.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!
Great series of pictures and so beautiful birds!
Your walk at the beach was full of surprises!
Great captures of the Purple Sandpiper!
Like the first photo with the gulls eating the fish!
Great image!! Wishing you a lovely day and a happy weekend!

chica said...

Tão bom passar aqui e ver fotos sempre lindas! 😘😘🌹🌹chica

Giga said...

Joy to look at birds and even look them on the rocks. Have a nice weekend.

Nancy Chan said...

Whenever I visit here, I get to see beautiful birds which are not available in my area. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!

Ella said...

The photos are very beautiful!
Besides seagull I do not know the names of birds! Sorry!
This will be my first participation in Saturday's Critters! :)
Wishing you a nice weekend! Greetings!

Ella said...

The photos are very beautiful!
Besides seagull I do not know the names of birds! Sorry!
This will be my first participation in Saturday's Critters! :)
Wishing you a nice weekend! Greetings!

Christine said...

Hello Eileen! Great to see your photos of the purple sandpiper! Love how you can see the green algae on the rock!
A pretty spot to birdwatch!
Thanks for hosting and enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great Black-backed Gull is a fearsome looking creature! They are quite rare here but we do see them from time to time on Lake Ontario. I am leading an outing today along the north shore of the Lake, so perhaps we will get lucky.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it took me a long time to find the sandpipers in the last photo. once i found them, i could not unsee them... i love the pipers in the indivual shots. so pretty

Jenn Jilks said...

You have such a variety. It's so nice to see! We've had another dump of snow! It's pretty and white!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely photos, Eileen, especially of the sandpiper! Thanks for hosting, have a great week.

Phil Slade said...

Nice work with the Purple Sandpiper Eileen. I hardly ever see them nowadays as I do not live near rocky shores. I hope you are keeping well and snow free at the moment. Thaanks for the link to other birders and do have a great week ahead.

Tom said...

....birds and water go together well.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love the sandpipers. They're fun to watch on any beach, aren't they.

Enjoy your Saturday Eileen!

Betty J. Crow said...

Great finds. Love the purple sandpiper. They are smaller than I thought they would be, not being familiar with them. The Common Loon shot is my favorite!

My Desktop Daily said...

Lovely critters as always, Eileen!
Enjoy your week!

Jeevan said...

Beautiful capture on birds at the inlet and I liked the detail on the images of sandpiper!

Lynne said...

Liking these pictures today . . .
You never disappoint . . .
Happy “lunch” was found . . .

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots. I like that sandpiper!

Brian King said...

The sandpiper is beautiful! I've never seen that species. The gulls definitely have plenty!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Eileen ...thank you for hosting! (I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to link up...but was too sleepy to comment then )). Dont hunk I’ve ever seen a great black backed gull...he is a large one for sure. That area looks like a great place to bird! I saw the sandpipers on the beautiful rocky shoal....that picture reminded me more of the Pacific Coast than the Atlanticas we see it on this side of the country.

I hope the nasty weather hasn’t affected your area ...we’ve even caught the tail end ...lower temps so far this month than we had in February. But still sunny and warm compared to every place else.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely photography of nature's gems and a slight feeling of Spring ~ too

Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's hard to see those purple Sandpipers against those had good eyes to notice them. Great pics! Happy Saturday! Hugs, Diane

Sandi said...

There is something very hobbity about the purple sandpiper!

"A Common Loon"

This made me giggle. I feel a kinship! :)

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I love your purple sandpiper the best, Thanks for hosting this meme. Happy Saturday to you. Jo

Woody Meristem said...

Yup, horned grebe in winter plumage.

Debbie said...

WoW!! a "purple" sandpiper, i didn't know and i have never seen one. you captured it well!!

i don't know about the grebe, when i am unsure, i ask you!!!

great captures, i just started noticing the loons here this year!!

Jean | said...

Eileen, all your nature photos are beautiful, but I especially enjoyed the sandpipers. My bird knowledge isn't extensive enough to know a grebe on sight, but I see another commenter confirmed it for you. I'm doing well to tell an owl from a seagull!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful sea birds, I love the Horned Grebe, thanks Eileen.

HappyK said...

Wonderful photos. Favorite is the third one.
Have a happy day and week.

Linda W. said...

Great pics of the sandpipers!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I would never correct you. I've never been too interested in names. I just love to watch all of them. All Mother's children, and a gift to enjoy.

A Colorful World said...

Love that purple sandpiper! How beautiful! Another weekend is upon us! So glad I can join in to the are so great to keep this going for all of us!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Nice pictures.. Happy weekend.. :-)))

Bill said...

Hi Eileen,
lovely photos of the birds, they are beautiful creatures and fun to watch. I really enjoy seeing the sandpipers. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Late for the party this morning-- was out before sunrise in the cool of the morning (55 degrees F). Wow, those Purple Sandpipers sure blend in with the rocks! Nice Horned Grebe-- last one I saw was up in NE Wisconsin, same winter plumage. Would love to see one in living color!

Marit said...


Beautiful photos!

Your birdphotos are lovely.

Happy Weekend!

William Kendall said...

The sandpipers are my favourite.

photodoug said...

Eileen, great collection of birds. Thanks for sharing.

Hootin Anni said...

Texas had a rare purpke sandpiper recently...'biut 80 mikes from Corpus. Didn't have time to go in search of it, tho.

Been thinking about you a lot...witb the storms.

RedPat said...

Those Purple Sandpipers are so cute, Eileen!

Smareis said...

Foto lindíssima. Um fascinante. Gostei por demais.
Um ótimo fim de semana!
Um abraço!
Escrevinhados da Vida

Stephanie said...

Wonderful bird shots!

Our photos said...

Very nice ! I love the purple sandpiper !

Carol Blackburn said...

Well, that purple sandpiper is certainly a new one for me, and so plump and precious. Have a great weekend.

Sondra said...

Awesome! Love the Purple Sandpiper, it's been a really long time since I've seen one so it's really nice to see your photos!

italiafinlandia said...

The purple Sandpiper is new to me. Nice to see!
Enjoy your weekend, Eileen, and thanks for hosting!

Angie said...

Oh, the sandpiper wins hands down today! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Victoria said...

Great photos of wonderful sea birds!

21 Wits said...

Hello Eileen, it's still Saturday, well it's moving quickly with needing to put the clocks ahead, but I got my post in! I sure hope all is well with you and your weather and please mother nature be finished with this winter weather for all! Your critter photos show hope in these lovely photos, I almost am forgetting what non winter is like!

Linda said...

I love how the sandpipers stand out against the green!

Sussi said...

A big fish that they have. Great photos!

Hootin Anni said...

For all the beauty & photos shared, I thank you for adding your link this week at I R B B. Thanks Eileen!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to go visit shorebirds this Summer...these made me take a deep breath and smile, Eileen!...:)JP

Noushka said...

Hello Eileen,
Thanks for dropping a kind comment on my blog :)
It seems I have less an less time to blog myself since I've decided to travel more!
Very nice critters here, a great outing!
Can't help you with the grebe, but it shouldn't be difficult to ID.
Keep well, and enjoy the new week :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eileen. Stunning pictures. Hope you enjoy the day.

Jeanie said...

Beautiful territory, Eileen, and as always some wonderful shots. That water is looking mighty nice to me these days!

A Colorful World said...

Eileen! Thank you! I think the little bird was a bushtit! You have to be right. It was incredibly tiny (reminded me so much of a verdin, but I'd seen lots of those, and knew it wasn't one) and though I thought the male was a darker grey than the pictures I am seeing, it wasn't in the sun, and was kind've under the juncos as it was feeding on the suet, so was somewhat in shade. I appreciate it so much. Maybe no0w I can get a photo! :-)

This N That said...

I love the greens in some of your pictures..Lovely..Hoe you are having a good weekend..

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love these feathered beauties <3

Lowcarb team member said...

Some great pictures here Eileen, many thanks.

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

Love that purple sandpiper, Eileen!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Horned Grebe for sure.

Maggee said...

Yes, that is a Horned Grebe, and dang--I have tried to find a Purple Sandpiper to no avail... Maybe this year! Great pictures! Hugs!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...