Saturday, March 24, 2018

Saturday's Critters #223

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I am sharing some backyard birds, the only critter I've seen lately in my backyard has been a bunny. The bunny is camera shy and runs off quickly.  My backyard birds are the Eastern Bluebird, House Finch and the Downy Woodpecker. These photos were taken on March 2nd.

Eastern Bluebird

Male House Finch

Male Eastern Bluebird

Female Eastern Bluebird

Downy Woodpecker

Eastern Bluebird couple.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments this past year ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. Oh what sweet little birds - they are simply precious!!!! Happy weekend to you and your critters.

  2. Love the little Eastern Bluebirds----wish I could see them in real life

  3. Hello Eileen!
    Happy birds in your lovely yard nesting and eating from the feeders!
    Wonderful pictures of the Easter Bluebird,the cute House Finch and the Woodpecker!!
    Great captures too!! Wishing you a lovely day and a happy weekend!

  4. your birds wil be back soon with you Eileen Love that Eastern Bluebird. Thanks for hosting and have a maarvellous weekend

  5. Hello Eileen,

    Very beautiful and very colorful birds! I really like absolutely all!
    Wishing you a very beautiful weekend!

  6. Eastern Bluebirds, one in, one waiting, hope there is no fighting at the doorway!!!Love that photo most of all.

  7. That first Bluebird would brighten up anyone’s day!

  8. love the bluebirds and wthe woodpecker. The Downy Woodpecker seems so small. is it?

    Winterbirds are still around and no spring ones in sight :(

  9. Hello,

    You have so many beautiful birds in your backyard. The Eastern Bluebird is very pretty. I love the blue color.
    Happy Weekend!

  10. Hello. I admire the beautiful birds that visited your backyard. They are colorful and attractive. Have a nice rest at the weekend.

  11. Your backyard hosts some lovely birds guests. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Hari OM
    Gorgeous wee things! Happy weekend! YAM xx

  13. How I love those bluebirds! Great to see them in your own backyard!
    I've been trying to take a good photo of a wee bunny in our back garden, but it knows to stay low!
    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  14. Tão bom iniciar o dia vendo fotos assim lindas!Adorei,Muito bom! Ótimo fim de semana! bjs, chica

  15. Good Morning, Eileen. Thank you for hosting! I saw some Blue Birds earlier this week. Your photos of all the birds are so pretty, especially the Mr. and Mrs.! Have a nice weekend.

  16. Beautiful birds!
    I am especially fond of Bluebirds - great photos
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful series of photos on your blog.
    The Eastern Bluebird I find really beautiful, you can not see this in the Netherlands.
    Best regards, Irma

  18. So cute birds. Beautiful pics.
    Happy Weekend

  19. I love your photographs! Thank you for hosting this fun party! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  20. Oh my but the color of these birds is just exquisite!!! Just beautiful!! Wishing you well.

  21. Those bluebirds are beautiful, Eileen! Lovey shots, as always!

  22. Lovely photos, the Eastern Bluebird is so pretty.

  23. Hello Eileen and Happy Saturday.
    Your birds are so pretty, their colours simply wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing them here.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  24. It is such a joy to have birds in one's backyard, Eileen!

  25. ...the Bluebirds are my favorites!

  26. Wonderful Eileen. I would love to see bluebirds in my backyard! All your birds are beautiful.

  27. Absolutely gorgeous macro shots of our 'feathered friends' ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. Oh I wish the Bluebirds would come to my feeders, tho I have some pretty possessive birds that scare others away from the PB Pie they love so dearly! It is quite a hit with lots of birds! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

  29. Beautiful photos! The bluebirds are gorgeous!

  30. How wonderful to see the bluebirds nesting. Some of ours like to nest in the cubbies below the mailboxes though. Happy weekend! Hugs, Diane

  31. I love them all. We had two female and one male finch yesterday. My photo was horrid, as I was about to do something, the sun was behind them...
    I'm happy to see yours!

  32. no bunnies and no cute blue birds here, but we do have a very loud brown thrasher...

  33. I love the Bluebirds. I have tried my hand at Bluebird nest boxes and then found out several years ago that living in the tightness of so many trees, they won't select them. They have to be on fence posts facing a certain direction and in the open. I do get to benefit from seeing them flitting to and fro the neighbors though. Thank you. I hope that you are doing well Eileen~

  34. Too cute popping out of the box. Happy Day.

  35. Hi Eileen, I love the Eastern Bluebirds and the Downy Woodpecker is so special with that red dot on its beak. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this meme. I've linked up with my eclectic "critters" of family and friends and dogs and birds!Hope it's suitable. Have a great weekend. Jo

  36. awww, beautiful backyard bird, didn't you have a full house during the show?? i always love seeing the blue birds, the are so pretty and i don't get them here. they look like plump, little parakeets!

    nice capture of the male house finch, i have so many of those i realize i did not even photograph them during this most recent snow storm!!

    have a nice weekend, sun and "no snow" is in the forecast!!!

  37. Love those bluebirds all puffed up, Eileen! It must have been a cool day!

  38. I love the bluebirds! I've never seen one in person before!

  39. Absolutely stunning close-up shots of those lovely Eastern Bluebirds, Eileen.
    Well done!
    Glad to see them nesting.
    Thank you for hosting, visiting my page.
    Have a Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  40. Those bluebirds are so sweet! Thanks for sharing and hosting.

  41. The bird looks like a colorful toy in first two pics.

  42. Very pretty, especially the bluebirds!

  43. The blue bird couple is so cute!! I love their fluffy tummy.. so cute..

  44. What is it about bluebirds! They make us so happy! You made me smile this morning. Maybe I am hoping to see my Western version again soon, and maybe even have a family in the blue bird house. Loved all your wonderful photos too!

  45. Beautiful birds, I love the Bluebirds, superb.

  46. Hi Eileen, It’s just a little after 9 am here in Seattle and I see that you’ve already got 37 blogs linked up on today’s Saturday’s Critters. This is such a popular linkup thanks to your reliable efforts to get it started with some cool photos every Saturday morning. Re today’s photos of the Eastern Bluebird … Let me give you a short background on why I love these photos so much. Wife and I used to have a little summer get-away cabin in Montana. I became enchanted with the Mountain Bluebirds and built a nest box for them. On more than one summer I had the good fortune to get many photos of the birds building their nest and then seeing new members of the family take to flight. I will dig into the archive and post some of those photos one of these days and link up with you. Bluebirds may be my favorite. Thank you, as always, for sharing your blog and photos. Wishing you a fine and happy weekend! John

  47. Hello Eileen,:) As usual I'm late for the party, and what a splendid party it is, with all these pretty birds, none of which I see here. The Eastern Bluebirds are beautiful. Thank you for hosting, and have a great weekend.:)

  48. Eileen, bluebirds have yet to make their way here. Thanks for sharing.


  49. Wow, you bluebird is gorgeous! Love all the lovely birds.
    Have a great weekend!

  50. I love seeing the bluebirds. I have a photo of one as my background on Facebook.

    They are just SO cute.

  51. Your bluebird photo is one of my all time favorites! Hope you will have a wonderful week.

  52. Hi Eileen. I think your backyard birds are more than acceptable and in fact very pretty. So not apologise. Shame about your shy bunny.

    Have a great week ahead.

  53. The Bluebirds look like friendly little guys. All we have is Blue Jays and they can be annoying at the feeders. - Margy

  54. Great photos, I love the blue birds!

  55. My favorites are the blue birds. Your photos are excellent.

  56. Eileen - how delightful to see the bluebird pair taking up residence in the bird house! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thanks for hosting!

  57. That first one is such a colorful cutie!

  58. What lovely birds you've captured! I hope to see these someday.
    Thanks for another week of hosting!

  59. What a beautiful birds.
    I especially loved the bluebird
    Gorgeous shots.
    Have a nice weeekend
    Maria de
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  60. What a lovely team of birds you've photographed, they are so colourful.

  61. Beautiful photos, Eileen! I love bluebirds and woodpeckers! Kisses, my friend.

  62. I love the laugh of the kookaburra and the call of the magpie but little birds are by far better to look at all the other birds, I have a blue wren family come every spring and to watch them dart around in the trees is pure delight.

  63. What a lovely bluebird. Great photos!

  64. I've never seen the Eastern Bluebird what a pretty shade of blue it is especially against the orange. We used to have so many finches in the front yard but they all disappeared.

  65. Hello,
    What a great series!
    A special mention for the couple of Eastern bluebirds.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  66. Oh, your bluebirds are marvelous! I see one every once in a while.

  67. Owww i love your eastern bluebirds !

  68. Bluebirds are a favorite of mine and I'm happy to report they are visiting my feeders. You sure have some good pics of Mr. and Mrs.

  69. aw, sweeties.

    I've seen one Eastern bluebird in Tampa. Need more. They are so cute.

  70. Beautiful birds.

    I wish you Happy Easter.
    Hugs from Anne-Mari

  71. I just love your bluebirds! I very rarely see them. I have a bluebird house in the garden because we did have one last year, but he didn't stay around.

  72. I am in southwestern PA / have NEVER seen that blue bird here / what a treat :)

  73. I wish we had tthat little bluebird :)

  74. My Eastern Bluebirds were house shopping here too!!!...:)JP

  75. Dearest Eileen; Oh My, Male Eastern Bluebird is such a cutey♡♡♡
    And your Downy WoodpeckerJapanese looks a little like our Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker I could luckily took photos ♪
    So sorry for my absence, I will try normal life pace back -;)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  76. Pretty birds indeed, wonderful pictures!

  77. Hi Eileen,
    marvelous photos of all these little cuties.
    Have a sunny day ahead.
    Best, Synnöve

  78. Beautiful birds and photos...
    Amanda XX

  79. Such delightful critters you shared! It's like a burst of spring before us.

  80. hey there, friend. did you get rid of your travel blog? i don't see it any more? hope all is well. it has been a quick March and April will be here too quick, time is flying by. have a great week. we have rain today and is calling for it the rest of the week. know we need it though. will it be a green April instead of March this year? take care. ( ;

  81. What beautiful birds.. Enjoy your week.. :-)))

  82. Love all these sweet birds you caught with your camera, Eileen! Happy Easter week to you.

  83. I love the pretty, and so darn hard to catch for a photo! They are fast little birds.

  84. The bluebird has my heart, what a beauty.

  85. All of your bird pictures are wonderful. The bluebird is beautiful.


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...