Saturday, September 1, 2018

Saturday's Critters # 246

Welcome to Saturday's Critters !

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

My hummers will be leaving soon, so I have been taking lots of photos while they are still around my yard.  I also have a pair of Houses Finches and a Monarch photos on the butterfly bush. 

House Finch couple, the male is a pretty bright red.

This may be a juvenile male Ruby-throated Hummingbird. I see a small red dot on it's chest.

One morning, I looked out at my hummingbird feeder and saw a hummer hanging still and upside down from the feeder. I thought it died. I went outside and was almost to the feeder and the hummer flew away. It was very strange, I am just glad it was OK.

Monarch on Butterfly bush.

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. So nice to be able to see and take snapshots of the birds that visit your garden to enjoy the seeds. That is a beautiful butterfly. Yesterday I saw a beautiful butterfly fluttering from flower to flower, but it was always on the move that I gave up trying to take a snapshot of it. Have a beautiful weekend!

  2. Interesting to read about the hummer's unusual behavior.

  3. Beautiful shots. Those hummers are special!

  4. Oh my - That finch is very handsome and red!
    Great snaps of the Hummers too.
    Thanks for hosting.
    Happy WE to you, Eileen.
    Peace :)

  5. The Hummingbrds are so special Eileen. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. ...Eileen, you have a wonderful collection of 'small' critters today, enjoy the holiday weekend.

  7. glad your hummer was OK. We need lots of them :) More people should know about them :)

  8. Oh, I love your photos, Eileen !!!!
    Happy weekend !

  9. Hello Eileen,
    Nice shots of the hummingbirds.
    That butterfly is very colorful.

    Kind regards,

  10. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful photos! The small hummingbird and the monarch butterfly is so pretty.

    Happy Weekend!

  11. BELEZA!!!Tão bom ver tantas fotos lindas!Adorei! Lindo fim de semana! chica

  12. For the first time ever I've had a lot of hummers on my patio this summer. I wonder why because they are at the tree that I've had for many years already. I never got any photos as they only stay a few seconds or less. You got some great captures of the little birds. Enjoy your weekend Eileen. xx

  13. Helllo, How are you? Beautiful birds pics.
    Have a nice weekend. Greetings

  14. Hi Eileen,
    Amazing shots of hummingbirds! I love the photo of the monarch butterfly! Pretty! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. ahhhhh, some of Mother's sweetest creatues.

  16. Beautiful captures on the hummers in action and relaxing position! Wonder how it wake up from a stage of lifeless… enjoy as long they stay there.

    Happy weekend holiday!

  17. Good idea Eileen,stocking up on hummer photos while they are still around. Doesn't the summer just fly by? I see your butterfly year has been better than our own as I have seen hardly any larger butterflies this year, despite the hot June and July. Strange times we live in. Thanks for the link today and enjoy the week ahead.

  18. Pretty Monarch Butterfly. Hummingbird behavior is never boring - always entertaining. I saw two facing each other on a limb the other day; seemingly in conversation about something. Happy Day.

  19. Hummingbirds are a favorite but hard to photograph. We haven't had as many this summer....but maybe they will return! Happy weekend!

  20. Nice images. The House Fince is very bright. I have seen only one in our local patch over the years, and it was a female.The hummers are heading down here now. I'd better put the feeder out!

  21. Lovely shots of the hummingbirds, Eileen. I had to smile about the one "playing dead".

  22. I love the hummers and the larger photos! My friends are going on a month long birding trip.

  23. I always worry when one of our wild life critters looks dead or hurt. glad the hummer was ok... they are beautiful, so detailed in their feathers... I like the first two, sitting on bowls like it was a see saw

  24. beautiful captures of the hummingbirds. i think this year, i have seen more than ever before, but i have not been diligent in taking pictures of them!

    the same with butterflies, i have been seeing so many, right here in my yard. your monarch is gorgeous, i happen to think they look prettier in that position, rather than open!!!

    have a nice weekend eileen, and many thanks for hosting!!!

  25. Beautiful colors on those hummers. Boy, I can't believe it's Labor Day -- hope you have a great weekend.

  26. Hari OM
    ...perhaps Hummer needed to recharge his batteries?! I love that shot with the hummingbird on the chair back (?) Welcome to September! YAM xx

  27. sweet hummers.

  28. Beautiful images! Truly stunning! I'm always amazed at how something so small can do so much! God is amazing!

    Blessings, Net

  29. I am glad you still have your hummers; I have not seen ours for about a week - and the yellowjackets are mobbing the sugar nectar!!! Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend, and thanks for hosting!

  30. Sweet photos of all your critters, love the hummers particularly because I don't see them that often. Have a great weekend Eileen :)

  31. I've missed your critters during my summer break, dear Eileen. And love that today's guests are all so tiny. And gorgeous.

  32. Lovely and cute Bird captures . Keep commenting in my blog because I love your comments.

  33. Eileen, great capture of the hummingbird. Thanks for sharing.

  34. I love your hummer pics, Eileen! I'll be back with a link next week - already have my pic!

  35. Beautiful photos, Eileen. Wishing you a happy new month!

  36. I have never seen a hummingbird hang upside down - odd behaviour indeed.

  37. I do love the Hummingbirds Eileen, the Monarch is some else.

  38. ...the hummers are at the feeders here but I haven't been enthused to set up my camera this summer...its just too hot to enjoy being outside. So thanks for sharing your photos!

  39. I love the red finch ! Very nice !

  40. Liking the House Finch couple . . .
    Funny how soft that “Finch red” is in comparison to “other birds of red.”
    I always love seeing the hummers . . .
    I see them “flit” here around the plantings but they aren’t crazy about feeding at the feeders.
    I usually pull my feeder on Labor Day.
    Great pics Eileen.

  41. You got some great pictures of the hummingbird. We had one visit us here while we were sitting on the porch. Didn't even have a feeder out.

  42. What a lovely collection of photographs.
    I think the Hummingbirds are very special.

    Enjoy your weekend and Happy September wishes too.

    All the best Jan

  43. Wonderful post! Great job on the contrast and simple backgrounds.

  44. Your hummingbird photos are so adorable, Eileen! I haven't succeeded in taking any photos of them. I have one that likes to sit up high near my red-flowered runner beans that they love and serenade me when I am working in my garden.

  45. Hello,
    the Hummingbirds are lovely...and so is the Monarch butterfly.
    Have a good week ahead!

  46. Good morning Eileen, wishing you a wonderful Labor Day weekend, and I'm a day late but we spent a long day into the evening at the fair yesterday, and it was just too late last night! I really enjoy your humming birds, I get the occasional one or two but by the time I get my camera or phone, it's too late.

  47. Envious of your hummer pictures..I got a coupe this year but it wasn't easy...Hope you are having a good Holiday weekend..

  48. Olá Eileen,
    Deus foi perfeito em todas a sua Criação.
    Magníficos exemplares dessas criaturas tão belas!
    Abraços e uma boa semana.

  49. Awesome photography and post as always ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  50. I'm late getting around to visiting today...birding early before the holiday traffic built up! Thanks for linking in with us this weekend!

  51. Hi Eileen, thank you for hosting this link party!

  52. How funny about the hummingbird doing acrobatics. Very strange. They are so lovely -- wonderful pictures. I miss seeing them from when we used to have our RV parked out at the Lake here.

  53. lovely photos, I'n glad the wee humming bird was okay

  54. Hi! Your sun flower photo is very beautiful. I enjoyed your various kind of wild birds very much.


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 563

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about ...