Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday!

These are images from our visit to Bombay Hook Wildlife Refuge in Smyrna Delaware.  We had bird sightings galore and a beautiful sunset. 

A view of the marsh land, in the distant tree there is an eagle nest. You can make their nest in one of the taller bare trees. A Great Blue Heron is standing close the the grasses. 

American Avocets, the have a thin curved bill and they are white with black wings. 

Osprey has a meal below.

Below are two Great Egrets easily id with their yellow bill, dark legs and feet. The Great Blue Heron has a fish it was trying to eat.  I am not sure if the smaller bird is a juvenile Little Blue, it's beak looks dark at the end. The Snowy Egret has a dark bill.

A plane from the Dover Air Force base with the moon behind.

The sunset and a pretty reflection.

The moon on  Aug 23, 2018

I am thankful and happy to see a pretty sunset. 
I am thankful for our last minute getaways and overnight road trips.
am always thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to the hosts of   Skywatch Friday

Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


italiafinlandia said...

What a glorious series of views!
I think the Avocet is charming...with that special bill.
Thanks for sharing...Have a nice day!

Marit said...


Beautiful photos! The Osprey is so special. Thank you for sharing.

Happy Thursday!

Nancy J said...

Sunset on the water, that is so beautiful. Those herons, stately and regal.

Sandi said...

I almost didn't see the heron!

Great capture of the "metal bird" in front of the moon. :)

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Excelente trabalho minha amiga, gostei bastante.
Continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

chica said...

Passar aqui é garantia de ver coisas lindas em tuas fotos,bem mostradas! Lindo fim de semana! beijos, chica

Tom said..., what a sunset.

Jeevan said...

Great capture on pretty sunset moon and birds and amazing timing with plane crossing moon! Wow

rupam sarma said...

Amazing pics.
Thanks for your post.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I don’t remember American Avocets at Bombay Hook when I visited there about fifteen years ago. Perhaps I just missed them. I am assuming they are breeding there. But this is a species that is extending its range north with the warming environment. They are regularly seen in Ontario now. Yesterday it was 34.5 degrees here - unheard of in September.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

And always thankful you share like you do.

Karen said...

All your photos today are beautiful. That one with the Air Force plane passing the moon is a real treasure.

Barbara Rogers said...

Hi Eileen, Loved the moon pics! You not only capture the birds, the water and the sky, but sun and moon! Most enjoyable. Have a great day!

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Hi Eileen. Love to see the herons in the marsh. Always thankful!

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE that sunset over the water! And the avocets (a favorite of mine).

Red said...

I always like blue herons as their camouflage is so good. One flew up the other night and that's when I saw it. I missed it when it was at the edge of the stream.

Cloudia said...

SO marvelous, E! Wonderful shots! You should do Weekend Reflections meme too

Mia said...

Lovely photos, as always, Eileen. I love August's moon. Kisses, my friend.

William Kendall said...

Your heron shot is my favourite of the set.

Debbie said...

you have a lot to be thankful for eileen, you are always so appreciate and upbeat!!

beautiful captures of nature and especially the egrets. and a nice catch of the osprey, we saw them diving the other day for lunch, it is amazing!!!

RedPat said...

You have been having some lovely trips!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like that moon with the plane coming out of it.. beautiful shot. and that back side of the osprey is really beautiful... the first one the birds look like they are walking ON water

Bob Bushell said...

Gorgeous photos, I love American Avocets, have a great day Eileen.

Out on the prairie said...

I reminded many last night to peek at a beauty of a sunset. I can look out a window while corresponding.Lovely selection of photos, I wondered if tha was maybe a Cattle EW

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Lovely wildlife post but the sunset colors are outstanding. The moon is so close I think I could touch it. Wow!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love Bombay Hook NWR (even though I've never seen it in real life). Wonderful birds and scenery .... and the sky! Oh my gosh. That last picture of the setting sun over the water is amazing!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a beautiful selection of photographs.
The sunset is wonderful, so too the plane with the moon behind.
Your birds are brilliant too!

All the best Jan

Bill said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen and a stunning sunset. Enjoy your day!

ellen b. said...

You captured some beauties, Eileen!

Sondra said...

A great set of photos! I will never forget the first Avocets I saw..what a thrill!

LA Paylor said...

oh the moon shot! I love car trips too

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful sky shots. I love the one with the plane passing in front of the moon. Very cool!!

HappyK said...

Awesome sunset and always love your moon shots.

Michelle said...

Nothing like a road trip and you have captured some great views. Thanks for linking up today.

Gaelyn said...

Nice day. Great sightings. And a gorgeous sunset. Really like the plane and moon capture.

Nanda kumar said...


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful images. I love your birds, and your moon.
I think overnight trips and weekend trips are way under rated.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing all your pictures. Love the shot of the sunset, it's reflection on the water:)

Jeanie said...

So much to be thankful for -- and much of THAT is in this post!

R's Rue said...


Lois said...

Lovely photos! The one of the plane in front of the moon is amazing.

likeschocolate said...

Your moon photo is incredible! What lens did you use to get this photo?

carol l mckenna said...

You certainly know the places to go and what beautiful nature photos ~ awesome moon shots too!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores

Maria Rodrigues said...

Thanks for these wonderful photos.
Have a nice weekend
Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

Anonymous said...

♥ the moon and plane photo!!! Great shot!

Photo Cache said...

Amazing sunset.

Worth a Thousand Words

DeniseinVA said...

Very enjoyable images Eileen. This reminds me that we have to get back up to Bombay Hook again. It seems a long time since we were there. The picture of the plane and the moon is a wonderful catch. Loved the birds too, all super photos.

Phil Slade said...

I'm getting to know Bombay Hook Eileen. I know you go there on a regular basis and I can see why. Some lovely birds there and the sunset is "to die for".

See you at the link tomorrow.

bookworm said...

All great photos but the sunset photos and the moon with the airplane photos were stunning. Alana

betty-NZ said...

Gorgeous images, as always!

A Colorful World said...

Great osprey. Loved the sunset shots and the plane and moon was really cool. Have a great week!

Lynne said...

I am thankful for you . . .
Birds and critter photos . . .
Sunshine, sunrise and set. . . .
You have a good thing going on!

Aditya Narayan Mohanty said...


Aditya Narayan Mohanty said...

Wow shot.lovely .

21 Wits said...

Excellent captures in a series of delight for all that view here. Always something to reflect on in your posts for us!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Eileen no on can beat your beautiful moon captures :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...