Saturday, September 8, 2018

Saturday's Critters # 247

Welcome to Saturday's Critters !

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Some more photos from Bombay Hook NWR, the Great Blue Heron was chasing away another heron while he was trying to eat his fish. 

Belted Kingfisher, I think this is the male. The female has a rust colored breast band. 

The Snowy Egret tree, they look like decorations. 

I cropped the photo above so I could make sure these were the Snowy Egrets, so I could see their yellow feet.

This tree has the Kingfisher on the left and the Egrets on the right.

Two Night Herons, I am not sure if they are the Yellow-crowned or the Black Crowned?

A cool shot of the Great Blue Heron. 

The Eagle nest with a Bald Eagle sitting below and off the the right. 

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. Wonderful shots of the egrets, herons and kingfisher!

  2. Wow cool shots, Eileen. The popcorn tree I will call The one with the Egrets. Good shot of the Kingfisher

  3. Great shots of the different types of birds. I like the ones with the birds perched on the tree tops. Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful and happy weekend!

  4. Those are wonderful bird photos. I'm so glad I found your blog and your linky party.

  5. Hi Eileen - thank you especially for the heron photo's - my favorite bird.

  6. Hello Eileen,
    You can see beautiful series of photos.
    The first three photos are really great.
    Best regards, Irma

  7. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful photos, and the shot of the Great Blue Heron was wonderful.
    Happy Weekend!

  8. It is always fascinating to see your well composed and perfectly timed photographs!

  9. Hello Eileen,
    what nice compositions of birds in trees!
    This Kingfisher is new to me...nice to see it!
    Have a good weekend and thanks for hosting!

  10. Those juvenile herons are Yellow-crowned Night Herons.

  11. Eu também adoro ver as criaturas de Deus. Lindas fotos, bem mostradas em todas! beijos, ótimo fim de semana! chica

  12. Such lovely photos, Eileen. The Snowy Egret tree is my favorite, it is quite decorative. Thanks so much for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  13. The kingfisher and the snowy egrets are great photos! You must have so much fun spotting all these different birds!

  14. Superb capture on the egrets and herons! The snowy egrets make an impressive image by standing over the tree and you well focused the belted kingfisher perched upon a bare tree. Cool shots Eileen

    Happy Weekend

  15. Great pictures . . .
    Happy you did that cropping, I might have excused those white blobs for snowballs!

    (I cropped the photo above so I could make sure these were the Snowy Egrets, so I could see their yellow feet.)

  16. Unless they are flying, I never see my waterbirds out of the water. I love seeing them in the trees!

  17. Lovely photos! We saw a bald eagle yesterday morning, but did not capture any pictures. Thank you for hosting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  18. Your juvenile Night Herons are so pretty, I love the way you captured them in the light. I also love, love the Great Blue Heron all fluffed out. Lovely post as always. I am hoping to be able to keep up now, and try and make more visits. Life gets in the way at times. Thank you for everything Eileen~

  19. Nice photo of the Kingfisher! There are some at a nearby lake that I've tried many times to photograph, but they are good at staying well out of range. Beautiful egrets and herons!

  20. Nice blog,
    Really, you are sharing great content that is very interesting and helpful for us. Keep up the good work.
    quilotoa crater lake tour

  21. Lovely images, as usual, Eileen. Have a great new week!

  22. Wow! What a jack pot of exotic water fowl. Great photos. We have most of the birds here, too, but not as many since we don't have so much water, so what a treat to see these creatures in such abundance.

  23. I see that eagle high in the tree! How wonderful to spot him and the big nest. It sure is hard to ID the herons and egrets...we get mixed up when we see juvies! Love your photos! I haven't been out in nature this week and I sure have missed it. Hugs, Diane

  24. you hit the bird lottery for photos this time.

  25. In all the books I have referred to a juvie Black Crowned has yellow and balck in the bill while the Yellow Crowned has an overall dark is one page that did a good comparison..
    Your photos shows yellow in the bills. I really love the reflection of both in the water!

  26. I love seeing so many egrets in the trees. Wonderful shots!

  27. Love you and your pictures E!🔔

  28. this is an amazing post eileen, so many beautiful critters. the standout for me today is still the kingfisher, such a pretty bird and an exceptional photograph!!

    i have never seen a cluster of egrets like that, they do decorate the tree beautifully!! and i really love the snowy's with their yellow goulashes!! the capture of the night herons is a special one too, glowing in the light with a beautiful reflection!!

    what a day...awesome sights and pictures on this day!!

  29. Big birds! You found some good examples of bug birds.

  30. So many awesome birds here. Have a great weekend!

  31. Amazing photos of these great birds, Eileen. Wow what an egret tree! :)

  32. Eileen, great capture of the Belted Kingfisher. Thanks for sharing.

  33. Eileen, super shots of the assembled egrets. The Kingfisher shot is just great. He has a wonderful spot from which to fish for a meal. Once again, thank you for making this link-up possible for the weekend.

  34. Lindas fotos!!! Deus é maravilhoso e perfeito.

  35. Fabulous Herons and the Kingfisher, have a beautiful weekend.

  36. That poor first bird --- just wants to eat his flounder in peace. LOL

  37. That last heron looks a bit bedraggled Eileen! I haven't seen a Kingfisher in years!

  38. Olá Eileen,
    Deus é perfeito em toda a sua Criação.
    Magníficas fotografias!
    Adorei ver.
    Abraços e bom domingo.

  39. Love that gathering of Snowy Egrets. We have a colony of Yellow-crowned Night-Herons nesting near our home. One young one showed up looking like your bird, with yellow on its bill and indistinct spotting on its wings. At first I thought it was just a variant plumage of the Yellow-crowns, then realized it was a young Black-crowned Night-Heron. I never saw its parents but they can be very reclusive.

  40. Outstanding photos Eileen, thank you and enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

  41. Exceptional, all of them, but I admit, I favor the egrets in the trees!

  42. Wonderful collection of critters. All the snowy egrets do look like tree ornaments. : )

  43. What an amazing variety of photos of intriguing birds and their behavior!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores

  44. Very nice ! I love the belted kingfisher !

  45. The Kingfisher is a GORGEOUS shot, Eileen and the Egrets look like they're having a meeting!!!...:)JP

  46. Dearest Eileen; Oh My, super collections of varieties of herons and the Great Blue Heron impressed me with its color; I wished to see one in my area as herons I can see are always the same p;-) I LOVE the Belted Kingfisher sitting proudly on the edge of the tree branch♡♡♡
    I miss birdies and waiting for the cooler season that I can see birds: Thank you SO much for hosting and kind visits♫♫♫
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  47. I don't think I saw a Kingfisher all summer, and usually I do.

    But I love the Snowy Egret tree, they really do look like decorations. Do they roost in the same place at night too?

  48. Fine images! Thanks for hosting.

  49. What lovely photos, Eileen. I loved the night herons. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great day. Jo

  50. Hello Eileen!
    Great post and superb photos!
    Wonderful captures of those beautiful birds!
    Love the shots of the Snowy Egrets ,the Herons and the kingfisher bird!
    Wishing you a lovely day and a happy September month!

  51. Great shot . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  52. You get the best shots of birds and know so much about them.

  53. That great blue heron does make me chuckle - fabulous pic!
    Wren x

  54. Another one for you, Eileen! Have a great new week.

  55. Good morning Eileen, great flock in the tree, and how delightful each critter is in their own little world. You capture them well and spread the joy of nature too. Enjoy your wanderings and captures today and all week long.

  56. Beautiful! do you know I saw a egret catching a mouse Friday morning? I stopped a little away from the bird to see his/her action.

  57. Great picture of the birdies. You pretty much had your choice. The tree is loaded! I hope you are enjoying this wet weekend. At least it's not hot! Have a good week.

  58. Thanks, Eileen, for sharing this fabulous post with us ... much appreciated.

  59. Love love love the Egret Tree! And of course everything about Bombay Hook. Thank you for your help with my bird appreciate it.

  60. first image is quite fun to watch :)
    The backlit image of the two herons.... a gorgeous photo :)

  61. Yes, I think 'The Snowy Egret tree, do look like decorations' …

    All the best Jan


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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