Monday, May 11, 2020

Our World, My World

 Happy Monday,

The NCR bike trail is the only trail open, which is some what close to us for a walk. It is a short drive away,  a nice trail for walking. I have posting often about our walks on the NCR trail. 

On this day we parked at the Bentley Springs, Parkton section of the trail. I heard a lot of birds, like the Northern Parula, various woodpeckers and we saw a couple of Mallards.

 This is a good time of the year for walking on the trail, there were a lot of wildflowers and different trees were blooming.

 I think this is the Bee Tree Run, it is close to the bike trail.

 We noticed a man using a stick trying to move this snake off the trail, he did not want the snake to be run over by a bike rider.  I think the snake did not like being moved, I stayed a distance away.

It looked like the snake was ready to strike.

A pretty tree blooming along the trail.

 A view of the NCR trail near the Bee Tree Preserve.

Take care, stay safe! 

What's happening in your corner of the world? Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!


  1. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful photos of the river, the tree and the wildflowers.
    Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. Hari OM
    Snakes will be coming out to sun themselves now the days are getting warmer. Best to just let them be, though the fellow had his heart in the right place the snake wouldn't know that! Love all the delicate blooms - that last looks like apple blossom to me. Have a great week! YAM xx

    1. Hello Yam, I agree, ti is best to leave the snakes alone. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  3. too close to me if I was there, hope it slithered off and you were safe. Love the blossoms, a sure sign that your days are warming up.

    1. Hello Jean,
      We are slowly warming up! Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  4. I cannot imagine what it would be like coming across a snake when out walking (we have none here). It looks like a very pretty area for a walk though. Have a great day :)

    1. Hello, I do not mind the harmless snakes. They have a job to do. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  5. Hello Eileen,
    I really got goosebumps ... a snake ?! Oh gosh, I'm afraid of a kiker ... than a snake! And you were photographing there ...Brrr … :))
    The other pictures are nice but the one with the snake ... I pretend I don't see it!
    I wish you a good week ahead! Hugs!

    1. Hello Ella!
      We did not mind seeing the snake from a safe distance! Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  6. What beautiful photos Eileen.
    The snake is quite scary, fortunately such snakes do not occur here.
    Today the primary schools have reopened here, you can also go to the hairdresser and pedicure again, gyms remain closed until September 1.
    Best regards Irma

    1. Hello Irma,
      My state is starting to re-open slowly. I will still take precautions and stay safe. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  7. It is just the correct time of the year and weather for a revitalizing walk, before sun starts beating too strong.
    Enjoy your trails.
    Have a nice new week ahead!

  8. Lindas fotos e as cobras me assustam, nem ver consigo,rs beijos, tudo de bom,chica

    1. Hello Chica!
      Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  9. I am pretty sure that snake is not venomous and I applaud the fellow who tried to get it to leave the trail.

    1. Hello David,
      I guess if the snake did not move on it's own, a bike rider may have hit it. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  10. Loved the flowers - the snake I'm not so sure about. I'm not a snake person.

    1. Hello Carol,
      Thank you for the comment and visit. Enjoy your day!

  11. ...everything looks great to me, but not the snake!

  12. Love your pictures! The snake sounds scary! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

  13. Nice pictures of your walk, but the snake would have made me run home in a flash!

  14. The snake looks amazing. I love them. We've had all sorts of garter snakes out, but in our cold spell (~0 C.) they are hiding.
    Thank goodness for walking trails!

  15. That's a huge snake! I would not have liked to come across that while walking....

    It was a great day to be outside yesterday! Hope you had a nice Mother's Day.

    1. Yes, it was a great Mother's Day, we went for a walk. Thanks, enjoy your day!

  16. of course it was ready to strike, to move a snake just leave it alone and it will run. they don't like us anymore than we like them... it is a fine specimen but i would not want to walk past it. as far as i can see it is non lethal but still it could cause a bike to turn over and injure the perseon... I know you miss walking here, it truly is beautiful

    1. We were surprised to see this guy trying to move the snake, I think it would have moved anyway. Our trails have re-opened this weekend, YAY! Thanks and enjoy your day!

  17. Great to see a snake but good grief! It’s a biggie.

  18. I was so captivated by your first photos, that when I saw the snake I reacted with a squeal! Thank you for making my day! Please have a wonderful day, dear friend!


  19. You have some awesome trails. at this time it's all the more appreciated as you can get out.

  20. That is such a beautiful place to walk! I would want to go there every day.

  21. A lovely place for a walk. A nice looking snake! Some of our trails are opening up this week.

  22. No Way, What An Adventure - This Makes My Heart Happy - Thank You


  23. I so enjoyed my virtual walk with you and seeing the area that the bike trail goes through. I would have quickly turned and left that snake to take his chances with the cyclists! Thanks for visiting my blog, stay safe.

  24. You are so lucky to have that trail near and still open! That is one big snake, Eileen!

  25. You are a bit behind us on spring. All of our trees have full leaves and the world is green. Glad you enjoyed seeing our float cabin home on Extreme Houseboats. They came up to the cabin to film for an entire day to tease it down to those few minutes. We were also on a French channel in Canada and got a full 15 minutes out of a full day shoot. It was fun to do, but that was back in about 2012. There hasn't been as much interest from film companies lately. - Margy

  26. Eileen, I always enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Sylvia D.

  27. Least we do not have snakes like that here, beautiful walk

  28. What a lovely place to hike .... but that snake, I would be quite nervous to so close to take spics! Great post, Eileen. As always. Wish yoe a great week ahead!

  29. Beautiful photos, Eileen. I would be stepping back from that snake, nice photos of it though.
    Have a great day and new week.

  30. That's a big beautiful snake. Yes, best to leave it alone as they grumpy sometimes. I've read that most people who get bit by snakes were messing the snake in some way.

  31. I love getting out on trails like that, especially if there is water. Such a nice variety of birds to see. I hate snakes and we've seen a few this Spring. I still don't want to stay home just because I see a snake though! lol Take care and have a good week!

  32. How beautiful and peaceful is that spot you chose for your exercise Eileen. A lovely array of wildflowers and trees (I love the name "Bee Tree Run". A bit of excitement thrown in as well with the snake business going on! All the very best xx

  33. Lovely pictures. Doesn't look crowded. Guess it's ok to be out and about.

  34. Hi, Eileen. That's a cool close-up shot of the snake. It does look annoyed at being disturbed. Wonder what it may have been dreaming. I would've definitely looked for another trail if I saw that snake in my path. :-) Take care.

  35. What a lovely trail! I'm glad that your foot didn't find that snake before the mad did! Although it looks to be a harmless rat snake. He does a good job of coiling and looking menacing, though!

  36. I agree this is a great time of the year for walking and you have a great place for it.

  37. Beautiful mosaic of lovely nature photos ~ gorgeous ~ that is quite the snake ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  38. Yikes, snakes. So scared of them. Hoped you had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  39. Great photos of the snake. Love the blossoms, too. Glad you have a nice path to walk!

  40. Eileen - this looks like a lovely walk. I am impressed that you can recognize birds from their calls - I am hopeless with that! Now flowers, those I can handle! The snake looks quite upset - is it poisonous? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday! And belated Happy Mother's Day!

  41. I am so glad we don't have snakes here, they give me the creeps but it looks like a really nice walk.

  42. So lovely! And cool snake shots.

  43. looking at the snakes head and eyes I think this is not a snake with venom. I think the man did good to try to move it. In Sweden ALL cold blooded creatures are endangered and on the red list. We are allowed to move them, but not kill them. This one looks almost like one of ours we call Snok. It is harmless and feeds mostly on fish. And, they have a personality, they are curious. :)

  44. Perfect capture at the Snake Eileen! That last trail you shared is so beautiful and would love to walk on that!

  45. It's nice to walk on a path that is usually used for bicycle trails ..., beautiful natural scenery, Eileen. I

    t's just that I'm afraid of snakes :(

  46. they are not my favorites but the pictures of the snake are stunning!! very nice of the man to try to move it!! the wild flowers are so pretty, growing, healthy with not help from man!! the second to last picture, looks like apple blossoms...i'm sure it's not, but i have photographed them many times and they sure do look like that!!! that's a lovely path!!!

  47. It is always a pleasure to stop by your blog and check out the latest post. You have another excellent post with this one! I enjoyed the contrast of the beautiful flowers and the scary snake. : - ) The photos you take on your walks inspire me. Thank you for that Eileen! Re your comment on my last post on my blog … I left a reply for you there. I'm so happy to hear that you and hubs have been doing well and staying healthy. Take good care, stay safe, and have a happy week ahead.

  48. Your 'world' looks delightful despite the Virus ~ enjoy ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  49. Oh,I afraid snakes... A interesting Post for MosaicMonday, thank you for sharing.

    Stay healthy, stay well.

  50. Hello Eileen,
    indeed we still stay with us and in the Netherlands there are also several parks and forests locked. I really like your photos of the trees. Especially the one with the water.
    That snake is quite scary and also very big!
    Be careful,
    Greetings, Helma

  51. Hi Eileen, beautiful photos of the snake and the flowers. We haven't snakes here I think. Have a nice week. Greetings Caroline

  52. Very beautiful
    but I don't like snakes

  53. The blossom is beautiful. I would give that snake a wide berth. It looks so big.

  54. "I think the snake did not like being moved, I stayed a distance away."
    A good idea! I would have done too!

    Lovely photographs Eileen, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  55. thanks, for sharing the blooms. i really have enjoyed all the friends on FB, u and other blogger friends who have taken the time to share their spring blooms so u do not feel so left out of the whole spring life ... not being out and such. hope u r well this week. saw an eagle and 2 herons today. so fun!! ( ;

  56. It was kind of the man to stop to try and move the snake. Great photos of him/her! All your photos are interesting and enjoyable. Thanks Eileen and enjoy the rest of your week :)

  57. Such a lovely trail! I’m not phobic about snakes, but I wouldn’t poke one with a stick. Gosh. You got nice pictures from a safe distance (haha, not hard to maintain social distancing from a snake). Stay safe and well ... thanks for everything you do.

  58. Another pretty hike! Im glad the man moved the snake, could have caused a problem for sure....good shots of the action.

  59. That’s quite scaring shots on the snake and nice of the man risking to move the snake out of path. The NCR trail is inviting with all the pretty blossoms! Love it
    Take care

  60. Apart from the snakes, I really do love your world! Happy week!

  61. Gorgeous photos of the trail, Eileen!!! I am sure you are so happy with the re-opening of your trails!
    Stay safe!!!

  62. How nice of the man to help the snake. Not sure I could have been so brave.

  63. Our walking trails are opening up and I'm so glad. That was a nice big rat snake.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "We don't remember days, we remember moments." July 2, 2009 our Royal Cari...