Thursday, September 17, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday!

 Happy Thursday!

I am thankful to see some migrating birds right in my back yard.  The warblers love to eat the berries off of the Devil's Walking Stick also known as Aralia spinosa .  The birds also catch a lot of bugs that hang around the blooms. 

Early September, I had a quick look at a Black-throated Blue Warbler. It was seen jumping around on our butterfly bush. I think it was catching bugs. He is hiding behind a part of the bush.  I can see it's white belly and some of the black-throat and a white spot on it's back wing. He landed on my deck railing for a short bit, I wasn't able to take a clear shot.

For Martha's  Throwback Thursday: I am sharing 2 archived photos of the Black-throated Blue Warbler eating the berries from the Devil's Walking Stick in our yard.  Photo below is from Sept 22, 2018.

I am thankful for nature, it is a treat to see these beautiful birds in my back yard.

Oct 8, 2013, a Throwback Thursday image of the Black-throated Warbler seen in our yard. 

  On Sept 9th, I started seeing more Fall Warblers show up in my back yard.  Below are photos taken through my windows of  the Magnolia Warbler.  The Magnolia Warbler has a gray face and eye ring, streaked underparts. 
I am going back and forth on id of  the bottom bird, the fall warblers, male and female can look so different. Is it a Pine Warbler, the little bit of rusty look side and white eye ring are throwing me off my guess.

I do not mind being corrected if I am wrong about my id's. 
Edit: thank you to both David and Sondra for the id of my second bird, it is a Bay-breasted Warbler. 

Sept 12th photos are from a recent walk on the local fire road. The top left and middle photos are the female and male American Redstarts, top right is the Black and White Warbler,  Bottom left is a Cardinal, middle bottom is looking up at the underparts of an American Redstart and bottom right is a Eastern Wood Pewee. They are all hiding behind branches and leaves, these images are mainly just for a record of the birds we saw that walk.

 My skywatching has taken place right in my backyard. The following two photos were taken just seconds apart. Thankful for colors!  The colors in the clouds changes quickly. 

I am always thankful for the simple joys: the birds and pretty colorful skies
My thankful list for September: happy memories, a joyful and a peaceful life, our home and the fall season.

Take care and stay safe! 

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Keep smiling!

Thank you Martha for hosting Throwback Thursday 

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday

Thank you for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!!  😊


Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

Beautiful birds and sky! The colors are so pretty. Very cute Black-throated Blue Warbler too.
Enjoy your day, and take care!

Tom said... have many that I never see! Enjoy your day.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Gostei de ver estas belas fotografias.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The bird in picture no. 5 is a Chestnut-sided Warbler in fall plumage.

Hootin Anni said...

beautiful BTBW...we had one pass thru corpus this past Spring, but I never did get a photo!

chica said...

Que coisa mais linda.Pássaros, céus e a natureza sempre encantando! bjs, ótimo dia! chica

The Padre said...

Its The Simple Things That Bring Such Joy - Beautiful Clouds As Well - Bring On The Shadow People And Enjoy Your Weekend


Martha said...

Those little birds are so adorable, and your sky shots are so pretty! Thanks for linking up to Throwback Thursday. Have a great day :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the little Warblers and can't wait to see more migrating birds here. I have the hardest time id ing the Warblers and still laugh when I said I saw a Prothonotary Warbler...I was SO sure! But I got corrected in short order for sure! lol Love your post! Hugs!

Sondra said...

HI Eileen, hope your send those Warbler my way once Sally stops dumping rain all over us, your bird is a Bay Breasted Warbler, female, and the non breeding males can look similar, Incomplete eye ring and yellowing at throat rules out Chestnut Sided and the reddish tinge under the wing rules out Pine Warbler. Great bird and a great list of migrants to have visiting!! Have a good upcoming weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree, simple joys and our homes and each other are the most thankful of all. you don't have to worry about me calling you out on ID because I have no clue, but I can say cute or pretty or sweet. the first photo appeals to me, i love it

RedPat said...

I always enjoy your posts and this was a good one, Eileen!

Stefania said...

Grazie perchè ci regali sempre delle fotografie meravigliose che rilassano lo spirito.

ellen b. said...

It's nice to see those clear skies with pretty color. Sweet birds! Hope you have a beautiful day!

Jenn Jilks said...

I am thankful for them, as well!

At Home In New Zealand said...

So many pretty birds to watch right in your own backyard - you are one very lucky lady :)
Have a great day, Mxx

Tanza Erlambang said...

nice to have Warblers to visit your backyard.... love your beautiful photos.

Have a wonderful day

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful to see these birds and you have captured them beautifully! Loved the sky shots also. Enjoy the rest of your week Eileen, and a very happy weekend to you also :)

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Marit
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Tom!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment!
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thanks so much for the id help David!
Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Anni!
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Chica!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for visiting!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Marhta, for hosting and for the comment!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Diane!
Prothonotary is a mouthful, lol.
Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for the id help Sondra!
Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Sandra!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, RedPat!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Dee!
The beauty is all around you!
Take care,enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Stefania!
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Ellen!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Jenn!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Mxx!
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Tanza!
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you, Denise!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Bill said...

The birds know who to visit now don't they. :) Beautiful photos as always. Have a great day and thanks for sharing.

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Bill! Wishing you a great weekend!

Karen said...

I don't think we get warblers up here in CT - at least I don't think I've seen them at my feeders or in the fields... I'll have to look it up, so pretty!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty shots. I especially like the sky shot in the last photo, and the beautiful colors!

William Kendall said...

Lovely birds!

Cloudia said...

I am thankful for you Eileen, you are a bright spot

Debbie said...

ooooh the has been so beautiful lately!! i see warblers here occasionally, but not this one, your captures are so pretty!!

i too am thankful for nature, the birds, the bees, the butterflies...all of natures lovely gifts!!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Karen!
Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for commenting!
Have a great day and weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you William!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Cloudia!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Debbie! It is nice to see some different yard birds in the fall.
They are all just moving through. Take care, enjoy your day!
Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

beautiful little birds in your back yard and wonderful sunset too

HappyK said...

Great shots from times past. I am amazed that you capture such wonderful pictures of the birds. I'm thankful to have you as a blogging friend. :)

Red said...

These little critters keep you busy all day. Birds are always interesting and you never know who you will see.

Jeanie said...

You are seeing lovely things and beautiful skies. Those birds are lucky to land in your space on their trip home!

italiafinlandia said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful feathered guests.
I am thankful for Natures gifts too.
Have a nice day and stay safe!

Linda said...

I enjoyed this post, especially that precious blue beauty!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Nice bird between the leaves. Very nice.
And what a great colored sky in the other shots.

Greetings and have a nice weekend,

Vera said...

We've been noticing more warblers around here - I guess they are on their migration routes. We also had a Kinglet in our apple tree the other day! Love your pictures - thank you for sharing.

Jeevan said...

These are simple yet beautiful sights around your yard to make days cheerful and peaceful. I wish you keep enjoying these 
Have a nice weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

You are a true 'bird watcher' ~ Me ~ I just enjoy the birds who come to visit and Mother Nature's gifts of all kinds ~ Yet, the very large raccoon that tried to visit my deck where bird feeders are I do not appreciate ~ I do not want to share my deck with them ~ Never had them (raccoon) before ~ do I stop with the bird seed (which is new for me this year) and just do suet feeders???? Any suggestions ~ much appreciated ~

Your feather friends photos are always awesome ~ and sky photos are glorious ~ ^_^

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Nice pics of the warbler Eileen. It's about time for the hummers to leave our area and I am on the lookout for warblers.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Again, as always, you photos are just marvelous. I've noticed here that the geese are in abundance. Know Fall is here when they arrive! Have a wonderful weekknd, my friend!

Rose said...

Oh, my, got to remember to look at this post on computer. I love that Black throated Nlue Warbler!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Carol!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Karen!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Red!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jeanie! I am lucky to see my yard birds.
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Linda!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marco!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Vera! I hope to see the Kinglets here, maybe soon.
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jeevan!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Carol,
I would put all the feeders away for the night at least.
Hopefully they are not coming during the day, they are a nuisance.
Thanks and take care! Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Judy! The warblers are on the way, enjoy!
Take care, enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Joyful said...

Such a pretty little Warbler. I have no idea what the little yellow bird is but he is cute. I love your skies. Enjoy your weekend. Keep well and keep safe.

Laura. M said...

Tienes un buen entretenimiento con los pájaros, tenéis por ahí muchas variedades. Ese atardecer fue precioso amiga.
Te deseo un buen fin de semana Eileen. Cuidaros.
Un abrazo.

Kay said...

Those warblers ae such pretty birds!
And what a pretty sunset. Our air is finally starting to clear a bit of the terrible smoke we've had, though we now have (welcome) rain. I hope we'll be able to enjoy sunsets again soon.

magiceye said...

Beautiful birds indeed and how is their warbling?

eileeninmd said...

Thanks so much Rose, I appreciate your comments!
Have a great day, happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Penny!
Take care and stay safe!
Have a great day, happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Laura!
Take care and stay well!
Have a great day, happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Kay! I am glad you had some rain and your skies are smoke-free.
Take care and stay well!
Have a great day and happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment!
They do more warbling in the spring time.
Take care and stay well!
Have a great day!

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely bird and fabulous sky.

All the best Jan

Michelle said...

I love seeing your birds! I have had fewer at my feeders lately. Thanks for linking up and have a great week ahead.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...