Monday, September 14, 2020

Our World, My World

 Hello, Happy Monday everyone!

This is what's happening in my world, LOL nothing too exciting. We are healthy and safe, that's important.  If we are not driving to a local park we can be found hanging out at home,  around the yard or enjoying a walk on the near by fire road.  

Our plants on the deck are still blooming nicely. From my dining window I can watch the hummers at the red Salvia and they love the Lantana. The Basil did not do well but we are enjoying the Rosemary, Sage, Thyme and Parsley which are all kind of hidden by the blooms in front.
In the distance are the butterfly bushes and a little further back in front of the pine trees is the devils walking stick tree.

The Crepe Myrtle is looking pretty on the top left, the Spirea top middle photo has made a come back after being smashed by a pine tree falling. The Morning Glory, top right is growing nicely along the fence. I am still seeing a few Hummingbirds at my feeders.   The photos at the hummingbird feeders always look the same. 

Various images of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, I am still seeing 2-3 of these cute birds in my yard.  I will miss them when they all leave and head south. 


The morning glories are growing well on the fence. 

There has been a few times I looked out my window and watched this Eastern Wood PeWee in the back of our yard. It would fly up once in a while catch a bug and then go back and sit on the same branch. 

The Crepe Myrtle has pretty blooms, blooms that attract bugs and the bugs are food for the birds. 

Images are from our recent walk on the local fire road, the sun looked pretty shining through the trees, me and my shadow and an Ovenbird was watching us.

Seen on Sept 5, the Ovenbird is a breeder in our local forest, I have seen and heard many these Ovenbirds all summer long.

Me and my shadow are taking a walk on our local fire road.  

A view of the fire road and forest. 

We are hanging in there,  happy and healthy.   I hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy.  

What's happening in your corner of the world? Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!


  1. have lots of color, I wish that we could grow Crepe Myrtle, it's just too cold here. Have a wonderful week Eileen.

    1. Thanks Tom! The Crepe Myrtle is looking beautiful, we see it growing all around our neighborhood.
      Have a happy day!

  2. I don't know what it is with basil this year. Ours was a failure too.

    1. Hello David,
      We are giving up trying to grow the basil. This is the second time with little success.
      Thanks for the comment, enjoy your day!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for the comment and visit.
      Take care, enjoy your new week!

  4. Oh Eileen - I always love visiting you. Today's flowers and birds are a pleasure to see. Have a great day!

  5. Flores e pássaros lindos pra bem iniciar a nova semana! beijos, tudo de bom! chica

  6. Good morning, Eileen,
    it sounds as if you and your shadow are are living a parallel life to us, the only difference being the variety of wild bird life. Since the farmer cut the meadows we have seen a beautiful pair of pheasants grazing through the new growth, I guess they were able to wander through without being seen during the summer.
    Hope you have a grand week,

    1. Hello Maggie,
      I would like to see your pheasants out in the field. You have a great view of the farm land.
      Thanks so much for the visit and comment. Take care, enjoy your new week!

  7. Hi Eileen!!!... Lovely and varied species of birds and flora ... Well done ... Happy week

  8. Loving the photo of the fire road forest with the sun trickling downward! A devil's walking stick tree?!! Now I'm gonna hafta do a Google on that. Beautiful flora & fauna as always!

    1. Hello Anni,
      The silk Floss tree sounds different, this tree does have a thorny trunk and always gets these purple berries in the fall. The birds love these berries. Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  9. ps...oh okay, we call it silk floss tree here in texas

    1. The botanical name is Aralia spinosa.

      Thanks Anni!

  10. I love, love, love the morning glory shot. Always live the little peewee bird.

    1. Thank you Rose!
      The PeWee is a cutie.
      Have a great day!

  11. I like that last photo of the trail! Feels so good to be out among those tall trees! You have lots of pretty flowers for the hummers and butterflies too. How beautiful it is on your back deck! Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Diane! It is nice to live near the forest.
      Have a great day!

  12. That last scene is a bit of heaven. The pewee and the ovenbird I haven’t seen yet. One day...

    I always enjoy your shadow photos!

  13. Some crepe myrtles here had their glory about a month ago. I've taken down my hummer feeder, couldn't keep down the mold, and didn't want anyone to get sick. Thanks for sharing your the forest.

  14. Looks like you have a pretty view out your dining room window and on your walks. Things are quiet here as well. We are starting to get ready for fall even though the temperatures outside still say late summer. Have a wonderful week.

  15. Beautiful collection of nature photos! So glad you are safe and healthy. Have a great week Eileen :)

  16. Thanks for sharing the joy of a garden and birds.
    Homely nature views.
    Have a great week ahead!

  17. Hi Eileen,
    From your window you can see beautiful flowers and birds!
    A safe and beautiful place to endure these difficult times.
    I live in a beautiful place next the mountains and the sea and I can also see beautiful flowers around the houses.
    Here we continue with some restrictions, due to Covid 19.
    Have a good week.

    1. Hello,
      Sounds like you live in a beautiful place, I would love the sea and the mountains.
      Thanks for visiting. Have a great week!

  18. That pee wee is so cute I would even say it's adorable! All your beautiful flowers are looking good and I assume they won't last much longer but they sure look good now

  19. Wonderful collages from your world. Very nice. Always enjoy your shadow shots, too. Take care...

    1. Hello Ellen,
      Thanks for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  20. Hi There, We are still in the midst of Summertime heat and humidity... I cannot wait til we get some cool Fall-like weather --and some colored leaves.... In the meantime, I'll just enjoy reading what life is bringing to my Blog friends....

    Glad you are still out hiking and enjoying your flowers and birds.... Being outside in nature is my way of coping with life now...

    Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Betsy!
      Yes, we do enjoy being outside and all things nature.
      Have a great week!

  21. Your flowers are gorgeous and all that colour is nice to see. A wonderful variety of birds, thanks for sharing and have a lovely new week.

  22. Farewell to the many migratory birds. sigh.
    It's good not to have too exciting things. The times are crazy.
    I saw a vireo this morning! Yippee.

  23. I always like to see the hummingbirds! I got no flowers on my Morning Glories this year - very strange!

  24. Tienes una buena terraza, con plantas bellas que la adorna y una vista impresionante desde ella.

    Bien sabe buscar el sustento el pequeño colibrí y acude a tu terraza todos los días. Es un lugar seguro, donde confiado está.

    Que tengas una semana feliz.

  25. You have lots going on in your back yard. Our crepe myrtles are really doing well this year. My wife put in a butterfly garden and some hummingbird feeders. We are just now getting a few butterflies and have had only intermittent hummingbirds.

    We are healthy as well, enjoying life as we can.

    1. Thanks Yogi, it seems like our crepe myrtle is the last one to bloom in the neighborhood. It is still looking beautiful. Enjoy your garden and butterflies, sounds very nice! Have a great day!

  26. Hello Eileen,

    Beautiful photos from your yard. The hummingbirds are so cute and pretty. I can understand you miss then when they leave. Pretty flowers too. Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you Marit!
      The Hummers are amazing little birds. Have a happy day!

  27. Glad you are staying well and healthy and that you can get out in the fresh air! Your hummingbird pictures are great. We had a Red Start in our apple tree the other afternoon - gorgeous!!

    1. Thank you Vera! The Redstarts are so pretty, you are lucky you have one in your yard.
      Have a great day!

  28. So much colour in your garden still. I would spend a lot of time just looking at the birds and admiring the flowers, I doubt I would get round to doing anything else.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I do enjoy seeing the flowers right outside.
      Enjoy your day!

  29. The crepe myrtle is beautiful. Reminds me of the one my dad planted by the side of our house. It was pretty much a tree. Always kind of wished I'd taken a cutting of it when we tied up the loose ends once the house sold. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!

    1. Thanks Jean! The Crepe Myrtle is one of my favorite blooming plants. They do grow tall and or wide.
      Have a great day!

  30. I love seeing hummingbirds and you took some wonderful photos of them, Eileen! They move too fast for my camera. I was afraid the snow we had would chase them away but they are still here for another month. I also love all your flowers! Red flowers are my favorite.

    1. Thanks Pat, I am lucky to see the Hummingbird sit for awhile to rest.
      Take care and enjoy your day!

  31. Very pretty blooms still around your house and always enjoy seeing the many birds that stop by.

  32. The deer dead headed most of my petunias the other night. They missed the geraniums. I guess they don't like geraniums.

    1. Thanks Red! The deer seem picky about what they eat here, they love the daylilies and they are eating a holly bush and azaleas. Take care and enjoy your day!

  33. Love that red. I've been trying to capture some pictures of our hummingbirds but got nothing compared to yours.

    1. Thanks Colleen, the hummers love that red salvia. I buy some every year for the birds.
      Take care and enjoy your day!

  34. Eileen, fantastic photos of your beautiful flowers and our feathered friends ~ great shots of the humming bird ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Hello Carol,
      Thank you for the comment. Enjoy your day!

  35. Love all your bird shots! I don't think I've ever seen an ovenbird. The name is certainly new to me.
    Your garden is still going strong. Ours is starting to scale back for the winter which I suppose will be here all too soon.

  36. So beautiful flowers, lovely birds.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  37. Eileen - I take great comfort in knowing that life is "normal" somewhere. We have heavy smoke here, coming from the west. But I won't complain, it could be much worse! Love the pictures of the pewee and the ovenbird! Our hummers left after the frost last Monday. I miss them. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. Thank you Angie! You are a great host for MM.
      I pray for all those in these wildfire areas.
      We have not had a frost yet, so the blooms are still looking good.
      Take care, enjoy your day!

  38. Such soothing and peaceful shots.

    1. Hello Lady Fi,
      Thank you for hosting Our World. Thanks also for the visit and comment.
      Have a happy day and week ahead.

  39. Beautiful photos of birds and flowers from your yard! I liked the light and shadows in the woods. Glad we stay safe on both sides. 

    Take care

    1. Thank you Jeevan!
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  40. I love that photo of the blooms on your deck. It looks like you live right by the wood, how amazing.
    Glad to hear that you are keeping well and safe, dear Eileen.

    1. Thank you Amalia!
      Yes, we live right next to the forest.
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  41. I love seeing so many different flowers and trees still in bloom. We still have hummingbirds and will probably for another month. Safe is good! And healthy is great.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

    1. Thank you Dawn!
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  42. Your photos always make me smile. All beautiful! Thank you Eileen and enjoy your day and week.

    1. Thank you Denise!
      Take care!
      Have a great day, happy weekend!

  43. there is not too much happening in our corner of the world. like you, we follow the guidelines established so there are not too many thing we feel comfortable doing. we are getting in some bike rides now that it is cooler, and we appreciate that more than ever.

    your images are beautiful today, you are so lucky to still be seeing hummingbirds. we had a few here but they are gone now!! i really like the crepe myrtle, i would not mind having one in our yard...they come in so many pretty colors!!!

    1. Thank you Debbie!
      Yes, it feels good to get outside.
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  44. Wow! What a blast of color!

    We'll try to take good care of your hummers once they arrive here in Florida.

    1. Thank you Wally!
      Yes, take care of my hummers. They will be missed.
      Have a great day!

  45. Wonderful pictures, not sure how you were able to get those fabulous images of the hummingbird, they are so allusive.

    We are having so many fires on the West Coast and the smoke is making things only worse.

    Hugs Diane

    1. Thank you Diane!
      Take care and stay safe!
      Have a great day!

  46. HI Eileen, such nice plants and birds what joy that brings eh? Sure made me smile. Happy week.

    1. Thank you Sondra!
      I do not need much to make me happy, the birds are a happy thing.
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  47. Wow! Loving these colors and flowers! Amazing pics.
    Wonderful Post! Have a great day!

  48. Hello dear! Oh, the natureza it is amazing. Xo

    1. Thank you for visiting!
      Take care and stay safe!
      Have a great day!

  49. The hummingbirds are adorable, Eileen. Wonderful captures. Hope the best for Colorado and California. Praying, that this ending soon. Stay healthy and well.

    Your garden is an Eyecatcher.

    Happy MosaicMonday

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit!
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  50. That little pee wee is -- well, a little peewee! He's darling. Lots of beauty here, including those hummers and it looks like your world is a pretty lovely one!

    1. Thank you Jeanie!
      The beauty is all around us!
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  51. Capture of gorgeous photos, Eillen. I am amazed by your carefulness in observing birds in the thick of trees as seen in the photo.

    Have a nice week.

    1. Thank you for visiting!
      Take care and stay well!
      Have a great day!

  52. must be lovely having all these birds visit your garden. enjoy and stay safe

    1. Thank you Jill!
      Take care and stay safe!
      Have a great day!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 560

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