Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday's Critters # 405

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

We have been sticking close to home lately, more walks on the local fire roads and to the lake. Some images are from my backyard, birds and blooms. 

1. The Hummingbird loves our potted Hibiscus and the Upright Fuchsia plants, the bees and butterflies love the zinnias and buddleia. All these plants keep putting out blooms, adding color to our back yard all summer into fall.

2. I've been watching the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds visiting my feeder and the various plants. This female seems to have taken over the duty of protecting her feeder and flowers.  They have been chasing each other all around the yard. 

3. The Eastern Tiger Swallowtails are a common sight on our Buddleia Butterfly bushes.

4. There are times I can see 10 of the Fritillary Butterflies on our bushes.

5. I was able to catch two of these Skippers on the butterfly bush. 

6. Some birds and views of our Prettyboy Reservoir, Great Blue Heron, Carolina Wren, Belted Kingfisher, Canada Geese, possible Spotted Sandpiper and another Great Blue Heron. 

7. I know this is a bad photo of a Sandpiper, I watched it fly in and land across the cove from us. It foraged in the mud on the lake shore. A branch goes across hiding the front of it's head, I am guessing it is a Spotted Sandpiper. 

8. I've been seeing the Carolina Wren in the same spot on different days. A few times there were 2 Carolina Wrens, maybe a parent and juvenile? 

9. This is a view of the lake from the fire road trail, it has become one of my favorite local walks. I can see and hear so many different birds on this walk. The Yellow-billed Cuckoo is usually always heard but I have not been able to find it sitting in all these trees.

10.  More recently I have been seeing the fall warblers in my back yard, they seem to love the berries on the (Aralia spinosa)  Devil's Walking Stick . 
Below are the Cape May Warblers males and females, Northern Parula, Scarlet Tanager, Tennessee Warbler, another shot of a Cardinal with the Tennessee Warbler. 

The grand-dogs ( Nibbles and Winnie the Corgi)  were here on their doggie vacation.  While our son, DIL and grandson Wyatt all go to the beach for their vacation. 

So this is my critter post for this week, I am looking forward to seeing your Saturday Critter post.

I am also linking up to Anni's blog party found here I'd Rather B Birding   Anni always has some beautiful birds to be seen on her blog, check it out!

Here is my linky:

YOU are all # 1.

Thanks to all my visitors and for your comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves critters and has linked up their critter post.


  1. I love your garden! All those flowers are just so beautiful. No wonder that you have so many visitors. Have a most wonderful weekend, Eileen!

    1. Hello Angie,
      Thank you for the visit and comment.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  2. You live in a lovely place near the lake. You have so many beautiful birds and butterflies too.

    1. Thanks Diane!
      We do enjoy living so close to the lake.
      Have a great day and happy new week!

  3. Eileen - your backyard could be a poster for Audubon! So encouraging to see the variety of birds that hang out with you! And a credit to you for selecting plants that are so attractive to birds, bees, butterflies, etc. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you Angie!
      I am thankful for hubby, he did all the planting.
      Have a great weekend!

  4. Awesome critters this week. I like all the birds, blooms and butterflies. That lake looks huge.

    1. Our reservoir or lake is a total of 79.7 sq. miles.
      Thank you for the visit and comment.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Beautiful flowers in your garden. Wonderful to have the birds and butterflies visiting your garden. That is a beautiful lake. I am sure the dogs are enjoying their vacation with you. Have a fabulous weekend.

    1. Thank you Nancy! I think the dogs loved their little vacation.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Cloudia!
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Hello Eileen,

    The hummingbirds and the butterflies are so beautiful. You are do lucky who can watch them in your yard. The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is my favorite butterfly. Unfortunately they don't live here.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Marit! Yes, I am happy to watch the butterflies and birds out my windows.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Awesome pics, Another beautiful post.
    Greetings from India

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  9. Enjoy the hummingbirds while you may, Eileen. They will not be around for much longer. We wish them well on their perilous journey.

    1. Thank you David!
      Yes, the hummers will be leaving soon.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  10. Awesome pics as usual. I love the butterflies. At last, this month, they came to visit my garden!
    Have a good Sunday.

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  11. Uau, que maravilhosa vostya desse lago! E o beija-flor e borboletas nos encantam sempre! Adorei teu mosaico! Ótimo fim de semana! beijos, chica ( E o netinho? )

  12. If there is one wish I have, it is to see hummingbirds and the swallowtail butterflies again.They are such lovely critters. Especially the hummingbirds. When I saw them on my travels I could watch them forever without getting tired of it. Did not leave until I had to.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Monica!
      I do love my hummingbirds, I will miss them when they head south.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  13. I feel we are celebrating the summer! What a cheerful sight to see.
    Thanks for hosting. Have a great one.

    1. Hello Jenn,
      It still feels like summer here, very humid.
      Our flowers are hanging in there, just barely. I am still seeing a few hummers.
      Thanks and have a happy weekend!

  14. #7 is almost completely camoflaged!

    1. Thank you for the comment Sandi!
      Have a great weekend!

  15. Love the view of the lake and all the birds. The swallowtail is a beauty! We have been inundated with hummers lately. They are gathering to head south. I'm filling 3 feeders daily. But they sure are fun the watch. Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you Betty!
      I will miss my hummingbirds.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  16. Oh, those butterflies! I didn't see very many this year so it's real joy to see yours. And those corgis are darling. I bet they got lots of good walks with you!

    1. Thank you Jeanie!
      It is a treat for us to dog-sit for our son. They are both good dogs.
      I have been seeing lots of butterflies.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  17. I really enjoyed this morning's slide show. You obtained great views of the butterflies and hummer. I hope to start seeing hummers down here. I can even see a few spots on the sandpiper. The lake view is so serene.

    1. Thank you Ken! I hope you see the hummers soon, they should be showing up now.
      I really enjoyed your post and eagle photos. Have a great weekend!

  18. Wonderful shots, Eileen. The butterflies are beautiful.

  19. Lots of things for the grand dogs to do.

    Hummers can be quite territorial.

    1. Thank you William!
      Yes, the hummer are feisty birds little birds.
      Have a great weekend!

  20. PS: Lovely, Eileen. Thank you very much for hosting!

  21. Looks like some berries for the birds. We saw SO many butterflies when we hiked yesterday. It's amazing that you can go to some of the same places and see something different every time. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you Diane!
      We do have fun going on our nature walks.
      Have a happy weekend!

  22. Lovely capture of birds, butterflies, and others from your neighborhood! The lake shots are splendid under the sunlight, and I hope you enjoy the company of a dog couple. Have a nice weekend

    1. Thank you Jeevan!
      Have a great day and happy new week!

  23. I always enjoy your critter see so many lovely birds. And for once am on computer so could really enjoy them all. So many times I have to come after I comment. I so would love to have wrens decide to live here. I hear them at a distance, and occasionally see one. But the ones at home always stayed around. They always built a nest somewhere in/on the house.

    I think I would love Prettyboy looks like a wonderful place.

    OH, great butterfly photos, as well.

    1. Thanks Rose! We do enjoy our walks to the reservoir.
      We are lucky to see so many birds here.
      Have a great weekend!

  24. I am taking a bet that you will know immediately which one of these photos is my favorite today! Your Grand dogs are absolutely beautiful! And those two butterflies are just stunning. Your backyard is so brilliant and beautiful

    1. Thanks Sandra! It was fun having the two grand-dogs here visiting with us.
      I think they enjoyed going on the walks with us too, so many new smells to investigate.
      Have a great day, happy weekend!

  25. HI Eileen, you have some wonderful photos in this post, I really enjoyed seeing the skippers, I haven't seen many yet...and all the Migrating Warblers, awesome to see them. I know you are enjoying the grand dogs too...I have 2 hummers hanging on but soon I expect to see it get very still in the old tree. Happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Sondra,
      I will miss my hummers when they leave, could be very soon.
      Have a great weekend!

  26. Lovely nature photos ~ wonderful variety and great place for the grand dogs too ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. You see much more when it comes to butterflies because you know the species. Great photos today as everyday.

  28. I find with my hummingbirds, if they are not fighting off a wasp, they are fighting each other over the feeder. I was surprised by how feisty they are the first year I got to observe them up close. Wonderful photo in the tree; I struggle to get a shot other than at the feeder. Meanwhile, wonderful photos to see always!

    1. Thank you Jocelyn! I enjoy watching the hummers zooming around my yard, they are feisty little birds. But, so much fun to watch. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  29. Great photos! Lovely view of the lake!
    I especially enjoyed seeing the butterflies.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Lea!
      The butterflies are like flying flowers, so pretty.
      Have a great weekend!

  30. Love the photos of the butterflies. The hummingbirds, Ruby-throated have left here already. So many beautiful birds. I would be so thrilled to see them. I saw a Merlin for the first time this week. It was a thrill.

    1. Thank you Marie!
      Congrats, I have only seen a Merlin once, they are cool birds.
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  31. The hummingbirds and butterflies are gorgeous. The fire road trail is beautiful and I can see why you love it. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Bill!
      We are lucky to be able to walk on all the local fire roads and to the lake.
      Have a great weekend!

  32. I wish I could attract some hummingbirds to my roof deck. I do get butterflies though. Have fun with the dogs, Eileen!

    1. Thank you RedPat!
      It would be nice to see the hummers from your roof deck.
      Have a great weekend!

  33. Hello Eileen, :=) What a delightful post, full of colourful flowers, gorgeous butterflies, birds, and the lake is beautiful. I love the photo of your Grand Dogs. It's a lovely area to walk with them.

    1. Hello,
      Thanks so much for the link and comment. It was fun dog-sitting.
      Take care, have a happy weekend!

  34. Lots of wonderful critters. How nice that you can care for the dogs while your son's family vacations. Happy weekend to you.

  35. you have made a lovely home for all of nature!! gorgeous captures today!!

    i wonder who is happier, the pups or you??

    1. Thanks Debbie!
      We did enjoy having the grand-dogs visiting.
      Have a great weekend!

  36. That's fun for you to be a vacation home for your grand-dogs. Our daughter is doing that for theer kids (our great-grandson and g-di-il) right now, so we have to remember to call ahead before we open their gate in case he is outside. Your yard and close-to-home walks are wonderful! I always love going along virtually!

    1. Thank you Sallie! We are lucky to have a park like setting and the lake just outside our doors.
      The grand-dogs enjoyed their vacation. Have a great weekend!

  37. Your photos are all gorgeous, Eileen! I find it hard to get a good hummingbird photos as they are so fast. I'm sure your granddogs are enjoying their vacation at your home--so much for them to see there on their walks.

    1. Thank you Pat!
      I was lucky to find the hummer sitting still near the feeder.
      Take care, have a happy new week!

  38. A beautiful collage. Loved seeing all the butterflies.

    1. Thank you Karen!
      Take care, have a happy new week!

  39. Always enjoy your photos. You have such a vast variety of birds around, glad you always share them. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Jean!
      Take care, have a happy new week!

  40. Impressive variety of critters! I love the lake and the butterflies!

    1. Thank you Linda!
      Take care, have a happy new week!

  41. Hello Eileen,
    I love the Hummingbirds and I wish they could live also here and visit my garden.
    Your butterflies shots are very beautiful.
    Wyatt will be happy in vacation with parents.
    Enjoy the company of your grand-dogs and have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you Luisella!
      Take care, have a happy new week!

  42. Hello Eileen,
    What a wonderful pictures. Great all these butterflies. And so nice that hummingbird.
    I have enjoy of all. Wonderful.

    Greetings, Marco

    1. Thank you Marco!
      Take care, have a happy new week!

  43. Pretty view of the lake!! I could sit for hours there!! Love the female hummingbird. They're so precious and their antics are priceless. Great post Eileen.
    For sharing your photos today, I thank you for linking at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  44. Replies
    1. Thank you for the visit and comment!
      Have a great day!

  45. Hi Eileen, thank you to visiting my blog. Beautiful photos of the bird especially the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, butterflies and beautiful landscape. I would like to be in your garden. Have a happy week.

  46. dear Eileen thank you so much for taking along ! what a treasure of splendid natural beauty you explore everyday by teh grace of Lord !

    i too almost could hear these sweet bird during walk with you :)

    i am in love with Nature and Love itself :) and i think you too have the same passion my friend!

    oh i just saw your snake river trip photos ,your photo on bank sitting on fallen trees is captivating .
    i hope river has no snake ,i could not post my comment there .
    blessings to you and loved ones!

    1. Thank you Baili!
      I do not think there are snakes in the river, the name has more to do with the river zig-zagging.
      Have a great day!

  47. Another very enjoyable series of photos. Thank you Eileen, happy day and week to you :)

  48. Hello Eileen,
    Thank you for a lovely selection of photographs on your post here.
    So nice to see your grand-dogs Nibbles and Winnie too :)

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  49. Dearest Eileen,
    so nice that you have youur granddogs on doggie vacation :-)
    I love all thee birds and insects - so many beautiful butterflies! <3
    Hugs Traude

    1. Thank you Traude!
      We were happy to take care of our granddogs for a few days.
      Have a great day!

  50. It must be such a joy to watch the butterflies and birds in your yard.

    Love the awesome photos, Eileen.

  51. Hello Eileen, thanks for sharing these lovely moments in nature, they are so uplifting, and beautiful in their element. You tour such wonderful places. Take care and enjoy your week.

  52. Your backyard is so full of life. I really love the photo with the two Skippers. Looks like they are posing.


  53. Preciosas las mariposas. Pero me quedo con la inmensa vista del lago.
    Buen jueves. Un abrazo.

    1. Thank you Laura!
      Take care, enjoy your day. Have a happy weekend!

  54. Se ve todo precioso, todo me gusta. Mariposas me encanta verlas en mi jardín. Besos.

    1. Thank you Teresa!
      Take care, enjoy your week ahead!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

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