Sunday, December 18, 2011

Birding Robert E. Lee Park


I am linking up with Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

I was able to finish my Christmas shopping on Friday and my Christmas tree has been up for weeks. So, that left Saturday open for hubby and I to take a walk and to do some birding. I have been reading on my listserve for Maryland that Redheaded Woodpeckers and a Nutmeg Mannikin have been sighted at the Robert E. Lee Park in Baltimore. I have been wanting to visit this park ever since it was re-opened after being closed a long time for renovations. So this was my chance to see the park with the new boardwalk and new bridge near the dam and maybe to see some great birds. The newly renovated 415 acre park has multiple trails and nature programs, a dog park, pavillion, waterfrnt activities like canoeing and kayaking. The one acre fenced dog park seemed to be very popular. Goldie Girl would be very upset if she knew that we went to this park without her.

Sad to say I missed both the redheaded woodies and I could not find the Nutmeg Mannikin. I was not even sure what a Nutmeg Mannikin was, it sounds like a seasoning, LOL! I had to look up Nutmeg Mannikin to see what it even looked like. I found out it is native to southeast Asia and I have no idea how it arrived in Maryland. Previous posters listed this bird being seen with WT Sparrows and Song Sparrows. I did see the sparrows in the area near the boardwalk and maybe this Nutmeg Mannikin was there and was just hiding from me.

I did see a Belted Kingfisher, what looks like a Chipping sparrow, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and pretty bluebird. Other birds, seen were Cardinals, Titmouse, Redbellied Woodpeckers, Carolina Wren, Mallard ducks and a large group of crows.

Since, it so close to Christmas I thought I would show off my Christmas birdie ornaments. I hope you enjoyed my mosiacs. And to see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday 
and Our World Tuesday.  Thanks to Mary for hosting Mosiac Monday and thank you to the hosting group of Our World: Sylvia, Gattina, Lady Fi, Arija and Sandy. 

I wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and for those who celebrate Happy Hanukkah.


  1. you got a good shot of the sapsucker! and i like your indoor birdies too!

  2. Oh, how I love your Christmas bird1e ornaments! They look so sweet nestled in the branches.

    Yes, Nutmeg Mannikin does sound like something your would use in baking :)

  3. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas Eileen!!!

  4. What wonderful mosaics. I especially liked the clouds in the first mosaic and your ornament mosaic is grand! Thank you! Cathy

  5. Your bird ornies are adorable! I know you must enjoy this tree...looks perfect for you! Happy holidays! ♥♥♥

  6. Of course you'd have sweet little birds on your tree! They're lovely.

  7. You always find wonderful birds to photograph ... whether outside or inside!

  8. Since I am in South East Asia, perhaps I should look out for the 'seasoning' you mentioned. You sure know a lot about birds compared to me. I call my dog, Goldie girl too.

  9. Love your birdie ornaments :)

  10. Looks like a terrific park. I love your birdie ornaments!
    Wishing your and yours a very Merry Christmas!

  11. I see a King Fisher great captures!

  12. Hi Eileen, I had to laugh when you said the Nutmeg bird sounded like a spice. I thought the same thing. Sorry that you missed sightings, but glad that you had a day out with your hubby. Love all of your nature ornaments. Always love visiting you and appreciate your visits to my blog. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  13. Looks like alovely place to walk and so many nice birds too, even if not the ones you had hoped to find!

  14. Love your adorable bird ornaments! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  15. Love your ornaments and bird shots as well. Merry Christmas


  16. I'm going to send Goldie Girl an email and tell her that you went to the park without her.
    It looks and sounds a super park and that boardwalk is crying out for me to walk down it.
    I should have guessed .....that you would have bird decorations.

  17. BTW your blog is much easier to read now with the new colour.

  18. Hi Eileen, you made me look that up too - "The Nutmeg Mannikin is also known as the “Spice Finch” or the “Spotted Munia”, and is native of Asia. It was first introduced into the United States and established in Hawaii where was imported as part of the pet trade. You might see this finch in local pet stores with other colorful finches. Since the 1980′s, some small colonies have been found in Orange County, CA." You have yet another terrific park to go to? You are so lucky with all that space.

  19. Hi Eileen, I was hoping you'd see a Red-headed... Maybe you need to come to TN in the spring since we see them here...

    Love the picture of your sapsucker though... I have never seen one. Also--the kingfisher... He does look like a Chipping Sparrow.

    Love your indoor birdies... I'd love to have a Pileated one.. Awesome!!!!

  20. HI Eileen ...Lovely to see your outdoor and indoor birdies..: }

  21. Haha, definitely sounds like a seasoning! I know there are mannikins (not sure what kind) in Hawaii so I was surprised to hear of one in MD! Love your bird ornaments, especially the owl and the woodpecker. The cardinals are funny since they're obviously both males...

  22. I went searching for birds in my backyard last weekend.

    I managed to get a few lifers.

  23. Hi Eileen, Well, from personal experience, I can tell you that Red-headed Woodpeckers are elusive. They are quite shy. I so enjoy seeing them but it has been a number of months since we had them - and not yet at our new place. I love the pictures on today's post of the living and ornamental birds. Have a super good day!

  24. nice mosaics! most i like the first one :)

  25. So sorry you missed the red headed woodpecker! But Wow! LOVE your bird ornaments! How appropriate for a birder!

  26. Lovely mosaics for Christmas. Have a good Christmas and I look forward to following you in 2012.

  27. I was not surprised to see that your Christmas tree would be decorated with birds too. You are such an avid birder. Does the blue bird overwinter in Maryland? V

  28. Great post and love the tree ornaments. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  29. Lovely, colorful Christmas mosaics! And the perfect tree decorations for you! Thank you for sharing the beauty, Eileen! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


  30. Oh I love the bird ornaments!!! Happy holidays, may they be blessed!

  31. Your bird pics are just beautiful and so interesting to see birds that are never seen in my area.
    A very Merry Christmas to you Eileen and I really hope you enjoy a wonderful and safe holiday season. xx

  32. Love your outdoor and indoor birds all. (That's a great idea for decorating a tree!).....I thought I'd misread the name of that NUTMEG bird you didn't find -- glad you said that you thought the same thing I did (spice cookies or eggnog on our mind maybe?)

  33. As always beautiful bird mosaics. Have a great time with all your loved ones.

  34. beautiful birds. very colourful and appealing mosaic. hope you've a wonderful Xmas with your family and friends.

  35. Very nice shots of park. You have decorated Christmas tree very beautifully.

  36. That looks like a beautiful park, and I love the ornaments!

  37. Wow Eileen, you are certainly a 'birder', your Christmas tree wont lie! That nutmeg mannikin, i also haven't heard here, but i am not a birder so i might not know, LOL. But certainly i love the photos in the first mosaic although it looks really gray an cold.

  38. Although you didn't see all the birds you were looking for, you certainly got some good shots and it looks like a great place to explore. I love your bird ornaments.

  39. I can relax in this place and might go to sleep too. ^_^ thanks for the prayers Eileen and Merry Christmas!

    Kim, USA

  40. Love your birdie ornaments! How nice to have a free Saturday before Christmas to go birding! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  41. Sorry you missed some of the birdies but you did find some really nice ones. That little bluebird is so sweet looking. I love your ornaments collage, they are all beautiful.

  42. What lovely shots. Enjoy your Christmas!

  43. it is strange how different we do things. I never set up the christmas tree until dec 23:d and then take it down again after three weeks. That is christmas enough for me. :)

    Like that place you walked in.

  44. you might not have seen as many birds as you wanted...
    but i love all the pictures...of BOTH the outdoor AND indoor birdies!!

    have a merry one!! cheers!

  45. Lovely Christmas birds and outside birds, Eileen. I've never seen a yellow-bellied sapsucker, but it seems to me someone called me one once.
    Wishing you all the best for the festive season and in the year to come.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  46. You have a beautiful collection of bird ornaments. I have not seen Redheaded woodpeckers in years. Wishing you a blessed Christmas.

  47. A bluebird! I've never photographed one. Well done.
    Cheers from Cottage Country East Ontario!

  48. trekking your amazing blog! keep blogging! happy holidays!


  49. Wishing you a great Christmas!


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