Friday, December 16, 2011

El Nispero Zoo, Panama

I am linking up with Camera Critters

The El Nispero Zoo was included in our week tour of Panama. The zoo and botanical gardens are located on 7 acres and is home to 90 species of animals.  We saw exotic birds from Asia and Africa and tropical birds like the macaws, toucans and the parrots. The zoo also includes a center for the study of amphibians like the Golden Frog.

A male Wood duck and a Mandarin duck

I do not usually like taking photos of cages, but this rooster/chicken was really pretty.

I just love the look on this parrot.

The four Blue and Gold Macaws are my favorite, gorgeous birds.

This dude was a cutie.

The Golden Frog is listed as critically endangered. Some individual Golden Frogs have been collected to breed in captivity to preserve the species.
The research center is studying the bacteria resposible for the eradication of the Golden Frog

This Ostrich is saying goodbye and thanks for stopping by.

To see more cute critters check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.  Thanks Misty for hosting! Thanks to everyone for visiting my critter post, I everyone has a safe and happy weekend.


TexWisGirl said...

love the mandarin duck in the first couple of shots! so cool!

rainfield61 said...

In fact, we are in a huge zoo.

We are caged, together with all the critters.

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, wonderful to see the wood duck and the mandarin together like that! Two such fancy ducks!

jabblog said...

Lovely photos - it's hard to pick a favourite. I hope an answer can be found to the problem of the Golden Frog - we can't keep on losing species.

Sivinden said...

So many interesting creatures, great post!

diane b said...

There are some interesting critters here. I like the macaws too. Mr parrot with his 'look' is funny.

genie said...

Thanks for the visit. I cannot tell you how shocked I was when I walked up upon kitty in the hanging basket...I was out taking pictures of barns for Barn Charm when I spotted him. That is actually a tall stool so it was like he was in midair. Love your pictures from Panama. They remind me of our many visits to Costa Rica down on the Osa Peninsula. We love it there and would move in New York minute if we could. The birds are gorgeous. Take care...we are off to Chestertown on Christmas day to see the daughter. Cannot wait. genie

Al said...

It looks like a nice zoo, good shots.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great pics. I love the parrot.

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks like a great place to take photos, Eileen, and get a closeup view of many exotic animals.

Liz said...

Great captures of gorgeous ducks. And that parrot is lovely.

Leovi said...

Wonderful pictures, I love those spectacular frames and colors, all are beautiful. Greetings.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful series of photos Eileen, thank you.

Carol said...

Such cool critters! What a fabulous zoo, I love the tropical birds. Great shot of the frog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, That Wood Duck caught my eye - as you could imagine. Lovely place. Thanks for sharing the tropical zoo views!

Anonymous said...

Lovely group of critters!

BlueShell said...

Oh, my...This is so amazing....
Thank you, Eileen!

Esther Garvi said...

So beautiful!

Unknown said...

Great shots - awesome zoo!

Debbie said...

i looked at these the other day, i thought i left a comment. anywho, they are fabulous....i just love coming here, you share my kinda pictures.

thank you for always stoping by my blog and leaving the sweetest comments. my dad passed and i have been spending all my time with my mom!! i don't know when i will be back on a regular schedule!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Oh my, such colorful critters you have Eileen! Merry Christmas!

SquirrelQueen said...

Eileen, I love your shot of the Wood duck and the Mandarin duck. I have never been able to catch the ones at our aviary in the same shot. I see you also got a little Blue bill duck in the shot.

The zoo and botanical gardens looks like a great place to explore.

Andrea said...

Hi Eileen, i love that "rooster" too, but is it a chicken or a pheasant. I noticed many Americans are travelling to Panama these days. Regarding my post, thanks for your comment. But those beetles are not my collection, i don't like them, i said there that i found them when i got some logs. I haven't seen anyone collecting those type of beetles, LOL.

cat said...

All of them are beautiful, but I really like that cheeky parrot :)

magiceye said...

beautifully captured!

Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

Great pictures! Panama is next on our list of places to travel. We will definitely be heading to that zoo.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

great pictures...i LoVE the beautiful mandarin ducks!! their markings are amazing!
and the little golden frog!! i hope they can save them!!

Jen Sanford said...

Ha, the ostrich never fails to amuse me... Such a weird bird.

Saun said...

Love the mandarin duck in the first couple of shots! Very pretty

Eden said...

Beautiful series of photos. The parrot is so cute.

eden said...

What a great place to visit! They are beautiful creatures. Beautiful photos as always.

NatureFootstep said...

lots of great critters here. Wish I had been there with you. :)

My name is Riet said...

HI Eileen. I love all your beautiful bird pictures. Wow, what a treat to see all that. Some are so very special.


Anonymous said...

These are lovely photos, Eileen.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...