Monday, December 26, 2011

My favorite bird photos of 2011

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I enjoyed Christmas and a delicious dinner with my family at my sisters house. I wish everyone all the best in 2012.......HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!

I am linking up with Mellow Yellow Monday  and Our World Tuesday and World Bird Wednesday

I had trouble choosing my favorite photos over my favorite birds. In this case of these photos are some of my better photos of some of my favorite birds all seen in 2011.

The Eastern Meadowlark is a beautiful bird and I saw this one on the same backroad as the Redhead Woodie below. It can be great to go birding on the backroads in Maryland.

In the Mosaic above I have my favorite photo of the Prothonotary Warbler I saw at Magee Marsh, Ohio. The Hooded Warbler I saw while hiking in Shenandoah, an Eastern  Meadowlark seen while driving the back roads in Maryland and a White-eye Vireo seen while hiking near my house.

My favorite juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron

In this mosaic I have my favorite photos of the juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron seen in a nearby rookery, three of the five Black Bellied Whistling Ducks that showed up in a lake in a Baltimore City park, the Clapper Rail seen at Edwin Forsythe near Atlantic City and the Virginia Rail seen during the Popular Island bird trip with my bird club.

The Black bellied Whistling Ducks are just the cutest ducks ever seen.

Above one of my better Osprey shots and a cool shot of a Chincoteague Island Bald Eagle, a closeup of a Chincoteague Pelican and a Barred Owl seen on the C& O canal bike trail, a Redhead Woodie seen while driving the back roads of Maryland and the Long-tailed Tropicbird seen in Bermuda.

Osprey seen at the Edwin Forsythe NWR

I really enjoyed watching these Long-Tailed Tropicbirds seen on Bermuda's Horseshoe Bay Beach.

Cool sighting and photo of the Barred Owl

I was happy to catch this eagle sitting in the sunshine.

The Redhead Woodie one of my favorite woodpeckers.

Thanks to Drowsey Monkey of Mellow Yellow Monday  and thanks to the hosting group at Our World Tuesday and thanks to Springman of World Bird Wednesday.  All these host have been just wonderful to support the fun memes and I really do appreciate them. I also want to thank everyone that stopped by in 2011 to see my post and for their lovely comments.

I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Years and  Happy Birding!!


giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Hi Eileenimnd, mi piace molto l'uccello giallo... è così fiero di se stesso !
Buona giornata :)

Sue said...

Eileen-they're all wonderful, but especially the Red Headed Woodpecker. I just adore them--haven't seen one in a very very long time. So bright....great shot!

Gemma Wiseman said...

I have scrolled through this post several times enjoying the variety of birds! The yellow on the birds is amazing but my favourite shot has to be the night heron winging its way through the leaves! Incredible!

Happiness to you in the New Year!

diane b said...

It must have been hard to choose your favourite. You have seen so many. These are super birds and super shots. I like the night heron and his scruffy hairdo.

Anonymous said...

You really do have a collection of bird photos in this post that are beautiful. I am fortunate to have a few sparrows at the feeder this time of year. Everything else has gone south for the winter.

Carol said...

Such amazing captures over the year, they are all fantastic! I really enjoy your birding and look forward to more in the new year! Happy Holidays!

Leovi said...

A nice collection of good shots at birds with delicious colors.
I wish you all the best during the holidays to you and those around you. Thank you very much for sharing the beauty of your photos.

Jidhu Jose said...

nice bird shots

Poetic Photos

Patrice said...

Fabulous bird shots - We see the red headed woodpecker in our backyard all the time! Love that first yellow though!

Unknown said...

Very nice! I see several birds in your photo collection that I need for my life list...must work on my Eastern North American birds this coming year. Have a great Birding & Photography & Blogging year in 2012

TexWisGirl said...

you know i adore the BBW ducks and the barred owl! so jealous of your red-headed woodie! so beautiful! a very nice collection! your warblers are beautiful!

rainfield61 said...

2011 must be a very good year to you on birding.

2012 must be another good year.

Wish you a happy new year.

Liz said...

Wonderful images Eileen.
The brilliant red on the Red-headed Woodpecker is stunning.

Jen Sanford said...

Great collection of birds! All of them are awesome but I love that Night Heron shot!!

Debbie said...

what beautiful captures and vibrant colors!!

i sure do hope you had a wonderful christmas!!

Liz said...

Gorgeous birds!

Happy New Year!

Liz @ MLC
Liz @ MCN

Betty Manousos said...

oh eileen, thanks for brightening my day!

gorgeous photos! all of these.
glad you've had a wonderful xmas with your family.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what superb shots! The juvenile heron bursting out of the trees is just magical!

Jessica said...

wow! look at all the beautiful birds you have here :-) great shots. Returning the love for MYM, thank you for the visit. I do appreciate it.

Bob Bushell said...

A beautiful troop of birds you have photoraphed.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of the birds. The bright yellow colored birds are lovely.

Sivinden said...

What a great collection of bird shots. Love that heron in the tree:)

I wish you a happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't know which one is my favorite. They're all incredible and well done.

Happy New Year,

Sylvia K said...

Your bird captures are absolutely breathtaking, Eileen! The colors, the close-ups, the variety! Fantastic! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your world! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Unknown said...

Great series!! Boom & Gaey of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Reader Wil said...

There must be a great variety of birds in your neighbourhood. These birds are so colourful and quite different from the birds where I live.Thanks for sharing!

Valerie said...

A wonderful and colourful collection Eileen. Thanks for sharing. Love that first shot - the brilliant yellow/gold is stunning. And the red-headed Woodpecker is striking. Have a great New Year.

Stewart M said...

Hi - what a great collection - so many birds that I have never seen!

Hope you have a good (and bird filled) 2012!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

LifeRamblings said...

beautiful series of birds. i've always enjoyed your collection of photos. Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year Eileen.

betty-NZ said...

Such lovely shots!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Oh that Red-headed Woodpecker is marvelous! A wonderful shot! I so enjoy seeing all of your pictures of the birds. The Eastern Meadowlark is brighter than the Western by the way. Have a super day tomorrow!

Indrani said...

Excellent captures, vibrant colors... a joy to see.

Arija said...

No wonder you had trouble choosing your favourites with so many glorious and interesting bird shots.
A most productive birding year indeed.

Have a Very Happy New Year with lots more terrific bird shots!

Anonymous said...

I love them all! Such vivid colours, particularly the first one! All the best for the New Year!

Lisa said...

WOW, these are some gorgeous bird photos!

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like this past year was a great one for birding. I love all of you shots, most of these birds I don't see in our area. I just love that juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron, he is a cutie.

magiceye said...

brilliant collection!!

Best wishes to you and yours a wonderful joyous season!!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I love them all, Eileen, but that photo of the Barred owl is so captivating!

Jill Harrison said...

Fabulous bird shots Eileen. I have enjoyed seeing your part of the world through Mosaic Monday this year. I wish you all the best for 2012.

Chubskulit Rose said...

These are wonderful captures Eileen!

NatureFootstep said...

that´s quite a collection of bird shots.

Only picking one I have to say that Black bellied Whistling Ducks is a funny shot. Made me smile a lot. :)

betchai said...

you have very extensive bird pictures Eileen, I love all of them, wish I had seen much as you did. may your New year be equally filled with priceless photographic moments and more, and wonderful blessings your heart desires.

Carole M. said...

such a lovely assortment of beautiful photographs. I love the yellow birds, the night-heron especially. Looks like you have some great birding possibilities

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Just amazing Eileen -- I really loved the review of these wonderful birds. Thanks for sharing. I aspire to 1) SEE the wonderful birds you spot and 2) learn to photograph them as well as you do. (Tall order, won't happen any time soon, so in the meantime, thanks for sharing yours!!!!)

Joanne Olivieri said...

What absolute fantastic captures. It is so difficult at least for me to capture birds so these are just amazing. The owl is spectacular!!! Happy New Year to you my friend.

CameraCruise said...

Wow, wonderful shots, love all of them.
They're all so beautiful, but if I should pick one favorite it must be the Heron in the tree.
Wish you all the best for the new year.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Black bellied Whistling Ducks, I agree with you that they are the cutest.

mick said...

A great series of photos and all beautiful birds.

Brian King said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen! Just fantastic! That is a great variety of birds and the yellow in those first photos is just beautiful.

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous collection! I am totally in Love with the red-headed woodie :)!

Eden said...

Wow, I love all your bird photos. Terrific captures.

Happy New Year.

holdingmoments said...

A fantastic collection of birds for us there Eileen.
All the best for the new year. :-)

joo said...

Oh, Eileen,your post is simply smashing! I love all of these birds, but of course my very favourite is Barred Owl. I'm simply in love with owls:D
I wish you beautiful, peaceful and happy NEW YEAR!!!!!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I have always love looking at your bird photos, and nature photos also.


Karin M. said...

Wow ... great photos, wonderful bird parade ..
Greeting Karin.

Carver said...

These are all fantastic shots of the birds you've seen. I think my favorite is the juvenile heron with it's wings spread out.

Anonymous said...

What a collection of splendid shots! I love your mellow yellows.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of all your lovely wildlife.. said...

You really had to be on the ball to get that heron picture!All of them are great!And the owl...I sometimes take the dogs out at night & can hear one nearby,but come daytime,he`s no where to be found ,even tho the skies here have been so gray,happy new year to you!phyllis

Springman said...

What a phenomenal year Eileen. Thank you for sharing your birding adventures, thee are wonderful pictures!
Happy New Year!

Elaine said...

A lovely collection of shots!

Jo said...

Like Gemma, Eileen, I scrolled up and down through this post oohing and aahing at the wonderful images. (And trying to memorise and/or get my tongue around some of the names, LOL!) I love the Eastern Medowlarks vibrant yellow gold colouring. The White-eye Vireo reminds me of our White-eyes in Africa. I LOVE the juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron and kept going back to the fantastic photo of the Chincoteague pelican (Note: I had to copy and past the name from your post to ensure I had the spellling correct!) And of COURSE, I remember the post of the cute Black Bellied Whistling Ducks and loved seeing the photos again. Your woodpecker is very red-headed. Our males have red, but not so strikingly bright red, crowns. Recently on our safari everyone else was watching lions to the left of our the vehicle when I spotted a movement up a branch on the right of the road. I proceeded to snap a Nubian Woodpecker and forgot about the wildlife on the other side! May you have the best ever and safest New Years. Blessings Jo

cassandrasminicorner said...

I really enjoyed the photos of different birds..Thank's!!!

Visiting for MYM! Here's mine- hope you can visit too:)

Chad said...

Wow. I am not sure I can really pick of favorite out of all the photos you posted but if I was forced too, I think I would pick the juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron. Cool.

Hilke Breder said...

Wonderful selection, Eileen. You have had a terrific year! Have a happy and productive 2012! I am looking forward to many more of your great posts!

Larry said...

Awesome year Eileen! So many great photos it's had to pick a favorite. I think the Red-headed Woodpecker is my favorite but I love that cool shot of the Barred Owl!

The Brown Pelican portrait has such detail and the Black-crowned Night Heron is an incredible catch!

I hope your 2012 birding season is as good as this year. Have a healthy, prosperous, and birdy New Year!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous variety of birds!

Sandi said...

Love the wings through the tree leaves!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...