Sunday, December 4, 2011

Panama lifers and list

I am linking up with Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

I thought it would be fun to do a post that listed all my Panama lifers and show some more photos. Who knows I might entice some birding blogger friends to visit Panama.

The above mosaic shows the White whiskered Puffbird, Rufous Motmot, female Blue Crowned Manakin, Long Billed Hermit, Violet-bellied Hummingbird, Tropical Kingbird, Red-throated Ant-Tanager, Blue-footed Booby, Crimson-backed Tanager, Tennessee Warbler, Crimson-chested Woodpcker, Tropical Mockingbird, Purple Throated Fruitcrow, Wattled Jacana, Saffron Finch.

I was not able to get photos of all my lifers, but below I have a total of 38 lifers from my Panama trip. I think 38 lifers is a great number of new birds, since only the five hours on the first day of our trip was designated for birding. The rest of the trip was touring and sightseeing.

A female Blue Crowned Manakin.

Panama Bird List and lifers

1. Neotropic Cormorant
2. Yellow headed Caracara
3. Bat Falcon
4. Southern Lapwing
5. Wattled Jacana
6. Ruddy Ground Dove
7. Greater Ani
8. Long Billed Hermit
9. Stripe throated hermit
10. White necked Jocabin
11. Violet Crowned Woodnymph
12. Violet-bellied Hummingbird
13. Blue-chested Hummingbird
14. White Vented Plumeleteer
15. Rufous Motmot
16. White Whiskered Puffbird
17. Crimson chested Woodpecker
18. Black striped Woodcreeper
19. Western Slaty Antshrike
20. White-flanked Antwren
21. Dot-winged Antwren
22. Dusky Antbird
23. Chestnut backed Antbird
24. Spotted Antbird
25. Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher
26. Social Flycatcher
27. Purple-throated Fruitcrow
28. Blue-crowned Manakin
29. Song Wren
30. Tropical mockingbird
31. Tennessee Warbler
32. Red-throated Ant-tanager
33. Blue Dacnis
34. Scarlet-rumped Cacique
35. Saffron Finch
36. Tropical Kingbird
37. Blue-footed Booby
38. Crimson-backed Tanager

The Social Flycatcher reminds me a lot of the Great Kiskadee but it is smaller in size.
  The Black Vulture was the most common bird we saw while in Panama. We saw steady streams of migrating Vultures in flight. I would say they numbered in the thousands, with some Turkey Vultures .

I continue with my list of the rest of the bird species I saw while in Panama.  
39. Black bellied Whistling ducks
40. Brown pelicans
41. Magnificent Frigatebirds
42. Great blue heron
43. Great Egret
44. Snowy Egret
45. Little Blue Heron
46. Cattle Egret
47. Green Heron
48. Black Vultures
49. Turkey Vultures
50. Osprey
51. Common Moorhen
52. Laughing Gull
53. Red-Lored Parrot
54. Ringed Kingfisher
55. Great Kiskadee
56. Yellow Warbler
57. Prothonotary Warbler
58. Great Tailed Grackle
59. Barn Swallows
60. Tree Swallows
61. White Ibis
62. Blue-footed Booby.
64. Keel Billed Toucan
65. Willet
66. Sanderling
67. Whimbrel
68. Crimson-backed Tanager
69. Clay-colored Robin
70. Blue-Gray Tanager

I saw a total of 70 species of birds. Being a birder a trip to Panama is a wonderful experience. From what I read there are 972 species of birds in Panama. So, it looks like I only saw a few of them.

Above, we saw a group of White Ibis with some Snowy Egrets mixed in.

To check out more wonderful mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday  and for more photos from around the world please visit Our World Tuesday.  Thanks to Mary the host of Mosaic Monday  and thank to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday:  Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sandy and Sylvia.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy week ahead. Happy Birding!!!


TexWisGirl said...

you really did make quite a list!

grammie g said...

HI Eileen..that is an impressive list there lady ...good for you!!
Lovely photo's to ..I really like that cute Blue Crowned Manakin!!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your bird photos are so crisp and's like being there! The photo in my banner was taken yesterday on the Gulf coast of Florida. It was a birding paradise! We saw eagles and the most unique flock of white pelicans flying in a geese! Happy Monday! ♥

Anonymous said...

Your bird pictures are very nice, even the vulture. I don't like the look of vultures though!

Vee said...

Hmmm...I wonder if my turkey vultures are there in Panama...

So many beautiful birds. I sure miss the days when we could see the enlarged photo by clicking on it. I so wanted to see your mosaic better. I don't think I recognized one bird other than as a beautiful creature.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

What amazing close up shots you got of those birds. I have to tell you honestly that they seem so exotic to me...but so beautiful!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Your mosaics are so very lovely!! Beautiful birds! Wishing you a grand week! Cathy

Kim, USA said...

Oh my gush these birds are beautiful!!

Mosaic Monday

A Garden of Threads said...

Wonderful, you were able to cross off some names. Hope you have a great week:)

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

You did really well to see all those birds. Maybe another trip at another time would be in order to get more on your list. V

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

I love all the birds! Found you at Mosaic Monday.

Carol said...

Fantastic list! Always enjoy your shots, this was no exception, so many beautiful captures.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of birds. I would love to photograph each one of them myself.

Teacup-In-The-Garden said...

I love your bird-photos!
Have a wonderful week,

diane b said...

That is an impressive list and you sure are good at identifying them. You must have some great references. I like the one with the red breast.

Phil Slade said...

972 species! Wow Eileen I'm not surprised you didn't get to see them all but you did really well as your mosaic shows. Now I'm saving up for a trip over the pond.

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Fantastic list! I have been a bird watcher for 20 years, but have yet to travel to Panama. Beautiful mosaic!

Nancy said...

How exciting to add so many birds to your list. I love the black vulture == what a statuesque bird! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Panama sounds wonderful for seeing birds, Eileen! Love it that you saw so many new ones to add to your list.

Jen Sanford said...

Definitely inspired to visit Panama!! Sounds (and looks) like an amazing place to bird... Thanks for sharing your amazing photos!

Karin M. said...

Great photo work, the bird photos are fantastic ..
Greetings Karin

Anonymous said...

So many wonderful shots. And a lovely mosaic!

Maude Lynn said...

What an amazing list! Beautiful shots, Eileen.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

wOw!! now that's A LOT of bird sightings!! what beautiful birds...and pictures...i LoVE your panama mosaic!
the black vulture...reminds me of something out of star trek...or maybe even a little priestly...he looks like he has a cloak over his head!!

i might not be a 'bird watcher'...but i AM a nature watcher...and i would sure love to visit the panama in my lifetime!!

thanks for sharing all your wonderful photos!! :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Lovely mosaic, great list. I'd love to go!

Sylvia K said...

An amazing list indeed! Superb captures for the day, Eileen! Thanks for sharing the beauty! Hope you have lovely week!


LifeRamblings said...

these birds are just gorgeous Eileen. i love your mosaics. have a wonderful week.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great job photographing the birds - enjoyed seeing them. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Thanks for stopping by. I may go see if they have a new display up this year.

Carver said...

Great post Eileen. I enjoyed seeing the different birds and reading the lists of them too. What a great place for birding.

lotusleaf said...

Great mosaic!So many beautiful birds! I didn't know that lifers means birds! Here, lifers are usually jailbirds who are sentenced for life.

Indrani said...

Wow! You saw so many of them. I wouldn't be able to identify them all.

Reena said...

My goodness ...what a list! How cool!

Carol said...

I love your bird pictures! Come back & visit..I'm having a give-away!

Unknown said...

OK, alright, I am speechless..... What gorgeous catches you had there!
And of course I would visit Panama, am just at the wrong side of the Globe right now ;-)

Ebie said...

I am overwhelmed with the bird listings. I wonder what great harmony if some or all will chirp at the same time.

The yellow bird might be warbler, as I checked for some bird photos. But I was not sure, so I did not attempt to identify it.

BlueShell said...

What a wonderful post you have here, Eileen. I could stay here all day long...just admiring the mosaics and the other pictures. I am crazy about everything concerning nature...and you have here such an amazing piece of it.
Thank You!

Gattina said...

I don't know anything about birds, but I appreciate their beauty !
With my 4 cats we don't have a lot of birds in the garden as you can imagine, lol!

Anna said...

I love all of the birds Eileen!
You captured them beautiful.
Greetings from Holland,
Anna :-))

Landbohaven said...

Smukke billeder.
Tak for kigget.

Andrea said...

Wow, those are lots of beautiful birds! So Panama is a haven for birders. That vulture seem scary, why do they have lots of them? That means they have a lot to eat there?

wildcatwoods said...

What an amazing amount of birds live there!

Carolina Mts

NatureFootstep said...

it is so fun, isn´t it? I only spent a few hours in Panama on my way home. I havn´t figured out how many I saw there. But I am still working with the birds from Costa Rica. :) I have soon posted a 100 of them. I like the shot of he white Ibis, can´t remember seeing them.

Kathie Brown said...

Well, for only 5 hours of birding, that is quite the list!

Pondside said...

All so exotic - and the vultures are quite different from the ones we see up here.
The colours of the tiny birds - amazing!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What an adventure and your list is incredible. Very nice images as well Eileen~

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...