Sunday, July 15, 2012

More birds and blooms

Amazing how fast the weeks fly by,  linking up with The Bird D'pot and  Mosaic Monday  and Our World Tuesday

I spent more of my weekend around home so I have some more shots of my yard birds and flowers that are in bloom right now.

Above the Gray Catbird are regulars visitors in my yard, above I saw a few juvie Catbirds at the blueberry bushes. I love the hibiscus plant I have in a pot on my deck. The blooms are beautiful.

Gorgeous blooms on the hibiscus plant.

Above the Bluejay is another regular visitor, along with the Redbellied Woodpeckers. In my front yard I have some of Maryland's state flower blooming the Black-eyed Susan and bottom right is a cute birdhouse that the House Wren used for its nest.

I believe this is the Eastern Black Swallowtail above, I am not sure why but this year does not seem to be a good year for butterflies in my yard.

The Black-eyed Susans are the state flower of Maryland. I have a small group growing in my front yard. I am hoping that next year they become thicker and spread.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit  The Bird D'pot and Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.  
Thank You to Anni of the Bird D'pot and  Mary the host of Mosaic Monday and to th hosting group at Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sandy and Sylvia.  I wish everyone a HAPPY week ahead.


  1. Gorgeous birds, stunning and colorful flowers...and the butterflies are magnificent!!!

    Thanks for linking up.

  2. You have such a great eye and find the most interesting flora and fauna. Beautiful shots, all.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  3. What a pleasure to view such birds and flowers with you! I like the birds that you captured.

  4. I never see my catbirds---just hear them..
    Lovely photos, as usual.

  5. Such a lovely variety of wildlife! Beautiful captures!

  6. In so einem Garten fühlen sich alle wohl, und Platz ist ja auch genug da...

    Lieben Gruß

  7. Flowers and birds decorate your day.

  8. i love the catbirds! wish we had them here!

  9. Great pictures you show.
    Wishing you a great Sunday night :)
    Hanne Bente

  10. Hi Eileen, Great pictures of your flowers and birdies. I love Black Eyed Susans... Need to think about getting some sometime.

    Have you ever heard the Catbird's call/cry???? Sounds like a baby crying.. Quite interesting.

  11. Love catbirds, the swallowtail and of course the black-eyed susans.So full marks on the whole post. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  12. I always learn something new when I see your posts... your wildlife is stunning.

  13. Hey you put my swing as your header Eileen - Don't forget I have my name on it. Great shots of the Catbird, the Black Swalowtail is superb and Black Eyed Susan, that's just a brilliant name for a brilliant flower. Have a good week.

  14. A great post, a lot of splendid photos!

  15. Great to see all that colour in and around your garden Eileen.

    A very poor season, so far, for butterflies over here as well ... far too much rain!

  16. Wonderful photos Eileen, I love the hibiscus.

  17. Wonderful photos! And I love your header pic.

  18. Love the birds! Keep findig more I have never seen before!
    Greetings from Cottage Country!

  19. You have such a lovely variety of birds that frequent your yard. I've only seen catbirds in wooded areas, never in my yard even though we have trees and shrubs. The hibiscus plant sure is a beauty!

  20. Beautiful, feathered characters! Love the colourful collage presentation!

  21. I'm trying to visit as many people as I can for Mosaic Monday, sugar. And you're the first. Beautiful photos! Nice to meet you.

  22. Beautiful shots Eileen. I started planting Black Eyed Susan last year and this year they are pretty good but not as many yet. I have a black eyed susan but it's white they call it white swan. ^_^


  23. Isn't the catbird and soft shade of gray! Beautiful photos! Happy Monday!

  24. Beautiful photos Eileen...the butterflies are particularly amazing to me. Your picture of the hibiscus is also gorgeous.

  25. You always share interesting birds and look at the perfect swallowtail! Usually when I find them to photograph, part of the tail or wings has a piece out of it.

  26. so much to enjoy seeing here, Eileen. Love all the birdies!!

  27. This is the first year I have had a Catbird in the garden, they are such a beautiful shade of grey. Your garden is gorgeous Eileen.

  28. Great photos of the birds, blooms, and butterflies!

  29. Love your photos, of everything! But of course the hibiscus and the butterfly are gorgeous!

  30. You always have the most wonderful pictures!!! The butterfly pic is grand! Cathy

  31. Birds, butterflies, and blossoms...those hibiscus are something wonderful now, aren't they! I don't know if I've ever seen a gray catbird until now. I really don't think so.

  32. Great photos of your garden blooms and birds. I've never seen a catbird and don't know if they live here in eastern Canada. Have a great week.

  33. Hi Eileen,

    Your photos are marvelous! Your banner is lovely with the purple coneflowers; the butterflies typically love those.

    We love birding at our house, too. We have three bird feeders in use at the moment, and we usually get the Red-bellied Woodpeckers every day. They are one of my favorites. Have you seen the Downy Woodpeckers? We get those too. I've only seen one catbird, to my knowledge, but as I recall, it had a wonderful birdsong.

    Thanks so much for your visit and your kind comments. I hope you have a great week!

    Denise at Forest Manor

  34. Beautiful photos! Love the Catbird, I heard several today while out and about, but didn't get to see them.

  35. Wonderful shots of flowers and birds from your yard. I liked the grey catbird shots very much.

  36. Love catbirds. They're fun to watch jump around the branches and ground. As for butterflies, sometimes it's a moisture, humidity, heat thing. I was thinking the same thing today on a photo shoot. It seems that they're only now "warming" up. Usually June is full of them.

  37. The bird pictures are gorgeous ! You could make a calender with your photos !

  38. Never seen a Catbird before. I'll have to check to see if they make it up here in Ontario.

    Beautiful gardens and feathered visitors.

  39. lovely collages and beautiful birds

  40. Beautiful! I love that hibiscus plant!

  41. Very wonderful and those juvie catbird images, they are so secretive around here, great job! I think that is what I may have taken images of yesterday, but have not uploaded them yet. I love those large Hibiscus, and your other posies and friends that visited your garden. Have a lovely week Eileen~

  42. First, I love your header. Lovely shot.

    You get such wonderful captures of birds. Love the Hibisus. It is so dry here mine has quit blooming . I have never seen a gray cattail before it is lovely.

  43. Great photos of the catbird. He is a lovely soft colour. The hibiscus is very pretty too. Valerie

  44. Beautiful collection! Now that you mentioned it, I have'nt seen many butterflies here in Tennessee this year, and am still waiting for more Hummingbirds.

  45. Love your header and the Bluejay and the butterfly are stunning.

  46. Beautiful collages / images you show. Ønskerdig a good day / good new week :) Hanne Bente

  47. Hi Eileen, thanks for dropping by. I too love the Hibiscus. Used to always have one but some how got away from them. Your photography is excellent. Beautiful colors and nice mosaics.

  48. I love black eyed susans. I had them in my yard and they have a tendency to take over everything. I was forever digging them up and giving them to anyone who wanted them.
    I've seen a lot of butterflies this year too.

  49. Very nice collages. One collage caught my eye more than the other. I like how you have the black eyed susans and the bird house together. The colors are great!

  50. love all your yard critters AND blooms eileen!!

    and your header...beautiful!!

  51. I love your post! So many fantastic nature photos to see and feed my soul.

  52. Your catbird photos are great Eileen, they're such pretty little birds. Love your garden flowers too, and the other birds of course :) Have a great week!

  53. You have some beautiful photos of flowers and birds in your garden. The gray catbird is really sweet.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  54. What an oasis you live in ...

    Please have you all a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  55. you already have dozens of comments, but I have to add my appreciation of your beautiful shots.

  56. Your world is a beautiful place!Fantastic Pics!

  57. You do indeed live in a beautiful world, Eileen! I love your birds and butterflies and colorful flowers! Wonderful captures for the day! Have a great week!!

  58. You have beauty in your own back-yard. Happy week Eileen.

  59. The flowers are very beautiful.I also love seeing the birds and butterflies.

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. You have so many lovely little visitors to your backyard Eileen. The little gray catbird is adorable. Great shot of the Eastern Black Swallowtail!

  62. beautiful birds and flowers, oh, would love to have your kind of visitors in our yard too.

  63. I LOVE all the photos from your garden.

  64. Love the variety you have today. So hard to choose between the critters and the flowers.

  65. Your flower blooms are stunning, and I fell in love with the swallowtail and the blue jay. What a feast for the eyes in this post!

  66. So pretty- love the young catbird especially, so cute! And the swallowtail is gorgeous..

  67. Beautiful images, especially the Bluejay, he is handsome.

  68. A lovely look around your garden Eileen both on this post and the last. I have serious Hibiscus envy after seeing yours, what a beauty! I also love the swallowtail, a magnificent butterfly and of course I'm so envious of your lovely little Hummingbird. Lovely photos throughout!

  69. Your garden is so beautiful! I love the Bluejay...amazing colors.

  70. I´m not sure I have seen the catbird before. It looks nice.

  71. Beautiful photos as always. I love your garden.

  72. Such a joyful summery post -- every flower and every bird is wonderful.

  73. Wow, you've got lots of comments, Eileen! Beautiful pics! Saw something about smugmug -have a friend working there:)

  74. Wonderful shots. I have not seen any catbirds in my yard since the mulberries all got eaten!

  75. I like the fancy flowery House Wren birdhouse. With so many wonderful birds and flowers just in your backyard, you don't need to go to a nature preserve.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "We don't remember days, we remember moments." July 2, 2009 our Royal Cari...