Saturday, July 7, 2012

Flycatcher, Tanager & a walk

I am linking up with my favorite  Camera Critters

Misty Dawn is the host Camera Critters happening every Saturday. If you are an animal lover like me, you will be happy to check out all the Camera Critter blogs and all the cute critters. Our weatherman is called for 103 on Saturday, I hope everyone stays cool.

My critters are from a walk I took with my hubby along the nearby fireroad. One of the common birds heard in the woods near my house is the Acadian Flycatcher.

 I am sure this bird above is the Acadian Flycatcher. I can that say I am positive (maybe positive)  about the id because I heard its sound. It is one sound I am very familiar with after hearing it often on my fireroad walks and listening to my birdpod.

Flycatchers, Wood Pewees and the Phoebe are kind of like sparrows to me. They all look alike.

This bird above was in my yard and perched on my weeping cherry tree for awhile.  The Acadian Flycatcher has a green back which is hard to see in strong light. It has a uniformed white eye-ring and white wingbars and a wide bill. Question is: is the bird in the woods the same bird I saw in my yard?

The Scarlet Tanager above is another bird I see along our fireroads. The male above was calling and making sounds constantly even while it seem to have a bug in its mouth. I wonder if it was calling to the baby birds. They are beautiful birds and I was lucky to see two males chasing each other around a tree in my backyard this week.

I love the colorful birds and the Scarlet Tanager is one of my favorites. I am hoping to see the male Western Tanager on my upcoming trip to Oregon.

Just to throw on another critter for my Camera Critter post I have some shots of the hogs we see on our way to or from town. I jokingly call the area we live the boonies, it is a 15 minute drive over to the closest town for shopping and to do our Walmart shop. Besides the lake and the woods near my house there are farms. There have been numerous times I have seen cows and horses running down my street.

On our way back from town we ride by this farm that has hogs and goats. They are kind of close to the road so I was able to take a few shots from my car. Do you think the saying  is true couldn't be happier than a pig in mud? I guess that goes for hogs too.

I  felt sorry for this Momma and the others, it was a hot day. They do have a shady area where they like to lay. I think they cute, but then I love all the animals.

So, thanks for stopping by to see my critters and thanks to Misty Dawn the host of Camera Critters.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend. Stay COOL and Happy Birding!!


Linda said...

That tanager is so pretty! I really wish I could manage to see more of those types of birds...I just have a hard time finding them in the trees! I hear them, but can't manage to see them! I depend on you to show me what they look like...thanks and have a great weekend!

Crafty Green Poet said...

the tanager is a very handsome bird! The hog looks very happy!

carol l mckenna said...

Excellent photography ~ Wow! ~ love the hogs ~ and the birds are so colorful ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Maude Lynn said...

That tanager is so beautiful!

Gillian Olson said...

The taninger is such a beauty. Those pigs don't look beautiful but i"m sure the mud cooled them off.

Misty DawnS said...

Great photos. I'd love to see a Scarlet Tanager one day!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and colorful birds.

TexWisGirl said...

the hogs are adorable. the tanager is a gorgeous thing, but i think the flycatcher is lovely, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful assortment of critter shots!

My name is Riet said...

YOu live in a beautiful part of your country Eileen. THat must be such a joy.

DeniseinVA said...

A marvelous variety of birds today, and those pigs were cute. Thanks Eileen and have a great weekend.

Betty Manousos said...

hi eileen, first off, i love your header!!

glad to see your photos. that tanager is such a beautiful bird!

terrific captures!

wish you a wonderful weekend!

rainfield61 said...

Hope that you are as happy as a pig in mud.

Francisca said...

Eileen, you are lucky to live in the boonies to see all these critters! Did you know that boonies, short form of boondocks, is derived from the Tagalog (Filipino) word bundok, meaning mountain? In my personal dictionary it means "somewhat remotely out in the country"... and that's what you meant too, right?

Anonymous said...

Pigs crack me up, look at that face... can you imagine being that comfortable lying in the mud? What a hoot! LoL! =)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very pretty bird- I've not seen one before.

Karen said...

Terrific shots! The hogs in mud are priceless!!

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant images Eileen.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful birds. I wish we had more red birds (we're back in Oregon).

I bet those pigs/hogs felt like burrowing in the mud in that heat!
Yikes. Cooler here -- it will be in the 80s today -- last week when we got here it just barely made 75.

Hootin Anni said...

My FIL raised pigs for slaughter...tho I didn't care for them much, yes, the saying goes...they ARE happiest in a mudhole.

I love your bird photos.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love the Tanagers! I haven't seen a scarlet this year. Good luck with the Western!

Vores have said...

Beautiful picture series you run. Wishing you a good Sunday :) Hanne Bente /

SquirrelQueen said...

Before I forget I want to tell you how much I like your header photo Eileen.

The Scarlet Tanager is just beautiful, I would love to see one in the wild. I did see a male Western Tanager not long ago. He was across the yard and took off before I could get his photo.

Friend of HK said...

The Scarlet Tanager is so beautiful! The pigs are sweet too.

EG CameraGirl said...

Now P understand why you see so many wonderful birds in your backyard! Sounds wonderful to be in your boonies. :)

The flycatchers really are hard to tell apart!

Roan said...

I think the saying holds true. If there is a mud wallow, there is a pig in it, especially in hot weather. Cool mud/hot pig, seems to go together well. Love that tanger and I think you are correct on the first 2 birds being the same.
Rubbish by Roan

Unknown said...

I can tell an alder from a least, but the acadian which is even more rare.Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Lina Gustina said...

Those birds were perfectly captured.
I admire your shots, Eileen.
Thanks for your visit :)

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

the muddy hogs have the right idea for a HOT day!

that scarlet tanager is gorgeous!! wow, to see such a BRIGHT spot of RED up in a tree filled with GREEN...would be wonderful sight!!

Phil Slade said...

Love your tanager shots Eileen and I would think it hard to see any other bird so Scarlet. Have a great week on your walks.

HappyK said...

Beautiful birds!!
Those poor animals. So hot for them.

Rohrerbot said...

Stay cool. Check. Tanager spotting. Check. Fun. Check. Laundry...not so much:) That Scarlet Tanager is wonderful. Flycatchers are difficult to ID for me as well. They are a little easier than Sparrows....but just by a little:) Fun pics.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That scarlet tanager is beautiful!

Jerla Oh lalala said...

lovely birds..

visiting back from

Amila Kanchana said...

Love that scarlet tanagar,it sure beats the cardinal's red complexion!

eden said...

Beautiful photos especially the pigs. Have a great week.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...