Saturday, July 14, 2012

My yardbirds

I am linking up with Camera Critters  check out Anni's The Bird D"pot

These are some of my backyard birds and scenes. I have been seeing lots of juvenile birds in my yard and at the feeders. Some are the Carolina Chickadees, American Goldfinches, Tufted Titmouse and lots of Chipping Sparrows.

The Carolina Chickadee is one of my common yardbirds I see year round. I love this cutie with its feathers looking all fluffy.

Next to my swing I have some blueberry bushes growing, the birds are eating the blueberries before we are able to even pick some for ourselves. We planted the blueberry bushes with the birds in mind, I read it is good to have berry bushes around the yard to attract the wildlife.

A cute fluffy looking Goldfinch, I am not sure if this is a juvie or a female?

Here is one of the male American Goldfinches. He is pretty with his bright yellow colors.

My pretty Ruby-throated Humming bird perched in my weeping cherry tree long enough for me to take a shot.

 This is my view from sitting on my deck, watching the birds in the weeping cherry tree and at my feeders and in the woods across the driveway. You can see some bare branches on the weeping cherry tree where the birds like to perch.

This chickadee is one of my favorites for the day. I enjoy sitting on my deck watching the birds come and go.

Around the front of the house, you can see the birds have plenty of trees to hide in. The rhododendroms  have over grown the house. I can see the birds closeup sitting  in the rhodo from my den window.

I hope you get to visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters to see more cute and wonderful critters.  Thanks to Misty for hosting and thank you for stopping by to see my critter post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


inge said...

Eleven thank you for dropping by your pictures are superb I have so enjoyed looking through your blog

Chaparral Earth said...

I always have diliberately landscaped to attract wildlife. And I mean everything from birds to creepy crawlly beneficial insects. Having all those critters present allows for a natural protection and health of the vegtative system you've created.

Everything else is pleasing "Eye Candy" to be enjoyed through the life of your garden. That's why I dislike Industrial forest monocropping. Nothing of any sort lives in those forests.

Beautiful pics as usual.



Cloudy said...

Excellente Aufnahmen und lieblich Vögel die ich so gar nicht kenne, toll...

Lieben Gruß

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great photos of your backyard and your birds; beautiful all.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Sue said...

I never planted my berries with the intention of feeding the birds, but I've been doing a lot of that! LOL!

Saun said...

Love your yard birds awesome shot of the hummingbird.

Anonymous said...

Such engaging little yard birds. That second shot, with the fowers in the foreground, is so pretty!

Phil Slade said...

Good to see your garden in more detail Eileen. It would be nice to sit on that swing with my camera and get some shots of your garden birds. Nice capture of the Goldfinch - looks like a juv to me too.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

What beautiful pictures.
I am enchanted by them.
Heartily greetings from Polish far.

LifeRamblings said...

great shots of your backyard birds. i particularly like the shot of the chickadee.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Love that swing and the view it has of the flowers.

betchai said...

you have such a beautiful backyard, love the bench shot with the flowers so much, and your garden is so beautiful that is why birds love to come visit your place. beautiful pictures.

Diane Writes said...

Your swing and those flowers are a picture perfect scene Eileen.. so priceless!

TexWisGirl said...

such cuties. love the little goldfinch.

rainfield61 said...

Me too would enjoy sitting on the deck seeing the birds come and go.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, You do have alot of privacy, don't you? We have lots of trees --but they are the big shade trees... Birds love them also--but they don't provide as much privacy!!!!!!

That big evergreen tree in your last picture reminds me of the two big ones in my yard growing up.... I loved those two big trees... The people who bought the house cut them both down.. Dang it!!!

I have quite a few baby/juvie birds also... We are over-run this year with Goldfinches --but they certainly are pretty.

Have a great weekend.

Rohrerbot said...

I don't know. That Goldfinch looks like a juvi. I just captured one recently and had the same question. I'm thinking baby because of its puffy fresh looking yellowness. Love the hummer shot!!! He looks healthy and happy. Enjoy your Saturday:)

Debbie said...

oh we get the same birds here. i think the first goldfinch is a little one but i am not sure and i am not the best at i.d.'s

my yard is full of babies also, they sure do keep busy!!

Bob Bushell said...

The lovely garden where you can see plenty of birds, I love it.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, in SA I landscaped my large garden to attract all manner of wildlife: birds, bees, insects, snakes, hedgehogs whatever was endemic to the area lived in, visited and often remained in, my garden. In Kenya I changed an exotic garden and made it indigenous. It worked there too! I love the chickadees and the your photo of the hummingbird is stunning. To answer your question on my post today: I am the only woman at our camp. There are two other South African ladies in the client's camp a few hundred meters from my home, so I do have company when we get together. My other good friend, is a beautiful young Tanzanian woman, Ntsia (featured in the post with husband Rob) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Jo

Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely birds, chickadees are so cute!

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful birds Eileen. And your yard is absolutely gorgeous. I especially like the evergreens in the background. I bet it sounds heavenly with the breeze whistling through the needles.

Tiago Braga said...

the second photo its just Amazing ...... Wow
great shoot

Julie G. said...

What a lovely yard you have! I can see why the birds visit often. Sweet chickadees, they are so much fun. Love the gorgeous male hummingbird and beautiful goldfinches. That cone flower image is fabulous! I'm lucky if I can pluck a few ripe blueberries from our bushes before the Cedar Waxwings can get to them. Terrific post!

Chubskulit Rose said...

It's always a delight to see the critter around your area Eileen.

Carol said...

Beautiful photos ! Your place is very pretty :0)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful captures & i love those flowers in front of the swing in the backyard, cone something... i can't remember their name LoL!

Anonymous said...

ps coneflowers! i crack myself up, sometimes... can't believe i couldn't remember that name... i had the 'cone' part! too funny =)

Anonymous said...

Oh I love your bird shots! The gold finches and ruby throat hummingbirds are so pretty!

Carol said...

Beautiful yard, Eileen! It's wonderful you have so many beautiful birds coming by to visit!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous pictures! I am so envious of your swing!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Hi Eileen. I love all your bird photos and the flowers in your backyard. I am trying to attract more birds to my yard and have more coming this year. But I need a new camera with a longer zoom in order to capture them.
Thanks for your nice comment and for following me. I am following you now too.

Elaine said...

Delightful visit to your yard!

Vores have said...

Great pictures you show. I've added me as follows on your beautiful blog. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Wishing you a good Sunday :) Hanne Bente

magiceye said...

Wow!! Superb captures!

magiceye said...

Wow!! Superb captures!

Anni said...


Just wanted you to know that I added a linky to my newest bird photos today. If you'd care to stop by and leave a link. And perhaps if you know of anyone who loves birding--let them know of the new birding meme I set up for a weekly run---The Bird D'Pot. Stop by if you can. And have a glorious week.

I'd Rather B Birdin'

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Nice captures- you have lots of great perches in your backyard!

Eden said...

Beautiful photos as always, Eileen. You have beautiful birds in your yard. Have a great week.

Roan said...

Goldfinches are among my favorite birds. I've been looking for a Carolina Chickadee, but haven't seen one yet. You do have the prefect surroundings for birding. Very nice shots!

Anni has started a new bird meme if you are interested.

NatureFootstep said...

you have a lovely garden full of critters. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'd be happy with any one of your great yardbirds -- your description and pix of your yard makes it easy to see why they love it so much!

eden said...

You have a beautiful yard, Eileen and your visitors are beautiufl creatures.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

amazing picture of the hummingbird! wow!
and i love the little chickadee with his feathers fluffing out!!

mick said...

I missed this post but wanted to come back and tell you that I really like the look of your garden swing seat with all the flowers and bushes around it.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...