Monday, July 30, 2012

Oregon birds..Columbia Gorge

I am linking up with Our World Tuesday
and Wild Bird Wednesday

Last week I had a fun vacation in Oregon visiting the Columbia River Gorge area, Mt Hood and the beautiful Oregon coastline. We spent the first three nights near the Columbia River Gorge Area, we used the town of Troutdale as our base for our visit. There were many hikes to waterfalls and beautiful scenic views of the Columbia River. This river splits the state of Oregon from the state of Washington. I am starting my post off with some of the Columbia River Gorge birds I saw and a few waterfall shots.

Click on the photo if you would like to see a larger image

This is the Multnomah Falls, the trail leads up to the middle of the falls and to the top.

Multnomah Falls drops in two major steps. The upper falls is 542 ft and the lower falls is just 69 feet. A trail leads to the footbridge which allows visitors to cross over the lower falls. There is a lodge, restaurant and visitor center on site.

This American Dipper was near the stream near the Oneonta Falls. We stopped here the first day to check out the hike to the Oneonta Falls. One must climb over a large log jam and then walk upstream to get to see the Oneonta Falls. Hubby did do this hike and I will show more of the waterfalls on another post.

The American Dipper is found near streams, it is a chunky slate-colored bird. I noticed and captured the flashing eyelid on the shot above. At the Oneonta Gorge area I saw a few of these birds. I was thinking I came across a family.

 The bird above looks like a juvie thrush to me but I am not sure. If any one can help with the id, I would appreciate the help. Edited, thanks to Jen id help the bird above is a Swainson's Thrush.

The Oregon Junco is another bird I heard and saw often.  The Oregon Junco has a dark black head with rusty sides.This Junco was seen hanging around the visitor center at the Multnomah Falls.The Oregon Junco is a lifer for me since I only see the Dark-eyed Slate Junco in Maryland.

The scenic overlooks of the Columbia River were all gorgeous stops along the Columbia River Gorge highway.

To see more photos from around the world visit: Our World Tuesday and to see birds from around the world check out Wild Bird Wednesday.  Thanks to the hosting group of Our World: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy. And Stewart our host of Wild Bird Wednesday. Thanks, also for stopping by to see my post.


Sue said...

We always use Troutdale as a base when in the area. Much less of a hassle than Portland.
Your photo of Multnoma Falls turned out much better than mine.

TexWisGirl said...

really pretty falls! the junco is cute, too!

(i sent you an email last night to check on you - just email me back when you get a sec)

DeniseinVA said...

Fantastic photos Eileen. You were again in another part of the States that I love and hope to see again some day in the not too distant future. Looks like you had a great time.

Joe Todd said...

Great post and photos.. I've really have to visit that part of the country..

Randi said...

Your beautiful world looks like a paradise!

Unknown said...

Beautiful post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

One of my favorite places in the northwest! I've spent lots of time there when I lived in Oregon! Your wonderful captures brought back lots of great memories!! Thanks, Eileen! Enjoy your week!!

NatureFootstep said...

The States has a lot of great places to visit if you have the tiem and money. You seem to find them all. :)

One place I would love to visit again is Yellowstone. A dreamworld. :)

Al said...

Excellent photos - that waterfall is spectacular. That's an area I'd love to explore one day.

Kerri Farley said...

WHAT A Great Vacation! Beautiful captures!

Penelope Postcards said...

Oregon is one of my favorite States. I loved traveling the coastline years ago. How spectacular it must be to see a double waterfall and to be able to walk across the bridge for a closer view. I can almost hear the rush of water through the photos.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful shots ~ love the falls and the birds ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Welcome back... I have missed you!!! Can't wait to see more and more of your photos... Gorgeous..

That area is on our long list of places to visit sometime... We'd love to see that waterfall.. WOW!!!!

Beautiful birds too.... I'm excited for you.

rainfield61 said...

You have visited a very beautiful place.

It must be a meaningful travel.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i'm so glad you won TexWisGirl's painting, so that i could find you... happy to find your blog. following along with you now... so gorgeous. what a trip you had. lovely shots. (:

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You made it to Oregon -- hooray for you! (We were only a little over 100 miles apart for a while there ;>)... Lovely pictures -- we hope to get up that way while we're in the state.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Oregon is a lovely place. I have many family members who live there so I have seen the gorge. Your photographs are tremendous! The Dipper birds just crack me up! Have a really nice day tomorrow!

Rohrerbot said...

You're back!! Those waterfalls are gorgeous! It looks like a great time. Look forward to your time "abroad". I've always wanted to visit. Have a good night back home!

Carver said...

What a wonderful place for a vacation. The waterfalls, mountains and bridge as well as the birds are great to see.

Linda said...

I am so glad you are back! I have missed your posts and your birds! Glad you had a good trip - love those views of the falls! Magnificent!

Friend of HK said...

A beautiful place and pretty birds too!

betchai said...

beautiful images, indeed, columbia river gorge is such a beautiful place, so many beautiful waterfalls and scenery.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place with such lovely water falls and birds.

Anonymous said...

That waterfall is magnificent!

Cloudy said...

Wunderschöne Aufnahmen und tolle Motive, dort würde ich auch gerne Fotos machen...

Lieben Gruß

Phil Slade said...

Beautiful place and beautiful pictures Eileen. The Dipper looks so much like our own in shape but of course your is quite grey compared to our own. That juv thrush looks like a Veery but don't hold me to it.

Stewart M said...

Very nice post - dippers are one of my favourite birds - but we don't have them here! USed to watch the in the UK.

That waterfall is good looking.

CHeers - Stewart M

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

OH how i LOVE waterfalls!!! beautiful pictures. i've been through MOST of the states...having gone cross country twice in my life...from NY to CA and then years later, from CA to FL...but i've never been to Oregon or Washington. THANKS eileen...and it's good to have you back! :)
(i bet you need a rest up from your vacation!!)

Bob Bushell said...

I've missed you. The pictures really good, the waterfall, and the American Dipper are my fave.

Tiago Braga said...

Amazing Nature photo, i love it! this must be a perfect place

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful country and your photo's of birds and nature are wonderful.

HappyK said...

The water fall is awesome. WOW!!

mick said...

Great photos - fabulous scenery and beautiful birds.

Neil said...

Beautiful photos.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Thank you for that wonderful tour. Many have told me about the Oregon Coastline and it is on my list of places to see in the near future. Your photos are absolutely beautiful. The American Dipper is a special bird. I've only had two sightings (in North Vancouver), but each time, I have felt especially fortunate. Good for you for capturing the eyelid! So sorry I cannot help you to identify the other bird.

Carole M. said...

how beautiful the location and birds Eileen

Vores have said...

Beautiful picture series you show :)

diane b said...

It sure looks like a pretty area. The Columbia Gorge is very scenic. The hikes sound fun but strenuous. I love the bridge over the falls. It would be fun to walk over that. The birds are cute too.

Fjällripan said...

Wow what a wonderful naturephotos! Great photos of all the different birds aswell :)

Anni said...

Beautiful scenes [altho that bridge looks a might scary!!] the birds.

Gorgebirds said...

Nice photos of my "backyard', the Columbia River Gorge has the largest collection of waterfalls in North America. The thrush appears to be a juvenile Swainson's Thrush, Veery is rare in the Gorge and Hermit Thrush would still be on their nesting grounds at higher elevations in the summer.

Wilson Cady

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!
I love that little Junco!

Les fous du cap said...

Beautiful pictures ;-)

eileeninmd said...

Thanks, Wilson Cady.

I was not sure but, I thought the bird was a juvie thrush. Just not sure which one. I appreciate the id help on the Swainson's Thrush.

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Such beautiful views, love the waterfall and American Dipper on the rocks!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos of the dipper, I've never seen photos of the American dipper before! The European dipper is quite common in our rivers, and has the same white flash on its eyes.

Liz said...

Wow!! Amazing falls! Sweet little birds... and the scenery in the last shot is breathtaking!

Jen Sanford said...

Ooh so many good photos! Glad you had a nice visit to Oregon... Not sure if someone already mentioned, but that bird you weren't sure about is a Swainson's Thrush. Very nice! Love the dippers too.

AVCr8teur said...

All the pictures are spectacular especially the 2nd photo. Sounds like hubby really had to work hard to get that one.

stardust said...

What a nice place! Waterfall is spectacular. I feel like that cool air is wafting from the photos.

Mr Paul said...

Fantastic double waterfall shots emerging from under the bridge.

Anonymous said...

More lovely shots!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...