Friday, November 2, 2012

Around the yard VI

I am linking up with  Green Day and Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin.

LOL, I am really original with my blog titles. But what can I say these are shots from around my yard and a mosaic of my most popular feeder.

mybirds: Evening Grosbeak, Chickadee, Pine Siskin, another Chickadee with the Purple Finch, a Purple Finch with the Titmouse, a couple of Goldfinches, two shots of  a Rose-BreastedGrosbeak and last my Evening Grosbeak

 I think by now everyone knows I am obsessed with birds. Not a bad thing, right?  Recently, I received an email asking if I would let this person advertise on my blog. I am sure I mentioned it before but I blog for fun and to record photos of birds where and when I see them. I know my photos are not the best quality and I am Ok with that. I do not advertise on my blog or sell any photos I take if you look at my sidebar I showoff my Smugmug gallery. These gallery photos are of my birds and vacations, again they are not for sale. They are my memories of great trips and seeing wonderful birds. I have been asked by people if they can use my photos and I let them. I do not ask for money and I would not accept money. I am actually surprised that they think my photo is good. A few times, I have been asked to blog about a certain topic and I will only if it is something I believe in. So enough  bla-bla-bla, I am going to show some more photos from around my yard and my birds.

Besides birds I also love trees, we have two of these Red Maple trees growing in our front yard. They are looking beautiful this year. It is a little crowded by the huge Pine tree growing along its side.

The Purple Finch has been hanging around for a couple of weeks. They look more of a raspberry color than purple.

One of my squirrel critters just hanging around.

I believe it was Anni of I'd-rather-b-birdin asked what my Weeping Cherry tree looks like. This is what it looks like now in the fall, but in the spring it has pretty pink blooms. The birds will land in this tree before hoping over to my deck where I hang some of my bird feeders.

I hope you enjoyed my birds and critter and more of the trees and our yard..
 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters please visit: Green Day  and Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host Fiona of Green Day, Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.  Thanks for visiting my blog and post. I wish everyone a very safe and happy weekend.


Lisa said...

Who doesn't love birds, Eileen? They are the only creatures which can fly, so they're like beings from Heaven on our earth.
And their beautiful singing! Birds are wonderful.

Deb said...

Love the squirrel photo. They really are funny critters.

TexWisGirl said...

love the ball feeder - and obviously the birds and squirrels do, too. and the maple w/ the pine is just beautiful!

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...I total agree with you on the Advisement and selling photo's...I blog because I want to share with others, what it is like here,birds,flowers,and etc!!
I just went to a post of one of my blogger friends,and your to and I got a large stop go back Malware warning's is one way that they get Malware !
Well anyway I just love your bird collage so very cute, inside, outside,upside down all adorable!!
Oh me those squirrels lol!!
You have some nice colors left to!!

Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos, Eileen. It would be hard to choose a favorite. Have a nice weekend. Mildred

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, you are good, Eileen. These are incredible.

Kay Baughman said...

I really like that globe-shaped bird feeder (with or without the upside down squirrel). (If it were in my yard I'd say without, but I like your photo--and even pesky squirrels if they are not raiding my feeders and enraging my little dogs who look at them through the windows!)
Your photos and words and view of the world are always a treat!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I love that feeder and how the birds get inside it. Even the squirrel is trying to get in.
The trees in your yard are gorgeous!

Lucinha said...


Concordo. É o comedouro de pássaros mais famoso do Green Day. Lol
Muito lindos os pássaros que você fotografou. Você é abençoado em poder contemplar tudo isso de seu próprio quintal. Continue capturando essas fotos que são lindíssimas.
Um lindo final de semana. Abraços

Maria said...

These feeders are very interesting.

chica said...

Tão lindos esses pássaros e adorei ver todas as lindas fotos! beijos,chica

rainfield61 said...

It is so happy to be a birder.

and to talk to them.

Sue said...

I like the yard trees...especially those maples.

Lynne said...

I love your birds and learning about their differences and personalities through you. (I do think they each have their own quirks/personal traits/personalities.)

I have no interest in advertising. In a way I see blogging as an open journal. I love sharing my life in word and photo. And I love that in others as well . . . You do so beautifully.

Today the beautiful maple, cherry and the tiny bird inside the feeder were gems in my memory.

I look forward to each visit with you. The birds saved my life many years ago and gave me hope. I find each one a forever friend.
Love, Lynne

Hootin Anni said...

The bird photos are super Eileen, but I must admit that the red, rich colored, Autumn foliage is breathtakingly beautiful

Dan Huber said...

Great shots Eileen, that upside down squirrel is really cute. have a great weekend

joanne said...

I think your photos are fabulous, and your commentary interesting.....I have learned alot about birds from your blog....they are so varied and intriguing....

Rohrerbot said...

I think you have the most diverse population of birds at your feeders. I get a lot of birds here but they aren't as varied:) Purple finches and Evening finches would be a cool catch here. But to be honest, they are all really beautiful birds. Since I've put up our thistle feeders, we get lots of the Lesser Goldfinches now which never would visit before.

I agree with you on the advertising thing. I'm the same way but the cool part is that I'm beginning to sell some of my pics now which is exciting. It does help reimburse on the gas etc:) Have a good weekend. We are up on the mountain today to do some birding. Hope you make some fun discoveries:)

Reader Wil said...

Your photos are fabulous, Eileen. I am like you: my photos are just to illustrate where I have been and what I have seen or done. Some photos are better than others. Ok with me too.

Reader Wil said...

Your red tree is superb!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful little birds.

ShannonW said...

Excellent photos. The upside down squirrel made me giggle.

Nature is so beautiful this time of year.

Leslie's Garden said...

I surely did enjoy your post of beautiful trees in your yard, and clever and adorable animals! I laughed out loud over the bird IN the feeder. That is too cute. Love the squirrel s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g to get a meal. Gotta applaud such effort!

Julie G. said...

Wow, that globe feeder certainly is popular. Our sunflower feeders seem to be the most visited. How fortunate you are to see such lovely birds in your backyard!

I'm with you concerning the advertisements. I was recently asked by a hunting blogger if they could advertise on my site. My blog is all about appreciating nature, not killing it. Anyway, it is always a joy for me to visit your blog, view your wonderful photographs and read your interesting thoughts.

Super photographs and stunning sights on this post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures of your birdies, Eileen.. Love that round feeder. I can see why the birds love it... Love the picture of that Grosbeak "IN" the feeder!!!!! ha

The red maple is gorgeous--and even more beautiful next to that pine tree...


Lina Gustina said...

Those are pretty birds. The squirrel makes me smile :)
Thanks for your visit, Eileen

HappyK said...

That certainly is a popular feeder!!
I enjoy seeing all your birds.

Charlotta said...

Red maples and purple finch, wow what a combination. :)

Jo said...

OMW Eileen, another unique bird-feeder. Your photos of the birds, critters, Goldie Girl and your trees are beautiful. I love coming to your blog to see what you're seen. And you inspire me to go out there again and look for what's around me! So who needs to advertise? I hope you're having a great weekend. Greetings. Jo

Maria Luiza said...

Eileen, adoráveis pássaros você publicou. Eu também amo essas pequenas e coloridas aves! Um grande abraço e lindo final de semana! Beijos!

Dina said...

So many cute little birds. What a great yard. That squirrel upside down shot is priceless!

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Such a funny photo of the squirrel! I don't think I've ever seen one do that. Great bird shots, too!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a beautiful collection of birds, specially the rose breasted grosbeak, so handsome!

DeniseinVA said...

I always enjoy your bird photos and your colorful trees. The squirrel hanging upside down with his head in the feeder made me laugh. Have a great weekend Eileen.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely mosaic, showing all the birds that enjoy that feeder. The trees in your yard are beautiful!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!Great pictures!I love the squirrel!!He looks cute!And the birds in the feeders looks so preety!Lovely trees!Wish you a great Sunday!

Lighthousegal said...

I too love watching and attempting to photograph the birds. I see all the same birds that you have posted photos of this week around my house. I have a hard time getting close up shots of them. Your shot of the Finch is awesome. I don't mind if people use my photos either, I am actually honored that they want to keep or share them.
I love the Red Maple in your yard too, it is so pretty and the squirrel shot is hilarious.
I enjoyed visiting your blog!
Happy Sunday!

Martha Z said...

That squirrel is quite entertaining. At least it just takes the seed and not the whole feeder the way the raccoon did mine.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Your maple tree is gorgeous!

Jidhu Jose said...

awesome pics

Buffaloes in Canal

Anonymous said...

Love the wonderful autumn colours and that lovely red grosbeak. Did one of the birds actually get inside your feeder?

Bob Bushell said...

Love it, beautiful images.

Anni said...

...again, I have never heard of a weeping cherry tree before this.....isn't it BEAUTIFUL?!! Wow. Now, I'm wondering if it'll survive in the subtropics?

Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this week.

Friend of HK said...

The birds in your garden are so beautiful! The squirrel looks so funny!

Montanagirl said...

The ball feeder is fun. Didn't think a bird would go completely inside it! Your Red Maples are gorgeous.

J.Rylie.C said...

Those birds are beautiful!

Visiting late from Camera Critters.
Your comment on my critter post will be very much appreciated!

Kerri Farley said...

LOVE your birds! You have such GREAT Variety!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your yard birds are so incredible as are your plantings. I loved the feeder photos here and in the post above, which I forgot to say in my comment about the eagles. It's just Paradise there altogether!!

And I loved reading about your blogging philosophy, which I share completely (except of course it's easy for me to say, because my photos really AREN'T that great and yours are!).

Liz said...

You have so many birds in your yard!! I think I'd be in heaven. I love how they get into the feeder.
And your squirrel friends hanging uoside down in the feeder make me laugh!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...