Saturday's Critters #64
Happy weekend, everyone! Looking forward to an extra hour of daylight, YEA!!! Daylight Savings time begins 3/8/15 tonight..spring forward an hour...
It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
For this week's critter I am sharing some of my hubby's photos from his walk to the lake. I think I have mentioned that we have a reservoir nearby that we can walk to from our house.. On these cold days hubby does his walking outside, it is way too cold for me. Yes, call me a wimp. I just like warmer weather.. The lake is mostly frozen and on this day hubby came across a juvenile Bald Eagle on a fox..
Eagle on fox in the middle of the frozen lake..
I am not sure if the eagle came across the fox carcass or if the eagle took the fox down, these shots are how hubby found the scene..
It is a little long, you may not want to watch the whole video..My Youtube video of the birds I saw during the snowstorm on March 5..
While hubby is out walking in the cold and I am nice and warm walking inside and still able to watch my birds..Sorry about the music, I play various music CD's while I am walking..
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.
To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Happy weekend, everyone! Looking forward to an extra hour of daylight, YEA!!! Daylight Savings time begins 3/8/15 tonight..spring forward an hour...
It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
For this week's critter I am sharing some of my hubby's photos from his walk to the lake. I think I have mentioned that we have a reservoir nearby that we can walk to from our house.. On these cold days hubby does his walking outside, it is way too cold for me. Yes, call me a wimp. I just like warmer weather.. The lake is mostly frozen and on this day hubby came across a juvenile Bald Eagle on a fox..
Eagle on fox in the middle of the frozen lake..
I am not sure if the eagle came across the fox carcass or if the eagle took the fox down, these shots are how hubby found the scene..
It is a little long, you may not want to watch the whole video..My Youtube video of the birds I saw during the snowstorm on March 5..
While hubby is out walking in the cold and I am nice and warm walking inside and still able to watch my birds..Sorry about the music, I play various music CD's while I am walking..
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
Interesting photos of the eagle. I had to read up on eagles in Finland. The golden eagle can catch animals as big as foxes, lambs and reindeer calves. Have a great weekend, Eileen!
HI Eileen I don't know whether you know it or not but the second video you uploaded has 65 of your videos in the playlist playing! I loved seeing the squirrel wrap his tail round thee feeder and I am amazed at how many birds come to your garden at one time. I would NE R have that many. It is a a wonderful sight and even I would do a workout on the treadmill to see that. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend
No critters from me today.
But I love yours.
I can't help but feel sorry for the fox.... but it comes to us all I guess - although hopefully not under similar circumstances.
I recommend that you keep on keeping warm.
Wimp....? Not at all. "Smart" I'd say.
Thanks for hosting this super meme.
Have a great weekend.
You posted an eagle. I posted a wounded hawk...wild nature for us today!
I enjoyed your videos a lot!
Have a nice weekend!
Beautiful pics of the frozen reservoir, and the two critters breaking up all that white! The birds in the second video are one active bunch!
Happy weekend, Eileen!
It does look very cold Eileen. You have a good and productive plan in sending hubby out birding while you make him a cup of coffee. Good news about moving the clocks - ours are in a week's time and like you, I can't wait.
Enjoy your weekend watching those yard birds until the snow goes away.
Great pictures of the eagle, thanks to your hubby :)
And I love both videos, the first one a little more because of the squirrel :))
Have a wonderful weekend!
As fotos do teu marido são lindas e interessante a águia e raposa juntas ali...Quem saberá? beijos, ótimo fim de semana,chica
I'm inside too Eileen. Looks like a young fox. Quite a site to find. Birds do amaze me in the most fierce storms they brave the weather to find food to survive.
Linking in form the new blog.
Superb images of the Eagle, lovely.
Beautiful pictures Eileen.
Nice video too.
Have a happy weekend.
Wish I had a reservoir like this close by, let alone the Eagle, Eileen!...:)JP
Great photos and videos Eileen. Thank you for hosting. I have linked up. Have a great day :)
It amazes me that your hubby likes to walk in the cold weather we're having this winter. But then if he didn't you wouldn't have his photos of nature's circle of life at work to share.
I'm always excited to see our resident male and female cardinals on the feeders but to see the numbers you get at once is awesome.
Thanks for hosting Eileen.
have a relaxing weekend eileen! (now that you're retired...does it matter if it's the weekend? :) )
thanks for sharing ALL your critters!!
sure is a 'find' to stumble across an eagle on a fox like that!
stay warm!
Great captures of the eagle and fox ... a fact of Nature.
That snow really concentrates the birds! Very interesting eagle and fox, story untold. It seems so unlikely that that a fox would drop dead out in the middle of the lake, yet...
That's something I'd like to have seen! Makes you wonder which way that played out. Very cool!
how cool to see the eagle on his breakfast! you have a bunch of birds, for sure!
Yep, it'll be hard for a while to wake up to darker but it'll be wonderful to have longer afternoons!
Eileen, I'm go glad you popped by my blog. It is how I came to visit your blog. You said in your profile that you did took pictures for just for fun, but I would say that some of your shots look quite professional to me. I was memorized by your videos and watched the entire time. What a beautiful view of nature working to keep itself comfortable and alive. I will be returning. I know a bird lover who may not be aware of your blog and I shall point her this way.
Keep warm.
Great shots. Nature happens in the middle of a frozen lake. Makes you wonder.
What a nice view you have from your treadmill. There sure are a lot of birds to watch.
Hi Eileen,I watched both of your videos and the first one was really throbbing with amazing birds.So full of life even when the snow was falling in torrents, as if it was a normal thing for them. The squirrel was a a real visual treat,twisting its fluffy tail around the feeder. How come, your deck attracts an assembly of birds and also they seem to be in no hurry to go away.
I endorse your routine of keeping warm and exercise inside.
Hello Eileen!!
Great captures of the eagle!Poor fox!I really enjoyed your videos!!So many hungry critters in your yard!!And so much snow too!Have a happy weekend!
i loved the little bit of music i heard. and what a view for walking... sweet little birds. poor fox, happy eagle.
poor little fox
You have your share of sweet creatures.
Very interesting shot - I've only seen an eagle with a fish as its capture. Love the bird videos - wish we had that many birds here. I'm with you - warm is always better.
So many birds came to visit and eat of the bird seed bounty in that storm! My goodness! You guys are great for taking such good care of them! And love the view from your treadmill as well. Hope the winter storms cease now for you guys and things start moving toward spring!
Oh, I meant to say...great photos of a "nature moment" by your hubby!
very comforting to me to see all those birds feeding
Boy, you do get a lot of birds in your backyard! I'll bet they really appreciate you feeding them.
Oh, poor fox! But that's nature...
Hi Eileen,
Nature gives and nature takes - nice capture of the Eagle and the Fox.
I liked both the videos of the birds and your tunes. Looks like there were several Bluejays.
Nicely done!
Have a Beautiful Weekend!
Peace :)
Great shots. I love to get pics of Eagles.
Hello Eileen!:)The pictures your husband took is something you don't see every day. What a good nature find,... I wonder how it happened! Your bird vídeos are fantastic Eileen. People would pay to see a bird display like that. How lucky you are to see so many birds in your garden, and the added bonus of keeping fit and warm.Have a great weekend.:)
I wondered how the fox died also. Carcasses are a good place for viewing eagles.
Wow, I can't believe you are still having snowstorms out there! It must be fun to have all of those birds out on the back deck. Thank you for hosting this link up. I appreciate it.
Poor little fox--I guess he became part of the food chain and dinner for the juvenile eagle!
I wish I had your view when I was on my treadmill. Watching the birds must be so entertaining and make your treadmill walking miles go by fast!
Lovely images Eileen. Nature can be harsh, but is always interesting to witness and capture.
What stunning and powerful shots. Nature is beyond words.
Those photos look cold, I don't blame you for not wanting to go!
OMW That juvenile Bald eagle eating a fox is amazing. Thanks for showing these beautiful images and for hosting this meme. Enjoy your weekend. Jo
What incredible birds! We feel lucky if we have about 8 at a time, Eileen! That poor old fox, but nature knows how not to waste a thing. Thank you for your kind comment earlier.
Eileen, must be the week for eagles. Thanks for sharing.
Nice place to be able to walk. : )
Nice Cardinal explosion!
I too wonder about the fox story. I guess only the eagle and the fox know...
"I like warmer weather.." Me, too... And I love the videos, with the squirrel and so many birds, red and blue and so on... A Perfect magical place in your backyard! Have a happy weekend!
Hi Eileen, Wow, interesting ... the fox and eagle. Neat captures. I am wondering about the critter meme ... can I post a critter on one of my postcards? Have a good day. John
Love those pictures!
Wonderful series !
Hi Eileen, It is always wonderful to sight a Bald Eagle. Thanks for sharing. Have a really fine Sunday tomorrow!
Wonderful wintry photography by hubby !
Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol
I feel sorry for the fox...Especially since the Hawk was following Mollie and I around on our walk again this afternoon..I wonder if he would attempt to get her ...
Enjoyed your videos, it beats by a mile what was on TV! :-)
the awful circle of life. thanks for hosting eileen!!!
You get a lot of birds in your yard. Great shots of the Eagle on the Fox.
Nice to sit at home and stay warm and still get such good winter photos of the eagle and fox!
Amazing pics. Hope you will have a nice Sunday. Thank you for hosting.
boy am i glad that is not a close up shot ... thanks for that. i know it happens but it is not the most happy times ... maybe for the one having a snack i guess it is. ha. ha!! have a great weekend!! i will watch the videos now. ( :
Awesome pics from your hubby's walk.
Great photos of the eagle !
Have a lovely Sunday :)
What an amazing thing to see with the eagle and fox! Really Eileen, you have GOT to get out there ... you're missing all the cool stuff ;)
What a great day to be out on the lake, even a frozen lake! Spring is coming our way, oh yes it is!
Oh WOW Eileen!
I'm hoping that one day I will be somewhere that I can get some bird pictures like those..
Thank you for hosting
Shane x
I watched both videos and really got a feel for your days, Eileen. What a panorama of critter life you and Hubby have at your fingertips. Poor fox, but happy eagle.. the circle of life for sure. Thanks so much for hosting and for the peak into your world.
What a great find, I wonder what happened to poor old foxy, great meal for the eagle though.
I am with you, I would be staying inside too Eileen :)
Have a great week.
It's hard to believe an eagle could take down a fox like that--but eagles are big birds. I'm hoping he just found its carcass and is putting it to good use.
I saw a lot of back links with wonderful creatures in it. I'm going to visit a few. Very nice new week Eileen.
Greetings, Helma
As always, I love all the good photos..
Great captures of the eagle and its prey.
Eagles have to eat too! We watch the parents at the eagle nest bring in all sorts of food teaching the baby that he can eat anything if he has to. Fish is definitely the preferred meal tho.
Interesting shots of the eagle and fox carcass. It might be fun to walk in the snow, but I hope things warm up for you soon. It's fun to see all the birds in your yard so busy, very entertaining!
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