Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

A short break from my vacation photos..

For this week's wild bird I am sharing a lifer from last year..The Bobolink a small songbird related to the blackbirds and orioles. I've never shared these images because of the lighting was so bad.. I hope to see the Bobolinks again this spring and summer to try for better photos..

The Bobolink has a white back with black underparts..no not underpants..and a straw-colored patch on it's head..

The Bobolink breeds in open grassy fields..the eggs are hidden on the ground and well hidden in dense vegetation..

Some of the bird clubs are asking the owners of the fields to delay mowing ( till mid July) to protect the eggs and nestlings. Also, farmland preservation is critical to provide nesting habitat for the Bobolinks.

The male sings a metallic and bubbly song. Once you hear this bird's song it will be one you do not forget.. This is a link to Cornell's Allaboutbirds.Bobolink
I am looking forward to the spring migration...and seeing some spring songbirds and the shorebirds..

I hope you enjoyed my wild bird post.. Till next week's wild bird post.. I wish you happy Birding and have a wonderful week!

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and nature photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes

Thanks to all of our hosts... Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


Ela said...

Such a beautiful bird !!
I like his adorable cap :))

chica said...

Como é lindo o Bobolink( não sei o nome por aqui!)

Desejo um lindo dia e tudo de bom!bjs, chica

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

An interesting bird that I have never heard of adn it was good you put thelink in to tis song. Yes that is the waytofind this bird Eileen so goget it!

Stewart M said...

Thats a cracking hair cut! A distinct bird to see and hear.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Sonja said...

An interesting post, Eileen, especially as I think I read somewhere that they are struggling a bit in some areas. It's great when farmers are able to juggle their activities to fit in with bird life cycles and activities.

Sue said...

Hi Eileen!
I saw my first Bobolink last year as well---even though they are supposed to be around here, I've never seen one until then. Neat bird!
Hope you have a good week

Unknown said...

There was no reason to keep this pretty one behind. And if you can catch him again and even better, then I'm happy :)) Love his yellow head and his feathers look like painted.
Have a wonderful day!

Bob Bushell said...

Bobolink is a beautiful bird, and you have filmed it.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i had a completely different bird in my head when i think of Bobolink!! hmmmmm, i wonder what bird i thought was a Bobolink! anyway...i like that name...the way it kind of rolls around your mouth before coming out!! ha
this bobolink is the cutest!! love his straw hat! and your pictures are good too!!

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
Beautiful pictures of this beautiful bird, that I've never seen.

EG CameraGirl said...

Cool shots, Eileen. I'll be looking for some of these in just a few weeks! YAY!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

cool birds

Laura said...

What a lovely bird!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Lighting isn't perfect but still neat captures. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day! John

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not heard a bobolink since i was a child and i never saw one. he looks nothing like i thought he would. love the fluffy pic

Debbie said...

such an incredibly beautiful bird!! i enjoyed all the information as well!!!

21 Wits said...

Very interesting! Your photos are perfect!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Good Morning Eileen!
This adorable bird caught my eye with his debonair hair style.
I have always enjoyed your posts so much and you have opened up an entire new world of the marvels of nature for me.
Just added you to my blog roll too:)
Happy Easter!

Vee said...

Listening to the bobolink's songs really perked Fioré up! Her ears could not be further back on her head. =D Now I have heard the song, but have not seen the bird.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen..They are very hard to get a decent shot of, and these look fine!
Interesting bird for sure!
I love hearing them, and watching them in a near by field and hope to see them at some point, if this snow ever melts!!
I have thought that about the mowing too!!!


TexWisGirl said...

i miss these birds. used to see them in the fields in wisconsin. such a neat burbling song they have.

Linda W. said...

That's an unusual looking bird. How great that you saw another lifer bird! :)

Mary Hone said...

He's great looking. Don't you wish they would cooperate with our photography though.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
I have never seen a Bobolink before!
Such a beautiful bird!Great captures!!
Excellent shots!My favorite is the last ,with the singing bird!!
Have a lovely week!

Jo said...

What an amazing bird you share with us here, Eileen! I tried to hear the sound on the link/s provided, but heard nothing. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? Hope you're having a great day. Jo

Jo said...

OK Eileen, I clicked again and managed to hear all the calls. Grant heard the "chunk" sound and said it's quite a cheeky bird! I'm trying to think what bird this resembles in our part of the world. I'm impressed that your farmers actually care enough about birds breeding to postpone cutting the fields grasses.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

What a fascinating post, Eileen! I had never heard of this bird before. Your photos are perfect, and the link to Allaboutbirds is very useful. The Bobolink has a beautiful song.
Thank you for sharing!

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos ! I have never seen one in real only pictures ! They are a strange looking bird but pretty at the same time lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a beauty (I did read that as 'underpants' at first, LOL)..... It seems like I've always heard of a bobolink but I wouldn't have been able to describe it before this post. Now I wish .... (so many birds I'd love to see)!!!!

Liz said...

Great post! Great find. I hope you get to see it again!

Adam Jones said...

That's a new bird for me but it looks like a real beauty. Hope they're successful in breeding this year.

psychelyn said...

Haha that looks like a funny underpants. :) A very interesting bird.

Uppal said...

Very good pictures all!

thewovenspoke said...

That's a bird I need to see someday. Interesting. Have a great week!

Villrose said...

What a beautiful bird :)

Rohrerbot said...

Eileen, you have awesome pics of this bird. The lighting makes them so tricky! The bird was a lifer for me last year as well. Everytime I'd close enough to one, it would be in the wrong light:) Thanks for sharing!

Stephanie said...

Cool bird!

Giga said...

Cute bird with funny cap on his head. Regards.

Pat said...

Such a pretty bird. I'd love to see and hear one.

Our photos said...

Pretty bird !

This N That said...

Interesting Eileen..I've heard of the Bobolink but I guess I never saw one..Pretty coloring..Thanks for sharing..

Brian King said...

Congratulations! Love that yellow!

Irene said...

Cute bird .... and great shots!

Happy Easter!


Montanagirl said...

It is truly a beauty with a lovely song. I saw a few of these birds some years ago, but have never seen any since. This post was a pleasure.

Carletta said...

I remember Stewart posting once that all shots don't have to be portrait like. I'm glad you shared this little sandy headed guy. I wish they didn't nest on the ground. That's so much invitation to disaster. Hope the farmer's comply with wishes.
Thanks for sharing Eileen and happy bird watching to you as well.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm waiting, the heron arrived, but water ins't open. I want to put up signs, wait till next week!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen,
what a darling bird and I love the sweet little cap on his head.
Your photos are awesome.
Have a great evening.
Hugs, CM

Lynne said...

What fun to find the Bob O Link!
Happy Easter Eileen!

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad you saw one. Such a beautiful song. Here in Ontario they are considered threatened, so there's a lot of work with farmers to get haying delayed til July 15th, which seems ok to most beef farmers. We actually live in the heart of their range here, so you can see them around almost every hayfield.

A Colorful World said...

They are beautiful birds, Eileen! I hope you get to see them again this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, What an interesting bird. I do not think I have seen one but it is possible that I have and just do not recall it. Have a pleasant Wednesday tomorrow!

The Yum List said...

You really have an eye for capturing nature in all its glory.

Birgitta said...

Lovely bird! Great capture!

Pallavi said...

Beautiful birds Eileen :)

Noushka said...

Hahaha, counter light can be a killer, do I know that!!
Anyhow you did a lot better than most of us, I never saw this bird!
Lovely to discover it here, thanks for sharing, Eileen,
Keep well :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

These shares are not bad at all, and lighting can be such a stumbler when you want the photo, but cannot move about. The Bobolink would be a lifer bird for me and I am happy you have these beauties~

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Good luck with that cute birdie, Eileen. I don't recall ever seeing one.

Gillian Olson said...

Very striking little bird, love that little hat, hope you get to see it again. Thanks for dropping by my blog too, appreciate it.

DeniseinVA said...

What an interesting little bird. I have never seen one before. Lovely photos! Thanks for sharing it Eileen and have a great day :)

ann said...

I always enjoy your bird photography. You get some very good shots. Thanks for stopping by the Garden Spot. As the migrating birds stop by on their way to Canada, I will try to get photos to shared, hoping that they are as good as yours.

Black Jack's Carol said...

What a beautiful and fascinating post about yet another bird I've never had the pleasure of seeing, Eileen! I just listened to the male's two sound patterns at the link you provided. Thank you for that! And, thank you for checking up on me :) So very kind of you! I am fine. Sometimes, the days go by a little too quickly, but I hope to catch up with a post soon.

Anonymous said...

oh he is cute. Love the cap design God gave.

Beauty pictures.

Ida said...

I've never seen a Bobolink (love that name) in real life. I think that little "cap" on it's head is adorable. Thanks for sharing.

Gail Dixon said...

The Bobolink passed through our area last year, with several reported sightings very close to my home. I tried and tried, but never did see it. You certainly have a knack for seeing all sorts of different birds. What great images!

Rambling Woods said...

I had no idea of what it looked like or its natural history... Thank you Eileen.... Michelle

Stacy said...

I think your photos are great considering that this is a lifer bird. I'd be thrilled to have these photos! It's a fantastic bird and I hope the farmers can help preserve it.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Adorable bird with funny hair :-) I wish I could hear male's song with metallic and bubbly sound♫♫♫

I forgot to write to your previouspost that Happy to read your drinkingwent smoothly and safe back. (haha, I cannot drive.)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

NatureFootstep said...

The bird ahs a very interesting plumage :) Would love to see it myself. :)

September Violets said...

I used to see bobolinks all summer long where I grew up in the country. How I miss these country birds! They were common alongside the roads sitting on the fences and the hydro wires. I miss the cowbirds & kildeers as well ... such every day sights then, but now I don't see them in town.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a handsome bird!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Lovely bird.. Nice shots.. Cheers..

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...