Sunday, March 1, 2015

Just Yard Birds

I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday   They are both fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun or check out some of the post.

Happy March everyone, Spring will be here soon... I am still in my hibernating mode due to the cold, snowy winter weather. 1-3 inches of snow is predicted for today with an icy mix later in the evening..Will it ever end? So, I only have photos of my back yard birds and some of hubby's photos from his walk to the lake.. I hope you enjoy these sights..

Above are a few Common Grackles like the Starlings they have some pretty colors in the sunlight..Also a male Downy Woodpecker and one of my snow birds..the Dark-eyed Junco..

Click on this photo for a larger image.. the Cardinal is caught midair. I thought it looked funny.. Sorry, ignore the blue tarp is covering our wood pile...

Above a Blue Jay hiding in the corner with a few Cardinals.. a single female Cardinal and lower right is a group of Blue Jays..

These are some scenes from hubby's walk to the lake.. The lake is frozen and snow covered.. the sun coming through the woods and a sunset..

The frozen lake is now covered with a layer of snow.. 

Our wood stove in the basement has been helping to keep us warm this winter..a prism in the window is reflecting colors on the stove, can your see the rainbow?

As always I thank you for your visits and comments..I wish everyone a happy day and week ahead!

Just an FYI, I use Pic Monkey to create my mosaics, you can use Pic Monkey free or pay for an upgraded version.
I hope you can join in on our fun at  Mosaic Monday and   Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  


MadSnapper n Beau said...

those grackles are just plain gorgeous.. like colorful black birds. LOL
love your stove, and the kettle on it.. beautiful snow pics, hope spring comes soon for you

Mari said...

I think blue jays are becoming my favorite. They have amazingly vibrant colors. They birds loik funny sitting around like people hanging out at breaktime, except that they don't talk...but who knows :)

The lake does look great but cold.

Magia da Inês said...

Como sempre, fotografias super lindas!!!

Bom domingo!
Ótima semana!
Beijinhos do Brasil.
♪♬♫° ·.

TexWisGirl said...

love the grackle tree and the blue jay tree! great groupings!

21 Wits said...

Golly what a beautiful life you have! They are delightful!

Stacy said...

Great photos. That cardinal looks like he is floating in mid-air rather than flying. No need to apologize for the tarp ~ it was a fun photo. It has been a few months since I've seen our woodpeckers and it was nice to see yours.

Lois said...

Lovely photos! I especially love the birds. They are putting on quite a show for you.

Unknown said...

These are all great images, I love the midair caught Junco.
But very much I like your hubby's pictures from the lake. Snow and sunshine, how beautiful! :))
Have a fine Sunday and a wonderful week ahead.

Michelle said...

I also love seeing the Grackle! Aren't wood stoves the best?! Nothing like them for heat.

Irma said...

Beautiful and colorful birds in the first collage, Eileen.
Perfect photographed.
There is still a lot of snow and ice in your country.
Here, no ice and snow, but cold and windy.

Gattina said...

You have lots of beautiful birds in your yard !

Celeste said...

My goodness, that wood stove looks cozy after all those snowy scenes :)
You certainly have lots of colourful bird species in your yard. I love the Cardinal photo bomb.
Have a great week.

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet birds, I bet they are looking forward to the warmer weather. Lovely photos of the lake. I like your wood stove with its rainbow :) I am hibernating also. Looking outside we have had that wintry mix and it looks very icy. Enjoy your day inside Eileen. A day for reading a good book and enjoying hot chocolate :)

Nancy J said...

Lovely mosaics, and your wood stove, just looking at it gives a warmth, and although wood, kindling, and ashes are lots of work, I always think the wood fires are the BEST. Your kettle, a treat to see as well.

Bob Bushell said...

Fantastic images of the birds, and I love the stove, warming.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, your Grackles remind me of the Ruppel's Starlings we saw in Kenya! I love the woodpeckers and cannot believe your lake is frozen over AND covered with snow. We Africans would freeze under those conditions! I love your wood stove and the rainbow reflection! I'm sorry I didn't post on your Saturday critters party yesterday. We arrived home from our bike trip and I never got around to posting anything until today! Next week... promise! Greetings, Jo

Stephanie said...

I enjoyed your birds immensely, beautiful scenery and love your wood stove.

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos! I wish the juncos were more common at our place.

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

How can you always have so many gorgeous birds in your yard?! :)
Beautiful wintry landscapes and a lovely stove.
Stay warm!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wonderful photos - wish I had those yard birds in my yard.

Country Gal said...

Looks like our back yard and wooded area lol. All such lovely photos . The Grackles , Red winged black birds & Starlings will be here soon now that spring is getting closer and between them and all the other birds I am going to have to be doing a lot refereeing at the feeders lol . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Great shots! Wow, you still have a lot of snow. Take care and stay warm. Thanks for sharing! John

Ileana said...

Lovely birds.

Giga said...

Winter could use some myself now to move away from you. Already taken a long time prevails. Well, at least you can watch the beautiful birds. Regards.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Such beautiful and colorful birds!Great images!!
Like your stove and your habby's pictures!Hope Spring will come soon!Have a happy March!

HappyK said...

You sure have a lot of birds visit your feeders!
Love looking at them all.

Pondside said...

All your shots were fun to enlarge, Eileen. I loved the bluebirds arranged on the branches! Your wood stove made me wish for our old one. We will have to find a place for a stove in this house.
Thank you for the tip about Pic Monkey. I am going to look into it.

Black Jack's Carol said...

I do see the rainbow!! How wonderful! Also love all of your beautiful birds, Eileen. Your colours here.. the cobalt blues and the fiery reds.. are spectacular! Back soon for a longer visit. In the mean time, have a wonderful Sunday!

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen,
I love all the birds pictured in your post, including the Grackles. The wood stove looks warm. One could even heat a kettle on them, can't they? I love basements. We didn't have one back in Texas and we missed it.
Have a Warm & Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

Beth said...

I enjoyed seeing your birds, Eileen. Hope this marks the end of your snow. At least now you are retired and don't have to drive to work in it!

chica said...

Só podemos te aplaudir sempre por aqui! LINDO! beijos, ótimo MARÇO! chica

Alexa T said...

Warm greetings and hugs and the Spring may to come with good health and happy cheer, lots of joys for you and the whole family! Alexa

The Yum List said...

I'm surprised to see so many birds in the winter!

Sue said...

What do you mean--HUBBY'S walk to the lake??? You mean you didn't go??
Get yourself some good warm clothes and join him next time. What a pretty place.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, When we lived up in TN at the lake, we had a wood stove similar to yours. I enjoy seeing those Junco's (none here so far). I did see a Florida Scrub Jay at Sunnyhill Preserve a couple of days ago but I could not get a picture of it - too flighty and too much shade and thick tree leaves. Have a wonderful coming week!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i bet your birds love all the perches you have there at your bird feeders. very cool for them. i love the rainbow too. that is awesome. i almost missed i had to do a double take. ( ;

i love picmonkey. i did pay last year but i found that there is a lot you don't have to pay for. ... so this year i am going the free route. & it still works well. i am amazed you do so much, your bird links, and work ... you are wonder woman. love that you stop by my place so much. thank you! take care. ( :

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that shiny blue black of the black bird! It sure has been a cold winter for many this year. We got outside this afternoon and saw several birds. It was nice to be out after 2 weeks inside being sick. Have a good week my friend! Hugs, Diane

Debbie said...

Your mosaics are really beautiful and I must say today, I really enjoyed the hubbies views!! The sunlite path is really extraordinary!!

maryaustria said...

So much birds in your yard! Beautiful! Gorgeous shots!

Our photos said...

Nice series ! I love the stove: very nostalgic !

This N That said...

Your pictures are always beautiful..I'm sick and tired of the Grackles..They empty my bird feeders in no time..

Rose said...

Nice! Not sure which collage is my favorite. T

George said...

I'm sorry winter weather has kept you homebound, but you definitely got some wonderful photos of the birds in your yard. Hopefully you'll be able to get out and about this coming week. I really like your husband's photo of the lake.

A Colorful World said...

The sun shining through the trees on the snow--gorgeous! The bird gatherings are just wonderful! That one photo with the cardinal in mid-air almost looks like a diorama from a museum! :-) What great visitors!

Linda W. said...

You get a wide variety of pretty birds at your feeder!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Everything is so pretty in the snow and the colours of the birds really stand out. Love your stove.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Oh, grackle does have outstanding color and eyes☆☆☆ Many BEAUTIFUL birds; haha the Cardinal is in the midair♬♬♬
I LOVED to see your wood stove and the reflection of the rainbow on it. I don't have much chance to see these stoves.
Looking still cold in your place; please Take Care of Yourself, Dear friend.

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Your bird photos are very beautiful. It looks very cold in yourneighbor. The wood stove looks very nice. Thanks for sharing.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

OH, the exquisite color. The birds are such "jewels/"!!! Enjoy the day!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

I guess a few us are hibernating right now! :) Yep, spring is getting ever closer!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

muchly enjoyed your mosaic.

Unknown said...

You have lovely birds in your garden. I always enjoy seeing the jays and the cardinals. The view out over the lake is beautiful. Have a great week, Eileen!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The backyard here is a frozen lake, but it's finally melting.

Love your birdies!

Anonymous said...

I just got my little girl a bird song identifier and we are going to see who it is we hear in the mornings. Like names to faces and songs :)
I love seeing your posts because it tells me who it is out there in my yard too!

Anonymous said...

Lovely winter shots - but I know that you're longing for some spring.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Beautiful yard birds and what a stunning walk to the lake!

Mary Hone said...

Love all the birds. Nothing like a nice wood stove for cozy heat.

Veronica Roth said...

Beautiful birds Eileen! And that photo of your fireplace just radiates warmth. Must be so lovely when there's snow outside. :D

Rohrerbot said...

You certainly have a lot of colorful birds here! Nice collection to have in the backyard:) Your hubby's walk looks really nice.

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, o passeio compensou com belíssimas fotos, as aves são lindas.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

How wonderful to have such a variety of birds in your yard. The snow covered lake looks beautiful......and cold!

Have a cosy week!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous photos, Eileen! And, I love your wood stove.

Linda H said...

Thanks for these beautiful photos. If we can't be looking at blossoms in the garden, it's great to have some colorful birds to enjoy! Love the reds and blues of the cardinals and jays- two which I rarely seem to attract to my backyard...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots of the birds. There's nothing like wood heat to truly warm you up.

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

You have so many wonderful birds in your yard, which must be such a joy. I think my birds here have been hibernating. We have the few local cardinals, blue jays and sparrows with some visiting juncos, but not as many as you have. I enjoyed your photos...Happy March!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful birds in the yard. So sweet.

Ela said...

Eileen, all your pictures are gorgeous!
It is a great joy to see the birds in your backyard !
Have a happy new week :)

Karen said...

I love your backyard birds! We have all the same ones! It's still cold and snowy here as well. Spring will be very welcome when it finally arrives. Lovely mosaics.

theconstantwalker said...

So much variety... fantastic to see.
Can I borrow your stove... it's very cold tonight

Sylvia K said...

A great variety indeed and beautiful captures as always, Eileen!! Thanks for sharing!! Hope you have a wonderful new week!!

Pat Tillett said...

Just yard birds? Oh man, I wish we had birds that colorful around here! Gorgeous photos Eileen...

Fun60 said...

That is a great photo of the cardinal in that first shot.

mick said...

Lovely backyard birds! The snow looks beautiful but I am sure you can have too much of a good thing! Our temperatures should be cooling off a bit but the weather man is predicting a couple of days of near 40 degrees at the end of this week - definitely too much heat!

colleen said...

We don't have grackles here so they look uncommon (exotic) to me. I love the title Yardbirds and reminds me of Led Zepplin's Jimmy Page.

Cloudia said...

that final rainbow made me smile. It is so fun spending time with you and seeing your shots, E

ALOHA from Honolulu

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos and wonderful selection of birds

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful photos Eileen. Thanks for sharing.
Have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

carol l mckenna said...

Love your photos of 'just the yard' birds and the snow scenes on the way to the lake are beautiful!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Lux G. said...

These birds have the most beautiful colors I've seen.

NatureFootstep said...

so many shiny birds :) The snow we got over here are almost gone now. This early spring is most unusually warm.

Photo Cache said...

those birds are beautiful. stay warm.

Laura said...

Such beautifully colored yard birds Eileen.

Leovi said...

Great catch, pretty bird! Exquisite pictures!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

As always, you capture your world perfectly and beautifully--But I'm with everyone else, I long for a little more than the "50 Shades of White!" :-)!!

Al said...

Very pretty yard birds. There's an old British band called the Yardbirds, they were quite famous in their day!

Louisette said...

wonderfull serie fotos, great shots,greeting from Mons in Belgium .

Juni said...

Oi Eileen, lindas imagens!!! Os pássaros estão com um colorido maravilhoso, coisa de Deus mesmo!
Beijos, linda semana.

Barb said...

You really get a lot of birds at your buffet. Good thing you have your wood stove!

Joyful said...

Oh my Eileen, I feel for you with all the snow and cold. the photos you've posted are beautiful though and your bird photos are awesome! Keep warm. xx

Debby Ray said...

Gorgeous birds! I just love watching them...have many of these same one in my yard. Such beautiful photos :)

Montanagirl said...

Great photos, Eileen - love how you caught the Cardinal in mid-air!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love your wood stove, Eileen! We have a similar looking one in our basement but it runs with gas. We never stay in the basement long so we have never turned it on.
You are visited by so many wonderful birds--a virtual rainbow of birds!

Kusum said...

Oh! I miss the snow so much!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the shot of the cardinal in flight! And the photo of the sun shining between the trees is a favorite, too. Lovely shots, Eileen!

Indrani said...

Amazing captures you have! All neatly framed and put together. :)

Life Images by Jill said...

I always enjoy visiting Eileen. I am amazed how long the snow lasts where you live. Do you get sick of it? Beautiful image of the sunlight coming through the trees.
Keep warm and have a wonderful week.

D.Nambiar said...

Such pretty birds. I see it's business as usual for them. :)

Your snowscapes are lovely and that wood stove is gorgeous, Eileen.

You have a great week.

Adam Jones said...

Love the Woodpecker, and yes, hurry up Spring please!

Helma said...

Really great this mosaic pictures. Did you really so many birds together like Jay and the Cardinals !!! Just beautiful! Here I can really envy his sigh .....
Beautiful stove stove you have in the basement:-)

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I thought I left a comment already but that must have been on FB when I said it looked like the female cardinal was standing on the jay's head. :-)
We're sure glad we came home yesterday as it is snowing and blowing out there today. The birds have to figure out that we're home now but the rabbits never missed us and have taken a 5 foot weigela down to less than 2 feet.
Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday Eileen.

Pat said...

Lovely shots of your yard birds.

Gayle said...

The beak on the cardinal reminds me of a woman with lipstick on. Just amazingly beautiful, as always.
Gayle from Behind the Garden Gate

Linda said...

Love the bird pics and the pretty snow.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I enjoy visiting your world in photos. I live in California where snow is rare. :-)
Take 25 to Hollister

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I don't know why your grackles are so much prettier than mine! I'd be staying inside in that weather too, but it is very beautiful!

Bethany Carson said...

Love the shot with the bluejays and the midair cardinal! Almost looks like he's perched on top of one of the jays.

Thomas Lee said...

That's a very nice wood stove,something rare here in the tropics,probably there might be some up on the highlands.

Red Nomad OZ said...

'Just' yard birds?? They're fantastic!! I'm sorry I haven't been visiting for awhile - I've just gotten back from a trip interstate to celebrate my father's 90th birthday!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...