Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Virginia Rail

Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes and NC Sue Wordless
I hope you can join in and share your wild birds and nature scenes.

For this week's wild bird I am sharing the Virginia Rail. This rail was seen on the same day and same place I saw the King Rail.

The Virginia Rail has a gray face and long bill.

At one time while we were sitting in the blind the Virginia Rail came out and walked over to the blind. It was right under the window when I looked down at it.

On this day we saw maybe four or five rails, some were right next to us as we walked down the trail next to the pond.

I hope you enjoyed my wild bird post and photos. Till next week's wild bird post. Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and nature photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes and NC Sue Wordless

Thanks to all of our hosts. Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday and Sue for Wordless Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. Tão lindo e nem parece selvagem! Adorei! bjs, tudo de bom, lindo dia! chica

  2. Great shots, I especially like the hiding behind the tall grass catch! Fun with nature.

  3. I did enjoy your rail pics! They can be so elusive! What a great spot!

  4. Lovely, just as like ours, Water Rail. Well captured.

  5. the first one i like how she is tip toeing through the water, the second is beautiful, the last she is hiding. really beautiful bird and photos

  6. Hi Eileen,
    fabulous photos of this wonderful and special bird. Your first shot is gorgeous !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  7. Great shots. He is an interesting bird for sure.

  8. Beautiful bird, just stunning and those eyes. Great share Eileen!

  9. Boa tarde, maravilhosas fotos da lindas aves, são magicas.

  10. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful pictures of the Water Rail, as we call it.
    Perfect photographed !!!
    Best regards, Irma

  11. You got some great captures of the rail. He sure does have a long bill.

  12. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a rail - nice images!
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/06/falling-water.html

  13. ...and born looking like they're in shock. Why is that standard for shore birds?

  14. it has such a sweet face. Great photos!

  15. Oh, yes, I do enjoy your bird photos...as well as when you show us the place you are at to take the pics.

  16. Super bird photos. You must be a very patient person as well as a great photographer!

  17. Great bird shots. His beak color just pops from the screen.

  18. What a nice plump little bird! When I was watching the great horned owl on the live bird-cam, the babies were fed a rail (not sure which kind specifically now). Everyone was identifying it by what was left of the plumage and the stilt legs. It's nicer to see one alive and well ;)

  19. Must have been breathtaking to be
    that close to the bird :)
    Wonderful pictures Eileen!
    I have some wild birds too today :))))

    Have a beautiful day
    Tinna ✐

  20. Nice bird. I love the river post before this one, it looks like a beautiful place.

  21. I was looking for a Virginia Rail just yesterday...but didn't find it. Now I know where to look. :)

  22. Beautiful photos, Eileen. We purchased a bird bath recently and are enjoying the birds coming to visit!

  23. The last one is my favourite......lovely photo.....it looks so cute!

    Enjoy your week Eileen,

  24. A great observation and great pictures!
    It is true that it looks much like the European Water rail, as you told me once, although the body has more stripes :)
    Keep well Eileen :)

  25. Hi Eileen. Your Virginia rail so reminds me of our common Water Rail. Well I say "common", but being a rail it is not commonly seen and hides away in reed beds etc. A bit of frost and ice brings them out but not yet I hope!

  26. It's a nice experience to see so close cute bird. Greetings.

  27. Beautiful feather colourings. Today I watched a video of hummingbirds in a wind tunnel, to show how they hover, and use their body with the wings to stay in one place and feed. Amazing. I guess it is on Google, I saw it on the " Ugly Hedgehog" pages.

  28. Great shots of the Rail lurking in the reeds.

  29. great photos - some of those birds are new to me.

  30. I have never seen one of these birds. How exciting for you.

  31. Love that beautiful orange beak/bill.
    Beautiful photos, Eileen!
    I have never seen this bird in person.
    So, thanks for the introduction.
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Peace :)

  32. Great photos of your Virginia Rail Eileen. It's a fascinating bird.

    Thank you also for your very kind message to my father-in-law. He appreciated you taking the time to leave it. He is still in hospital but hopefully he will be out soon.

  33. Morning Eileen, just stopping by to admire the studious intent of your Rail, a new bird to me. That beak sure is to be admired :)
    Wren x

  34. I love the secrecy of the Rails, but you managed to capture some superb pictures. Not easy to get at all.

  35. Another bird I haven't seen..Love the orange bill..Have a wonderful holiday Eileen..

  36. Fantastic photos! I've never seen one of these guys.

  37. Just an amazing capture of the shimmering water and shadows on the surface. He sure looks busy!

  38. What great pictures Eileen. What a long bill the Virginia Rail has.

    Hope you are having a good week.

    All the best Jan

  39. It is great they have the photo blinds just for moments like this one. It is a beautiful bird.

  40. That first pic is wonderful - the way you've captured the movement on top of the water.

  41. Lovely photos of a beautiful bird. Looks very like our water rail

  42. Dearest Eileen; Beautiful bird Virginia Rail is♫♫♫ His/her gray face and long bill with orange color in your picture really shows elegance, another sweet birdie for me♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  43. You take so beautiful and great photos of birds and nature!
    Happy day too you!

  44. Eileen, your photographs are just always wonderful! You've got a great eye and know how to use your camera! Rails are just beautiful, love their markings!

  45. what a cool looking bird!! i love the effect of the tall grasses in the images. beautiful captures eileen!!!

  46. Great shots in the grass !!

  47. I like the fact that although the bird is very earthy toned color, it's bill is so bright and cheerful.

  48. You have to have sharp eyes to spot a bird like this. What a beauty.

  49. it is 4 years since I saw a rail. Much too long. It is a gorgeous bird. Love your shots.

  50. Beautiful captures Christine, it was a neat place to find the bird.

  51. Hi Eileen, Wonderful photographs of the Virginia Rail. I think I may have seen one once. I can see how the Coots belong to the same family group as this bird. Have a fine day!

  52. Whenever a rail makes an appearance, it's a day to celebrate!!! These birds frustrate me because they are very elusive! Nice shots of this gorgeous bird. Congrats!

  53. Great photos Eileen. I have to go and look up these birds so I know more about them.... Happy 4th ! .... Michelle

  54. You're such an excellent birder!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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