Saturday, December 19, 2009

American Oystercatcher

Click on photo for a larger image. If you click on this first photo you can see two Terns in the background.

The American Oystercatcher is a cool looking bird. I like to say it has a beak like a carrot. I've been able to see these birds many times at Cape May and Chincoteague on the beach and laying around the dunes. On my previous post about my visit to Avalon, NJ we saw a flock of American Oystercatchers. Probably the largest group of Oystercatchers I have ever seen.

You can view some wonderful birds and photos at bird-photography-weekly

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Thanks for stopping by to see my Oystercatcher.


  1. I went to Cornell Labs to see the face of this bird. It is handsome. I had not seen one before.

  2. Very cool. I've seen or heard about this bird before. Until now. Thanks to you. ;-)


  3. the beak does look like a carrot :)

  4. It's beak does look like a carrot. I didn't notice until I read what you wrote and went for another look. That's a cool looking bird.

  5. Wonderful bird and wonderful habitat!

  6. He IS one cool birdie. That beak is awesome :D!

  7. This is a neat bird.I would love to see one,but I guess here on the prairies that is unlikely.

  8. That is a nice set of Oysercatchers. Thanks.

  9. What an interesting bird, and he does have a carrot beak. I've never seen one of these so I'm glad you shared.

  10. Yes, beautiful and cool looking bird.

  11. 'Beak like a carrot' - I love it! If ever I see one of these (unlikely in UK) I shall recognise it immediately and laugh!

  12. Interesting birds and very nice photo captures. But what kind of Terns are they??

  13. ...I've yet to see an Oystercatcher. I'd love to see one with that carrot nose of theirs. Lovely photos...

  14. great bird and photos! and such personalities those guys have too! :)

  15. Nice captures of the Oystercatchers Eileen. That would be a lifer for me.

  16. The American Oystercatchers are indeed a cool bird, Eileen! It would have been a lifer for me, too!

  17. they looks nice with their red beaks. They are supposed to cime here as well, but I have not seen them yet.

    Wishing you a merry christmas. :)

  18. I love oystercatchers. No matter how many I've seen, I never made the carrot connection. That's perfect.

  19. These oyster catchers haven't discovered a warm place called Auckland New Zealand. LOL

    I often go to Walker Park by my school and see these birds.

    Merry Christmas.

  20. Great bird photos.

    /Magnus @Photo By Manka

  21. Amazing bird...I don't believe I have seen this bird before. And, the big sure does look like a carrot. Great captures!

  22. I have never seen an American Oyster Catcher before. These are really neat photos and I love your header.

  23. Very good post! This is one I haven't seen in person yet.

  24. What an interesting bird - and the beak does look like a carrot!

  25. Kewl bird ... one I've never seen or heard of before so thanks for sharing ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  26. My first time to see this kind of bird. Thanks for sharing. Great Captures.

  27. Yes, it's beak really looks like a carrot :-) A beautiful bird I've never seen.

    Have a delightful Sunday!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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