Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter yardbirds for my Project feedercount

My Skywatch Friday now follows my Winter birds post

Chickadees and Titmouse for Bird Photography Weekly #68 to see more go to Bird Photography Weekly

Please click on the photo for a larger viewing.

These birds are regular visitors to my feeders and backyard and a few are my winter birds. The Dark Eyed Junco and the White Throated Sparrow I only see in the winter months. Last weekend was my first count for the Project feederwatch . In about an hours time I had seen Mourning Doves, White Throated Sparrows, Bluejays, Cardinals, Tufted Titmouse,  Dark Eyed Junco, Carolina Chickadees, Redbellied Woodpecker, American Crows, American Goldfinches, House Sparrow , a Pileated Woodpecker and one unknown hawk.

The Carolina Chickadees are one of my favorites, I love when they start fussing.

The Tufted Titmouse are here year round and can also sound fussy.

To see more cute birds and other animals got and visit THE ARK

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

That's a nice collection of birds.At our place we have very few birds so far this winter.I'm still hoping that more will show up.Lovely pictures.

diane b said...

The birds look lovely all puffed up to keep warm. You are so clever knowing all the names and I haven't heard of them here but that doesn't mean much as I don't a lot about birds I just like watching them. I do have some bird biiks to look up their names if i can find them. Nice shots.

Elaine said...

You have a good assortment of birds at your feeders. I mainly see only chickadees and redpolls at the feeders in the winter. Beautiful photos!

rainfield61 said...

Glad to know the weather of winter has not driven the birds away, otherwise there must be something missing without their sound.

Janie said...

Great photos of the birds. You see a great variety there.
Love your header.

Martha said...

Amazing photos... thank you for posting the tufted titmouse, I've been trying to identify that bird that's been outside!

Thanks for stopping by!

Amisha said...

Wow, what enchantment to have these birds visit your house! And you capture such lovely pictures of them.

Karine said...

You did a wonderful job capturing the birds, they're lovely!

Randi said...

Lovely sequence of bird-photos. I love these small birds!

Thanks for your comment - no it was not a HDR-photo.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: Wonderful photos of your birds. The Juncos have moved back to Ohio also.

Anonymous said...

We had fewer birds in this part of Ohio than ever before. Several birders have asked me about that as they had less birds and less of a variety than ever before. I think it is due to a climate change and that it is a touch warmer here where we live than before so the birds are able to go a little farther north and find their ideal climates for nesting. Anyway, we didn't have many birds this year. We do have both Coopers Hawks and Sharp Shinned Hawks coming here looking for something to eat and finding less and less as most of what we had have migrated south.

I do have or had the same birds that you are showing in the post. Nice photography.

Anonymous said...

These are favs of mine year round. So tiny, and so cute!

PS love your header picture, too.

Unknown said...

Those are some beautiful birdies!
None of them I've seen yet.
I love that project of yours :)

Larry said...

Terrific photos of your local birds! I'd be pretty fired up if a Pileaed Woodpecker showed up in my yard.I can find them within our town but not in my backyard.Hope you enjoy the count.

mick said...

Great photos of those little birds and its very good that you have such a variety of birds coming to the feeder.

Neil said...

Great photos of cute little birds.

Larry said...

Nice shots of the Titmouse and Chickadees Eileen! I am doing the Project FeederWatch too, although I haven't been around enough to count the last couple of weekends :-(

The first week of the count I did get a Nutall's Woodpecker at the feeder. I would really enjoy seeing a Pileated but I'm too low in elevation to get them here.

Day4plus said...

Oh Eileen, such wonderful photos. You have captured these tiny birds so well. MB

Anonymous said...

what sweet birds

jabblog said...

You have a wonderful variety of birds visiting your garden. It's very interesting to keep a log of them.

Kelly said... have some beautiful photos here. I love these same birds. The juncos are a favorite of winter for me as well.

Bob Kaufman said...

Amazing how many birds come to your feeder even in winter!

Cute photos of the chickadee and titmouse!

Robin said...

Great shots and a great looking collage too.

Tina said...

they are so pretty. we dont seem to get such beautiful birds round here, but i do see the occassional robin at xmas!

Tina from
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ

NatureFootstep said...

I love the last one, the tufted titmouse. We don´t have it and it is so cute. :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...