Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Avalon Shorebirds

I have added the first two skywatch photos, they were taken the same day as the shorebirds below. I thought the sunset had some pretty color on the bottom of the clouds and one tiny little hole was lighting up with color.

To see more great skies from all over go to Skywatch Friday

This week I am posting my Avalon shorebirds from my September visit to the NJ shores. We stopped in the town of Avalon and walked along the beach. My hubby just likes walking anywhere and I love checking out the birds. During this visit we saw a lot of American Oystercatchers, Black Skimmers, Egrets and some other peeps.

Black Skimmers in flight

I love the beaks of the Oystercatchers they look like carrots.

To see more great Watery Wednesday shots go and visit 2sweetnsaxy at waterywednesday

To see some great outdoor shots got and see Susan at Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks to the hosting team of Skywatch... Sandy, Louise, Wren, Sylvia, Fishing Guy and Klaus

Thanks for visiting my blog.


penny said...

Aww, the wonderful Jersey shore is a sight I grew up with. These are terrific shots of the water loving birds, Eileen. Thanks for the journey back in time.

rainfield61 said...

You have so many of them within one sight. So lucky.

Anonymous said...

Morning! How lovely these birds are and I love the sea!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

A walk like that seems just perfect.I love the header picture as well.

Bob Bushell said...

Hi Eileen, the atmosphere of all your pictures is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I love all these photos with the birds on the shore.


Anonymous said...

p.s. happy watery wednesday!

paz ;-)

Bestemor Drillo said...

Lovely birds and pictures ! I love
it! Have a nice WW.

Photo Cache said...

Beautiful sight. Love your header.

My watery image is at http://ewok1993.wordpress.com

Kilauea Poetry said...

I bet this is cold? I looked back at photos taken in February and March over here with snow on the Mountains..it's beginning to get a tad cooler. Very lovely shots here-I love the birds.
(btw)..that river I posted has both ducks and geese (I was actually waiting for a doctors visit!
Have a great week and thanks for stopping by-

Johnny Nutcase said...

Skimmers and AMOYs!! LOVE those birds. I did some oystercatcher work in '05 and remember watching my first nest hatch - i named them Fraggle Two and Brewster. Great photos of your trip!

Chie Wilks said...

nice photos with all these busy birds...busy hunting for fish..

mine is here

JTG (Misalyn) said...

WoW! those are superb shots Eileen. I like birds and i find it difficult to take some snaps because of my point and shoot camera.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love your last shot Eileen.

Missing the lake

EJ said...

those are beautiful shots.

My watery wednesday

Martha Z said...

I love the red beaks on the oyster catchers. It makes them easy to identify.

Unknown said...

beautiful watery photos. your bird shots are fabulous--i never had a decent photo of birds.:p

Al said...

Oh yes...they really looked like carrots. I thought at first they were eating carrots! Haha thanks for sharing Eileen!

Martha said...

Ah, the shore! Great shots.


Annie Jeffries said...

What a gay and noisy display the birds make. I'd love to see that.

Mom said...

Wow, you always have beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing - thanks also for the visit.


Maria Berg said...

It is wonderful to be close to the shore and to feel the wind and hear the birds and hear the water, MB

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful shots! I like the lighting on the rocks, and the birds, most of them are new to me.

Joe Todd said...

Birds and shore or is it shore birds at any rate very fun post Thanks

Judy said...

Great photos of the shorebirds! I love the ones in flight!
But my favourite shot is your header! The wave splashing up over the rocks!!

MaR said...

Such beautiful shots! love them.


Della said...

It is always interesting to have a look at all the birds your are showing us. Thank you!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Terrific! Love the Oystercatchers; I grew up on the shore of Long Island, but I don't remember that particular shore bird among the ones we knew. Yes, the beak DOES look like a carrot!
(Maybe they're related to Frosty the Snowman?)
Merry Christmas!

NatureFootstep said...

living inland as I do, it is always nice seeing shorebirds. Thanks!

NF Birds :)

storyteller said...

Seems like you and I are on the same wave-length this week ... just on different coasts. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Lori E said...

Looking very cold there even in September. We always worry about the birds in winter but then you see some types floating around in the icy cold ocean.

Elisa said...

Hi Eileen, thanks for visiting my blog. I feel honored that you liked my photos because yours are amazing!! They are beautiful.

Guy D said...

These shots are fantastic Eileen, well done.

All the best :)
Regina In Pictures

Rajesh said...

Wow! fantastic shots of the birds on the sea shore. They are always a delight to watch.

Marsha said...

Great photos of the shore birds and I especially like your titmouse photos in the post below this one. I know they are common in some areas but I have only been lucky enough to see them on vacation.

Thank you for visiting my blog. My birdfeeder sleigh you commented on used to be one of those lighted white wire ones for outdoor holiday decor. I was sick of fighting burned out lights each year so I removed the lights, spray painted the frame and added a piece of window screen for the birdseed. It is a fav of all the birds because of it's size.

George said...

These are wonderful pictures of your visit to the shore. Thanks for sharing these with us.

Guy D said...

Wonderful shots Eileen, I love these pics.

All the best :)
Regina In Pictures

elvira pajarola said...

all those magnificient pictures.....what a pleasure...! but one is my love: those 2 birds close to each other on the rock and the third a little apart looks at them....!
so delicate and lovely.....
have a wonderful weekend!
ciao elvira

eden said...

those are beautiful series of images. I love them all. You are a great photographer.

My entry

VioletSky said...

Lovely sky.
And I've never seen those birds before - their beaks are quite bright!

storyteller said...

Dramatic skies indeed! Fun to see your bird photos again. I love the surf in your header photo too. I'm sharing my warm beach sunset views from earlier this week at Sacred Ruminations this week ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Kilauea Poetry said...

Really pretty. You can't beat a sunset over the water! Fantastic!
Mine are up now. Hope you have a fantastic weekend-

sunnymama said...

Wonderful pictures of the sky, birds and water! :)

ruby said...

great photos!

Young mama

Janie said...

Beautiful sunset, and some great captures of the shorebirds!

Regina said...

Amazing and wesome captures.
Happy Holidays.
Enjoy the weekend.

Chubskulit Rose said...

great shots Eileen.

My Skywatch, happy holidays.

Irene said...

Beautiful watery photos! Like them all :o)
To answer your question (my pictures of OC beach). I's off season - it's October (written under the last photo). But it's never very crowdy outside the "Dune house" where my aunt lives ...... Wish you a nice weekend!

DoanLegacy said...

Gorgeous photos of the sky, the birds, and the ocean!

Dewdrop said...

Lovely sky shots. I also enjoyed the playful birds in the breaking water.

Unknown said...

Those skyshots are beautiful! I love that little hole and the colourful light shining through!
Those shorebirds are cute!

Pam said...

Beautiful shots! I love to take walks along the shore. I'm happy to see these photos while it's freezing. I am wishing I was at the beach. : )

Unknown said...

Hi Eileen, these photos are great. Love the sunsets - the red and orange strips are nice. Hope you are having a nice weekend, Evelyn

clairz said...

Keep posting those water shots, Eileen. This desert dweller absolutely loves them!

magiceye said...

superb captures all!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: I really enjoyed that first sky shot and a neat number of shore birds.

Anonymous said...

That is interesting, the one streak of color at the bottom of the clouds.

Prizler Photography said...

Hi Eileen, Thank YOU for stopping by my blog. I always think I should quit taking photos and then I'll get someone's nice comment like yours! (I appreciate it very much!)
Love the White Throated Sparrow photos you have! They are such beautiful birds. Great shots! Happy holidays!

Carver said...

These are all so beautiful. I love the pink in the sky in the first shots and you got some great ones of the birds. Happy weekend.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Stunning sky pics !I love the bird shots also.
Merry christmas !

Pearl Maple said...

Fabulous photos celebrating nature and Sky Watch Friday.

Linda said...

That's a lovely glimpse of fiery sky among the grey clouds.

I enjoyed seeing the birds you encountered on your walk. Some are familiar to me, some not.

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful to live so close near the sea! The sea and seabirds are always so interesting and your photos are great.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Beautiful photos. I love the ocean.

The Lly Dilettante said...


Linda Jacobs said...

I could look at that sky forever! The colors are awesome!

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Nice shots and the birds looks very nice. You manage to capture many of them in nice photos!!!! Very lucky. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice SWF.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Awesome photos of skies, birds, and water!

Frances D said...

I live in New York, but whenever I can I hitch a ride with my Jersey friends. The Garden State is gorgeous by day and night.
Frances at http://www.ablogcalled.me

EJ said...

Wow you've got lovely snow birds out there.

Merry Christmas to you and to your family. Here's my Outdoor Wednesday post.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...