Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hooded Merganser momma and chicks

From my archives this weeks Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday post I have some pic's of a female Hooded Merganser with her cute chicks. The Mergansers were seen during one of my bird club walks at a nature center last spring.

To see more Watery photos from all over go and visit 2sweetnsaxy at Watery Wednesday


to see more wonderful outdoor photos go and visit Susan of A Southern Daydreamer at Outdoor Wednesday

Thansk for stopping by my blog and checking out my Mergansers.


rainfield61 said...

Momma and the chicks, then, where was the papa?

Unknown said...

These are so beautiful!
That Momma had one cool 'haircut' :D

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Wow--you have THREE neat blogs. I had to look at all of them.. I think this one will be of most interest to me--although I do love traveling, and I love flowers... SO---I may have to check them ALL out each time... ha

Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you come back ANYTIME. My hubby and I are 'into' waterfalls--and I noticed you showed a few on your sidebar.

You all REALLY got the snow recently, didn't you??? Yipes!!!! I love snow (maybe not that much)--but we seldom get any even though we are 2000 feet above sea level on the Cumberland Plateau... Oh Well!!!!

Your 'Goldie' is beautiful... Loved seeing him in the snow....

Thanks again for coming to my blog. Please come back!!!!

Warren Baker said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Eileen, and thanks for your kind comments that you leave, i'll drop in to visit your blog from time to time, enjoy the wildlife!

Kathleen said...

They are just ducky! Love the feather dude hair style..:)
Happy 2010!

nice A said...

Haven't seen Hooded Merganser yet. It looks like a duck. Thanks for sharing.
Btw, thanks for telling me the name of the flower I posted today. I'll always remember hollycocks and they will remind me of you:)
I'm a nature-lover like you so I'm now following all your 3 sites.

nice A said...

Oh, sorry. That should be hollyhock:) Thanks again.

Small City Scenes said...

Aren't they just so beautiful. Excellent shots.

I have several pair--or maybe the same--visit my pond in the Spring but they only stay a day or two. I think I have a Pond Motel. I do have a pair of Canada Geese that raise a brood every year. they are fun to watch. MB

Bob Bushell said...

What a beautiful bird, the Hooded Merganser. We only can see them in the WWT.

Anonymous said...

What cool-looking ducks! The babies are so cute. I love the reflection of the mama (the photograph in which she is alone). Great photographs!

Chris Petrak said...

ah yes, this time of year it is good to have archives - HOME is tough to find, much less photograph with chicks - good job - and thanks for your many kind comments on my blog - happy new year

NatureFootstep said...

that is a cool looking merganser. Bad hairday type. :)

Jim said...

I love the quiff on these birds. :)
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love how they are enjoying paddling the maze of water grasses! And especially love those cute heads!

Unknown said...

Hi Eileen!

Thanks for stopping by my blog... come on back any time you like. :o)

I love the Mergansers... they look like punks with that spiky hair. Of course baby *anythings* are adorable. So cute!

Quilt Works said...

What a funny duck - looks like it is having a bad hair day :-)

...waterfront in my favorite day trip destination!

Risa Tzohar said...

One never thinks about how ducks look when they are really wet.

Judy said...

The punk hair just makes me laugh!!! those have to be some of the cutest ducklings I have ever seen!!!

Photo Cache said...

that is so cute. he does appear like he's having a bad hair day :)

happy new year.

my water image is at http://ewok1993.wordpress.com

Unknown said...

Nice pictures Eileen. Nice reflection in the 2nd pic.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The Mergansers are cute.I would never guess that you are waiting for spring.:) It can't come any too soon.

Arija said...

Cute birds with great reflections. Nice captures.

penny said...

Great shots, Eileen. The ducklings are so cute and Mama duck looks like she got a new hairdo for the holidays.

Gunsside said...

Beautiful photos of the ducks, funny;)
Happy new year

Hilda said...

Punky momma! Love her 'do! ;)

Happy Watery Wednesday! And happy new year too!

Martha said...

Mamma has a mohawk! I don't know that I have ever heard of that type of duck. Great captures with the babies!

My ABC & Watery Wednesday

EG CameraGirl said...

I LOVE these shots!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it can be hair-rising to be perants indeed ;)
What a peaceful and hope providing photography, just what was needed during this night, at twenty past four.
Please have a wonderful Wednesday.

Unknown said...

i love her Mr. T hair-do.:p

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Martha Z said...

Great shots, Eileen. I love the little ones and I don't often come across the mergansers.

squirrel said...

It is always special to see Mergansers and to see them with babies, well, that just takes the cake, doesn't it. Nice photos.

My name is Riet said...

How cute those ducks are. Beautiful pictures.
Happy New Year to you and yours.

Tania said...

Oh, how beautiful!:-) Great shot!
Wish you a Happy New Year!

Elaine said...

The mergansers are so cute! Lovely photos.

Carolyn Ford said...

How cute they are! I love their scruffy little hair styles! Wonderful post...Happy New Year!

eden said...

Lovely photos as usual, Eileen. They are so cute. I love the reflections too.

Gena D said...

Great pics! had to giggle at the "hair style"!!!

Jo said...

Eileen I have never seen anything even remotely like the water birds in your post. Thanks! I enlarged the second to last one and WOW! The reflection is brilliant. Thanks for always visiting my blog . Please forgive me for not always reciprocating over the past 4 months while I've been in South Africa. I am flying out to be with dh in the Sudan on 7th Jan and cannot WAIT. I am also looking forward to having HEAPS of time to blog, visit, comment... Bless you and your loved ones for 2010 (((Hugs))) Jo

Eden said...

Great shots. They are such lovely creatures and my favourite is the second photo.

Happy New year!

storyteller said...

Oh my ... what precious photos of this little family in their watery element. Love the modern spiky 'look' ... almost as if mama uses feather 'gel' ;-)

Thanks so much for visiting MY warmer beach views from a recent walk this week.

Wishing you and yours a Joyous New Year!
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

I love the tuftiness! Such a sweet family :)

Happy New Year!

EJ said...

You are so lucky to be surrounded with beautiful nature views and creatures!

My Water Wednesday. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, they are so cute! I hope you have a safe and Happy New Year! Denise

Maia T said...

The babies are so cute and the mama has a very modern haircut.
Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year!

ellen b. said...

What fabulous photos. Love this hooded duck and her chicks!! Happy New Year!

Shellbelle said...

I've never seen these before, but they are wonderful. I enjoy seeing those that are native to other areas and sharing our tropical birds with others. Isn't blogging just so much fun?

Happy New Year!

Momgen said...

It looks great shots of the ducky....Happy Watery Wednesday...Mine is up too.

Mine is here

Barbara Jean said...

great pics. sooo cute!

thanks fro coming by


barbara jean

RH said...

How funny birds with their "hair" :) Happy New Year!

Sherri said...

Too cute! I love how the little babies follow behind! Have a Happy New Year! Sherri@lavenderfields

Light and Voices said...

Happy New Year from our house to your house. Too cute for words.
Joyce M

Baba said...

Wow... I love this shot of the mommy bird and her chicks...cute... cute.. the mommy bird looks like she needs a hair cut!!! Thanks for sharing your picture with us. hugs, Baba

Pam said...

I love the shot of the momma with her reflection in the water. She has one cool hairstyle!

Shannara said...

Cute birds. Cool haircut on mommy. =)

Lori E said...

My mother in law lived on a waterway and she had ducks all over her yard. All different types. It is one of the things she misses the most having moved to a townhouse.
I love the mohawk hairdos they are sporting.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Eleen

Such interesting looking ducks! It won't be long when we'll see baby chicks following their Mommas again ..always love that image.

Happy New Year!

Mona Sweden http://fotoentusiastenfotoblogg.blogg.se said...

Cool looking bird. Great hairstyle. Wish you a Happy New Year!

Connie T. said...

I love pictures of birds. These are great.

Helena said...

Wonderful photos Eileen! I love the second one, with Mama and her babies all in a row. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Great shots of mama and babies. I have seen Mergansers but not like these.

nuts said...

you've got picture perfect here!

Bestemor Drillo said...


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: Really neat shots of the lady with the bad hair.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots of lovely birds. Happy new year!!!

Lew said...

Happy New Year to you Eileen! The snowy owl image is fantastic! I seldom see owls and don't remember being able to get a shot of one.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Eileen,
That is a cool reflection in your latest post. I decided to comment here, to let you know I enjoyed the other photos on the page as well.

Happy New Year!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...