Is it just me or are these weeks just flying by, I am linking up with Mary's Mosaic Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday. I am lucky to even get on the internet today. Our power went off last night during a scary thunderstorm. Our electric came back on around 10am this morning and I got the internet back around 2pm. I was happy this morning to sit outside and watch my birds and check out all the flowers blooming.
Poppa Bluebird has been hanging around my weeping cherry tree. He looks very hot panting below.
Mooma Blue has been hanging her head out of the box, I think she is tryong to cool off too.
The Stella O'Doro lilies seem to be doing great this year. I have a big group of them growing near my blueberry bushes. I am sure the birds can not wait until the blueberries are ripe.
One of my crazy house wrens, they are very fussy birds.

I am pretty sure these are called Tiger Daylilies.
I hope you enjoy my mosaics and post and to see more great mosiacs and photos please visit Mosaic Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday.. Thanks to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday and to Drowsey Monkey for hosting the Mellow Yellow meme. Also, thanks of course for stopping by my blog for a visit. I hope everyone has a great week.
Poppa Bluebird has been hanging around my weeping cherry tree. He looks very hot panting below.
Mooma Blue has been hanging her head out of the box, I think she is tryong to cool off too.
The Stella O'Doro lilies seem to be doing great this year. I have a big group of them growing near my blueberry bushes. I am sure the birds can not wait until the blueberries are ripe.
One of my crazy house wrens, they are very fussy birds.

I am pretty sure these are called Tiger Daylilies.
I hope you enjoy my mosaics and post and to see more great mosiacs and photos please visit Mosaic Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday.. Thanks to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday and to Drowsey Monkey for hosting the Mellow Yellow meme. Also, thanks of course for stopping by my blog for a visit. I hope everyone has a great week.
beautiful butterfly shot! and love the bloom you used in your header too!
glad you were able to get power and internet back again!
Oh wow, such beautiful flowers! Love the butterfly too.. The new header is gorgeous!
Gorgeous shots, Eileen, I enjoyed the mosaics, such pretty blooms! Glad you got your power and internet back.
The days are flying by...I am trying to soak it all lucky to have bluebirds....
Hi Eileen, What a great set of pictures. I love the various lilies and the picture of the butterfly on the Zinnia is quite beautiful! Have a super nice evening!
Oh so lovely Eileen..what a pretty header and yes- the mosaics are fabulous!! The birds and butterfly capture with the flowers are a piece of heaven.
Wishing you an easy week. Glad you got your power back on too.
(thanks for thoughts..blogger has been a pain)
My best-
What a flowery day you have.
Lovely shots of the flowers and butterfly as well as the birds. Such cheerful shots.
Your lilies are amazing - especially your header shot!
Love, love the butterfly on the zinnia. Lovely lilies and my feathered friends are complaining about the heat, too! Beautiful garden. (I'll take some blueberries if the birds leave some!) :D :D :D
Wonderful photos! Love the one of the little peeking out of his peep hole! Have a good week!
Your flowers are beautiful. Love the butterfly one. Thanks for coming by.
Your garden and yard with its birds, butterflies, and flowers is out of this world gorgeous. My Stella’s have done well this year, too. It must be the heat. My butterflies are just now starting to come and the hummingbirds are back with us again. I am so glad it is June. School is out for 2 months so I can play in the garden. HMM. genie
Your post is absolutely captivating! wonderful colors and, oh, what a beautiful butterfly! Thank you! Cathy
Oh my, Eileen! Such beautiful images! I had to scroll up and down over and over. Your butterfly shot is so clear. I also love your zinnias. Your flowers are lovely! :)
Beautiful photography...loved all that orange in flower and butterfly. Wonderful bird captures, too.
Fabulous shots of the bluebirds and wren. Have a great week.
gee, you have such beautiful backyard with beautiful guests. beautiful pictures.
Daylilies are favourites of mine. They are so easy to grow. A beautiful mosaic of birds and blooms. V
Butterflies and Bluebirds along with those wonderful flowers - can it get any better? Great shots!
Thank you for shraing these photos and making my Monday extra special ;-)
Fantastic shots. I love your flowers.
Have a fabulous week!
Liz @ MLC
Wow. Great photos and beautiful flowers
beautiful flowers
Of these I have only the Lantanas, i hope a butterfly comes visiting soon.
Lovely shots.
Such wonderful shots. Your lilies are especially vibrant and gorgeous. What a beautiful garden you must have.
A super cool backyard you have with all those lovely flowers and birds!
Beautiful Lilies and love the butterfly shot. Our weather wasn't been too good in the UK on Sunday, we too lost power twice but not for very long. Also love the bird.
Jackie in Surrey.
Love all your shots, Eileen
You have a great backyard to enjoy! Beautiful little birds, and flowers.
Loved all your photographs but the flowers shot with the butterfly is stunning, great capture.
The day lilies are so bright and colourful they just seem to shout "summer"!
Eileen - the blogs about the osprey and eagles etc and this beautiful one are so terrific - lift my spirits this gray morning in Ontario... Wonderful to know others enjoy the backyard blooms and birds as much as I do. But your photos! WOW!
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier...
Isn't sharing similar interests fun - even though we're so far apart physically... just so neat this internet business, what it's done in terms of expanding my world anyway... have a super week!
A lovely spot for both you and the birds to hang out. The swallows have taken the birdbox in my yard.
Wow! Just gorgeous --all of it! I do feel for the birds when it gets sooo hot. Love your lilies! Glad you came through the storms all right and hoping your plants did not take too much of a battering!
Have a great week Eileen!
Love all the photos Eileen. Beautiful. You got great shots of the bird! Beautiful color pop in the mosaics. The top photo of the butterfly is really exceptional :0)
Your photos are all so crisp and clear and the color is amazing! WOW! I love the bluebirds! ♥
Those mosaics are wonderful -- frameable -- I could look at them every day. Just beautiful Eileen.
Beautiful post Eileen. I love your flowers and the birdpictures are wonderful.Have a good week.
You have lovely pictures of the butterfly and poppa bluebird. The daylilies are so pretty. My husband was saying the same about the blueberries. We have four blueberry bushes in our back yard. Bob is going to hang a predator balloon and hopes that deters the birds from feeding on the berries.
Yellow Lily, have a great week ahead!
Love the butterfly! And Mr. Bluebird is so cute. Sure hope he doesn't mind being called cute. Love the mosiacs!
your bluebirds are adorable and that butterfly is most handsome!
nice bird house. Are these Monarch butterflies?
What a wonderful combination of flowers, birds and butterflies. Those lilies are gorgeous.
Beautiful captures manifesting God's wonderful creations! I love them all.
My entries are up and running here:
See yah~!
Your birds, bloom and butterflies are grogeous photos, Eileen! happy Mosaic Monday!
Lots of orange in your photos....very pretty!
Hi Eileen, what a glorious garden you must have - the birds seem to be enjoying it. Thankyou for taking us there, and thank you also for stopping by my blog through Mosaic Monday. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Have a wonderful weekend.
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