Saturday, June 18, 2011

Birding the Hashawha Nature Center

I am linking up with Camera Critters

Hubby and I like to visit the Hashawha Nature Center often to look for birds and to hike. It is nice because it is maybe no more than 30 minutes from our house. But then almost everything is about 30 minutes from our house.  The nature center includes Lake Hashawha and I believe a stream by the name of Bear Branch. There are about 5 miles of trails on about 380 acres. So far we have not come close to hiking all 5 of those miles yet. Mainly because we have our favorite sections we keep going back to see.

On this day we were watching some turtles in the lake sunning themselves and listening to the sounds of the Red Winged Blackbirds that were all around us.

Also, along the trail we notice this cute Common Yellowthroat warbler bathing in a small creek.

 We were back on the boardwalk when we noticed  a couple of Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers were flying all around us. That is when we notice their nest. The nest was in a tree not too far off from the boardwalk. They did not seem to care that we stopped and watched them.

They were adding to the nest, which I think looks really neat.

While watching the turtles and the blue-gray gnatcatchers we saw this guy swim by. I think he is part owner of the dam that is located on the edge of the boardwalk.

I hope you enjoyed my critter post and to see more cute and wonderful critters please visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.  Thanks to Misty for hosting and thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great weekend.


jabblog said...

The gnat-catcher's nest is wonderful, a real work of art.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, what a lovely Saturday afternoon treat for me to go on this walk with you! So many different critters. I love the shiny shells of the turtles and the Common Yellowthroat Warbler. Your gnatcatchers remind me of out African Flycatchers. The same large eye rings and they use the same architecture for those neat nests. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Jo

TexWisGirl said...

love all the photos! loved the 'part owner of the dam' comment. ha!!!

also love seeing turtles from up north. they're SO clean and shiny. ours here in the south are always covered in algae due to our warmer winters.

Dimple said...

Hi Eileen,
This is a wonderful post! You do a really good job of photographing all those fast moving critters! (Well, maybe the turtles don't move so fast...)

Love the warbler and gnat catchers.

Indrani said...

I have never seen a nest like that. Cool captures.

Esther Garvi said...

I loved taking a walk with you!! The turtle was my favourite... :-)

Hootin Anni said...

Incredible nest building, don't you think? I do have to say, I love the 2nd photo of the turtle!!!

Happy Camera Critter Day. Here is my LINK Hope to see you stop by for a visit!!

Anonymous said...

What lovely peaceful shots!

Ladynred said...

I love the 2nd photo of the turtle and the yellow bird is beautiful.

AVCr8teur said...

What a treasure trove you have so close to home! Every day is a different adventure with nature's critters.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing that nest. And the birds too. Nice post.

One said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your post, Eileen. Love the idea of having all the creatures only 30 minutes away. Your captures are beautiful.

Bob Bushell said...

I love the turtles, and the mothering bird, really great Eileen.

Jenn Jilks said...

You have an eagle eye for the birds, and other wildlife. I was enraptured.
my cottage country !

B i r g i t t a said...

Nice and interesting critters :)

Kay L. Davies said...

I can never resist turtle photos, but there's so much more here. A bathing bird (I bought a birdbath and it isn't out because it's been raining ever since) and that beautiful nest, and a beaver! I have never been able to photograph a beaver, despite it being Canada's national animal.
Thanks for a fun post, Eileen, I really enjoyed it.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Unknown said...

Great hike!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Jidhu Jose said...

wow great shots

Anonymous said...

Great post!!
Thank you for the guided tour through the Nature Center.

I had to take a closer look at the second photo of the turtles, my eyes were playing tricks on me, I thought it was a rare two headed turtle!!

rainfield61 said...

All the critters own the park.

We are just a passer by.

Michael said...

These are all great. That nest is a work of art. I've never seen a Beaver in the wild because there are only a couple of trial pairs in the UK I think. :(

Dianne said...

I love turtles so these shots were a treat
and the photos of the nest are amazing!

Carletta said...

Terrific shots of the turtle!
I'm amazed by that nest - looked like woven oats. :)
I smiled when I read 'I think he's part owner of the dam' - :)
Hope you've been having a good weekend Eileen!
Round The Bend

Powell River Books said...

The turtles remind me of my pet turtle of many years ago. He was a red-eared slider that I kept in my classroom and then at my parents in his own yard with a pool. - Margy

Phil Slade said...

A great walk you had there Eileen. I just love those stripey turtles and the gnatcatcher nest is an awesome creation and well done for spotting it up in the tree.

Amila Kanchana said...

That bird nest is really some thing!

Roan said...

This is one cool nest. The turtles shots are amazing. Thanks for the enjoyable hike.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I like those turtles. We have turtles in some of the water hazard ponds on our golf courses here where I live but no turtles that I know of, in the lake where my home is. A shame. Turtles are great little animals. Have a splendid day and a great coming week!

jeanlivingsimple said...

The nest is very cool. I like the Common Yellowthroat. There isn't anything "common" about those pretty warblers.
I also like to visit places close to home.:)

Kilauea Poetry said...

The turtle shots are especially nice, just love the warbler in the creek and the nests!!! It would be hard not to bring my dog..probably aren't allowed? Well, great this is so close to you. Wishing you a wonderful week-

Kay Baughman said...

Hi, Eileen
Great photos (as usual)! I especially like the BG Gnatcatcher on its nest.

936000 said...

Oh how cool-all of it and I love the gnatcatcher nest!
Nice (new) header photo too!

Gallery of the Mountains said...

Sweet bird shots especially of the nest.

Dave Cawkwell said...

Certainly a lot to see on your hike, and lots of great photos. the second turtle shot is brilliant. The bird is very ingenious what a nest! Thanks for sharing your camera critters. Dave at photoviews

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...