Saturday, June 11, 2011

Birding Blackwater NWR

I do not think I have shown my photos from my last visit to Blackwater NWR. So for my Camera Critters post I have some shots of the Osprey on a nest and a large snapping turtle crossing the road.

The Osprey are great birds to see, they are dark brown above and white below, they have a dark eye stripe. Their huge stick nest are conspicuous on bouys, channel markers and large trees. The Blackwater refuge has nesting places set aside for the Osprey. They hunt by hovering over the water and then plunging down to graps the fish with their open talons.

This Osprey couple were working on building their nest.

This big dude looks like he just got out of the water. We watched him walk across the road.

This snapping turtle is smaller in size but still kind of neat looking.

One of the many Bald Eagles seen at the Blackwater NWR

This morning I am off to help my bird club do a count at the clear cut area of the watershed near my house. They are trying to keep a record of the how the tree cutting has affected the breeding birds.
I hope you enjoyed my Osprey, Eagle  and critter post and to see more cute critters please visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters.  Thanks to Misty for hosting and thanks for stopping by to see my post. Have a great weekend. :)


Hilke Breder said...

Beautiful shots, Eileen. I particularly love the Snapper walking across the road. The muted colors and graininess just add to the mood.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow, Eileen. You must have a great telephot0 lens as I know osprey build their nest way high up! :)

Jo said...

Excellent photos, Eileen. I've never seen an Osprey's nest and never seen a snapping turtle. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your bird count. Happy weekend. Jo

rainfield61 said...

Are you going to count with your camera?

TexWisGirl said...

snappers are so fascinating to me - right up there with gators - just prehistoric looking critters that refuse to morph into anything more 'modern'. :)

Diann said...

Seeing the osprey in there amazing nests are always so cool to spot! Wonderful photos Eileen. Thank you for always bringing a little bit of fun nature to us!

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Wonderful shots as always.

Anonymous said...

What amazing shots!

Unknown said...

Love those turtles!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love the turtle shots Eileen.

Camera Critters at my page. Have a great weekend!

Carletta said...

Eileen, such wonderful shots!
That first turtle is rather prehistoric looking. I don't think I'd want to get too close.
I'm still hoping to see and Bald Eagle in the wild someday - a wonderful capture.
And, I love your header shot.
Hope you have a wonderful time with the bird count and maybe photos too. :)
Carletta's Captures

Phil Slade said...

Yet another great place that you visit Eileen. Ospreys and Bald Eagles are so wonderful. Those turtles made me smile but I know Snapping Turtles can make you cry if they snap at fingers

Jidhu Jose said...

great shots

My camera Critters

Hootin Anni said...

I must admit, I've never ever seen a snapping turtle in the 'wild' before, always in Science Museums and Aquariums. Super photos, each and every one!!

Thanks for stopping by:


Hope your weekend is treating you well!!

Gallery of the Mountains said...

Grew up on a lake with many snapping turtles that terrorized us when we went swimming! Great shots.


TexWisGirl said...

oh my gosh! you got to see whistlers in Maryland!!! they're certainly making their way further north! i'm so glad for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, We have Bald Eagles and Osprey here where I live and I so enjoy when they infrequently visit my shoreline. You have posted just excellent pictures! Have a super nice evening tonight and a great Sunday tomorrow!

Kay L. Davies said...

I remember lakes with snapping turtles. Have never seen a bobcat in the wild, however.
Your osprey shots are so good. Yes, they're great to watch.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

I loved your osprey pictures; great shot of the turtles too!

One said...

I've enjoyed your shots, Eileen. The turtle seems to have stopped to pose for you. Like that shot.

Antonella said...

How did you get close enough to catch those osprey? The turtle is great too! I am glad that I followed your link from Camera Critters, I too am linking up if you'd like to visit.
Hugs, antonella
My post:

Carver said...

Wow, that's a big turtle. Great shots of the eagle and osprey as well as the turtle.

936000 said...

I had to chuckle at Gallery's comment as we too were terrorized with stories of snapping turtles snapping your toes off as you swam in the lake.
Amazing creatures, as is the Osprey. Don't get too many of those here in the desert :0
Thanks for sharing your critters! Love, Love, LOVE the new header photo. I am so in the mood to change mine, but to what????

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great birds. Ospreys are one of my favorites. And I love the turtle, who looks perfectly happy crossing the road.

Icy BC said...

Oh I love all the photos in this post! Fantastic critters..

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...