Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Black Bellied Whistling Ducks visit Baltimore

With my most recent lifer the Black-Bellied Whistling ducks I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday and Watery Wednesday and Nature Notes . The Black Bellied Whistling duck is common resident of the Gulf coast states. Their habitat is freshwater marshes, swamps and ponds. They nest in tree cavities near the water. I have seen a lot of ducks like the Harlequin and the Long Tailed and they really are beautiful ducks but there is just something about these Black-Bellied Whistling ducks that is just darn cute.

I am not sure if anyone checks on the website Birding on the net but if you are a birder it is an easy way to see what birds are where. I check my state list called Maryland Osprey daily on my emails. But the website Birdingonthenet has an archive list for just about all the states. It might be worth checking the list for your state. You never know when a new bird might show up and one that is not too far away for you to see. Especially if it is a life bird!

The Black-Bellied Whistling ducks showed up in a Baltimore City park days before was able to see them. I was happy they stuck around till the weekend so I could see them. I think these are just the cutest ducks and as far as I know they do not visit Maryland often. There were a total of five of these cute ducks. These three below and two more hidden in the reeds.

The park lake held mostly Mallards and Canada Geese.  I guess you never know what might turn up in a city park. The lake has a nice walking trail around it and some of the trail was a boardwalk. As we walk around the lake we saw a Black Crowned Night heron standing in a tree.

Black Crowned Night Heron,  the tree was on an island in the middle of the lake. 

The lake also had a lot of white waterlilies. Very pretty!

The ducks were still a distance away but my camera was able to zoom up on them some, I was happy with this photo.

I think I got there during their nap time.

To see more wonderful birds and post please visit World Bird Wednesday and Watery Wednesday and Nature Notes.  Thanks to Springman of Pine River Review and 2Sweetnsaxy of Watery Wednesday and Michelle of Nature Notes  for hosting these fun and great memes. Thanks also for stopping by to see my birds and post. I hope the rest of your week is birdie and wonderful.


aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have never seen ducks like that before. We get great blue herons and green herons here but I've not seen the black capped before either.

Randy Emmitt said...

Last time I saw these ducks I was setting up to photograph them, then all 26 flew up. Thought I'd scared them until I saw the peregrine falcon. KUDOs on the life bird!

TexWisGirl said...

You and Squirrel Queen both did posts on these lovelies today!!! I just adore them and am so happy you got to see them! My husband suggested we start a fan club... ha!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a nice city park. I loved the picture of the night heron. Yes, I think you arrived at naptime .. nice pictures though!

Dina said...

Looks like my favorite ducks flew up your way for the summer. Nice catch.

Jo said...

What a wonderful lifer, Eileen. We have White-faced Whistling Ducks here in Kenya and there is a resemblance to your cute ducks on the photos. And yes, you caught them nappin! Have a great day. Jo

Jen Sanford said...

Oooh those ducks are awesome!! I have yet to see one but hopefully someday! The water lilies are beautiful too.. Thanks for sharing!

936000 said...

Another lifer for you-Excellent!
I love your photos of them napping; like you said, they are just darn cute! Thanks for the link for Birding on the net.
Love the Black Crowned Night Heron too!
Thanks for sharing!

jabblog said...

Yours is the second blog today that I've encountered Whistling Ducks and I'm still impressed by them - very lovely - and monogamous, too:-)
Beautiful place to walk.

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful images

Martha Z said...

They are cute, I'd never heard of them until Texwisgirl started to feature them. I like the Black Crowned Night Heron, too. I've seen them here but never close enough for a good shot.

2sweetnsaxy said...

I don't think I've ever seen ducks like these before. Isn't zoom a wonderful thing? :-)

BirdingMaine said...

Congrats on the lifer Eileen! Fantastic group of photos! State bird lists are the way to go, I get mine via email and can report sightings.

Anonymous said...

fantastic shots. i like those new breed of duck that i saw here today.

Larry said...

Great shots of the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks Eileen and congrats on the lifer! It would be a lifer for me too!

Sondra said...

I agree these ducks are stunning!! A beautiful post.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A great birding day for you -- and for us -- through your pictures. They are an adorable duck.

Thanks for the link to the site for checking all states; that will be handy for us.

rainfield61 said...

Those ducks are cute!

Karen said...

Fab shots! Love those ducks!

Kay L. Davies said...

I think their pink legs and feet make them cute. That and napping on one leg. Reminds me, I need a nap, but I think I'll lie down.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Gemma Wiseman said...

A fascinating series of photos and information!

Stef said...

These ducks looks elegant to me. Beautiful photos to share. Here's my entry. Thanks and see you!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What interesting looking ducks! I love how they stand on one leg :)

LivingSoAbundantly said...

The lily pad picture is my favorite! The clarity in your pictures is wonderful.

holdingmoments said...

A great place for a visit Eileen.
Never seen a Black Crowned Night Heron before.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots of the ducks and the Night Heron. The park looks like a great place for birding!

Dhemz said...

oh my gosh! these photos are fantastic...really!

Nicolette said...

Love these photos... what beautiful ducks...

SquirrelQueen said...

The little Whistling Ducks are showing up all over blogdom, I love it. Maybe texwisgirl has the right idea with the fan club. :)

The water lily is gorgeous.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I really like ducks! So seeing a new species would always be good. I've not done that in the flesh for a number of years!

Cheers - Stewart M

Rosie Gan said...

Those ducks aren't ready to pose for the camera yet. They're busy priming their feathers! Don't click yet... Beautiful photos.

Christine Gail said...

All these photos are so wonderful I am unable to pic a favourite.


Unknown said...

I've never seen these before - but they sure are interesting!

Lina Gustina said...

Very enjoying your awesome shots, Eileen...


Unknown said...

delightful birds---i love their color and grace at standing on just one leg.:p

your photos are gorgeous!

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Wonderful shots of very cute birds standing on one leg. It had to be beautiful trip!

Linda said...

Wonderful watery Wednesday shots!!
LOVE the ducks!

Unknown said...

Great tour Eileen!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

Great photos of those special ducks.

Irene said...

Stunning shots! So loveley!

Wish you a great week ... Irene

James said...

Nice looking ducks. What a wonderful place to watch the wildlife and enjoy nature!

Kathie Brown said...

What a treat! I so love the shot of them peeking over their shoulders! I use to see these in AZ. I remember how excited I got the first time I saw this species which always seemed so exotic to me!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Super captures! It is wonderful that you added another bird to your Life List! What a thrill...huh?:)

Springman said...

Sweet post Eileen! Like you said so well you just never know what your going to see! Thanks for the tip on the web site too. Very interesting!

Carver said...

Wonderful shots. I love the ducks with those long legs and great shot of the heron.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a paradise!

Late Visiting for WW, here's my Watery Wednesday. Drop by when you can, thanks!

Pat Ulrich said...

The whistling ducks are so lovely -- wonderful captures!

??? said...

Beautiful birds. The ducks have really long legs, I haven't seen that on a duck before.

Carletta said...

They are very cute! They look so smooth instead of feathery. :)
I'm happy you got to see them. I'm going to check out a link or two to see what might be near me.
I loved the water lily shot - very pretty.

EG CameraGirl said...

The Black-Bellied Whistling ducks must indeed be a southern bird as I have never seen them here - not that I'm an expert on ducks! They really are cute!

Hootin Anni said...

All the photos are outstanding...love the night heron best tho!!! Wow....great capture. Nothing like being at the right place at the right time. Outstanding!!

Hilke Breder said...

Those outsized pink feet are amazing. They must be great swimmers. Congrats on getting to see these ducks and thanks for the info.

Dianne said...

beautiful photos
I love the smooth glowy brown color of the ducks

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I am enthralled by these Whistling Ducks and hope to someday see some in person. Excellent pictures! Have a great day!

betchai said...

hahaha, they look definitely funny

Anonymous said...

They're soooo cuuuute! =)

eden said...

These are beautiful shots. I enjoyed the photos so much. Thank you for sharing.

Phil Slade said...

I see what you mean about those whistling ducks Eileen - very smart looking birds.

Unknown said...

What amazing captures! The ducks don't even look real. :-) Fantastic!

Rambling Woods said...

Another tree cavity nesting duck.. Love that..I too belong to a local list, but I will have to check out the link...

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well the ducks are so pretty in a row..and the cute little fellow above in the tree. I always enjoy lily pads. A lovely spot Eileen-

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Eileen -- I think I saw your whistling ducks before and may ohave even commented on this post (we've been on the road and I'm far behind and a little scattered)... anyway, the ducks are wonderful...but even if I've commented before I wanted to tell you that I am absolutely enthralled by your header shot. That is a wonderful picture. Thanks for both the post and for the header.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...