Thursday, May 3, 2012


I am linking up with Skywatch Friday

These shots are of the sunset during our recent vacation to Curacao. We vacationed at a Curacao beach resort, the weather all week was sunny and hot. Hubby enjoyed the snorkeling and I enjoyed seeing new birds and watching the sunsets.

Above is a view of the beach and resort, our home for the week.

Above is a Bananaquit with a pretty blue sky for a background. Sounds like a weird name for a bird, it is a little bird maybe the size of our Red-breasted Nuthatch. I love the pretty yellow chest, we must have seen thousands of these birds all week long. They make this loud smooching sound, it sounds like they are throwing loud kisses all the time. LOL!

To enjoy more beautiful skies from around the world click here: Skywatch Friday

Thanks to the hosting group of Skywatch: Sylvia, Sandy and Wren. Thank you also for stopping by to see my skies. I hope everyone has a safe and HAPPY weekend. Enjoy your skywatching!!!!


Sue said...

I doubt a place THAT gorgeous could have a bad sunset, could it?
Lucky lucky you-what a pretty place. Next time, you need to take all of us.....

Stewart M said...

That looks like it must have been a difficult place to spend a week!

Nice pictures!

Stewart M - Australia

Chaparral Earth said...

Would you believe we had another day of 75 degrees here in Göteborg. My wife and I took a walk in the woods yesterday, we decided it was a good idea to post Swedish Pics.

I still like getting out of here and going towrds more tropical climes-

I love those beach scene with the samd. We don't really have beaches here, or at least any with sand. It's all rocks and slimy seaweed. Yuck!

Glad you had a nice time.

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous skies! Sounds like a great holiday.

Linda said...

Such beautiful shots of the vacation spot! The skies were magnificent in their colors, and I loved the little Bananaquit! The name itself is fun to say...have a wonderful weekend!

rainfield61 said...

It is interesting to know birds do make smooching sound.

Good finding!!!

TexWisGirl said...

so gorgeous, eileen! love the smooching birds. :)

DeniseinVA said...

Curacao looks like a beautiful place for a vacation Eileen. Great photos!

Rohrerbot said...

Love the shots Eileen. I'd love to hear how that birds sounds. Cool little guy:) That's the best part of travel....all the birds and wildlife:)

Rajesh said...

Fabulous sunset shots. I liked that bird very much.

Karin M. said...

Wow .... holiday feeling. ...
such amazing shots .... a joy to look at your photos ..
Best regards, Karin

Kay said...

Beautiful photos. I love how clean and clear the water looks in that first shot.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Eileen!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

lovely sky and sunset

Laura said...

fantastic Eileen...what a wonderful opportunity to travel to such a beautiful place...gorgeous sunset!!!

Elaine said...

Gorgeous photos! I'll bet a week was not nearly long enough....

Julie G. said...

Eileen, oh my goodness! What a beautiful place to vacation. Your photographs are stunning! My favorite is the Bananaquite (of course!). I loved your description of the lovely bird. Gorgeous sunset captures! I hope you and your husband had a very enjoyable vacation.

Sylvia K said...

What a great week you must have had, Eileen!! Such gorgeous captures of the beautiful beach, lovely birds and what incredible sunsets! Thanks for sharing the beauty with us! Have a wonderful weekend!


Debbie said...

what a beautiful, feel good post!!

i would love to get a smooch from that cute little bird!!

Photo Cache said...

incredible. just the sound of curacao stirs holiday feelings.

LifeRamblings said...

looks like a perfect getaway. beautiful skies.

Carver said...

Such a beautiful place for a vacation. Gorgeous skies and scenery.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---looks like a fabulous place. Love seeing the beach, the palm trees and the sunset... WOW!!!!!

We're headed to the beach in NC soon... I cannot wait.

Martha Z said...

It looks like a wonderful place for a vacation and a good place to see some new birds.

Indrani said...

Glorious sky captures!

Anonymous said...

Looks like paradise!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Delightful shots Eileen!

Sunlight Cross, have a great weekend!

Ebie said...

Amazing sunset shots! And the sun is so huge!

Bananaquit is such a pretty name for this yellow breasted bird, resembles the color of banana!

P.S. No, we did not camp at Joshua Tree, we went home after the sunset and it was a long drive home.

Reader Wil said...

A beach is the best place to see either sunsets or sun rises. Your photos are stunning! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

a mesmerizing sunset!

magiceye said...

all so pretty!!
wonderful captures!!

Bob Bushell said...

Pleasant skies you have there, beautiful photos too.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely photos and what a pretty bird the bananaquit is!

Chris said...

I know you know I will say that, but the bananaquit is wonderful. Beautiful scenery pictures too!

Lina Gustina said...

Wow, thanks for sharing fantastic shots, Eileen. You've successfully captured the beauties of this place.

Irene said...

Wow, what a lovely place to stay! And gorgeous shots, Eileen!

Wish you a great weekend!


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Gorgeous sunset -- and I wouldn't mind catching a kiss from that sweet little fellow with the interesting name.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Amazing shots, Eileen!

SandyCarlson said...

These photos make for a beautiful sequence.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...