Thursday, January 10, 2013

A walk to the lake

It's time to link up with my favorites memes Skywatch Friday and  NF Winged.

 These photos are from this past Sunday, hubby and I took the 4mile walk to the peninsula tip section our lake.

It was a chilly but pretty day, the sky was mostly clear and blue.

 At the lake we saw some Mallard ducks and Canada Geese.

 I like the sun shining thru the trees on the shot above.

 The sun shining across the lake showing off the pretty diamonds and reflection.

See if you can find the Golden-crowned Kinglet in this shot. The kinglets were the most common bird we saw on this walk, there were large groups of them together.

On the walk back home the sky was mostly cloudy, except for this one spot.

Later that evening, I was able to watch the Turkey Vultures on their return to my woods for the night.

From my deck, I watched the vultures and somewhat of a sunset. The clouds were turning a little pinkish.

I hope you enjoyed my walk to the lake and my skies.

To see more beautiful photos and pretty skies please visit Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to the host of NF Winged.  Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


Dianne said...

A beautiful walk Eileen and wonderful to see those diamonds sparkling across the lake.

"Adelaide and Beyond"

EG CameraGirl said...

Ah, so that's where Ontario's turkey vultures spend the winter!

chica said...

Passeio maravilhoso,lindas fotos! beijos,vou para a praia!! chica

Lynne said...

Blue skies help us withstand a chilly day . . . I think I found the little yellow chap!

vivi ka said...

Happy New Year!! I wish you the best!
I always like this place that you live! The lake is beautiful every season. All the photos are lovely!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, what great shots. i really enjoy the waters. need my kayak to go for a ride. so pretty. sky shots are nice!! ( :

NatureFootstep said...

you have a clear blue skies and sunshine! It is not fair. :( Send some immedietly!

Nancy said...

I just love that view from your deck, Eileen.

Hope you are enjoying your Thursday.

Linda said...

I absolutely cannot pick a favorite...although the diamonds on the water is pretty close to it...gorgeous!

Leave It To Davis said...

I love going on walks and your walk looked so the diamonds on the lake shot!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures from the nature.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, specially the gleam of sun on the water! Lovely to see the kinglets, they're very like our goldcrests, which can be very elusive, but i saw a lot of them last year...

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and scenic place.

TexWisGirl said...

the sun glinting off the lake is so pretty. i like your header bird trio, too!

Giga said...

Chętnie bym tam z Wami pospacerowała, bo widoki były wspaniałe. Pozdrawiam.
I wish I took a walk there with you, because the views were great. Yours.

Barbara F. said...

Eileen, you live in such a beautiful place. I could stare up at that sky for hours. So far winter is very enjoyable where I live. But we are going to get an arctic blast next week. xo

DIMI said...

What a beautiful walk on the lake Eileen!Amazing images and photos!Beautiful sky too!Have a lovely day!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Lovely images! Thanks for taking us along on your walk!

Judy said...

You are having much easier walking than we are!! I figure we make about 2 miles in the hour...
I love seeing the open water, and the brilliant sun sparkles!!

Connie Smiley said...

Eileen, you have such a beautiful place to walk! I love your third shot with the sun shining through the trees. Hope you have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos from your walk. I love the blue skies and the sunshine. I wish we'd have a few days like that here too!

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, thanks for the lovely walk to the lake. I love the sparkling water. I tried and tried but cannot spot the Golden-crowned Kinglets (I can never resist a challenge!) are they a little off-center to the left of the image of the branches? Here's wishing you a pleasant weekend with plenty of good birding and photo ops. Jo

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Looks like it was a great walk! 4 miles is quite a hike; good for you!

I really like the photo of the sun shining across the lake. So dazzling!

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely walk you took us on today Eileen :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such beautiful lake views! And love those puffy cloud patterns! Gorgeous lighting!

Montanagirl said...

Terrific walk you had! I really like the "sunbursts" through the trees - nice camera work!

Gail Dixon said...

An incredibly beautiful tour! Thank you for letting us tag along! :)

Tammy said...

That looks like a really pretty area, Eileen!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

HI Eileen, Great shots from your FOUR-mile walk... Great walk!!!!!

I too love the 2 sunshine ones. Gorgeous...

HansHB said...

Great SWF post!

Jill Kristin Ø.Remme said...

I wonder if the beautiful weather has been all over the planet today because there are so many beautiful pictures of blue skies and calm water :))

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful day :)

Have a great weekend :))

Sylvia K said...

What a wonderful and beautiful walk you've taken us on today, Eileen!! And, of course, I do love the sunny ones!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Guess I would walk and walk and walk and walk ... what wonderful environment !

Sally in WA said...

Thanks for taking us on your walk, too. Very enjoyable!

Carver said...

Very beautiful shots from your walk at the lake.

grammie g said...

HI Eileen....One thing about winter walks is a sunny day to take of some of the chill!!
Your walk was lovely..especially since you found diamonds ; )

Tara R. said...

Such a beautiful place for a walk. The shot with the sun coming through the trees is lovely, a nice sun flare capture.

CathyC said...

WOW - so peaceful looking ;-)
visiting from Skywatch Friday

HappyK said...

What a pretty lake. I'd love to take one of my walks there. Wonderful pictures as always.

Debbie said...

what a great view!! i too love the glistening water and the very special sun spots!!!

Sharkbytes said...

Great pictures! I especially like the sparkles on the water and the motion in the line of vultures. Amazing what can be found in a walk even to a familiar place.

genie said...

I definitely enjoyed my walk through your post. Such pretty pictures. Never did find the hiding bird Guess my eyes are just too bad. I sure gave it a try. Beautiful pictures this week. genie

SquirrelQueen said...

I love the way the sunshine sparkles on the water. This looks like a beautiful place for walks.

Al said...

A beautiful lake and lovely photos. Where I live they call ponds lakes, there's no water.

Lina Gustina said...

Very lovely lake. Enjoying your shots!

Karen said...

A lovely place for a walk, I like the sparkles on the water.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a walk, I really like walking on cold clear crisp days in the woods.

Maria said...

Great moody sceneries!

AmitAag said...

Heavenly captures!

Jidhu Jose said...

lovely pics as always

Blue Sky

Lew said...

Indeed a delightful place to walk! Love the third shot of the sun sparkling off the water.

Small City Scenes said...

I loved the walk across the lake. So much to see and enjoy. Thank you. MB

Joyful said...

Wow those two shots of the sun peeking through branches and reflecting on the water are gorgeous! Happy SWF and have a lovely weekend.xx

Elaine said...

Looks like a lovely spot for a walk. You got some lovely photos out of it too.

Bob Bushell said...

Yea, I certainly did enjoy the walk, beautiful, the Turkey Vultures are the best.

Kusum said...

Thats a peaceful lake. Lovely set of pics.

Zandarmid Photography said...

Lovely set. Love the fourth shot!

Phil Slade said...

That must be a lovely walk on a crisp, clear day Eileen. You took got some lovely shots through the trees. Re your question - ideally I would like to capture birds ringed elsewhere or recaptures of my own simply because they give more information. It can't happen they way of course because of the sheer number of birds out there. Ringing is all about placing the bits of information together to provide a big picture. Have a great weekend Eileen.

inge said...

Stunning pictures I love the reflection on the water. Have a fun weekend

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great photos!

Hootin Anni said...

Must admit, I like, that one with the diamonds sparkling across the watertop...magnificent Eileen.

Chubskulit Rose said...


My Sky Shots
Have a safe weekend!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Opps sorry about the link on my first comment.

These are gorgeous shots.

Have a great week Eileen!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Enjoyed it as I do all your walks Eileen! Envious of your seeing crowds of kinglets. I've only identified a couple, although I know they can be seen in Oregon.

Love the vultures coming home from work every evening. You are right on their commuting path!

vincibene said...

Great series! Wonderful landscape!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like a beautiful lake walk, and wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

Love the vultures shot.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i like those vultures...and all the sky shots!!
AND the glittering water!!

(YOUR lake?? YOUR woods?? NICE!!!!!)

Vilt og vakkert said...


Wonderful photos of wonderful landscape!
Happy New Year , hugs from Bjorg Nina

AVCr8teur said...

Such a beautiful walking path! Aside from the vultures and miscellaneous creatures, you had seem to have the whole place to yourself.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely walk!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...