Sunday, January 6, 2013

Birding Fort Howard

 I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday

Lately I am been doing some birding or I should say wild goose chasing in local parks in Maryland. This time I went in search of the Common Redpoll.  No luck finding the Redpoll, but we did enjoy walking around the Fort Howard Park. The park has some beautiful views of the water. Also, a park full of Baltimore's history, taking part in the War of 1812 along with Fort McHenry in Baltimore. In the Battle of Baltimore the British landed 4500 men not far from what became Fort Howard. The Americans won this war and the British sailed off the take part in the Battle of New Orleans. Ok, now for a little bit of birds I did see and the pretty scenery.

Earlier in the week the Common Redpoll was seen on the Sweet Gum trees. I will be continue my search for the Cute Common Redpoll hopefully to see it somewhere... someday. We did see some birds: Cardinals, Goldfinches, Pine Siskins, Chickadees, Carolina Wren, White-throated Sparrows, Juncos, a Fox Sparrow and we saw a few Gadwall ducks on the way out.

Above is some of the history of the park.

There were beautiful views of the river, here it looks more like part of the Chesapeake Bay.

There was a cute garden not far from the children's playground.

It was my choice to make it a great day even though I missed seeing my bird.

Not the best photo of two Cardinals and a Goldfinch, but it is shows all the little balls that fall off of the Sweetgum tree. Each ball has prickly points that open and let seeds out. Apparently the birds love these seeds, now birders are looking for the Sweet Gum trees.

Above I was able to find an American Goldfinch pecking for the Sweetgum seeds.

Pretty sure there is a Pine Siskin on the left and another Siskin on the far right finding the Sweetgum seeds.

So now, I am adding the Common Redpoll to my wish list along with the Red Crossbill and the White-winged Crossbill. I can say I am out there walking which is good exercise, something I have promised myself I would do more of during the New Year.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


TexWisGirl said...

well, good luck on finding the redpoll. i bet you'll find them soon. :)

Julie G. said...

Fort Howard Park looks like a beautiful place to take a stroll. Those sweetgum fruits are interesting and obviously very appealing to the birds. Like you, I am in search of Common Redpolls, Red and White-winged Crossbills. My fingers are crossed! Wishing you a healthy, happy 2013!

Maria said...

I love the Goldfinch with the sweetgum seeds.

Mia McPherson said...


Even when we dip on the species we hope to see we are given the gift od the surrounding natural world, so it is still a win! Hope you get the Redpoll though.

Sweetgums... I had several in my yard back east and I recall cutting the grass and having those balls shoot out from under the mower. I used to curse them but only gently because I knew the birds loved the seeds!

Gail Dixon said...

I didn't know there were seeds inside those sweetgums! It's so nice the way you document every bird you see. Wishing you luck on your next outing to spot the Redpoll!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful scenery plus a little history - my favourite!

My name is Riet said...

I love coming here and see your photo's and read your stories Eileen. And I learn every week.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, Fort Howard Park looks like a neat place to walk. Good for you---out there getting exercise. I haven't done as much as I need to this month. Need to get with the program!!!!!

Great pictures of your birdies... Glad you saw so many different birds. Hope you continue seeing new ones as you WALK.


genie said...

These are beautiful captures. I am now aiming for spring break for my trip to Chestertown. Your collage turned out beautifully. genie

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

An excellent choice to make it a good day whether or not you saw the bird you went for...because it was a beautiful place to walk with lots of great photo ops. Thanks for sharing. I'm guessing you find the redpoll soon.

Lynne said...

I think I have had the Common Red Poll here . . . They seem to show up when the temperatures are colder. We are surrounded with a heavy wooded area and are so fortunate to benefit from the birds.

Indrani said...

I like this passion of yours. In concrete jungle here I hardly get to see such sights!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I'm glad you had a great day even if you didn't find the redpoll. I bet you will find one soon. Those sweetgum trees are interesting.

Pondside said...

The park looks like a lovely place for a little bird watching. The sweetgum is a most unusual tree, to me!

Tina´s PicStory said...

lovely pics! try this recipe for ginger ale:
it´s easy and very tasty :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Some days are very frustrating, Eileen, I can agree to that! I have been trying to find an Oregon junco that has been seen near here!

But hey! Come visit my feeders for the common redpolls. I have a gazillion. :))

Jill Harrison said...

I always enjoy going on a virtual walk with you Eileen. Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog today. Yes, my country is beautiful - I feel privileged to live here.

Clara said...

Beautiful photos and I love your banner.

Montanagirl said...

We've had Redpolls at our feeders this winter. They're such cute little birds. I like the saying about having a great day...very true.

Jen Sanford said...

Combining birds and exercise is definitely the way to go! Good luck in your quest to find the redpolls (and the crossbills too!).

Martha Z said...

It looks like a great place for birding or just walking.

wildcatwoods said...

Lovely spot - god luck spotting the elusive bird!

Carolina Mts

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Beautiful river view and great shots! It's so nice that you can get in some exercise while doing something you love :)

betty-NZ said...

Sometimes what we find is a bonus when looking for something specific. Great photos you share today!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I have heard that some people have seen the redpoll around the area as there is a scarcity of food where they normally winter over. I have not seen one at our feeders. I will keep looking. Valerie

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful capture for the day and such a lovely place to be able to spend some time!! Hope your new year is off to a great start, Eileen!! Enjoy -- with camera in hand, of course!!

Unknown said...

Another fun hike!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Roseli Rosa said...

Olá Eillen

Esse lugar é realmente encantador,os pássaros são lindos!
Hoje em minha casa eu e meu marido encontramos um pássaro na área de fora.Pensamos que estivesse morto mais acho que ele acabou batendo na porta que é de vidro,e acabou ficando tonto e caindo.Tive a felicidade de passar a mão em suas penas e lhe oferecer água,depois de beber ele alçou voo.
Agradeço sua visita e desejo-lhe uma ótima semana.

Carver said...

That looks like a great park to explore even if you didn't find the specific bird on your list.

NatureFootstep said...

seems like another great park. I´m not familiar with that kind of tree. Looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

DeniseinVA said...

No Redpoll this time but you did get some lovely photos. Good luck finding one. Have a great week Eileen.

Arija said...

So often we go out searching for something particular and are disappointed at not finding it. You certainly made up for that by getting a bagful of other birds and by enjoying the day anyway. Good for you!

Debbie said...

oh eileen, i always enjoy your upbeat entries!!

i wonder if my little visitor is a redpoll?? he came again today and i took more pictures. but i can't upload them and if i could, i can't add them to an entry ;))

we would be good birding mates!!

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Great shots! Sorry you didn't find the Redpoll.Happy New Year!

SquirrelQueen said...

With the sunshine, blue skies and that cute little American Goldfinch it had to be a great day.
Good luck on your search for the Common Redpoll.

Anonymous said...

these are really great shots!!

Rajesh said...

Great shots of the place with lovely birds.

Maude Lynn said...

What a beautiful place!

Rebecca said...

Love the goldfinch in the sweetgum! Nice series of photos!

Andrea said...

Never mind, you will see them eventually Eileen, at least you got wonderful scenes embedded in your psyche. Is it not winter there?

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen,
Hello, so sorry for my long absence! And thank you SO MUCH for your thoughtful comment. Although still feeling a bit groggy, I start facing pc and visiting friends(^^;)
Fort Howard Park sure wonderful place to stroll, must be relaxing♡♡♡ Good Luck for catching the sight of Redpoll! I loved the snow and birds from your former post as well.

Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Bob Bushell said...

Great birds on the day out, sorry that you didn't catch the Redpoll, your time will come.

Fun60 said...

That looks a great park. Good look in your quest of the redpolls.

Stewart M said...

It's too hot here - and there are hundreds of fires. Roll on winter!

We call these trees "Liquid Amber Trees" - I recognised the seed pods.

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Vores have said...

Beautiful picture series shows you as always. wish you a good Tuesday :) Hanne Bente

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful park! And it looks like lovely weather over there too.

Joyful said...

The scenery is really lovely. It looks like Spring!

magiceye said...

Thank you for the lovely picturesque virtual tour of Fort Howard!

Anne Elisabeth - Gallery Xpremental said...

I love all your bird photos !

DIMI said...

Hallo Eillen,so beautiful place to visit!!Amazing pictures and photo collage!!Hope you be lucky to find Redpoll!!Have a lovely week!!

BunnyKissd said...

Fabulous! Too bad you didn't get to see the Redpoll, but all the other lovely birds! It always surprizes me to see birds from here in photos from far away places... Some of those goldfinches could be the ones that entertained me all summer!

Icy BC said...

I do hope you find your Redpoll as I am interested in seeing them.

What a wonderful park to enjoy the day!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for coming by and thanks for your comment. These are some wonderful photos of your birding trip. We have a sweet gum tree in our front yard and the birds do like the seeds. I can't get such a lovely closeup as you did of the American Goldfinch though. I have Red Breasted Sapsuckers up there that I would love to get a good picture of. Hope that you are having a great week.

Yael from Home Garden Diggers

Joe Todd said...

Great post but I really don't like cleaning up sweetgums LOL

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great shots! I enjoy your posts - visiting places I have never been and your knowledge of birds/nature. Thanks for sharing it all with us.
Thanks for stopping by and nice comment.
Enjoy your evening.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful captures of the birds and the texture blends. Each one is lovely.

Leave It To Davis said...

I have a sweet gum tree in my yard and didn't realize the balls opened up and had seeds inside. My granddaughters thought they looked like Christmas ornaments hanging in the bare tree.

Ebie said...

I have always seen your bird photos, but I cannot help but say it over and over, there is so much opportunities in your side of the country. I still love those leaves trying to go where the wind blows.

Happy New Year!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...